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Status Updates posted by Carah

  1. floating heads... heh
  2. Hey there vesemir, congratulations on adopting a rabbit. I love rabbits. If you need any advice on having a happy bunny just ask. :) One thing I do know is giving them what is called "Timothy Hay" you can get at your pet store. Good luck :)
  3. Merci mon amie
  4. I was hoping you would understand my broken French. It's mandatory to learn it in school in Canada. I'm not very good at it ;)
  5. Je vais regarder dans chez mon ami :)
  6. Vous prenez des photos magnifiques.
  7. You being a big help constitutes a friend request. :)
  8. Nice to see you're still alive ;)
  9. I don't frequent the forums a lot, either. My profile pic is my Character and if you check my "About Me" page. Close to the bottom are three characters I play, but I mostly play my female Breton.
  10. Thank-you for posting a screenshot to my mod images of your character in my armour. She looks great! :)
  11. Hi there m'lady.
  12. Get a comment... heh. ;)
  13. Nice to have a new friend :)
  14. Yum... but I don't think we'll need it.
  15. Happy birthday, babe.
  16. Nice to see you posting screenies, again. It's refreshing to see something different.
  17. Thank-you for the flowers.
  18. Nice to see Moderators cracking down on the ridiculous behavior in Skyrim's image share and download sections.
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