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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. Oh I got a good one, hell I got tons.

    But heres one for ya.

    Two kids in school are learning about the Holocaust

    One of the kid raises his hand and shares that he lost his grand mother died during all that.

    The kid next to him also raises his hand and says his grand father died during the Holocaust as well.

    Intrigued the first kid asks how he died.

    Second kid replies "He fell out of a guard tower"



  2. Its been a hot minute since I made an appearance on the ol Nexus.

    Im digging the new look and everything too :D

    Loving it.

    Kudos to you there mr. Dark One and the rest of yall moderators for keeping it going :D

    Lol and for not deleting my profile after not being on forever :P


    So anyways...


    Hows it hanging Nexus?

  3. Man a man Calliton I disappear for a while things just go to pieces :P

    Good on ya though dude!

    Some words of wisdom from a man whos been there done that, never put your faith in someone else to pull you through. Put your faith in yourself. Only your legs will carry you to end brother.

    Youd be suprised what you can do when all you got is yourself :D

  4. Harabec is the leader of the Martian rebelion against the oppression of the Empire is the Starseige universe series. Once a high ranking general, he was stripped of his rank and cast out. His brother Canon hunted him for many years and fought against him in numerous skirmishes. Both Harabec and Canon Weathers were revered as the greatest Mech pilots of thier time. Harabec had earned the name "Pheonix" because of his resourcefulness and ability to seemingly cheat death.

    He was later killed in an ambush by Cybrid forces while the newly united Imperial and Rebel forces lauched a last desperate attack against the Cybrid master, Prometheius.


    Starseige ftw! Oh how I miss that game :(

  5. Another thing Ive noticed. My pipboy "world" map displays a pretty healthy peice of territory yet only 25% seems to excist and the over 75% of the world map is block my invso game walls.


    Contrary to science and study...the world may not be flat but IS surrounded by invisible stealth jedis the stop you from moving when you reach a certain place on the map lol

  6. 1. Cazagors. Omg HATE those things. See one, then your SWARMED getting stabbed like pin cusion and poined to death before you spammed the stimpack hotkey.


    2. NPCs erraticly sidestepping in combat. Trying to shoot them at distance is ridiculous. Its like they walk to the side one or two steps then sprint to a side then walk then sprint. Ridiculous


    3. The amount of damage animals like nightstalkers do. High powered thick metal armor is no match for their 2-4 inc fangs and steal shattering jaw strength


    4. Hardcore mode. Tried it, hate it.

  7. ban somerandom for calling forth this list of bannage from the past


    ban EVERYONE because I have to go to work and I really just wanna sleep


    ban crysis 2 for being a one-time-play-though game


    ban Blizzard for having not released D3 yet


    ban Beth for having not released Skyrim yet


    ban Microsoft for having not released Mechwarrior Reboot yet


    ban everyone with the all powerful BANHAMMER because I need new video games to play


    Heroic let me tell ya.

  8. Ban netwit for not paying me her due child supporrrrrrt for this random baby I seem to have spawned :D


    I also ban Okinawa for having terrible internet regardless if the mainland is about to go supernova

  9. Hey folks.

    Im not sure if anything like this excists yet, but I know before the launch of Broken Steel in Fallout 3, it was immpossible to continue playing after you completed the main quest. However, I did discover that a modder on the site, dont remember who, made a work around that allowed the player to continue playing after the ending video was played.

    Does anyone know if there is anything like this out there yet?

    Or is there any hope for continued play after completetion of the MQ?

    Or should I just bide my time for Diablo 3 or Skyrim?

  10. Yea Ive been out of the swing of things for a while. I see that New Vegas came out, but idk if im going to get it since I just picked up Starcraft 2, Catalysm is going to be out soon, and Diablo 3 will be out not long after that.


    Lol my social life is going to die off entirely by the end of next year...without a doubt.


    On December 8th im getting on a plane to Okinawa where ill be stationed for 2 years.


    Woooooooot :D

  11. Whats up Nexus! I havent been on in AGES


    Also, love the changes to the forums and the sites, Fantastic!


    So whats up Nexus hows life going for all our various members???

  12. What you looking to see in New Vegas? Improvements? Better gameplay?


    Personally Id like to see the ability to gun butt and psitol whip a fool. But thats just me...


    What about you?

  13. I myself was worried Id be burned out of Starcraft 2 before ever even playing it due to all the starcraft I played back in the day. So I took a chance with buying SC2. Visually its a real work of art too. Lol and Medics+Marines=win unless you get something to kill the medics energy supply. Those medics are sick lol
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