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Everything posted by Reynard131

  1. What driver are you using > Try 344.60 if you have not yet
  2. Where is the pagefile set and how large is it ? Is windows managing it ? What is the brand and Size of SSD ?
  3. Just confirming your point GPU horsepower is king the memory controllers are not that critical. The cards R9 290X and the GTX 970 are both using the same TMSC TW 28 nm silicon they are different only in the photo-lithography process.
  4. I picked up an EVGA KR ACX 2.0 GTX 970 about a week after launch the early drivers were ok but last week the 344.65 drivers solved all the little issues. I could have gotten a discounted GTX 780 3GB but was glad I passed. they have the same value as the 970 but the 9xx cards are much cooler running with a TDP of 170 watts. It is much cooler and have not had coil whine. The overall efficiency is much better. When I bought Zotac and Gigabyte were the only other cards available. I'm able to stream YouTube/Twitch @ 4000 kbs on Ultra and still be solid 50-60 FPS @1080p GTX 970 is definably the bang fer the buck card.
  5. Simply mirror existing O/S installation on to SSD then change the drive letter in Windows... You can dual boot your O S just change drive letters around. there are other ways as well. You can use disk manager in Windows
  6. GTX 970 TDP is 140 watts i5 4690k is a TDP of 84 watts Good information is so easy to get ... Yanking numbers out of the air.... The actual system usage is here Straight from good sources http://www.hardocp.com/images/articles/1414970377FWgAjDtieB_9_1.gif Source: http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/11/03/asus_gtx_970_strix_directcu_ii_video_card_review/9#.VFpl98mvfng Source: http://www.hardocp.com/images/articles/1401752020S1ZfWBGnjt_1_7_l.jpg http://www.hardocp.com/images/articles/1401752020S1ZfWBGnjt_1_7_l.jpg
  7. That was incorrect. Also, the terms of the art are "reference" and "non-reference", so I'll use them from now on. In general, most video cards today use reference PCB (the board with electronic components). Non-reference PCB are almost without exception better than reference PCB. Reference PCB are built to the lowest price point that feasibly supports the GPU... if you're lucky. GTX570 was notoriously built below that price point, resulting in reference cards burning up at an unusually high rate. All non-reference ones used GTX580's or better power circuits and were free from the problem. The cheapest cards you find use reference PCB with non-reference cooling. Same electronics, different fan. You don't get a better PCB in cheap cards, but you get the same PCB. Non-reference cooling ranges from ~as good as reference to a lot better. So, in short, at worst you're getting the same product, other times a slightly better one. Very very long ago, making a video card used to be pretty simple, and ATI and Nvidia just sold the GPU chip, not the whole card. Everyone was free to design what they wanted and there were some cheaply built non-reference cards. This gave ATi and NV a bad rep, so they came up with reference designs as a minimum baseline. Third party manufacturers aren't permitted to go below that baseline in quantifiable ways set by the manufacturer. As such they can only make the same or better, not worse. What is the display resolution you are aiming at ..? The primary difference in the Titan part to part was memory controller bit depth, and VRAM Density. Titan series cards are going to be reference coolers. All video cards are produced at Foxconn TW to re brander/partner specifications.
  8. Nv has GM 200 A1 Taped out and is in Production at TSMC The Foxconn TW production will be starting soon GTX 980Ti/Titan X or whatever name is given will be very late 2014. The GM 200 A1 ES are in Validation as we speak. http://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-gtx-980-ti-gtx-titan-x-coming/ His facts are fairly accurate.. More trust able than Fuad Or Charlie.
  9. He has a 1000 budget pretty obviously. http://www.hardwareluxx.de/images/stories/galleries/reviews/2013/haswell-launch/diagramme/skyrim-high.jpg There is 1.2 FPS difference part to part i7 4770 to i5 4670. In Skyrim @1080p Source: http://www.hardwareluxx.com/index.php/reviews/hardware/cpu/26405-haswell-test-intel-core-i7-4770k-and-i5-4670k.html?start=14 That is a very expensive 1.2 FPS that money is better spent in better GPU. Hyperthreading only benefits certain games. We can throw around anecdotal evidence all day. HardwareLuxx is a very reputable site like Anandtech here. There are also similar results on the older series of CPU's in the graphic.
  10. When you disable mods with an existing character, you get orphaned scripts that create the instability. As you build a character up you should add mods but only rarely remove them and then have a regression plan of hard saves that allow you to backtrack.
  11. Not unless you mirrored your HD as a back-up simple precaution to this kind of failure.. If you didn't your are stuck installing each individually When you get something that you have everything in place and running right you need to back it up.. Windows basic rule.
  12. There is nothing to gain by an I7 for Skyrim. The PSU you speced is a cheap builders series PSU... A quality 600-650 watt will keep it from becoming a smoking heap of garbage. SeaSonic S12II 620 Bronze 620 Watt http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151096&ignorebbr=1 Antec HCG M Series HCG-620M http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371059
  13. This kind of info helps a lot. Seen u help out in a lot of threads Amyr. Thanks a lot. I'm also trying to find a good GPU upgrade and this thread has been helpful. Guess I'll wait for the 970. Currently running a 3gb gtx 780 and wanting at least 4gb. Amyr, if I had $1000-$1500 to spend on a single GPU, could you make a suggestion? No one seems to actually want to make a specific suggestion in that price range. They only want to give philosophical advice on the matter. what about the new r9295x2 that came out? i think the EVGA one was like $1500 when I checked. I'd love a 6-8gb GPU that's fast. The thing that is not being said is that they have terrible heat issues the single cards that have multiple GPU's have twice the heat to dissipate. It sounds good but the reality is that you have heat saturation of the PCB and the coolers are not up to the task. VRAM is error correcting meaning based upon temperature the VRAM changes CAS if the sensors burn out you get errors.. Lots of them. Stutter city.. Almost everyone that I know that has done this has regretted it. This is why there are so few of them produced. The current ones are liquid cooled and they are cheap coolers that are not able to deal with the thermal load.
  14. Edit: Because ENB is an API the 262 version binary might have issues with the new 9XX series drivers. This is one other possibility to consider this would create save corruption issues that can manifest itself a few ways. My girlfriend uses Realvision ENB and I added it to my PC and had the same issue as you that is what based this off of. I hate ENB but thought would try because new cards capability it created major issues... I finally got pissed and Reinstalled everything........ Now Vorontsov is on my fecal matter list...
  15. http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html This website, widely considered to be the best source of benchmarks on the web says differently. Whether one card has 8gb or two cards has 4 gb is irrelevant. the workload is being split evenly between the 2 GPUs, as you said, reaching "theoretically, the same performance, although almost certainly slightly under. Computer lab speeds and off the shelf speeds are never the same. Regardless, both cards should be more then capable of running Skyrim at 4K+. O.K. GM 200 A2 has only just recently taped out at TMSC TW the production has not started at Foxconn TW yet on this card. They are a very late Q4 14 launch.meaning you are spewing FUD...Retail pieces are about 60 days out. Based upon your VRAM statement the New GM 200 will have 4GB 6GB, and 8GB of VRAM Tsun probably has a few floating around but beyond that they are in validation. The naming has not been finalized either. Wow, my apologies, i didn't notice that, will edit it now. Wishful thinking on my part XD. Its actually the 780 TI I have. A number of credible sources state that it will be released in December and will be 8GB. The rumoured specs are here: http://www.game-debate.com/hardware/index.php?gid=2490&graphics=GeForce%20GTX%20980%20Ti%208GB. So much VRAM for one card, high res texture heaven! Edited It takes a big man to admit mistake !!! Cool beans !
  16. Stay on the Dragon and ride him til his death, and repeat two more times. Then you can obliterate him...(Best Way) Or box him.. slowly or use dull dagger but needs to be slowly thru the death of the three dragons.
  17. R9 295X2 is a dual GPU card. It doesn't actually have 8GB of VRAM. That "8GB VRAM" you're talking here gets split between GPU0 and GPU1 and then when you start playing games the info(basically your VRAM usage) gets mirrored to both GPUs, meaning that you might have "technically" 8GB VRAM but you will also use double the VRAM than before. So in a short sentence, if you're Skyrim was using 3.5GB VRAM before, it will now use 7GB. Meaning that you will only have 1GB VRAM left to split between two GPUs. And you should also know that 295X2 basically consists of dual 290X on a single PCB which is kinda the AMD equivalent of GTX 980 SLI. So unlike what you said, GTX980 is not better than 295X2, it's not even close to it. 295X2 is almost twice as faster than a single GTX980. So in short sentence; No, 295X2 doesn't have more VRAM than GTX980, both have equal. No, GTX980 is not better than 295X2 performance wise, not even remotely close. People here tend to think of VRAM in "static" terms and not understand that it is a FIFO Buffer for the GPU. The drivers use hardware detection algorithms to properly utilize the VRAM appropriately. VRAM has error correcting based on temperature if the error correction fails you get errors. If the drivers are not purging the FIFO correctly it will also cause issues. VRAM is also shadowed in Physical RAM/PageFile. VRAM has nothing to do with frame buffer FPS, that strictly is determined by graphical GPU computing horsepower and memory controller effectiveness..
  18. O.K. GM 200 A2 has only just recently taped out at TMSC TW the production has not started at Foxconn TW yet on this card. They are a very late Q4 14 launch...Retail pieces are about 60 days out. Based upon your VRAM statement the New GM 200 will have 4GB 6GB, and 8GB of VRAM Tsun probably has a few floating around but beyond that they are in validation. The naming has not been finalized either.
  19. Well Esc -> new save takes under two seconds. When I say autosave I mean on dungeon entrance, on room entrance, you'll do so much things before your progress will be saved. I know when you want to do a clean mod removal or upgrade you always do a normal save (Remove mod, save, load game, save, install mod, save, load game and you're set!) Authors asking to do something along the lines of that means save > autosave for some reason. Thing is I don't want to kill my drive by writing saves and deleting them constantly. While writing this post I deleted 2gb in save files, 200 saves (Divided by 2 because of the .skse file) and that's from one game session of about a few hours. 12mb per save -- samsung 840 evo sata 3 line; don't wanna kill it. You need to understand that an SSD has a MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure) that is in the decades... the reliability factor is so superior to HDD Drives fail for two reasons shorting out... or other component failure. They continue to read after failure.
  20. The thing that I have found is that the view URL must be used ... If the embed info is used it creates issues
  21. yeah it was found and registered in renderinfo. To be honest Im clueless about why it did not work after reinstalling skyrim. Im not qualified to even start to guess what happened and Im not sure what that can make skyrim crash. Next step is to uninstall all Steam applications. i have steam installed in 3 different locations and maybe this some how for unknown reason can cause this. hehe..no its water cooling :tongue: Its a very stable clock but I have to use 1.325 voltage to make it really stable so Im not sure how air cooling will like that :smile: I have just purchased a GTX 970 and have been having similar issues. I spent most of last weekend tracing down goofy issues. I got an EVGA GTX 970 ACX 2.0 KR series. First nV 9xx series drivers have poor support of Skyrim. Some mods were creating CTD's with my middle level character rather than my high level one. You only have three drivers to choose and they are fine with everything else(other games)for the most part. I spent an hour on the phone with NVIDIA Monday and was making sure that they understood the issue. You need to make this same call to their "corporate escalation team". It will help validate a bigger issue rather than a single rant. I know that there are others out there that are suffering these same issues but it seems to be application related. Because the flow of these cards has been tight, there are relatively few in the field, and running Skyrim. The supply is hand to mouth and I'm sure that his is aimed at selling the 7xx series. All Videocards are made at FoxConn TW and built to "Partner Brand Specifications". Both Manufacturers use the same TSMC Silicon Foundry and the Lithography process is the only difference. I'm pretty sure that is the supply bottleneck as with any launch. There is no doubt that the cards are amazing, but this is a pain. I was asked to beta test a new mod over the weekend, and it was a very large pain the drivers were black screen crashing the driver would puke and precision would stop the fan setting. I'm able typically to game for hours and never crash even streaming OBS to Twitch.tv or YouTube. My high level character is able to do this still, but the mid level guy had issues this was relevant because the mod that was being tested was a Civil War related mod. You are the second person with a GTX 980 that has had either performance or stability issues.. Hope this helps Again Call NVIDIA Direct.. Edit: Because ENB is an API the 262 version binary might have issues with the new 9XX series drivers. This is one other possibility to consider this would create save corruption issues that can manifest itself a few ways.
  22. My personal view is that you can keep MO... I use NMM and nothing else... I have 220 mods in place currently I don't use LOOT Or BOSS.. or Wrye Bash TESV Edit and that is it... I can play for hours and never CTD. I test new mods and they are adjusted until stable or removed.. My mod list is very stable..
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