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Everything posted by sgtKraigO

  1. Personally I don't think we should change too much in Zion other than add 1-2 tribes and a few NCR ranger stations
  2. Zion park ranger, not a NCR ranger So park rangers are trying to push the tribes off the land or am I getting my mods mixed up?
  3. I'm confused, I thought the Rangers were going too be NCR rangers sent to push the tribes off their land so they could farm it.
  4. We have no idea how many Tunnelers are left and it would be safe to say the courier barely effected their numbers. I would say the player and Ulysses both did a number on the Marked Men but they're defiantly still a threat, and the courier is suppose to be the ultimate bad ass who can storm into highly irradiated vaults and walk out with less radiation than when he walked in. I have a difficult time seeing a squad of men, with varying backgrounds and expertise, storm into Ulysses temple and set up camp there. Also how are the civilians suppose to get there if it's the capitol?
  5. Ya... I can't see a large group of people making to Ulysses Temple. The amount of Tunnelers, Marked Men, Deathclaws, radiation, and hazards along the way there would just waste too many resources just to get there. I may have the locations of the Tunnelers wrong but anything past them would be pointless to try and settle.
  6. I have a difficult time seeing any humans going past the Missle Base since its relatively easy to get to and would be easy to defend. Also if I remember correctly isn't the area right after the missle base infested with Tunnelers?
  7. I feel the best place for them is the Hopeville Missle Base area. Lately I've been trying to get familiar with editing NPCs but I just plan on adding some defences, civilians, guards in riot armor, and possibly throw in a merchant.
  8. I don't think Ulysses should remain in the Divide. If we were to use him he wouldn't have a voice actor and remain mute. I could see him just leaving without saying a word and if the player asks only a few will have seen him walk away back into the mojave without saying a word.
  9. It's called Run the Lucky 38 http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40531/? I also have these mods that I really enjoy, all of which are really well done http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42808/? <- freeside restoration http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35100/? <- The Strip restoration http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40433/? <- The New Steve Bison and Lucky Casino http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42653/? <- New Vegas Trade Center
  10. If I had to choose whether or not House dies, I would kill him. I see him being a liability down the road, I can't see him opening up his casino so that would be a waste of the best (in my opinion) casino on the strip, and I like pretending the Lucky 38 is mine after his death and that my character opens it up after the 2nd battle (fortunately there's a mod that allows me too do it before it ends).
  11. I'm still not liking those tactics. Also why are they separated? Why not have the entire population just wastelanders and NCR citizens trying to separate from their government. I could see a few escaped legion slaves and some ex-legionaries and spies in with them but those would be the minority. I'm not a big fan of them seperating themselves into groups, if you're an ex-legionary then why not join up with an ex-NCR and a wastelander to better hone each others skills. It's slow. Its been a a while since I've last used the GECK and even then I was never good at it.
  12. I'm not a big fan of the "hammer and scalpel" idea. I can't see there being enough people in the Divide to field a large army so they would limited. They should be well trained, fast reacting, and well armed and armoured. The difference between the uniforms would be due to the hostile terrain the police/town guards would be dealing with compared to the military who would be stationed close to the Divide and possibly at Hoover Dam.
  13. Oh yeah, it's par for the course to alter, add to and delete NPC dialog in some mods. We'll be doing quite a bit of it throughout all the Viva NV mods. I think we even have a voice actor for Yesman if I remember right. Ok, I still think there should be an option too do it yourself but with a high chance of failure.
  14. If Yes Man was an option to turn the securitrons on the strip over to the NCR that would be interesting, but could you patch his dialog together? If not then I would rather have it left up to the player to turn them.
  15. Also with the combat armor I that combat armour should be for regular troops, CA reinforced for the spec-ops, and the CA reinforced mk2 for heavy shock troopers. All painted in either desert camo or something different as I feel the current colours for the CA reinforced and mk2 version are ugly.
  16. I think that you have the right idea, but I think the Elite Riot gear would go towards commanders and such, with advanced being the veterans, and normal being for recruits. I thought the riot gear was going to the police/guards (since it's so harsh in the Divide) and the combat armour was going to the military for mojave operations. Also what if the normal armour was for the police, advanced was for spec-ops, and the Elite was for field commanders. The police armour could be painted a bit different, the spec-ops could be painted desert camo, and the elite armour was just its normal colours.
  17. I think the securitron presence on teh strip may hinge on the players actions with Yesman. If the player has started the Wild Card quest and plugged Yesman into the lucky38 mainframe, the securitrons on the strip can stay just as they are. Yesman becomes the NCR's liaison and interface. If the player hasn't (recruited Yesman) than I guess we need to decide if the courier can influence the outcome. Here's some thoughts or a pitch for how I see it being done (just IMHO); *The player could reprogram the lucky38 mainframe him/herself (100%) science having the same result as above. *If that's not available the player may be tasked with a quest to deactivate (if s/he has the robotics perk) as many of the Securitrons as possible, to be shipped out for use by NCR scientists in the core. They will have no luck and eventually the securitrons will be mothballed. *If s/he doesn't have the robotics perk, the player (possibly along with some ranger allies) will be tasked with disabling the lucky 38 mainframe (to prevent coordination and communication between the securitrons) and then eliminating the securitrons themselves. I could see a long and difficult quest that could (with the right amount of luck) result in the NCR obtaining the securitron army. Here's an example: (Insert name) from the OSI is currently looking into the possibility, talk to them. Go to the lucky 38 and look into it, with X speech you can get 2 scientists to come with you to make the next skill check easier. Look into the securitron mainframe requiring 100 science (maybe 75-80 with the scientists). Go to the vault at the fort. Repair a hidden computer with X repair skill and certain misc parts. Connect the computer to the mainframe. Hack into a test securitron and see if it can be reprogrammed a certain way, this would require 90 science. With X amount of luck and X amount of intelligence it's a success. The player then does it for every securitron in the vault. Go to (insert name here) at the OSI and inform them of your success, they will tell you to try to get ones on the strip changed as well. Go to the Lucky 38. Attempt to broadcast the codes required for the switch, this would require even more intelligence and luck. Inform (insert name) that it was a success. Set up safe guards so that no one can reprogram this way ever again, requires 100 science, X amount of repair, and X amount of luck. (insert name here) thanks you for your hard work, informs you that it will save a lot of NCR trooper lives in future conflict, you can also pass a speech/barter check to get paid for your work. you must also say the right things in order to pull this off as well.
  18. Sorry, run that by me again In order to get past certain points in the game certain NPCs have to die (House for example). It could cause certain conversations to contradict actions the player has done.
  19. I could see a problem arising with conversations not matching up with the players actions in game.
  20. Well I think we have to keep in mind the very real possibility that both may be dead at some point. It's not critical for this ending in the begining, but the lore and decisions we make regarding teh legion are also reflected immediately in the NCR (and possibly House/Ind to a lesser degree) ending (where we can assume that in many NCR faction games, both may have perished by the couriers hand). It's unlikely to be the case in the Legion mod initially, but because all mods have the potential to move into the same state as the Independent, we have to consider the possibility of Caeser and Lanius being killed, by the courier, to usurp the throne. I believe that a replacement Caesar and Legate should be created for the House, NCR and Independent versions of the mod if Caesar and Lanius are already dead. These characters can also be used in the Lanius Legion version of the mod where they can either support the player's coup d'etat or/and challenge the player's ambition to become the next Caesar. I'm not sure if the Legion would select the next badass in line to become Caesar or select someone who was born into the Legion. Considering that Legion was founded in 2247 this would place in the character somewhere between his late 20's or early 30's. The Legion may also try to avoid making another tribal badass become the next Caesar as I'm sure that most of the Legion don't want to suffer under another Lanius. If Caesar and Lanius are dead in the House, NCR and Independent versions then this should give the player and supported faction some breathing room as the Legion are trying to find their next Caesar. When I do an NCR loving courier I kill every named Legion NPC I can find and I try too kill every centurion I find. So I think the next Caesar should be one was out east when old Caesar and Lanius died. It could also be believed he assassinated a few of the legion members who were above him so we don't know how far down the list he was since there were a lot of high ranking members in the fort/mojave. I would also like to see him use frumentarii more than old Caesar and have them go too the mojave to hinder the NCR/House/ Ind operations so he can then possibly take it. This would allow for an antagonist and allow the legion to still be some threat to the Mojave, all be it a fraction of what it use to be.
  21. Ok so here's a list of everything that I would like too see, keep in mind that it's a lot of stuff and some of it will be less likely too happen than other. Also I skimmed the thread but I'm too busy to go through the entire thing. If the Boomers leave Nelis the NCR moves in and uses it as an air force base. If Volare! was completed then the NCR takes control of the bomber. If not then the player could go through a quest similar to Volare! and try too retrieve the bomber for the NCR. If the boomers are still alive the player could see some Gun Runner caravans in or going to and from Nelis. If the player turned in the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty then the player could see some gun runner caravans traveling to Mojave Outpost and the gun runner. Also other caravans could become larger due too the roads being safer. Wolfhorn Ranch is made into a base to monitor traffic and patrol from Nipton to Novac (the NCR could move the turrets from searchlight to wolfhorn.) Nipton is re-populated and cleaned up Novac becomes a part of the NCR (a few guards here and there) Sloan gets a small military outpost and troops patrol the I-15 from McCarren to Sloan, Sloan to Primm, Primm to Majove outpost. (This would depend on the powder gangers, super mutants, death claws, and fiends are dealt with.) The NCR sets up a small navy at Calville Bay and Cottonwood Cove (after the legion has been cleared out) and works with the ranger stations to monitor the river/lake and capture anyone trying to cross illegally. The Fort becomes a checkpoint for refugees and escaped slaves where they're either granted or denied entry into NCR territory camp Guardian is repopulated with rangers from the nearby ranger station and troopers extra troopers. The Lakelurk threat would be dealt with. Hidden Valley becomes a new NCR military base used for research. (You could even mention that they think they have found the entrance too Lost Hills) Several mines are reopened and functioning. The OSI could run them at first but are later sold, the then owners could be still monitored by the OSI to ensure productivity, worker safety, and to make sure no one is stealing the resources. The Securitron army is controlled by the NCR. I know you've mentioned that they're too powerful and no good will come of them but the NCR already has robots in use and the NCR now the most powerful army in the wasteland so its not that much different with the robots. The Strip wouldn't need that much defenses. The NCR wouldn't set up martial law, but I could see the Securitrons being replaced with human police Depending on the ending, the Kings hideout could become police station. The Silver Rush could open up as a casino again. Since the gambling is illegal inside NCR cities I could see them allowing the casinos in NV to remain open but are heavily taxed. This could also aid the NCR in annexing New Reno (If they were going to). The casinos that currently have prostitutes could switch to strippers but with the correct speech check people can sleep with them. If the Fiends are dealt with then Camp McCarren focuses more on training recruits and R&D. Camp Golf becomes are resort. Novac becomes a part of the NCR and troopers patrol the town. Ranger Station Charlie becomes a small motel and restaurant for travelers since Camp Wolfhorn doesn't allow travelers to sleep there. Red Rock Canyon is either empty or raiders become the new inhabitants. (This would depend on the ending chosen) Vault 3 and the surrounding area become a new suburb for NV. Many people who work in the area live here. Samson rock Crushing plant becomes operational and works with limestone from Sloan. Westside, and North Vegas Square joins the NCR and troopers/police patrol the area. Many Militia enlisting into the army/police force. Parts from the crashed vertibird are recycled and the robots guarding them are used in the military (Just put like 2 trucks, some soldiers, engineers, and deactivated robots near the crash sight). It could even be a side quest where you could inform an NCR engineer and they say they will send some people out there to see if it could be salvaged. The Divide becomes populated again and could possibly ally themselves with the NCR. NCRCF becomes operational again and is much more heavily guarded and the inmates are watched more carefully. They could even been seen working on the railways again. It would also be safer to run since Hidden Valley would be a known NCR military base so the convicts would be more wary of over throwing the guards. Some sections of the sewer system are populated (this could be inspired by the Metro series). Vault 19 is ocuppied by NCR engineers, a few OSI scientists, and guards in order to extract the sulfur. After a while Bonnie Springs could be cleared out and repopulated. The mole rat ranch north east of the NV medical Clinic could be occupied by a farmer Bitter Springs sees less and less refugees due too the fort and eventually is abandoned. caravans could be seen traveling to Jacobstown (depending on the ending) and the ranger station could be abandoned (if the Khans have left that is). Get the Southern Nevada Wind Farm (north east of novac) working an providing power for Novac Have the motel across from Camp McCarren open for business EDIT: Also if Kimball dies then I think the vice president should take his place (Can't remember his name, he never shows up in-game, and is very rarely mentioned other then he's the one who convinces Kimball to move rangers from Baja to the Mojave). I would also like to see him try to deal with a lot of the corruption within the NCR government. The state of NV should also have an election for its senators. I was thinking 3-4 max, 1 would be for primm, goodsprings, Bonnie Springs, and sloan, 1 for Novac, Nelson (if turned into a town), and Nipton, and 1-2 for the Strip, Freeside, North Vegas, Westside, and Vault 3. Some of the people running could be conservative, liberal, or independent. Some could be more corrupt than others and if the player supports a corrupt senator then the player could gain money, while a non-corrupt senator could cause the player to lose money (since they would be backing them financially as well) depending on who the courier supports will depend on who gets the job. Depending on their level of corruption and determination the level of corruption in the NCR government could go up or down and the player could see/hear slight changes throughout the mojave (e.g. the minimum wage could be increased and that would result in merchants carrying more cash on them, or the government helps pay for medical so the cost of stimpacks and doctors bags go down while receiving aid right from a doctor is free). Since a lot of actions you do around the the mojave are broadcasted through the radio I think it could also be interesting to have an NCR radio set up and have Mr. NV just play music.
  22. I was actually thinking about doing that very thing. What things would you like to see in it? Just some troopers, barracks, armoury, mess hall, guards patrolling, a typical military base.
  23. I'd assume those who know the terrain or can get into other tribal camps easily. The Twisted Hairs knew the terrain so Caesar used them as scouts. I was under the imperssion he had some knowledge of pre-war tech but learned most of it during his stay at the Divide.
  24. One thing I just remembered is mentioning that the mines around the Mojave could be occupied by workers from the NCR and a few soldiers (for protection) in order to give the feeling that they're still operational and the resources are being extracted. This could work with the Legion as well, except with slaves and a few soldiers (For protection and to ensure the slaves are working). I think if there was a quest behind it it would go something like: Talk to (Insert name) from the Legion/OSI. Locate X amount of mines around the mojave. Clear out any baddies from the mines. Report back to (insert name) and tell them mining operations can begin. If the player finds any more mines then them clear them out and contact (insert name) so they can expand their operations. P.S. you should make an NCR thread as I have a lot of ideas for them XP
  25. Strange that you would argue this point so reverently when we have an obvious example, and it's name sake Rome (upon which the legion is based and follows a similar example of conquest) sets a historical precendent, and it may be that part of the way the other tribes were forced into the legion very well could be abduction of tribal leadership. But you must feel very strongly against the concept of Caesar taking hostages.....although I have no idea why. Do you think it's against his nature? I suspect he woudln't have any qualms against it. But regardless, I have to move on. EDIT dang quote tags, they'r just messing with me today I just have a difficult time seeing the need for hostages when the Legion could just move in and wipe them out. Unless the tribe wants too join and Caesar sent them on an errand there could be need, but if you have a few thousand well trained troops with more in reserve against a few hundred who have no concept of open war then I just don't see a need for it. I also don't see it in Caesars nature too hold hostages for that reason.
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