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Everything posted by Morgwynn

  1. Hmm that is strange, for me when I quit to desk top the whole fallout game crashes but I've never had to restart my computer before. I've run my entire load order through FNVEdit looking for an error that would be responsible but haven't found one. Anyway best of luck and I hope you find a solution to your problem, only wish I could be of more help .
  2. There is an archive songs that have become public domain, that is where I would look first if I were you. http://www.pdinfo.com/public-domain-music-list.php
  3. @charwo The protagonist entered the Vault on October, 23rd 2077 just as the bombs fell and awoke from cryo-sleep in the 2270's or 2280's so the improvising of materials and idea's would have to come from whatever the Vault Dweller has at his disposal. I suppose the Institute would have a better grasp of what you are talking about since they have the knowledge of 3rd world technology's available to them. Heck I'd be happy with a Hydraulic Powered Pogo Stick for transportation or some other kind of ground vehicle.
  4. So I was poking around Google images and I seen a couple sketches that looked like a Mr. Handy helmet and I thought to myself " OMG that is totally awesome. " now I was wondering if someone could make a helmet like the ones in these pictures.? My experience with the G.E.C.K. thus far has been limited to making companions and I've almost figured out how to add voice files. Anyway if someone could make this for me i'll name my first clone after you when I clone myself that is. http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/Mr%20Handy%20Helmet_zpsdkldwblo.jpg http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/Mr%20Handy%20Helmet%201_zpssfnhsjpa.jpg
  5. Number 9. would be a bit redundant since you already have a Virtibird transport available to you in the game. I think that maybe the Commonwealth might have experimented with making more than life like humans. Perhaps a Commonwealth scientist grew up seeing Giddyup Buttercup posters all over the place and decided to create a life like synth/android horse ( Equus Unit 01 A.K.A. Buttercup ) as a mode of transportation. I'd also like to see the Brahmin Carts from Fallout 2 made for Fallout 4 because I think they looked cool. http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/BrahminCart_zpsqpzgvk5u.png
  6. There are plenty of New Land mods out there to explore like Falskaar, Wyrmstooth and Salem plus The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal and Moonpath To Elsweyr quest mods takes you to tons of new locations to explore. From what I've heard there is also a Black Marsh DLC sized mod in the works.
  7. So my idea probably isn't a new one but I thought I would put it out there anyway. An underwater player home, well sort of underwater. I think that the Redoran style Dunmer houses look kind of aquatic in nature and would be cool if there was an underwater version in an underwater cavern with an air pocket. The Redoran design kind of reminds me of a sea snail shell and I think it would be perfect for an underwater player home. The cavern with the air pocket could be illuminated with a permanent mage light spell and there could be glowing mushrooms like in Black Reach for addional lighting. http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/Severin_Manor_zpsygzoyknu.png
  8. Team work can be great but individual creativity is wonderful as well. You know I've requested many mods for Skyrim and have even been fortunate enough to have one made but when making a mod request I think the saying " Patients is a virtue. " is kind of the rule. Most people don't realize that on the other side of their computer screen the modders are real people with real stuff going on in their lives as well and like most people they know that there just isn't enough hours in a day to do what they love like modding. I've been here a little over a year and have started to figure out the GECK for myself and one day hope to be a decent modder myself and my motto about modding is this " If life gives you lemons . . . Make a mod about lemons. ".
  9. You mean a mod something like this.? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54915/?
  10. I'm guessing that this is just on the back burner for now.
  11. As a Canadian I whole heartedly agree Canada would be a great setting for Fallout . . .
  12. The ones that say " All Extended Uses " are generally safe to use but the ones that require special permissions from the seller are the ones that I tend to ignore because sometimes it can take weeks before the seller gets back to you sometimes unless they are very active on Turbosquid.
  13. The first link you posted would be a no go but the other one would be fine because the licence is for extended use and from what I gleaned from the licence FAQ. however I'm not very skilled in the G.E.C.K. yet so I wouldn't be able to make this mod.
  14. You mean a newer ruined car pack like this.? http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-ready-wrecked-car-bus-model/562296
  15. I have seen Graboid models out there and I have a couple pictures but I'm not sure where I seen the model at. I'm thinking maybe Turbosquid but not sure. http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/GraboidLowDetail_zpscgh3ayt2.jpg http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/Graboid_zps8sp1rbxq.jpg
  16. I'm in no hurry, I know on the request boards patients is a virtue since most modders are already busy with other projects. And your way of doing it sounds good I didn't think there would animations for such a request so a rigid version is cool, heck it's easy enough to assume it's a mini rebar club with a sock over it to look less threatening. Lol I just thought of something funny. A raider/fiend getting beaned with a sock puppet version of the weapon.
  17. You need to find songs that are now public domain for a radio station mod. http://www.pdinfo.com/public-domain-music-list.php
  18. I mean it doesn't have to be a brick it could be pool balls, rocks, or anything under the sun that's heavy enough to do some damage.
  19. I meant improvised weapon in the title not improved. . . Lack of sleep lately from toothache.
  20. So I know this is kind of a prison weapon along with shiv's and shanks but it is cheap and easy to construct as long as you don't have too many holes in yours socks. I was wondering if something like this already exists in Fallout or if something like this could be made in the form of a mod.? http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/Half%20Brick%20Sock_zpsluzcsaay.jpg
  21. I guess the Nexus is still a place of wonders and mysteries and constant re-exploration for me. New content is always being added.
  22. I've had to reset my laptop back factory settings on more than 2 occasions losing Fallout: 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and all the mods I had installed plus the NMM to boot. Now I have my games and Mods I use backed up on USB memory sticks but I can always download Steam and re-download the games over again.
  23. I've watched a few anime like Robotech <--( T.V. series, Movies and Pen & Paper RPG from Palladium Books & Harmony Gold. ), Space Battleship Yamato, NausicaA Of The Valley Of The Wind, Vampire Hunter D and a few others so i'll check out the one you have suggested.
  24. In a Universe with advanced technology like Fallout you would imagine that the Pipboy radio could be played through a sub-dermal implant in the ear so only the player can hear it. Well that's just my 2 cents.
  25. Hmmm well i'll give this mod a try It looks pretty much like what I was looking for but with a different twist. Thanks for pointing this mod out everyone.
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