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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. I like that Chesto has a light in his life. I can almost picture that person he describes them so sweetly.
  2. The Goddess stood still..in complete shock. Not in fright at the balrogs coming at her...but the Wolfe managed to do something that did not involve someones immediate demise.....
  3. The Goddess quickly raises a ice shield to protect NecromancerG and begins to pummel the ninja's with many hundreds of snow balls in their little mean faces.
  4. The Goddess views Marcus's naked self with glee! "this is much more like it.." she says. She then forms a huge, sticky snowcone...takes a bite and then hurls the rest of it straight at Evil.
  5. Marcus whas so overwealmed by the fumes from the cheeze wiz can he thought he gave the Goddess a kick or three...really it was a now..very pissed-off mouse..the size of a bear from the chemicals all the cheeze wiz he ate!
  6. The Goddess shot a string of half-frozen cheese wiz at the Dark One's behind hoping to catch him and drag him back into the arena.
  7. Man I LOVE Tool! They were great in concert when I saw them a few years ago!
  8. Wonderful Dezi. You almost take me there with you. Very beautiful writing!
  9. I like Carah's new siggy. I like getting pictures from friends. I like that my Daddy still thinks I am a little girl--when I have silver in my hair. :kiss:
  10. The Goddess looks around sensing a presence...but alas its gone. She focus her eyes on Marcus Wolfe in the magik snow globe... "You want cheese wiz you little punk..I'll give you cheese wiz" And she fills the immediate area around Marcus in cold, almost frozen cheeze wiz. It filled the rooms all around him too the top. He was in fact, drowning in it. And she hope he would have to eat his way out and be constipated for weeks to come.
  11. O.T.-Marcus..we arent trying to turn it into no violence..I like violence..we are trying to turn in into creative violence and NOT YOUR one shot, one kill boring, unimaginative brand of violence..but I am SO happy you noticed.
  12. I like that my daughter is home from vacation and she brought her Mommy a present...how sweet is that?
  13. Very nicely done Dezi! It makes me wish to post here again!
  14. The Goddess wondered as she stared into the magik snow globe...how Marcus saw anything from several universes over. Then realized to her delight that he had landed in a parallel universe and was seeing the Spyro in that one. Fine by her as it wasn't HER Spyro. She went to find her new friends to let them know the news. She realized the pain would be back soon enough to fight for real and they needed to make all preparations they could. She wondered if she should find that anti-stupid spell.....
  15. I recently DL a mod that was Lineage2 Elves Custom. It had several versions with both rens eyes and Miss Onatopp's eyes...they had dark elves with earrings and a Moon elf version that had 2 versions with both eye choices. It came as an english and spanish esp. I cant remember where I DL it from and cant find my file to re-DL. Can someone help me. I loved them.
  16. While happily crunching her snow cone...The Goddess picked up Marcus and all his toys..once again..and shoved him in the magic snowball and threw his several universes over. She then smiles happily and Spyro and blew Halororor a kiss. The Goddess next build a huge magic ice shield and covered her entire castle and compound sot hat she and her friends could prepare for the next battle in peace.
  17. I like helping friends. I like that people here helped me get my Oblivion up and running again!!!
  18. I like that Chesto does what he is told. Har Har.....I like when I get attention..even if I have to forcably point it out to people. I love you too Chesto! :bunny: You get dancing Easter Bunny!
  19. The Goddess of Everything (including spam) swatted away Marcus's magic missles and again shoved him into the magic snowball and threw him many universes over.
  20. Hey!! Dezi is mine!! HA HA I like that Dezi can spin all the boyos heads!
  21. The Goddess watched as Marcus once again made a complete butt of himself by attempting to blow the poor Dragon Spyro away with a machine gun. As the bullets hit Spyro she quickly froze all his molecules in place so that she could make a quicker repair of him. The Goddess then turned her attention to Marcus. She was currently in all her glory..giant sized and shining with her magnificent power. She leaned down and picked up Marcus by his Machine-gun and pulled him to her. "I tire of your antics little boy. Again with the blowing away of people. Again with the ending of all creative endevors. Can your little brain not think of something more imaginative than a machine gun?" As she spoke she twisted the machine gun out of Marcus chest and packed the bleeding hole with ice....she wouldn't let him die no matter how she felt. She was a goodess of light after all. She then put Marcus and all his toys and his Wookie friend back into the magic snow globe. The Goddess shook it several times for good measure and hurled it several universes over. No matter what magic or technology Marcus tried it would be a long time before he made it back to the Snow Arena. She then turned to Spyro and quickly put all his bits back in order..good as new. She patted her young dragon on the head. She then turned to Halororor..."Welcome new friend...I hope you you enjoy your time here. I hope that you choose to battle in good heart and with imagination." She then invited them both to her new Snow Castle for Snow Cones.
  22. I like that Dezi still lives in the early 90's music wise. Ha Ha! That is cool Dezi...I like GNR also! :biggrin:
  23. I like that Chesto has a sweet and caring heart.
  24. I like my new favorite song of the moment..Blue Jeans by Silvertide I like having friends to chat with. I like Mondays after holiday weekends when eveyrone goes back to work and I have some alone time!
  25. I like Soundgarden. I like Alice in Chains. I like Pearl Jam. I like 90s music also.
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