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Status Updates posted by Carah

  1. Checking-in to say you're in my thoughts, and miss you. Hope life is treating you well, and if Malachi and myself even make it across the pond. We'll have to get together.
  2. I love your profile pic.
  3. Well hello, gorgeous.
  4. I love it when you bring me coffee in the morning. You're the best!
  5. I really enjoy your comments. Nice to see a polite and intelligent soul in the forums these days.
  6. Thank-you for the b-day wishes, and I'm glad you are able to enjoy my mods in OB. As for modding for Skyrim. It will happen, but not for a long time.
  7. Thank-you for taking me out for Indian Food for my b-day. You're the best!
  8. Nice to see your pictures in the top images. Oh... and I will double post... just to let you know.
  9. Nice to see your pictures in the top images. Oh... and I will double post... just to let you know.
  10. No... you're the best!
  11. Nice to hear from an old friend.
  12. Nice to hear from an old friend.
  13. I can just pinch you...
  14. Happy Holidays to my favoritest Bovine.
  15. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
  16. thank-you, and have a happy holiday to you and yours.
  17. Have a holly jolly holiday!
  18. Gersilla looks good for 300+ years old.
  19. Idiots! Even with screenshots.
  20. Sure I'll have it, but I'll have to give you my half. So I won't have one half too much.
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