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Everything posted by Ryuukage0101

  1. In the Project Nevada(mod) you can decide the "rareity" of weapons/ammo and such.
  2. In short, an armour that makes you green?..
  3. Just thought it would be cool with some kind of zome-in/out effect if you get a headshoot and bones EXP for it. LIke for every 10 headshoots you get 10XP, then for every 100, you get 100XP and so on.
  4. to be more precis! The legion uses every weapon they get there hands on, but the are mostly skilled with close-combat and melee weapon. A reason could be 1: melee weapon doenst jam or have to reload. Hehe, it would be pretty cool if some of the legion troops had flamethrowers. since they are pretty "closecombat" and fearfull.
  5. So yeah as the title says, why does the game crash? I mean, sometimes I totally understand like when there are lots of changing shadows or FX on the screen. But Sometimes the game just seems to crash at random. remembered a time when I played like 3 hours straight, no problem!! Then another time I just stood still in "wasteland" and CTD for what seems be no apparent reason. So could anyone give a fairly detailed answer why? and one thing more! what causes theis crashes? is it mods that dont "compilate" well with the game engien?
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxaIvJMhzYw
  7. This sounds kind of interesting, I would love to see flying "air ships" in the horizon while traveling the desert. To bad I dont have any clue of how to make models or script! But I did got an Idéa for a script. How about a script that calculate the distance from the player to lets say where the LOD terrain/objects start to "spawn" And then set a height. Like that you could have zeppelins always flying in the distance? right?
  8. I can see an assemblance in the armour and some NCR armours/ combat armour, I would say that if someone knows nifscope and have a fair amount of PS skills it wouldnt be that hard to do a "look-a-like" armour https://www.dropbox.com/s/5w2wls7zbzos34v/armour.png
  9. Haha I wouldnt say "perfect" but ye, that guys knows his stuff. One "layer" doesnt need to be larger then goodsprings cave or north freeside, since i know the immense time it can take to make a dungeon or "level". thats why i would like to see more people work on such project.
  10. So I just got inspired from the Deeper mod, to make a dungeon/ evolving dungeon. that would go further and further into the ground. Think of a dungeon with "layers" first of the first layer would be pretty vanilla; a dungeon with lets say um "gigant rats" and kinda boring loot, but as you go deeper down the dungeon gets harder and harder. And loot get better and better? Ex: Layer1 cave layer2 Abandon vault layer3 ant nest Layer4 crawler nest layer5 Another vault (and so on). It could go even deeper than that (pun intended) if you made a dungeon/cave system someone else could use that system and "build on it". and after lets say 10 layers (mods) someone do a merge, and merge together all the layers(mods). in to a gigantic dungeon?
  11. Naa man, no need! and yes the overhaul gave the NCR what they deserved.
  12. Hey man sweet! I like the backpacks, I did manage to find this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/52721/? ^ It was pretty much what I was looking for :)
  13. ye i saw that, but im not interested in that one, I just want the "weather"/ "fog" I remember some weather mod that had an option where you could activate "Silenthill fog" I found out that nevada skies have what I was looking for! this topic can be "scrapped" or deleted
  14. I would like to see a mod that add thick fog like in Silent hill ( maybe you could choose how dens i should be in some many).
  15. No GS please.I want a place near the action in the north of Vegas. BTW I would be grateful if someone point me where the modding tutorials live. If you want something done right do it your self @Flemeth. Want to try to create something for my self. Well Seddon4494 on youtube have some nice and simple tutorials. Check his channel :)
  16. Please could someone do so the Robot scorpion(the big one) in the forbidden dome are a little smaller. I mean like x5 the normal size, rahter then x9999 Hope you understand what I mean.
  17. Btw! the mods looks super cool! If you need help with "creating" stuff I would be interested :)
  18. Sure it does, just tweek the ini file. And! install CCF explorer and change so the fallout exe can access more then 2GB ram
  19. Not many people like to "jump on" a train that they doesnt know where its going.
  20. So Im playing skyrim on a fairly low "end" computer weak CPU that is. Yet I find skyrim very beautiful (playing with Imaginator ). Still time to time i get lags/framdrops often when I get to citis or places that have very high FX or lots of clutter that generates "shadows" So I though to myself. "im going to make a mod where I remove some of the "overflowing clutter and FX there ought to be more people like me who would like that." And now here im. Im pretty new to modding. But I have both the time and the heart to do it. Now I just wonder in generall do you think this is a good mod Idea?
  21. Oh thanks mate! I think it was "that" i was looking for :)
  22. Just need to know how to make the shadows of Objects (like houses) update less frequent, I know there should be a mod or a setting to change that. Remember I saw that in one of Gophers vids, does anyone know how? or what mod that was? /thanks in advance
  23. So with mods like these? it will be A-okay? Skyrim Project Stability-Increase performance and NEVER freeze again Gigantic Skyrim FPS Performance Patch Skyrim Performance PLUS
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