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Everything posted by AlienSensei

  1. I'm not talking about the corrupted ones. I'm talking about the buildings feutered in Dawnguard DLC. They looked in my opinion great, but the only place you find them is in the Forgotten Vale. Personally I think they shuld have added some scattered around skyrim, like some in the mountains behind Soltiude/Haafingar. Maybe some in the Reach, too. Sounds like a good idea? Feel free to make it.
  2. I'm aware this mod is a bit old, but shouldn't humans turn into monkeys then? Yeah, but I like the idea. It just feels weird and wrong to turn into a werewolf as a Khajiit. I'd like a WereCAT instead.
  3. WOW. That's great! Just hope it's compatibale with Immersive armors replacers, otherwise, great friggin' mod. Downloading!!
  4. Were you supposed to link anything? Because I didn't get any.
  5. Yeah, it woulda actually be easier just to add the stuff you want yourself. But yeah, I was also disappoint with that. I want!
  6. I've always found a serious lack of racial/cultural armors in Skyrim. Including; Khajiit Armors/Clothing Breton Armors/Clothing (Old English/French style) Argonian Armors/Clothing Altmer Clothing Bosmer Armors/Clothing Orcish Light Armor/Clothing I did not add any of the other races because I felt they already had enough, and there are good enough mods for Redguard armors out there. Thanks :)
  7. Just add the sprinting camera shake to when walking (really low) and when just running like you do on default take it a bit more. Really easy to create I guess for something with sucha huge impact, I can't stand with your camera floating forward like it is in skyrim :confused: thanks
  8. Seriously? That'd be great! Just make sure to make the new slimmer sabrecats a bit smaller so we can actually see different, possibly calling them lynx :)
  9. I want at least sheeps. Kind of like those on Gotland in Sweden, which are really fat and huge sheeps with horns. They kind of look like a mix-up between goats and really fat sheep.
  10. Yeah, thieves guild is so un-immersive that way.
  11. I've tried the most common ones and googled it and so on... Nothing works, it's a shame because I just finished a HUGE file and had to save... guess what, nothing happened. When I save nothing happen and it doesn't even say to close the dialouge boxes.
  12. I've created a race in Creation Kit but now I don't want to have the original Khajiit sounds. I want to have my own, can anybody send any links or explain how I can do this? I'm sure it's something easy, it's just some noises for example when you take damage.
  13. Oh my divine, I just realized. Bethesda had probably this planned. Tosh Raka sounds a lot like Akatosh. And he's a dragon, too. Bethesda probably meant that Tosh Raka and the Ka Po Tun are in fact holy or something. Just makes you wonder... We only need to switch the names... Tosh Raka Raka Tosh Akatosh Anyways, we all know Bethesda likes to do this kind of stuff with us. So post what you think below and if there are any other kinds of similarities like this, like in Oblivion they spoke a lot of Skyrim and in Skyrim they speak of hammerfell a lot (Maybe a future game?) EDIT: seeing my other post had a more catchy post line, I thought I should delete this post. Being dumb as I am, I can't find out how. Any ideas?
  14. I would recommend smim that's a must have for playing on the computer: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655
  15. Personally, I think you added a bit too much by changing alcoholic drinks. I guess you are gonna do skooma now too? Anyways, my little brother is a huge lore fan, if he were removed with those (Or I removed them for him with a mod) he'd get pissed at me for it. Besides that I do see how some things may be a little too violent and scary/too evil for children (dark brotherhood for example) but blood shouldn't be much for a problem. It's supposed to be realistic and it's still killing somebody no matter if there is blood or not.
  16. *Do not continue reading if you haven't finished Dawnguard DLC yet and don't want it spoiled. Otherwise, carry on* The forgotten vale uses great models for the creatures, personally I would like to see them but with normal textures in the game. Maybe the forgotten vale sabrecat could be a bit smaller and normal sabrecat textures for immersion of more diverse wildlife. There is a serious lack of animals. I'd like to see more diverse wildlife. That is what's worst about skyrim putting aside the low graphics and immersion-braking quests.
  17. I've played the game for a year now. I've only seen them twice. Call me weird for having seen them so few times, but the few places I've I actually see them are in mountains; I don't go there. Yeah, I want this mod too.
  18. Sounds great in my opinion. This is something that should be added in the game, however, if you are level 10 and have completed main quest, I think you should get duelled anyways. Because like, slaying the Dragonborn is something anyone would do no matter how strong you are. ( I mean if you want to duel) Anyways, sounds great if its applied to factions too.
  19. This is a great idea. I hope to see this as a modders resource as a matter of fact I was thinking about making some elven ruins :)
  20. EDIT: Just for those who think this is a big task, I'm saying I can help a bit - thing is, I'm just a novice modder and I can't help too much. I could create easy things as new mobs and stuff though. I'll add mostly creatures and races. In short: Travelling in a boat with some explorers, possibly custom voiced when you accidently bump into an island after a heavy storm. Having half of your crew dead, you seek to survive the mysterious jungles of Akavir with the survivors. Here you meet many new creatures, such as new custom skinned exotic skinned Deers and Elks, Ka Po' Tun hunters, evil shrines, and huge spiders. Characters J'gharz: A Khajiit male ex-pirate who was emprisoned in Skyrim, who now seeks to return as a pirate once again. Thorek: Poor Nord farmer, only joined the crew to make some gold to feed his wife an Theophon: An Imperial trader who had him and his sailors put up posters in the main cities, and had couriers sending notes to the travellers of Skyrim. Characters that might come in the future: Skinny Breton male who had no idea what he threw himself into, being scared and insane after being stranded. Female Imperial whose brother was killed in the shipwreck. Female Dunmer Destruction Mage, who joined the crew to make easy gold. Male Bosmer, who previously made his living of hunting and adventuring in The Reach. Story/Plot In the major cities you find posters saying: "Adventurers wanted! Explore and make money sailing with experienced sailors! Theophon at the Solitude docks can teach you more." "Care to make some easy gold? Travel the seas with sailors and buy and trade all across Tamriel! Speak to Theophon at the Solitude Docks for mor information." "Up for something new? Come and speak to Theophon at the Solitude docks for more information." After reading the posters you will trigger a quest, or you can trigger it by walking to the docks and walk past Theophon. Theophon will simply ask you as you walk by and start a converation and say "Looking to sail and explore Tamriel?". After joining them you go down in the ship and talk to people. After going to bed you will later be-forced waked up to your fear and see the ship is shaking. One of the sailors walks up to you and say "Stay calm. Go back to bed and you'll survive this nightmare." Extreme option: When you go to bed and it becomes darker, you'll hear a massive destruction of the ship and people screaming. You'll wake up for a few seconds and see some of the sailors floating dead in the water (They could use waves from Dragonborn DLC) and heavy raining. Then you see your character get hit in the head by wood like a kill cam when you shoot an arrow, but it's a part from the ship.You black out and see your body roll on the ground around in the shaking room (its supposed to have a big hole in the middle) and roll down there. You wake up at the isle with your friend waking you up. Medium option: You hear noise while it's black and you hear screms (Could be scream from when people die so you need no voice actors) and heavy rain and a storm. You later wake up on the isle with your friend waking you up. Easier option for novice modders: You simply go to bed and wake up on the island with your friend waking you up. After you're stranded at the isle with a few of the sailors, they'll present themselves to you. The Breton who actually worked as a sailor for Theophon, would go completely nuts at everyone. People start asking eachother what to do and decides to explore the island. Now you'll get an option if you want to lead some of them while the others build a camp. You need to find resources and food and fight new creatures in the djungle and run in ancient ruins of Tsaeci (using the blades ruins but retextured so they'd look more broken and maybe some moss). Creatures The new creatures will be following:New Dragons! Retextured Exotic looking Deers Ka Po' Tun Hunters (I could make those aslong as I figure out how to create races properly. I don't know how to add custom textures. But we need custom armors though! These also need custom voices so they won't speak in Tamriels language) Sharks and exotic fishes. Spiders using models from Dragonborn DLC Crocodiles (If it exists as a model or a modders resource) A lot of new bugs and huge butterflies if textures are good enough Bristlebacks retextures to fit the atmosphere Huge Scorpions with a dungeon filled with them where you have to kill the queen Wildcats (Using the models from Vale Sabrecats. They are under-used in mods)Items/Armors Tsaesci and Akivirian armors. There are great armor mods out there which could be used if there is permission for them. (These could fit in tombs as it would be to hard to recreate an Tsaesci unless you are great at modelling) Ka Po' Tun armors (Really simple; Could be an easy edit of Forsworn armor mixed with redguard leggins. As long as they are unique!) Realistic loot for all the animals Ka Po' Tun Battleaxe Tang Mo Staff Tsaesci and Akavirian Weapons and Bows Ka Po' Tun Longbow Locations Scorpion Den (With lots of scorpions and a scorpion queen as said above) Tsaesci Ruins Ka Po' Tun Camps Ka Po' Tun Village (Might not be added due to buildings; we need unique buildings for them.) Spider dens Grasslands with Tsaesci Ruins (With boars mentioned above) Long beaches Ancient shipwrecks from previous adventures Tamrielic Graves (This means a grave where the Ka Po' Tun put all Tamrielic "invaders". It's supposed to be a huge hole full of skelettons and bones) Plantlife Rainforests Grasslands Bamboo Huge rotten trees High Grass Unique Flowers (That can be used to create new weapons and enchantments) Leave any suggestions below vote on the poll!
  21. Yep, this is a REALLY old thread but I decided to post here anyways, as creating a new thread wouldn't be any better. This is a must-have mod which I would love to see. Great idea, always very immersion braking to see the skin is still left on the wolf.
  22. Since they are basically tigers, they should kinda be like Khajiit, right? But I decided to remove all of that because it would feel to boring to have that. So any good ideas what to have as racial? I've thought that they maybe could have some sort of spell or something when a lot of ghostly-looking Ka Po Tun warriors appear and help you in battle for 30 seconds, but I don't know. Feel free to add any ideas; and yeah, they are from the lore. More info at this page; http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Ka_Po%27_Tun_(race)
  23. First off these are the sentient races that are most popular, that's why I listed them. Its up to you to add the special powers and so on, but feel free to add any new ones
  24. Seriouisly, there is no help on CK wiki and not even google finds result. I'm sure this is just a noob problem. Please help! :(
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