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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. This is true we really shouldnt have to create these mods to make "fix" the game, for lack of a better word. The only mod im using is a delayed stimpaks mod, it works great and makes combat much much more challenging.

    As for the others I simply opened the geck and began making changing that makes sense.

    I.E. Being able to reapir power armor with scrap metal.

    Made weapons and armors more duable by changing global settings. Havent gotten around to making the other changes yet. Probably wont even bother since I wont be playing fallou 3 for much longer anyhow lol.

  2. I gotta admit Fallout 3 is laughably easy, even on "very hard" difficulty. By the time you hit level 30 (Broken Steel) you were an absolute tank. Able to absorb excessive amounts of damage.

    For discussion purposes, Im curious for ideas about how Fallout 3 character development system or overall gameplay and environment could have been better.

    My ideas are:

    1) Weapon training. You were born in a vault where the most danergous thing around is a 10mm pistol. Why is it that you can step out of the Vault, pick up a minigun and immediately know its full function and reload. My suggestion is that you must first receive training in various skills to be able to untilize them.

    2) Less health gain. I think at level 30 I have like 650 health lol. The only threats to me were Albino Radscorpions and Supermutant Overlords armed with Tribeam Laser Rifles. Everything else posed no threat lol, even on "Very Hard" difficulty.

    3) Tougher Enclave. In my opinion the Enclave were push overs compared to idea of what they were made up be. Their armors and weapons were in horrible condition and they just seemed like total push overs. Me having no Power Armor and some crappy assault rifle should have a tough time killing a trained Enclave soldier in the "exhaulted" Advanced Power Armor Mk. II and weilding energy weapons.

    4) More buildings. When I first played Fallout 3, and arrived at DC I looked at all the buildings and my first thought was "oh wow so much to explore! This is great!" To my dissappointment 99% of the buildings in DC are just for looks. Yes I can understand that not EVERY building would be acessable after so many years of decay and having endured a global atomic war. But the feel for exploration is belittled by the lack of explorable terrain.

    5) Better healing system. Chopping away on 200 year old Potatoe Chips should NOT heal you. Drinking water should NOT remedy bullet wounds. Restore action points, Yes, but heal youre character, No.

    6) Delayed Stimpacks. I do like the idea of using stimpacks, they are like potions just in the future lol. But I they should not be insta-heal. They should heal over a duration.

    7) Sleeping should not fix broken bones or heal you. Period lol.



    Well thats really all that comes to mind at the moment.


    No I wanna know what else could have been done to make Fallout 3 more immersive or better with overall character development or gameplay.

  3. Another doomsday'er


    Heres a very simple realization, if the civiization is going to collapse, and the world is going to end, then you should savoring the moments you have now. Live it up while you can. Everyones gonna die someday I mean why sweat it lol. Some sooner than others yes, but hey crap happens. Now im not saying dont fight to stay alive, Im just saying dont live in fear of tomorrow possibly being youre last.

  4. This is very true.

    Its not so bad when my mind is occupied, but there are many a night when Im up until the early hourse of the morning.

    Its then I have the hardest time keeping my thoughts of her at bay.

    But youre right. These ghosts chasing me are fast to keep up, so Ill just run faster.


    When I leave this place to make a life for myself, Im not taking these bad memories with me. They wont be a part of the repair process as I try and salve the pieces that my life has been broken into.


    Once I ship out ti biit camp, things will change. I know they will.

    Thanks though dezi!

  5. I remeber when I first met her

    It was a cool fall evening, at the Chilis restaurant in Clearwater

    We were friends for a while but had only met face to face for the first time.

    I remeber what I felt sitting across the table from her. Fear, curiosity, sensuality, caution, and ecstacy.

    I was nervous, so nervous of making a fool out of myself.

    She seemed so much older than me, so much more worldly, and I felt like a young teen out on his first date.

    But to my surpise we talked, we laughed, we connected.

    We sat there for what felt like hours, I remeber as we were leaving, I didnt want our night to be over yet.

    We were close to the beach, so we went.

    There we sat on the shore of Clearwater beach at 1am in the full moonlight, holding eachother aas we starred out in the endless ocean.

    The waves crawled showly at our feet, the air was cool, but we kept one another warm.

    We talked, we shared, we embraced.

    After having my heart torn out so many times, I didnt think there was anything left in me.

    Until that night.

    Until I sat there on cold sands of the beach, wrapped gently around her, and her around me.

    It was at that moment I felt something I never felt before.


    I felt good, I felt alive.

    I felt human.

    But then something happened, our individual lives became too much and we lost contact.

    I thoughI lost her forever. But I always kept her in the back of my thoughts.

    That we may one day be able to see eachother again and things could be different.

    Time passed but I never let her go.

    I never forgot how I felt with her.

    But history is destined to repeat itself.

    And one more we came into eachothers lives.

    This time it was different.

    We were more stable.

    More structured.

    We knew who we both were, and quickly became one in the same.

    I couldnt believe we found eachother again.

    So improbable, yet perfect. Like a story in a book.

    And once more I was happy.

    WE were happy.

    We lived together, we laughed, we loved, and wer learned.

    We learned an unfortunant lesson.

    A lesson in lifestyles.

    A lesson capable of tearing bonds asunder.

    Slowly, we fell to pieces.

    Like a tower built a foundation of glass, we shook.

    And we shattered.

    So much was said, so much pain inflicted to eachother.

    Words like knives cutting through my brain.

    Shredding my flesh and bone all the way down to my heart.

    Where they still pierce it to this day, bleeding me slowly.

    We tried to reconsile.

    But to no avail, only more pain. More scars to tear at my thoughts.

    When Im busy its not so bad.

    But I do not sleep much, and at 3am when its just me and my thoughts.

    She is all I can think about.

    How I love her.

    How I miss her.

    How I cannot protect her.

    I cannot clear my mind so easily.

    Ive been hurt so may times.

    I thought Id be used to it by now.

    Letting myself open, and having the heart torn my chest.

    I try but I cannot forget her.

    But I know shes forgotten me.

    Shes moved on.

    Someone else holds her, someone else protects her, someone else loves her.

    And that very thought,

    makes me sick to my stomach.

    How can i escape from something when its in my head.

    When its her face I see when I sleep.

    Its her voice I hear I when I dream.

    Its the love we shared when I slumber.

    Im leaving this place soon.

    To become one of this countries few and the proud.

    And from there Ill go far away from this city, from this state.

    Now matter how fast I run, these ghosts haunting me seem to run just as fast.

    But I wonder if they can travel across continents.


    Its said that opposites attract. I do not believe that.

    Its not similarities or opposites that attract.

    But rather chance.

    Theres a chance of attraction.

    Chance that it will work

    Chance that it wont

    Chance of disaster

    Chance of bliss


    But is there a chance for escape?

  6. I for one love the Shivering Isles, its a lot of fun in a very unique landscape. Love it.


    However, it seems to me that the rewards at the end are a bit...lackluster. The Protection spell you get is cool, but the staff is pretty much useless beyond looking cool. Same with his outfit.

    It just seems to me that you people call you Lord Sheogorath for nothing.


    What I think would have been a really unique ending to the Shivering Isles main quest, instead of simply soaking the staff in the font of madness, how about you would need to bind yourself to Oblivion. Pretty much like what Umaril did in Knights of the Nine.

    He bound himelf to Oblivion and thus became part deadra.

    Of course becoming part daedra would mean that you would inherit new powers, like resistnace to fire, magic, weakness to shock. Plus you would be immortal! If you got killed youre soul would return to the waters of Oblivion and you could return through the Tree of Madness of something.


    I mean if you think about it, how can a mortal take the place of a Daedric Prince? Mortals die of old age eventually lol. So lets say for arguments sake, you rule the Shivering Isles for many many years, but get old and die. What happens to the Realm of Sheogorath, what happens to the Madgod? Daedra cant die so theres no way a mortal should be able to become the new madgod (as Haskill said) if he does not bind himself to Oblivion and become on the Daedra.


    To me all of that happening would made the Shivering Isles much much much more complete.


    But thats just me ya know.

  7. Dunno why youre getting mad crashes, I dont.


    Ive gone weekends where I played i literally ALL day and had maybe one or two crashes. A little annoying but nothing rant worthy.

    The only things I get are companions getting stuck in combat, a slight VATS delay when I enter it, and the occasional rubber band man (kill a guy and his body flips out and starts flying all over the place).


    Other than that Id say Beth has done a fantastic job of fixing the game, yea there were a few rough spots but Ive never had a gamebreaker or anything catastrophic like what youre describing.


    If its really that bad, move on dude.


    Also like it was mentioned earlier, mods can play a HUGE part in game stability. Some can imprive it, others can destroy it. I had a mod, that was causing random but crippling reduction in FPS. Totally random too, Id be running and my FPS would drop from like 40 to 4. I exit the game, re-enter it and it was fine for a while.


    My suggestion

    A) Move on to another

    B) FULLY uninstall, defrag youre hard drive, restart youre computer. Re-install, defrag your hardrive, download latest patch, defrag. Dont install any mods yet. Try the game out.

    Also make sure EVERYTHING in youre system is up to snuff. I.E. video card, RAM, processor, etc etc.

  8. Keep your eyes open for things called Yau Gui, they are deadly at low levels. They are also extremely fast so pay attention to youre surrounding lol.


    A tip for getting easy caps and ammo...
















    Easy Money:

    A) Sell bits of scrap metal to the guy in the Megaton Water Processing plant.

    Easy .556 ammo, grenades, rad away, or stimpaks

    B) Collect items like sensor modules, laser weapons, plasma weapons, and power armors (if you can spare the encumberance) and then pay a visit to Fort Independance. Its southwest of Megaton, not too far away. Theres a base of Brotherhood Outcasts there. Bring their leader the above mentioned items and he will pay you with either .556 ammo, grenades, radaway, or stimpaks.


    Lol because of this I have over 11,000 rounds of .556 haha.


    Of course if you dont use assault rifles that ammo type is useless to you but its better than no bullets at all lol.

  9. Fallout 3 is the base of this piece.

    Mainly the struggling fight of the Brotherhood of Steel under Lyon's wanning command.


    Its still in the extremely early stages of development, no shadows yet only early construction.


    Im calling it Brotherhood though.


    The link provided is directly to the WIP on my photobukcet account.

    The picture Ive taked is only a small portion of the canvas, it is going to be epic after all :)


    Heres the link.



    This is still very early in develpoment, and I havent drawn anything in what seems like forever. So Im pretty mucxh winging it haha.

    Im open to suggestions or ideas :)

  10. Oh Ill definately do my best to keep in touch with all my buddies for sure. Lol gotta get me one of those phone that can cruise the internet. Once I have one of those I can jump on pretty much anywhere.


    Hopefully Ill hear something by the end of the week about either unemplyment pay, or a job. Either one would be acceptable lol.

  11. Thanks for the words of wisdom :)


    I got denied a job yesterday because Im leaving in a few months.


    But I filled out for two other places, one of which Im really good freinds with twins that work there, so maybe thatll be my best shot.


    And just for the hell of it, I filled for unemplyment. Plus I just got a text message from an old gf of mine that theres a place nearby that is "always hiring", lol ill have to see about that.


    Getting umemplyment would be great, that way I could just work out 24hrs a day, and be a total hosse when I leave for boot camp haha.


    Idk ill see whats going to happen.



    Semper Fi Ooorah!

  12. Alrighty so, heres my dilema/ idea.

    Ive after working my way through the Shivering Isles quest line and gaining my Ring or Lordship for Dementia, I was like "Oh sweet!"

    But I was dismayed to see that it has a chameleon effect.

    I like the chameleon effect but only as a temporary spell. Its just not my taste that my ring of rulership should make me partially invisible all the time ya know. Its sorta annoying fighting partially invisible (lol I like to see my weapon and such haha)


    So heres my idea. Is it possible to make the chameleon effect a triggered effect. Such if I were to equip an item with a constant effect chameleon effect, the chameleon effect would only activate upon entering sneak mode.

    I.E. standing up straight Im fully visible, sneaking Im being made partially invisible by the chameleon effect.


    Is this possible?


    Preferably without the use of OBSE


    THANKS :)

  13. All combined created a perfect disaster, that could lead the end of the world. Especially the climatic things issues.
    Being a little dramatic here aren't we? It won't be the end of the world, but it may well be the end of us. Species come and go all the time even before humans came into being to screw everything up.


    It makes me laugh when people get so caught up in trying to figure out the end of the world (us) because it will most-likely happen completely out of our control. There are cosmic rays in the universe that if they hit our planet, can incinerate every single living thing into ash in a blink of a second. If an PK asteroid does have a collision course with Earth, there will be nothing that puny humans can do except die. I say live life like its a gift rather than a possession.




    Oh come on now, we can totally defend ourselves against any asteroids that would dare try to destroy our planet! I mean come on all we gotta do is send two space shuttles with a team of ragtag oil riggers and a 9 foot nuclear warhead to drill to the center of it and blow it into two halves.


    Haha come on if Bruce Willis and Ben Aflak (spelling?) can do it then so can the rest of us haha :D

  14. I just watched the preview. Looks ok, it'll be a eye-baller movie (you know one that just dazzles the audience with TONS of animation stuff)


    As for story, its LOOKS ok. I say that because I really have no idea.


    As for this whole doomsday thing.

    Look heres the bottom line, no matter when you do, what anyone does, each and every one of us will one day, die. We will all one day cease to excist. Ill die, you'll die, we'll all die. Theres a bazillion different ways a person can go. Hell I could go to bed tonight and a tree could fall on my house, crush me and kill me.

    All I can say is this,

    wether or not there will be a "doomsday" or not, no one should really care. Sooner or later everyone is going to meet ol Grim.

    I live by the words "Carpe Diem" or "Sieze the Day"


    And I can honestly say if I didnt wake up tomorrow, I wouldnt have any regrets because its been a fun ride haha.

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