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Everything posted by tnu

  1. This has been bugging me for a while. You give these precious pre-war artifacts in exchange for some caps and they re never seen again. Now with giving the Lincoln stuff to the Slavers I can understand this but to give them to Washington or the Temple of the Union they should be put on display someplace. Either within the relevant area of Rivet City, a new Cell connected to that area, or a new cell or relevant area in the Lincoln Memorial seems fitting enough depending on who you give each item to. Just seems odd that these items are never to be seen again. Maybe add some descriptive plaques?
  2. You read my mind Wolfy. first thing that came to mind when noticing this thread was "Rainbow Dash". Fallout needs more ponies!
  3. A thousend times yes. There is no greater Wizard then Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden (conjure by it at your own risk) maybe it can invole finding a new Tavern (You know the one) and getting the quest form a certain bartender.
  4. Glad to see you're still in the game. We've lost so manhy good modders over the years its good to see an old hat still active.
  5. Hey man. Just wanted to drop in and say hello and that I hope you're doing well. How's life? How's schooling?I've been kind of curious about exactly what kidn of game Attack of the Megalobster is and if its getign some sort of public release. Hope you're having fun and hope we're all doing a good job of holding the fort for you.
  6. This is a joke. your a joke. Your dishonest, and most of all to put it in the words of bben you're a thief. You're stealing from this community its cntent and its resoruces and wors tof all jsut like most thieves who get away with theft you claim its "for the greater good". Let's not beat around the bush. calling him a pirate is generous callign it piracy is generous lets call it what it is. Theft.
  7. Hey i'm looking for a vampirism mod to hold me over until Madmole or CDM come out with theirs. Looking for something with alittle depth. vampire ages stages and unique powers. perticularly turning others in to vampires?
  8. Oh no my team only makes add-ons for the mod itself. we have ntohign to do with making that spectacular peice of work you see there. We just use it as a base for creating other mods.
  9. I am very much excited! I loved Run the Lucky 38 and this looks like everythign Fable 3 should have been. It's a very ambnitious project so I wihs you the best my friend.
  10. well done bben. I just finished reading your rant on Piracy actually and it was spectacular. I'd rant about it myself but I odn't think this is the place.
  11. If you're itnerested i'm getting a team together to make a Radio Station for this mod.
  12. This saddens me greatly. REZ01 was a very talented modder and his contributions tot he community were spectacular. I ony wish I knew why he left and how to contact him.
  13. Actually a good portin of the surface of the Moon is already done in Mothership Zeta Crew If you wouldn't mind helping my team and me we may be working on an add on to return to the moon.
  14. No, Dialogue in Lonesome Road explicitly states its from Ulysses S Grant.
  15. though i'd be more itnerested in cleaning out the Vault and Dunwich Building. destorying such potential is so saddening.
  16. I had d a different idea wheerein it would be blown to bits from orbit by the Terran Starship Command.
  17. I'm having some trouble. I updated Wry Flash to Version 30. I keep clicking the Launcher pyw and nothing happens. Now I can't even get 29 to work. I install it as I usually do by extracting it to the Fallout 3 folder NOw it will not launch. I tried reverting to 02.9 and nothing changes.
  18. reminds me of the encumbrance system. So what tool should be used to get around this?
  19. What is the phantom mod limit? I've been having this issue at times as well so i've been trimming down my laod order.
  20. This mod incorporates the rashed ship in to its own quests in a small role as well as adding much more to the main mothership if you'ree interested http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8747
  21. tnu

    I Read That As

    This is a fun little thread if it belongs elsewhere please tell me. It's basically where you post misreadings of posts, topic titles, and quotes from the Nexus forums and related sites. for instance, I read "I Will Touch What I Want" as "I Will Torch What I Want". You get the idea. One thing. This is not a hardline rule by any means just a suggestion. If the misreading was of a mod thread or page it would be very nice to plug the mod or mod author in the process of posting it. The fine modders of this community could use the publicity.
  22. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1516 This can achieve what you're looking for.
  23. The Project has some elements of it.
  24. Cool. Though the high mountains of Skyrim would be a perfect place for a mages tower.
  25. No actually. it's mentioned quite explicitly in Lonesome Road if you have the right stats.
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