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Everything posted by Sphered

  1. I just equip a non-skinned object with collision which uses all slots. Example here if you want to copy over the record details to your mod. Unless they changed something in SSE, in regards to this, it does the job well and no nifskope needed https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RxqrFMoYj89S13E60qsZ14uAXAwE5DlA/view?usp=sharing Note this renders you visually invisible. Enemies still see you and everything otherwise remains unchanged as if you are standing there in plain view
  2. Lotta stuff is preference or simply going with whats familiar If you are dealing with multiple scripts and expect frequent communication and variable modification, etc etc, especially when busy like combat situations, indeed you will want to declare many elements and make the game have to work as little as possible to resolve things. In my deal I send a pet off while im messing around in town or whatever, and one time, upon return I fetch a couple GetForm calls which wont matter here Those debug calls as you might figure, are for test usage and generally you should have those papyrus settings set to off in your inis unless actively wanting their data Declaration names dont matter. I often call mine PCA and PCO for player. One when its actor and one when just needing as ObjectReference. Doesnt matter what they are called, but you have to call them something
  3. Do you mean literal items, or are you just meaning refs? Either way, there is no arbitrary "limit" perse. What the objects are, and how complex their model is, etc weigh heavily into what extent their presence impacts performance-wise Could stack a 100 generic books on eachother and likely wont make any real impact at all. But five levitating 4k HD books with fancy animations going on, will quickly add to performance issues As for locking them in, yeah thats a thing. "Dont havok settle" for one. Also might want to mark as sandbox-ignored as applicable. And doors can be flagged unusable, etc
  4. Oh thats just preference there. You can declare player and 0xF gold if you want to, I just like to keep things clean and avoid properties etc if they arent really necessary Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(GoldBaseObjectRecord) works perfectly fine too Was glancing at the ObjectReference script and saw another SKSE one called ResetInventory() I didnt recall seeing before. If I were guess, it does the same thing as Formlist's Revert() for a container. Could be convenient too perhaps
  5. I wanted a animal companion for this Enderal playthrough that doesnt do much damage but does kinda cheese the inventory system where I hand him heavy stuff and then once in a while tell him to go sell everything he has. He has one item I want to exclude so I handle that in the array. Uses that GetContainerForms() call I mentioned which IMO is one of the better ways to orchestrate this Actor MeTheFollower = Self as Actor; Just clarity. My script simply casts as self Form[] Things = MeTheFollower.GetContainerForms() Int Counter Int Digit While Digit < Things.Length Bool CanSell = Things[Digit].GetName() != "Night Light" If CanSell Int Total = MeTheFollower.GetItemCount(Things[Digit]) Counter += Things[Digit].GetGoldValue() * Total MeTheFollower.RemoveItem(Things[Digit],Total) EndIf Digit += 1 EndWhile ;RefreshFol(); Just my routine to port back to me when done Debug.Notification("Items were sold for " + Counter as String + " pennies") (Game.GetForm(0x14) as ObjectReference).AddItem(Game.GetForm(0xF),Counter,True)
  6. Prolly a repo somewhere with all SKSE commands but really, just look at the scripts themselves. They are all documented there directly. It can also be useful to sift through them manually since you will also stumble on a lot of non-SKSE calls too, that you dont see mentioned often but could be very useful For your purposes def look at the ObjectReference script. GetContainerForms() and quite a few others are likely to be handy for your goals
  7. Agreed way too broad. Renaming Nazeem to Nazoom and releasing it as a mod, technically would also count as a creation I know my way around code and 3D (mesh) modeling and animations pretty dang well. But you ask me to make a texture or explain what alpha blending is, shyeah right For most people I imagine it begins as just tweaking something you didnt like in a mod, say oh that as ez. Then delve further. Important thing is you enjoy it
  8. Yeah if you are wanting a submenu thatll do. Some reason I got the impression you wanted an alternative to that. Cheers
  9. With the approach you decided to go with, you would just want to have dialogue open a menu, which would kinda defeat the point of having choices in the dialogue just before that You have to be able to relay your selection to pull this off the way you are wanting. The most basic way would be to just have different fragments setup, ready to respond if selected
  10. I didnt see a nif called WETempActivator so assumed I was overlooking it. I now see you are talking about tempportstone01.nif Id say disregard anything the preview in CK says, if thats all you are relying on. I placed an object using that nif in game, and it looks exactly the same as in skope. Not sure what to tell ya on that one :\
  11. Just making sure you are aware of the "Repeat When Complete" checkbox at the very top of the stack, assuming its a stack or sequence. Repeatable within a specific sequence, just means it will repeat if you use another flag to make them re-review their AI
  12. Without glancing at that particular nif, its a good chance you are working with billboard nodes. Those have settings like FaceCamera / FaceCenter / RotateAboutUp / etc etc Those settings only apply in-game aka in skope it will still look trippy-ish kinda at certain angles, but its not doing the in-game billboard effect Could be other factors in play too but that one of the more common ones
  13. You might consider the SKSE function GetContainerForms() and just read/sift through valid types on demand and fetch whatever I've used this before to create a fake second inventory. Pretty handy and at least for me didnt seem to cause performance issues
  14. He could technically do a long ass string actually instead of an array so long as it has a delimiter in there for StringUtil.Split() to have something to tell them apart
  15. Edit. Was thinking dead actor might need telekinesis grab object type instead but nvm it worked with GrabActor for me. Mine has no conditions on the spell, and GetDead() == 1 for the effect. No other conditions I was just testing if this worked at all on bodies
  16. There are various idle sounds not documented in the CK. The records exist, but you see nothing pointing to them. Behavior graphs also invoke sound effects, and until you were to replace those sounds, you may still hear effects you thought you resolved. Are you sure there arent additional files that need to be replaced
  17. Bloodskaal blade does this on power attacks. AnimationEvents or ActorActions are what you will want to register for, to watch for weapon swings. Cast a spell of your choosing on said swing
  18. Sounds neat. Two other things on the door. BlockActivation() is a thing but I imagine youd kinda notice something was doing that. Cant remember if this applies to doors, but other refs require having a name before they can be interacted with. Just weird if its not working otherwise
  19. The nif has flags that are capable of controlling how objects behave and respond in game. If this is a door model you havent successfully used you might try temp using another door mesh to see if thats the culprit. Only thing I can think of beyond record flags in the CK that could also restrict usage
  20. Play around with BSX values in the nif. Use a value other objects (without that issue) use if you happen to be aware of any examples. Otherwise there is also SetMotionType() you can play with. 4 is commonly used for keyframe, and theres another called dynamic. Check out the objectreference script to see what you can choose
  21. Sounds like you created records for base actors. Well and good. That said you have to now also generate facegen for them and place them somewhere in Tamriel. I would do a quick search of how to create followers in skyrim. Tons of guides out there will get you started
  22. .Tri file is needed. And it has to be the correct compatible one. You dont need the Races or Chargen one for a follower, just the main one. But yeah assuming that facepart included a tri file, you need to point to it in the mod, for the game to properly animate that facepart
  23. If properties are correctly attached in the scripts within the mod, merging is fine since it updates IDs accordingly during the merge. Game.GetFormFromFile I could see having issues though since it is fetching a specific ID and isnt attached. Unless thats accounted for in the merge tool. I havent merged stuff in a while but I never ran into an issue with scripts personally. YMMV I guess
  24. Following != Teammate Following is nothing more or less. Doesnt even have to be an actor they are following. Just the AI pack they are using has xyz ref as the pointer. Your NPC there has a package that is telling him to follow you. Which package depends on quest priority or otherwise whichever one is "active" at that time for him, and the conditions give him a green light to do that Aliases need to be flagged as optional if you dont want issues there with empty slots causing others to not fill properly. Persistence matters here too. If in doubt make all aliases optional and fill them manually. IDK just sounds messy whatever is going on
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