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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. I cant say I agree at all with the whole "cartoony" feel. It just looks ridiculous. Making D3 in that rendition would be almost insulting to the series imo. Im hoping D3 is nothing short of epic, but I cant say I have complete faith that it will be because Ive seen it happen before. Great game in the making, crap game released.


    Just because a game is a "fantasy" game doesnt mean it needs to look ridiculous with silly looking characters, monsters, and rampant irridescent colors everywhere making it look like im in a Roger Rabit version of Diablo. No thanks.


    Omg Blizzard, please please please dont dooooooo that!

  2. I saw a Marine standing outside of Toys R Us the other day for one of the donation things they have for the holiday season.


    So I guess not all the jobs are what you see on the TV.



    Oh, and when I was asking about the requirements I meant for the Physical exam. Like:


    Pushups minimums for each branch, sit-ups for each branch, how fast you have to run a mile and a half, and whatever additional requirements there are for each branch. (I know the special forces like Diver and SEAL for the Navy have to do pull-ups and Navy has to Swim.)


    Push ups are not a requirement for IST (Initial Strength Test) or PFT (Physical Fitness Test) in the Marines.

    IST is max set of pull-ups, max set of crunches, and run a mile and a half in youre best time.

    Additionally there are semi-annual CFTs (Combat Fitness Test) at which a marines must sprint a distance within a very short amount of time, complete a multistage obstacle course and perform a max set ammo can lift exercise (standard 40lb ammo can).


    PFT is max pull ups, max crunches, and run 3 miles in youre fastest time.

    Last IST I had I did 15 pull ups, 106 crunches and ran the mile and a half in 9:02

  3. *Whips the snow ball off my face*


    I....will have....my....




    *Radios my orbital strike satilite platform*











  4. Obsessions, hmmmm...


    Well one of mine is energy drinks (more of a dependancy really)

    YUM MONSTER!!!!!!!!!

    I have on average two to four cans of monster a day, just to feel normal lol.

    Also I cant leave things half done. I HAVE to finish whatever it is Im doing otherwise itll bother the hell out of me until its done.


    Bikinis (and the girls they're on) drive me crazy too haha. For that reason I love going to the beach, not for the weather or crap like that, but for the women :D


    ALso certain numbers bother me. ALso I gotta things in 2s, 3s, 5s, or 10s lol.

  5. The muties with the .50 cal drive me nuts.


    Also the friendly fire thing bothers me a lot.


    I was playing about an hour ago and lost one of my guys from friendly fire.


    I have the sentry mode set to aggresive and my main character was armed with the Pancor Jackhammer, notced an enemy and proceeded to unleash a 5 round burst at the enemy. Unfortunantly Stitch was in the line of fire and got splattered by my main guys friendly fire.

    My jaw dropped as I was like "WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"


    And I couldnt reload because Im playing in Tough Guy mode, so I can only save while at a Brotherhood Bunker.


    OOOOOhhhhhh man I was pissed lol. Stich was my Doctor/ Medic/ Barter guy.

  6. As I was playing Fallout3 some months ago, I realized I kept playing only so I can admire the views and see all that's on the map. I stopped playing the game at that point.


    Hahaha aye we've both hit the same wall in fallout haha.


    When I play I play like 15 minutes, and then I get bored.


    Been everywhere and done everything lol.

  7. I don't whine about that martyrdom perk, but when you do get killed people go "HAHA you suck" into their microphones all the time, and their terrible voices hurt my ears.


    I just wanted to get it off my chest, really.


    I feel youre pain my friend. I dont own and xbox but a few of my friends do and we would get together and play Halo 3 or Call of Duty together on occasion as a fun little get together. I dont play console games so natually, Im not skilled at console games. So Im always at the bottom of the score board lol. But what does bother me is hos incredibly hostile people get. For instance, I was playing Halo 3 with my buddies, solcial slayer and I got creamed pretty bad, lol it doesnt bother me to lose because its just a game after all lol. But after the match I had like 3 voice messages from people saying "hod bad I suck, and how I should never play again, and how Im garbage". Lol I just wonder why, why is it necessary for people to be like that about a game lol.

    Some online RPGs arent as bad. Diablo 2 had a lot of good people who natually would help you if you asked for it. Hellgate London had good players. Battlefield 2142 had nothing but a bunhc of kids who screamed in the thier microphones with their high pitched voices. OOooooohhhhhh man that made me so angry when that did that.


    Ive never played WoW but a friend of mine does and the people in that game are freaking mean as hell too. She asked for help killing a monster or something like that and all the people around were just like "pft, you such noob"


    Like really what is wrong with people these days, maybe Im just old fashioned.

  8. Lol I have to agree with Tony and PerroLoco


    Lol to be honest I have no idea what you were trying to get across becuase youre "sentences" were barely conherant. But I will say that after some study and hard decoding of youre initial post, you pretty much want...


    A) A conversation between the player and Sentinal Lyons


    B) And alien invasion that the Enclave joins?? Or doesnt join? That part is still unclear to me.


    C) A weapon to be critical to the human body (I thought a bullet entering the human body was critical enough but hey what do I know)


    D) you a HUGE team of people to work on a mod that will no doubt be rampant with bugs. One of which you say you need "an organzier which you hope will organize this entire project"

    So lets say for arguements sake that you you do get like 200 people together for this TOALLY AWESOME KILLER SWEET MOD idea, and youre not even the organizing it.....wtf will you be doing???


    Despite it all...

    CAN I BE THE ORGANIZER!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


  9. Not entirely I understand youre problem here.

    I mean forst off given that Fallout 3 is like 100% fightning all the time, you need to have a weapon skill. I recomend "small guns" since it the easiest to get ammunition for.

    You gain exp by killing things, doing missions, picking locks, hacking computers, that sort of thing. You gain money...well by selling crap (easy enough) or from doing missions.

    I recomend the first 3 perks you get are Swift Learner, that was you maximize youre exp earning potential.


    Dont worry about the difficulty, af you level up the game will get ridiculously easy, mainly because of how much health youll have by level 20.

  10. Mine is the name of the Rebel Leader who based himself on Mars from the game Starseige. Great game with a great story line.

    Harabec was the leader of the rebelion against the Imperial regigm, his brother Cannon Weathers was one of the top Generals of the Imperial Knights.

    Because Harabec only had thin resources to utilize against the entire Imperial Army led by his brother Cannon, he was forced to use very creative tactics to keep one step ahead.

    His brother had the numbers and his forces were much better equiped, but the Martian Rebels stumbed on ancient alien technology, which gave them access to extremely powerful weaponry, the most outstanding of which was the Magneto-Fusion Assault Cannon, M-FAC for short.

    Later on the story line, Harabec and Cannon join together against a greater enemy, Promethieus and the Cybrids (Promethieus who was presumebly destroyed in Earthseige 2, prior to Starseige).



    Unltimately he was killed in an ambush, one against an army. But he died fightning, couldnt ask for more lol.

  11. Been playing this for a while now, and am enjoying it quite a lot. Its certainly a very good game, though pretty unforgiving. Until you've got your skills up, almost everything can kill you with ease, and even once you've got your skills up a bit, its extremely hard. I'm 10 or 12 hours into the game now, and unless I'm careful, most enemies can still kill me - the number of healing potions I get through is unbelievable. Fortunately I was able to forge myself a decent sword, and I nicked a large shield off some guy in harbour town, so I'm surviving mostly. The insta-death traps in the ruins are a nightmare though as well, you really need to pay attention to what you're doing, and save often.


    One issue I do have with it is the experience system - I don't like the fact that improving skills and attributes costs gold, as well as experience points. It doesn't seem realistic, and makes it a lot harder to get enough money to spend on other stuff (though, to be fair, there isn't that much other stuff to spend it on). Its a shame about the lack of armour/clothing too - you can't buy any anywhere, so presumably you get given some at some point, but it would be nice to have a bit more variety.


    Other than those few issues, its definitely an excellent game, well worth a try. And yes, the graphics are a LOT better than the 360 version. I reckon those screenshots jim posted don't really do it justice either.


    The lack of armor and weapons has always been a thing with JoWood. Very powerful items and armors have always been a status symbol in their games, so you'll only be able to have the very best gear by accomplishing a lot. Same with the improving youre skills, costing gold and skill points. The gold is to pay the trainer (presumably) and the skill points are youre own experience being spent on learning. Its a little annoying but makes sense to me. I remeber in gothic 3, the best armor was the Paladin Armor, and you could only get youre hands on it by doing a TON of stuff for the Rebels, even then is costed 150000 gold lol. Big money.

  12. Haha yea its pretty tough. On the Ocseolla mission, I got horribly frustrated. I had Farsight shooting a super mutant with her sniper rifle from a ridiculous distance away, while in prone and everything. He lays downs, shoots and kills her with one shot, on Easy diffucluty no less.

    I was like "wtf really?!?!?!?!?!?!"

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