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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. oh one little note i did play WOW when it first come out years ago........ also they took money out of my account for 6 months after i cancelled it , never got my money back ............ :starwars: it was like fighting the dark side.........


    Indeed Blizzards conjured beast does its job well haha. Its like a power sink for money...and lives lol.

    I wonder how long it will really be before the guys at Blizzard really do run out of ideas for "expansions" and the game finally dies. Years maybe?

    Even more so, the hottest thing right now seems to be MMORPGs, I personally couldnt care less about them. Im completely happy playing against bots on Unreal Tournament 2004 haha, same with Oblivion, Fallout....pretty much every game I have.

    I see adds all over the internet for free MMORPGs and crap like that. Im hoping its just a fad, you know like Tek-Deks (those stupid little finger skateboards), but I have a feeling Im wrong lol.


    A bit off topic but whatever happened to games like Mech Warrior? Starsiege? I LOVED those games and now they seem to have gone extinct :(

  2. WOW is the most over rated game of all time i played it for over a month and got bored everone was unfriendly and no one helped me out............ :mellow:


    Im convinced that WOW is not a game, but rather an evil diabolical force summoned by the mightiest Blizzard game developers for the sole purpose of eating souls and bringing in massive amounts of coin.

    And sure enough WOW is good at both.

    Though some of us (me included) are immune to Wow's evil power haha

  3. Ban Pronam for not offering anceint aeon a flashlight


    Ban my moms disgustingly slow compute that Im borrowing to get online. I kid you not I turned it on, did a load of laundry, used the bathroom, made a drink, came back and it still was not finished starting up.


  4. Hey guys, Ive been playing the witcher a lot lately, and thought it would be neat to run around the wasteland with Geralt's leather jackt and outfit.


    I can get some screenshots if anyone needs them.


    Anyone wanna undertake?



  5. Hey guys, Ive been playing the witcher a lot lately, and thought it would be neat to run around the wasteland with Geralt's leather jackt and outfit.


    I can get some screenshots if anyone needs them.


    Anyone wanna undertake?



  6. Hey guys, Ive been pretty bored with all my games recently and dont have money for new ones so I went shifting through my older games.

    Found Diablo 2 amd the expansion pack


    My battle.net account was still active but my characters were all deleted :( I lost my level 87 paladin :(


    So i started a new one and Im up to level 22 just arrived act 3 if anyone still plays and wants to play?

  7. Holy crap I hate wow with such a passion.


    ...and Kudos to you for saying that...

    The day of its death will come sooner or later... and I'll be alive to see it and have an anti-wow party afterwards.


    oh yes it will one day come.

    I cant imagine what all those poor people now without souls are going to do for fun haha. They'll be just husks.

    Ive read so many stories about people losing thier jobs, girlsfiends, boyfriends, marriages, etc, etc over that stupid game. Its really pretty pathetic when you think about it haha.


    Indeed have a mighty party to celebrate its inevitable downfall. Bring lots of booze and girls :)

  8. I'd say that the worst game ever is WoW... At least fo me. Although there's a couple of million people addicted to it out there I'd gladly set a bomb to Blizzard's servers if I could.

    Haha i agree! I cant believe how many people are shelling out soooo much money just to play a game monthly. To be honest I give kudos to Blizzard for creating a game that not only provides limitless amounts of money for them, but also is capable of stealing peoples souls haha.


    Holy crap I hate wow with such a passion. Kudos to you good sir

  9. Armored Core anyone?


    Any of the Armored Core games.


    The controls are so hard to use that it makes the game unplayable. While youre trying to fly, aim, dodge missles, use counter measures, shoot, toggle weapons, and reload....you computer controlled oppoment is making a mockery of you.


    Also I have to bring up Midways latest abortion, Unreal Tournament 3

    By far the worse Unreal Tournament Ive ever played. AI knows exatly where you are at all times. They gutted the gameplay down do the most basic FPS. Removed many features that were extremely popular in Unreal Tournament 2004 and 2003. No adrenaline combos, weapons deal waaay too much damage (one hit rocket kills), flak cannon is entirely useless, and they sped the gameplay up to the point of it being ridiculous. Its too fast to enjoy. Not to mention the best types of gameplay were also gutted from the game. No Assualt, No Bombing Run, No Invasion. The only thing the game has going for it are the graphics. Nothing else. I loved Unreal Tournament right up until I shelled out 60 bucks for the abortion that is Unreal Tournament 3


    It didnt take me long to re-install Unreal Tournament 2004 back to my computer :) (yay unreal the way its supposed to be!)

  10. Harabec Weathers, you should go visit the the guy, with one of >these< .


    Sorry about you hand, though as a layman it does look tricky to set but the hospital should have tried.


    Haha nice the Apocalypse HERC from Starseige! Oh man I miss that game so much.

    I agree that they should have, but hey didnt and I owe them a bunchof money. It is what it is, Im not going to dwell on it any longer. Ive almost gotten full use of my hand back, somethings still hurt to do but in a few weeks everything will be ok with it.

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