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Everything posted by sgtKraigO
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
The NCR sure as hell does, to quote npcs "Those khans got the hint! We've shown everyone these are our new territories!" But the strip is controlled by Mr. House and the 3 families. The other places are filled with civilians that were there before the NCRs arrival, well except Freeside which has been seeing an increase in NCR citizens but is still independent. It would make sense for casinos in Freeside and the Strip to offer both Legion and NCR exchange but a casino at the Long 15 that's deep inside NCR territory and far from Legion territory would be odd. -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I never consider the strip or Freeside, Westside, and North Vegas Square being NCR territory just most of the land south and east of them. -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Since the casino is in NCR teritory it wouldn't make any sense (for me anyways) for them to offer legion money for caps and vice versa. Maybe just have them offer caps and NCR money. You could explain why in some dialog with the cashier. -
NCR Occupy's Cottonwood Cover and I-15
sgtKraigO replied to Madamxx's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
And taking over Nelson, destroying Camp Searchlight so badly the NCR won't be able to go near it in a few hundred years, they sacked Ranger Station Charlie, kicked the NCR off the eastern banks of the Colorado river, and is a huge threat to New Vegas and every NCR state. Ya, pathetic... Taking Nelson before it was set up,Camp Searchlight is just pure luck,you attacked Charlie when most of the camp was on patrol,huge treat only to small towns with little to none millitia,pathetic Pretty sure Nelson was up and running, just under manned. They sneaked into Camp Searchlight in the cover of darkness and detonated a radiation bomb ensuring little causalities to their side and maximum for the NCR while also stopping them from ever taking it back. Camp Charlie was taken out at the best time since the rangers there were arrogant leaving only 2 men to man it, any other time of attack would have been stupid and caused a lot of casualties on the Legion side. -
Ulysses was not a member, he was a frumentarii sent by Cesar to bring the White Legs into the Legion. He use too be a member of the Twisted Hairs until they were destroyed. The White Legs adopted the dreadlocks to honor Ulysses but he was disgusted and found it too be an insult to the Twisted Hairs. Also I believe most of the oil in the world was used up, save for a few pockets (1 being Alaska).
In order for him to give advice he would have too talk. Also they aren't his people, his people were wiped out by the legion. I'm still not sold on the general being in power. I could see him having some military background (Maybe he was the one that gave the orders at Bitter Springs) but I don't like the idea of someone having absolute control over the military, economy, R&D, etc etc. because absolute power corrupts absolutely. I think the general could be someone else but keep the character you created but have him the president and put someone else in charge of the military this could be where the friction comes from. The general could be trying to kick the president out and set up a autocratic stratocracy because he believes it's the best future available for the new nation and he's the man that can do it, but he doesn't realize the problems that come with that. This could also allow more aggressive players to choose the coup d'etat route. The problem with this mod though is that no one, besides devin, has an interest in making it (at least from what I can tell due to the lack of comments). I would like to see your original idea of just placing NPCs around in one area, alter some stuff and there you go. But I also would enjoy quests and seeing new characters and villages but that takes time to create.
I'm just not liking the idea of a military run state, even if its run by an ideal person. Also if he has so many people who are planning on betraying him, how did he get into power in the first place? Also I would like to see a hunters guild in there. The founder could be the one that tasks the player with wiping out the Tunnelers as (s)he sees them as the real threat to not only the Divide but the Mojave, but no one else will listen to them because of the Marked Men threat and the NCR trying to annex them. One thing I just realized is, where would Ulysses come into in all of this? Would he be back at his home where you and him face off? Would he leave to explore the world feeling as though the new Divide is in better hands now? Would he join them and help build a new nation? (Although this one would be weird since his dialog wouldn't match with the story.)
I'm not, I tried but I suck at it and find the GECK confusing so I just lurk around the forums throwing out suggestions in mods or correcting any mistakes I find in the lore.
You can essentially write in anything to a story, but is there really a reason to do so? Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should :huh: Agreed. I just realized they could have Eyebots though. I'll look into it and see if there were other Eyebots made besides ED-E 2.0 or anyway of making new ones. If so then they would be great at scouting, running messages, and perimeter checks .
Most of the bots they use would probably be sentry and gutsy since they're the most common military bots. Also I would like too see this as lore friendly as possible and a user created robot isn't very lore friendly.
This is a new community though, if they had closed their borders they wouldn't survive in the Divide. Sure they have weapons, armour, and MREs too eat but they lack clean water (If I remember correctly the Divide has no water at all). So they would have to continue trading with Goodsprings and other places near by for water.
I like your idea, I'm just trying to expand on it. I like the idea of captured missile silos, it would make them a force to be reckoned with, but I would like too see them not use them against outside targets for fear of retaliation and because they would rather have peace and trade than fight. As for the ex-NCR members, it would definitely work well with the my idea of the NCR trying to annex them. They would harbor some mistrust towards them and possibly some hatred, but that doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't ally with their former government if it meant independence and protection from the Legion. But their underlying mistrust/hatred for the NCR could also be exploited by the Legion given a chance. As for a General leading the communities I'm not in favour. I would rather see him in charge of the DDC while having a peaceful president in charge (I would just rather have a peaceful faction rather than one who's militaristic since the game has enough of them already. This could also cause some tension between the 2 and open up for some interesting missions. My idea of the general would be a former resident of Hopeville only surviving due to enlisting with the NCR Rangers and climbed up the ranks fairly quickly and became a leader of an experienced squad. He was deployed to the Mojave and so that would explain how he survived the destruction of his home town, but it was kept secret from him for unknown reasons when it was destroyed (this would cause him to have some hate for the NCR and give him a reason to leave them). He traveled a bit and found others who mistrusted the NCR, this is around the time he met the soon to be president. The president decided that they could split from the NCR and live on their own. The general knew the Divide would be a place where the NCR wouldn't bother them and thought he could become the leader of the new faction since he has military training and knowledge of the land, but almost everyone else thought it would be better to have someone who could manage trade treaties, come up with laws, etc. etc. rather than a shoot first, ask questions later type of person. This would create some drama within and when another faction tries too create a trade deal it would also cause some drama that the player could sort out. Of course this would be more time consuming to create compared to your but I think it would open up the possibilities of more quests.
That sounds like good way of doing it. I could see a few quests that would have the player go and hunt some of them to lower their numbers. As well you may see hunters in the Divide stalking after Tunnlers. It would be interesting if the leader of a hunters guild or the most experienced and popular hunter contacts the player and asks them to deal with them for good because they see how big of a threat they really are but no one will listen.
I think they will be doing trading with teh NCR (or at least in towns with a NCR prescence) regardless. I my opinion once they get tech back through to the Mojave it's likely that NCR will be their customers. The story of the divide's evolution lies in a sort of NCR greed of tech. They recovered an item from an enclave facilities with marking similar to teh divide and tasked the courier to deliver it with catastrophic results. They want military tech badly and I think they'd be willing to pay for it. Other factions may also barter for it too (gun runners for instance). I could see Gunner Runners, Crimson Caravan, Primm if they're not a part of the NCR, Goodsprings, Powder Gangers (Although this is a bit "iffy" due to their attitude towards outsiders), Mr. House, 3 Families, and the NCR as possible costumers but the trade deal with the NCR would allow them to sell solely to them and no one else in exchange for independence. But now that I think of it the a deal for troop aid might be asking for a bit much so maybe the NCR works out a deal for military support at the 2nd Battle of Hoover Damn and in exchange they will send troops to help deal with the Marked Men after the Legion is dealt with. The NCR and Legion roles could be reversed with the info mentioned above. I'm just looking at the NCR aspect of it since they're my favorite faction in the Fallout world.
That's actually very interesting. If I remember correctly I was originally against a resettlement of the Divide but now that I think of it the first missile silo enters (where you find ED-E 2.0) and the Hopeville Missile Base West and East Entrances and the HQ would be the most plausible places for some small communities. The first missile silo would be the first place but after some fighting and aid from the player the settlers manage to push the Marked Men from the Missile Base and settle the area. I think it would also be interesting if the NCR tried to annex the towns once they become prosperous and the player can choose to kick them out with force, peacefully kick them out, decline but allow them an embassy and they become allies (this option would allow the NCR to open up trading with the settlements in exchange the NCR sends in troops to the Hopeville area to deal with the Marked Men once the Legion is no longer a threat), or sway the settlers to become NCR citizens. There could also be a quest that has the player go back to the Mojave too kill X amount of feral ghouls to the south of Primm in order too make trading easier, one excuse for not sending their own guards to deal with it is due to persistent attacks from Marked Men (which the player could deal with later on) and the NCR is too occupied by the Legion and Powder Gangers to send some squads into the area. Also maybe later on the Silo could be turned into a type of market since its so close to the Mojave/Divide boarder.
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Looks awesome! Can't wait to get kicked out :) -
I like that idea. I don't know if this is possible but I have the New Vegas Trade Center mod and it would be cool if it could help manage your company a bit. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42653/?
That's a cool idea. Just a thought though, if the player tries to expand into the energy weapons market they will have a difficult time unless they have killed the Van Graffs or turned them in.
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I think that's a good place for it. If I come up with an idea for a quest I'll let you know, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. (if you seen my original comment please ignore it. I was mistaken by what building you meant.) -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
That's cool, could it be in the Admin/Caravan processing building? You could move the caravan processing to the L shaped building. Also I found this liitle tid-bit "Openly carrying arms, prostitution, gambling and slavery are not permitted within NCR city limits." http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/New_California_Republic Maybe you could through that into a conversation with an NPC. -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
You could make the building itself a motel and have a small restaurant across the road in the yellow circle. This would allow the place too seem busier and see more traffic. This of course depends on whether or not the area is suitable for a building as I'm just going off of what I can see in the picture. You could also have a story behind the owners of the businesses. Like they are owned by a brother and sister who hate each other and the player could help them sort out their differences, split it 50/50 (depending on who get's what business could effect quality of food and rooms), or one gets everything and the other gets nothing. -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I could see it being a restaurant/bar/store/hotel. It's the last stopping point before the mojave so it would make sense to open up a business there. It's hard to tell how big that building, could you post a picture of the front of the building? Also from the picture it looks like you could get another building in the yellow oval I added. The building doesn't have to be large, it could even be a out door restaurant similar to the Grub N' Gulp. It would be cool if you made the building between the Communications HQ and the Bunkhouse accessible as well, it could be another bunkhouse with the same or slightly different interior. Other than that I think it's looking great. -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I was thinking just add a short stubble beard but since he does have a hispanic name it would make sense to have a darker skin tone. -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Strip General: I could see that working if the player owns the Lucky 38 via a mod (Can't remember the name of it). If not than I can't really think of a reason why they would give up money. NCR: I would like to see the Gamorrah open. Even though propitiation is illegal in the NCR doesn't mean the state New Vegas state couldn't legalize it. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't prostitution illegal in the USA but legal in Las Vegas? I'm aware of a few laws that were in Canada that made organized prostitution illegal but if a friend slept with another friend and was later paid it was legal. Also I would like to see securitrons still guarding the strip and maybe even all of Freeside, Westside, and North Vegas Square. They could be controlled by the NCR and aid police officers in keeping the peace while also having majority of the bots used for military purposes. Fort General: I like the idea of the place being bombed IF it was bombed, I can't recall seeing it receiving any shelling during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, but I may be wrong since it's been a while since I've played the ending. NCR: I like the idea of it being a stopping point for refugees, it could be very Ellis Island-esque (say that 10 times fast lol). Dale Barton would have a lot of knowledge of towns/cities, roads, terrain, weather, etc. etc. so he would be valuable to the NCR. I could also see him giving up said knowledge for getting a lighter prison sentence. Conol Hsu wouldn't be the best NPC to have at the fort since his lines are mostly about camp McCarren, the fiends, and the surrounding area. The female officer would probably be a better fit for the Fort. McCarren The changes would depend on whether or not the fiends have been dealt with. If they haven't than not much would change, maybe a few more troops patrolling and some Securitrons in and around the place. If the fiends have been dealt with than I could see the camp focusing on training recruits rather than combat operations. After all a lot of the service men and women will probably go back home after the battle since it's been about 6(?) years since the war started. Hoover Dam NCR: I think it would be best to leave some fortifcations up on the Nevada side of the dam since the NCR is still fighting with Legion. This would allow some defensive measures to be taken in case the Legion we're to counter attack -
Is anyone going to finish this now that Someguy quit? I'd still love to play this mod!