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Everything posted by Zephyr102

  1. Still crashes, just like before... tried rebuilding from the source script, but no joy. I'll try and split this into two seperate (and shorter) scripts- one for the melee, one for the rifle.
  2. Hmm, will fiddle with that. 'Player.GetItemCount M1Aspecial == 0' is an odd line. The script is assigned to both weapons (rifle and melee), but I may try removing it from one and see what that changes. UPDATE: Mmk, tried the above- removed script from melee weapon, which resulted in a successful switch from rifle to melee, but now I need to figure out how to switch it back. Seems I might need multiple scripts, but the source rifle only had the one. Will scour it again, see if I find anything off.
  3. I'm trying to make a rifle with a 'usable' bayonet. I've so far gotten both weapons working in-game, but when I try to use the following script to switch between 'em, FO3 drops to desktop like a rocket-propelled brick: scn M1AFOSEScript ;renamed variables to match the mod Short Setup Short m1akey Short m1atoggle Float m1ahealth BEGIN Gamemode ; Initialization IF Setup == 0 IF m1ahealth == 0 Set m1ahealth to 95 EndIF Set m1akey to 46 ; Set Setup to 1 EndIF con_SetINISetting "fScopeScissorAmount:Display" 0.000 IF Player.GetItemCount M1Aspecial > 0 && player.GetItemCount M1AspecialM > 0 ; needs to be outside the setup loop IF Player.GetItemCount M1Aspecial == 0 IF m1ahealth > 0 Player.AddItemHealthPercent M1Aspecial 1 m1ahealth 1 ELSE Player.AddItem M1Aspecial 1 EndIF EndIF Player.removeitem M1AspecialM 1 1 EndIF ; Bayonet Toggle IF m1atoggle != IsKeyPressed m1akey Set m1atoggle to m1atoggle == 0 IF m1atoggle IF Player.getEquipped M1Aspecial == 1 Set m1ahealth to (Player.GetWeaponHealthPerc / 100) player.AddItemHealthPercent M1AspecialM 1 m1ahealth 1 player.equipitem M1AspecialM 0 1 Player.removeitem M1Aspecial 1 1 ElseIF player.getEquipped M1AspecialM == 1 Set m1ahealth to (Player.GetWeaponHealthPerc / 100) player.AddItemHealthPercent M1Aspecial 1 m1ahealth 1 player.equipitem M1Aspecial 0 1 player.RemoveItem M1AspecialM 1 1 ElseIF IsKeyPressed m1akey IF Player.GetItemCount M1AspecialM > 0 Player.removeitem M1AspecialM 1 1 Player.AddItemHealthPercent M1Aspecial 1 m1ahealth 1 EndIF player.equipitem M1Aspecial 0 1 ; defaults to normal version EndIF ENDIF EndIF END ;GameMode Block I borrowed the script from a rifle with similar functions (switching from 5.56mm AR to 40mm grenade launcher while maintaining weapon condition), and that weapon still works fine. All I've really done is changed item references and the names of variables. I tested both weapons by adding them to my inventory with console, and they work fine, so I'm left debugging the script. Since I'm still rubbish at scripting, I could use a bit of help in that department.
    1. BlueDanube


      that M1 look awesome zep,i'm really into heavily modified old gun too right now.
  4. Mmk, so I've been rebuilding several weapons from Highschool of the Dead, including the drop-dead gorgeous Springfield M1A1 Super Match. Here's progress- http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/9849/hotdprogress.th.jpg (Note: Hirano mounts the bayonet on the next page of the manga, 'finishing' the gun, but this page is one of my better reference pics. PS: The Surefire grip has been moved back a bit; almost missed that detail.) As indicated in the image, I need only one more piece, a magpul. Been scouring the Nexus for a gun that already has one, but to no avail. Being the stickler for detail I am, the rifle just isn't complete without that magpul! If anyone can point me to something I can mount in NifSkope (or teach me to convert with Blender, THEN mount with NifSkope), I'd appreciate it!
  5. Oh GOD, a Grim SHEEPER!


    (sorry, couldn't help it XD)

  6. "Madgod" doesn't seem a good thing to have on a crusader's resume, so Bri will be leaving the Shivering Isles earlier than usual this time around. Then I can finally get started on some of the newer world/quest mods I've been putting off for far too long. Adash and MoM, here I come. Yay new adventures!
    1. Eiries


      Have fun dude! If you have any troubles with MoM, don't hesitate to message me. :)
    2. Zephyr102


      Kewl, yer still alive. Good to know! =P


      There'll definitely be trouble, but hopefully only what I dish out. I always prep for the worst in mod quests- the brutality of Gates to Aesgaard taught me that. Just need to remember to apply liberal amounts of divine power when the time comes.

  7. Dunno if you'll see this, but I'll say it anyway.

    You've probably gotten this a lot, but don't let the haters/trolls/n00bs/whatever-ya-call-em get to ya. There's people like that EVERYWHERE, in ALL walks of life, on- and off-line. And the only way to defeat them is not to let them win.

    So yeah, two great sayings come to mind- Haters gonna hate, and Do...

  8. Diggin' the new avatar! Original character? Or just someone I don't recognize...
  9. Just dun do anything stupid and wind up banned... you're half the fun around here. Nothing makes for good target practice like walking balls of cotton...

    Crap, did I type that out loud?

  10. I saw you in the hall of shame. SIT! STAY! BAD SHEEP!
  11. Just pokin' about, checkin' some screenshot galleries. Hi!
  12. New fans are in, and the ol' Beast is running at a frigid 30°C. I was hard pressed to push 'er to 45° with an FO3 stress test. So yeah- I'm back!
    1. Eiries
    2. Zephyr102


      Performance confirmed, too- I just played 7 levels of Dead Space (which is drop-dead gorgeous) and she didn't rise past 50. Happy PC, happy owner!
    3. BlueDanube


      *drool in envy*
  13. CPU hit 100°C on account of a dying fan, so I'm gonna be relying on my PS2 for my fix for a couple days. Luckily, the chip is OK (the fan is still running well enough for me to run a web browser ), so all I had to order was a new fan. Also grabbed an extra case fan to help quell the beast. Will update when my temp charts smooth out!
    1. BlueDanube


      sorry to hear that,it must be tought for you...
  14. Mmk, can't figure the hype about ME2 on Insanity. I do like a challenge, mind you, but I like my squaddies to A: outlast my opponents, and B: stop running out of cover into firestorms. *winces as Garrus gets pwnt again*
  15. Well, yeah, that too. It IS an awesome trailer- kinda makes me wanna see it.

    *looks at your friend thumbnails* Oh God... they're taking over the site... ENEMY IS EVERYWHERE!

  16. Need to replay L4D and think up a good zombie-sheep joke...
    1. BlueDanube


      vouch for the renegade ! she looks awesome...while the paragon kinda look like......... :p
    2. Zephyr102


      Always thought he looked decent enough. Might be the angle, tho, will try some others.


      And Garrus just makes the renegade's screen look cooler- he's simply that bad-ass.

  17. My renegade Shepard is finally ready for ME2! Once her facial scarring reaches glowy-eyes level, I'll get pics up of both my characters.
  18. *tap tap* Don't forget, that 0 is a 1 now! Happy New Year!
  19. lykeOMGAW I finally get used to putting 2010 on everything and now they CHANGE IT?! WTF gives?! Can't we pick a number and friggin' KEEP IT?!

    Lul. Happy New Year 2u2.

  20. For the first time ever, I have money to play with, but have no idea what I want to do with it... *shutting down for diagnosis*
    1. AliasTheory


      Use it as fuel for a fire.

      But seriously, I would save it. Helps to be a bit thrifty now and then...spending money on what you need rather than want.

    2. Zephyr102


      Yeah, will likely save up a good chunk of it (I got a ton). Thinking of getting a couple of the bigger DLCs for ME2- some of the new missions look like fun, and the free stuff was pretty good in its own right.
  21. Officially Christmas on the east coast, tho my family exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve (it was already the 25th on the Nexus tho, so it counts :P). Got a buncha snacks and a pretty new Acer flatscreen monitor to replace one of my aging boat anchors. Tomorrow we spend the day with the rest of my folks. Have a merry one, everyone!
  22. Cheater. I'm watchin' you. O_o
  23. You took off your Christmas avatar before Christmas, ye heathen! COAL FOR YOU!
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