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Everything posted by sgtKraigO

  1. "7. Helios One. This is a big one for me. After killing the NCR troopers at helios one, the legion sends a mere two soldiers there, and the faction on the main map doesn't change. Realistically control of Helios One would also mean access into Novac (which is guarded in the front by Boone, but the legion can easily slip in the back) and it would mean an easy route through the Scorpion Gulch/Hidden Valley areas. Something as simple as adding more legionaries to Helios One after the takeover or maybe a small assault quest to kill all NCR related citizens in Novac (Boone, Manny Vargas, and Ranger Andy) before having the legion come in for security. This is also where the Legion merchants could come into play as well." I think they should have more men guarding it but Helios One and Novac are very low priorities for the Legion. The only reason they sent men to hold it is to intimidate the NCR.
  2. I can't really see there being a secret base underneath it, and if there was it would most likely be abandoned.
  3. I was thinking you shouldn't remove the Legion completely from the game, maybe have 1-2 small places that are still held by the legion or a group that has split from the legion. Ranger Station Charlie and the Legion raid camp to the east of Wolf Horn Ranch. You could make it a side quest where the player has too go and retake Ranger Station Charlie, find out if there are any other Legion bases still in the Mojave, which would lead the player too the Legion Raid Camp. After the NCR sets up a base at Wolf Horn Ranch.
  4. Well they help you out at the dam, I mean that's the only way you can get in right? Then you turn their base over to the NCR, doesn't seem right. That sounds pretty good to me, plus maybe some more junk. I do like hte idea of a Cazadore queen along with a whole lot of little babies.....even though the're not hive insects. but then again they do have nests.... Don't know if you guys caught one of the two cazodore threads recently in the forum, but I did a bit of research on them. 1. They actully drink nector and 2. they sometimes drink so much of it/fermented they get so drunk they can't fly. Sohard ot say if the mutant type have this, but I think it's colorful enough to throw in. So I thought it would be cool to occasionally have drunk ones flying erratically about. And moosehead brewery could start up again, get pretty big and then get an infestation of cazadores as they break in and suck down the new brews. Of course they're unlikley to leave on their own so the player has to clear them out again. I made a suggestion earlier to rebuild/repopulate Bonnie Springs, the town south of Red Rock Canyon. Maybe you could have a small side quest where a town member asks the player too kill the cazador queen/Legendary in order too save a Brahmin/Bighorner herd or kill them so they can use the land between Red Rock and Bonnie Springs for the herd without fear of attack.
  5. Even if the player has the Remnants fighting for the NCR I doubt that they would be willing to hand over the keys to the bunker and vertibird. Not unless there were given something important like a presidential pardon. I know this is going to sound pretty douchie but the Remnants wouldn't really speak out against the player if the was handed over. After all they kept their old Enclave allegiance a secret. In one ending they get hunted down by rangers even when they support the NCR in the fight and aid in the evacuation. Plus not everything in Fallout is good, the player chooses good or bad, that said an idea came too me. What if the player goes too each surviving member (I say surviving in case any die during the second battle of hoover dam) and ask them if it would be ok to hand the bunker over too the NCR who can put it to good use. Some will need a speech check while others will be ok with it, this would be the good ending for the quest. Alternatively the player could take the easier way and just hand the bunker over without the Remnants consent, this would be fast and easier but give the player negative karma.
  6. Not sure exactly when but we did discuss the idea of a new settlement in Red Rock Canyon made of refugees from Legion territory and wasteland survivalists. The former Viper camp/ cazador spawning ground nearby was suggested as a small trading post but would require a bit of pest control first. I think you also suggested putting in a cazador queen there but I think that a legendary cazador would work just as well. Regarding the idea of claiming the Remnants bunker for the NCR, it does sound like a dbag move to me considering that they helped the player in the battle for Hoover Dam. As for the password, it should be possible for the Remnants to change it just before they left for Hoover Dam. How? The NCR needs more Vertibirds and the Remnants have one that they will never use.
  7. Did we ever come up with something/one to fill the vacuum left in redrock by their departure? Maybe that's where the fiends can go once they lose their battle at McCarran.
  8. I know squat about the remnants bunker, so I don't know if they can lock it up again or if the NCR can get in pretty easy. But if they can get in there and the player tells them, then I think we can go with something like that. The player learns the password so I'd imagine they give the password too the NCR, I will look more into the bunker but I have a rough idea how it could pan out. Player informs someone at McCarran about the bunker (up too you) player has too kill some sort creature(s) around the bunker because the army can't spare a squad of troopers at this time engineers and scientists appear at the bunker, Vertibird goes too McCarran and armour goes too hidden valley few days later the bunker turns into a ranger safe house
  9. I think it would be cool too have a small side quest informing the NCR about the Remnants Bunker, when the player arrives the Vertibird and power armour will be gone and a few engineers and scientists will be turning the place into a ranger safe house, after a few in-game days the player can use it.
  10. Yeah basicly we're going to need a human face, I thought there was a pic of him somewhere as I human but maybe not. If not then we can throw any old face on there and the problem is solved. I could have sworn I seen a picture somewhere in the wiki of him before he was turned into a Marked Man, the developers just didn't add it too the game since you're not suppose too get there before the nuking.
  11. And is Long 15 destroyed? and many ghouls/marked men around?... Sorry I thought you meant he turns a Mark Man after the nuking. Derp. Wait, what?? He's human before you nuke the Long 15 (Don't think a normal ghoul can transform into a Marked Man). When you nuke the Long 15, everything's destroyed and he becomes a Marked Man. I meant when I travel too the Long 15 before the nuking he's a marked man. In the Lore he's human but in game he's marked.
  12. I thought of 3 changes for Jacobstown depending on the ending. If Jacobstown is abandoned then someone turns it into a resort for the rich and famous, although I'm kind of "iffy" one. A mercenary company turns it into their HQ. If it's still populated then I think it would be best too just have a large caravan going to and from the town. Also I think you should get rid of the nearby Ranger Station seeing as the Great Khans leave after the NCR wins the battle.
  13. And is Long 15 destroyed? and many ghouls/marked men around?... Sorry I thought you meant he turns a Mark Man after the nuking. Derp.
  14. I think he's a ghoul isn't he? Well maybe Lucia could do some of her NPC magic and make a credible human face that resembles the wiki. I'm not completely ruling out the Long 15, it just might be more trouble than it's worth. Might be easier to make a new worldspace. I'll just have to look it over to be sure. I didn't nuke the NCR so I don't really have any first hand experience with it. In game he is a Marked Man, which are different than Ghouls. In the Wiki it also states he's a marked man. Personally I don't know the difference other than their skin is different but it has been a while since I've played Lonesome Road. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Royez He's human and if you nuke him he become a "Marked Man" which is another sort of ghoul. When I travel too the Long 15 before I nuke it he's still a Marked Man
  15. I think he's a ghoul isn't he? Well maybe Lucia could do some of her NPC magic and make a credible human face that resembles the wiki. I'm not completely ruling out the Long 15, it just might be more trouble than it's worth. Might be easier to make a new worldspace. I'll just have to look it over to be sure. I didn't nuke the NCR so I don't really have any first hand experience with it. In game he is a Marked Man, which are different than Ghouls. In the Wiki it also states he's a marked man. Personally I don't know the difference other than their skin is different but it has been a while since I've played Lonesome Road. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Royez
  16. That's a bit of a bummer, but I understand. Could it be possible to move Royez too another location, possibly have him in command of Hidden Valley? He could mention that he was in command of a checkpoint a long the Long 15 before being moved too Hidden Valley, this would give the player the impression that it's not destroyed.
  17. this is in response to your statement; I'm not sure if you realize it, but the information you quoted from teh wiki Hoover goes further than just supporting my point, it shows they *had* it, ie they were in possession of it. So if your still trying to promote kingwilfre16's position that the NCR are more like Rome than the Legion, because they would have taken the dam by force but couldn't, I'd say that position was null and void since they *had* it. I'm not trying to say the NCR are like Rome, I'm trying to point out that the reason the NCR didn't take the dam by force was because they knew of the Legion and didn't want too waste troops, not because they felt like being nice to Mr. House. If I remember correctly Mr. House says in game that the NCR could have defeated his army at Hoover Dam but it would leave them weaken and open for attack by the Legion when they show up. Please don't take that word for word as I'm paraphrasing.
  18. I completely agree. It would be nice to see the Long 15 bustling and full of life, and maybe with some small quests too. Agreed, maybe this is where you go to tell the NCR about occupying Hidden Valley. I think for vehicles there should be 3-4 Vertibirds (the wiki says there are several crashed Vertibirds,), at least 4 trucks (the wiki says the base manages supplies between California and Mojave Outpost), a few Brahmin caravans with merchants and mercenaries, and maybe a few motorcycles.
  19. Could it be possible too clean up and repair things around the Long 15? I disliked how when traveling there before the nukes are launched it's still completely irradiated and destroyed. Maybe even have Colonel Royez before he becomes a marked man. I read somewhere else in the forums that it's difficult since the place was made too be destroyed but I was thinking not all of the infrastructure could be repaired seeing as it is in a post apocalyptic world.
  20. "In 2274, Hoover Dam was taken by the New California Republic (NCR) when the first NCR scouts arrived at Hoover Dam. This action spurred Mr. House into action as a sign of returning civilization. Mr. House then sent his Securitron army out onto the New Vegas Strip and rallied the tribals occupying the city, ensuring that when the NCR first reached New Vegas, they would return with stories of a city of lights in the middle of the desert, bringing in the tourist revenue required for Mr. House to carry forward his plans. He worried about the independence of his new city's power source, but fortunately the arrival of Caesar's Legion in the region meant that the NCR could not take the Dam and the Strip without significant casualties, which would leave them vulnerable to the Legion. Mr. House and the NCR drew up the New Vegas treaty, out of necessity more than anything. 95% of the Dam's power output would go to the NCR, and in return Vegas' independence would be guaranteed." http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Hoover_Dam You're right about the Legion not being at Hoover Dam at the time but the NCR knew about them and most likely knew they were headed that way.
  21. Unfortunately the NCR isn't perfect and now there is bad blood between them and mutants. I think Jacobstown would want too stay independent and depending on how the player aids them they would. I personally have no problem with an independent Jacobstown, the NCR is my favorite faction in Fallout and I love Jabcobstown, the mutants need a home like that.
  22. huh? who do you think has been fighting the legion? they were tasked by the treaty to protect in return for the dam and other resources. they *are* in the thick of it, right up to their necks, whether they had NV or not doesn't change that a bit, they are vulnerable. NV had no chance against the legion, or the NCR, that's why they needed an ally until house could acquire an actual army. The only thing stopping the NCR from taking the dam by force was the Legion. Kimball and Oliver knew they could take the dam but would see heavy losses, and with the arrival of the legion they needed every man available too hold them back so they signed the treaty.
  23. I think it would be cool too have them jump further than normal Deathclaws and have the wings flutter as they jump and in the air.
  24. I'm too tired too look dig through the thread if I remember correctly someone mentioned opening/cleaning up the Sierra Madre, if you decide too I think it would be best switch the holograms with real human NPCs and have a few hologram guards protecting important areas. They gave a great atmosphere for the DLC but will give the wrong one for an open one full of people.
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