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Everything posted by Arthmoor

  1. Actually it was a booklet published by Acton & Dystel in 1991 that said it. Breitbart.com simply found it and reported on it. Seems like a perfectly legit news item to me. Lends support to the FACT that the left wing media never looked into Obama's past at all, and are still covering for him now. We care where he was born because it's the law. The Constitution. Perhaps you've heard of it? Obama refused to provide his birth certificate, yet the Democratically controlled Congress of the time in charge of certifying these things allowed him to be put on the ballot anyway. Without verifying it. We didn't demand a birth certificate from Bush because he provided it willingly. We didn't demand one from McCain because he provided it willingly. The left wing press tried to smear McCain with it anyway because he was born in Panama - except they deliberately left out the small but critical detail that he was born on a US military base, which made him a US citizen. Since it's pretty damned obvious at this point that Obama had nothing to hide, why did he continue to do so for TWO WHOLE YEARS?
  2. Yes, the reason was because that mod which shall not be named was directly converting Morrowind's assets into Oblivion. That's illegal.
  3. Your link is broken btw. Bad formatting.
  4. Which is a very unfortunate situation to be in for everyone. It was only LOD data. The actual landscape doesn't exist.
  5. Producing a game on the scale of that hypothetical TESVIII would mean Bethesda would have to wake up and recognize PC gaming as the superior platform. Consoles would die trying to process that much data.
  6. That warning string in the ini file has been there forever and I've never seen it displayed on screen for any reason. It existed in Oblivion too, and never once popped up somewhere. The last TES game I know of where it did was Morrowind.
  7. My personal preference would be to see the next game set in 4th era Argonia. Of all the provinces we've been told about, that one sounds like the most exotic and interesting.
  8. Why bother unless they fix the navmesh bug... :whistling:
  9. Correct. Disabled objects have no impact on performance.
  10. Careful, there's some conspiracy nuts out there who actually believe stuff like that :P Manchurian Candidate!!!
  11. Bethesda isn't developing it. They are however publishing it, and marketing it. So it's entirely false to say they have nothing to do with it. They will be the ones giving the red or green light on the production release, which as we already know means buggy mess at launch. Also, Zenimax and the two Bethesdas are populated by essentially the same people. They're just separated the way they are for legal purposes.
  12. No idea, since I don't use stuff like that, but I've read around that ENB isn't compatible with Patch 1.5.
  13. I think you're well aware of your own lie here but what's sad is that you've repeated it often enough that you seem to think it's true. Considering your morals are so atrocious in all of this, I'd hate to see what your investors must be like. Assuming you've actually told them of course.
  14. "Different engine, different team" - Words of this nature were spoken about New Vegas. Result? Buggy mess. Who did the QA? Bethesda, not Obsidian. Not that it would have made much difference in that particular case, Obsidian is possibly the only company worse about bugs than Bethesda. Zenimax may as well BE Bethesda. It's all the same people on the back end of things. It's only useful as a legal distinction. Their lack of coherent QA procedures will bite them in the ass on this one. There's just no way around it.
  15. I don't see how this could work. A "translations" category would by necessity need a ton of subcategories under it or you'd be looking at a massive dumping ground of unorganized files. That doesn't help anyone.
  16. It didn't save into the ESP because ctrl+f4 generates texture files for the NPCs. There's nothing broken here to fix, you just need to make sure you gather up the files for these. They'll have files in: meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\<filename for the mod> textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\<filename for the mod> Also, in the texture folder, there will be .dds and .tga files. You only need to keep the .dds files there along with the meshes from the other folder.
  17. There's a huge difference between spinoff games that are ALSO single player diversions and a huge MMO that's going to be filled with thousands of screaming children who were bored with WoW and want to see what this TES thing is all about. IMO, this is the cancer that will kill TES some day. No good comes of this, unless the Divines smile on us and cause the MMO to implode in a spectacular way that leaves no doubt about it being a total flop.
  18. Wait, what? So then what caused my gas, food, and energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket" (Obama's words) then? If it wasn't inflation, what was it? Hint: The reason the media doesn't report that there's inflation is because the government no longer includes gas, food, and energy costs as part of the formula. They quit doing that after Reagan pounded Carter in 1980. Part of that propaganda machine everyone talks about but obviously doesn't truly understand.
  19. Not usually one for petitions, especially for porting console titles to PC, but that preview. Holy crap.
  20. I fail to see how. People working for said corporation are getting paid from the funds generated by them. Taxing the corporate income before taking another bite by taxing the individual income is most certainly a double dip. Not to mention the 3rd bite taken out of someone with lots of money who has the misfortune of doing nothing more than dying.
  21. It was a somewhat rhetorical question btw. I was attempting to make a point, which it appears some people are willfully ignoring for whatever reason. Nope, I was posing this question to make my point since Ghogiel, myrmaad, and marharth seem to be of the opinion that selectively double dipping with corporations is perfectly fine. Either we allow them all the rights of a legally distinct entity or we don't. Selectively choosing which ones apply to them and which ones don't reeks of certain other practices the US should be less than proud of. The law treats each corporation as a single distinct legal entity, so if you're going to enforce the will of tax law on them, then they should get one vote each. I think perhaps you may have misunderstood what I've been trying to drive home here, but I'm pretty sure the other 3 know precisely why I'm making this point and they just don't want to admit to it. Especially considering the whole thing derives from taxation without representation. Apparently a whole lot of people think it's perfectly ok to take their money in taxes, but think it's just plain slimy when they object and begin sending lobbyists to Congress in order to change tax law. That's all I've been after trying to point out here. I don't think it's a huge leap considering Citizens United even acknowledged corporations have a right to free speech.
  22. This one statement goes right to the core of the issues I'm getting at. It sure seems to me that a lot of people have a solid grasp on the concept of double dipping. We don't allow corporations to vote because the people who run them get to do that themselves. So can someone PLEASE explain to me why a corporation can be taxed? It's double dipping since the individual people working there have all been taxed already on the money they make. Why are corporations legally able to sue? Why can they run their own bank accounts? Why do we allow corporations to file bankruptcy and then not hold the individuals on the board accountable when that happens? They're already being treated by numerous aspects of the law as separate legal entities. I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to vote as their own legal entities because of that. It's either that or we stop treating them as legal entities at all - which means no more taxes, no more bankruptcy protection to shield the board, no more allowing a company to sue, etc.
  23. Made my entire point right here, thanks. If they can't vote, then they shouldn't be getting taxed either because that effectively means they have no real representation. So stop begrudging them the one avenue they actually DO have legally unless you're willing to back up your stance in a consistent manner. Either stop taxing them, or give them proper representation.
  24. The law disagrees with you. So is it your contention then that it's OK to tax someone without representation in Congress?
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