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Everything posted by sgtKraigO

  1. I could see the NCR having some, after the war with the enclave they got a lot of tech, and were allied with the BoS for a while until they ended up kicking their butts. So it's not impossible that they managed to get schematics and actual zeppelins. The BoS wouldn't have that many since they have too few members and have been losing a war. Also this mod would be stretching the lore a bit so I can't see why the Boomers wouldn't have one, they're pretty resourceful people.
  2. The only factions that I could see having zeppelins would be the NCR, BoS (Although this is doubtful since they've went into hiding), Mr. House, FoA (although unarmed and for medical use), and possibly the Boomers.
  3. Wasn't Hydrogen one of the main reasons the Hindenburg disaster happened?
  4. I'm just happy with the Long 15, unless you've got the time and experience of making populated cities with voice acted characters and quests ;)
  5. Technically you would be creating The Hub since in game The Hub was built over Barstow, it was just an error made by the creators since Necropolis would be where real life Barstow is.
  6. It's looking awesome, I can't wait to explore it! Edit: Found this in the wiki about Barstow "Although the Fallout Official Survival Guide gives the name of the old city Hub was founded upon as Barstow, its actual location corresponds closely with the present-day Edwards AFB, whereas Necropolis lies where Barstow would be." http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hub
  7. For the Enclave bunker I was thinking just add some NCR troopers, a captain in charge of the place, maybe a couple of pilots (If there's a Vertibird there then there could be 2 pilots, if not then there would be no reason for them to be there), and some engineers. Remove the Enclave power armour and maybe move them to Hidden Valley if the NCR take it over. Edit: At NAFB it might be possible to open up the air traffic control tower and have it occupied, or make something that could act as a tower, not sure what you could use though.
  8. It doesn't have to be 100% lore friendly, we know that the BoS could have had airships.
  9. For Nelis Air Force Base I was thinking of adding more weapons and ammo in the bunker under the solar panels, a bunker used for interrogations, have a bunker where you can find the commanding officer (having a brain fart as to what these buildings are called lol), move the medical bunker to Pearls old house, a few more barracks, move the mess hall somewhere else (if the bomber has been repaired they would need the space for the vertibirds), put about 4-5 Vertibirds in/on the hangers/runway (maybe one of the aircraft is being worked on in the hanger). a few military trucks (2-3) with a workshop similar too McCarren, and (depending on the quest) have the bomber repaired in the hanger, have guards patrolling the perimeter, at the main gate, a checkpoint just before main gate (possibly where you can make the bet), and manning the howitzers (Some of which could be moved to Hoover Dam). The NPCs in the base would be some troopers, various robots patrolling, field workers, engineers, some OSI scientists in charge of the fuel production, pilots, a few heavy troopers (at the checkpoint and main gate), the guys with the flashing batons that dirrect grounded air craft (idk what they're called), but for the batons I can see them just on the side of the NPCs and they could just simply be coloured police batons with a lighting effect on the end. There could also be an commanding officer, when talked to he will explain that the main purpose of the base is for rapid troop deployment and close air support, and reconnaissance of the NCR/Legion boarder, and some NCR 1st Recon members (not the vanilla ones) in the guard towers around the base (they don't have to be named, simply NCR 1st Recon.). Some of the quests could be: Being asked by someone at Camp McCarren whether or not NAFB would make a good NCR base since the Boomers have left and the player is the only one who has been in the base. A quest similar too Volare! in which an engineer finds documents about the crashed bomber and thinks they could bring it back and get it flying but their CO doesn't believe them so the player must go for him. A quest that could result in the increase/decrease of fuel production (This would effect the base's battle and logistics operations). Securing the railway tunnel in the south east which would result in a check point there (If the railways are running they could be used to move troops and supplies to and from the base). Inform the CO that the Enclave Remnants old bunker can be used as a refueling station and outpost and that the Vertibird there is operational. Repair the solar panels if they have not yet been done. Interrogate a captured Legion commander and get information on where a Legion base of operations is located, how much information the player got out of the legion commander, how many vertibirds the NCR has, and whether or not the bomber is functional would affect the outcome of the mission (e.g. if the bomber is operational and the Enclave Remnants Vertibird was captured, and the player gets the captive to tell the truth the operation is a complete success resulting in minimal casualties. If the bomber is not operations, the fuel production was decreased, and the Enclave Veritbird was not acquired, and the captive lied about troop numbers then the NCR will lose an aircraft and a large number of men and forced to retreat) I'm not sure whether or not the player should take part in this partly because you would have to create a new world space, a fort (possibly partially destroyed depending on whether or not the bomber was rebuilt) full of Legion troops, and have Vertibirds landing, dropping off troops, then taking off, and some possibly giving close air support (if I remember correctly Enclave Vertibirds did this in Fallout 3) and that would be a lot to create but I think the mission could be to capture/kill a high ranking Legion commander (possibly a Legate) but NCR general wants it confirmed and not just blow up the entire base, it could be partially inspired by the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Also I know that you can get a Veritbird to take off (idk how to do this or if you can get the to land, but I have seen them take off in other mods) and since NAFB is fairly flat with very little things to cause the aircraft to clip into I think it would be interesting to see a Vertibird take off and land occasionally on the runway. Depending on whether or not the player has increased/decreased the fuel production, secured the Enclave Remnants Vertibird, and salvaged the crashed Vertibird would effect the amount of times the player encounters one taking off/landing.
  10. There's already an HQ for the couriers, its the Mojave Express. Also there is 1 other courier located right outside the Mojave Express, he just happens too be dead. ;)
  11. In Fallout Tactics the brotherhood did use zeppelins to travel to the midwest, but that game is considered semi-canon.
  12. A lot of people, especially me, prefer voice acted over non-voice acted ones. It's immersion breaking when the NPC doesn't have a voice but you somehow know what they're saying.
  13. Yes, and no change. I have a lot of school work due monday and some exams coming up so probably wont touch the GECK for a few weeks. After I will try to make some progress on it.
  14. Or you could go with them being NCR settlers (at least in spriit if not in actual legal fact). But I think either will work. Im not all that well versed in lore, but if I recall correctly a lot of the Veteran Rangers were formally desert rangers. They would singlehandely watch over wastelanders and the weak (through skill, stealth adn just being general bad*sses). So I think the vertern ranger they send will keep an eye out for settlers whether they are NCR or not, but s/he might be a little more motivated (debatable) to keep an eye on NCR peeps. But yeah either way would work. What if they were NCR settlers with some troopers mixed in but they didn't show it so that way if there was any anti-NCR sentiments in the tribes they could actually settle it, set up defenses, and get the lay of the land before pushing out the tribes. The Ranger could be there to monitor the tribes and warn the settlers of any planned attacks and could aid in thwarting them. The desert rangers did merge with the NCR Rangers when they started scouting the Mojave, but they ceased too be known as the Desert Rangers. One of the conditions upon signing was that the NCR had to protect Hoover Dam and Nevada from Caesars Legion.
  15. I like that idea. Maybe the NCR would like to annex the small town if it grows large enough, if they do then maybe theres an option to wipe out the tribes in order to expand, ally with them which would stop them from joining the Legion, or force them out of Zion which would result in most of them joining the Legion (except the Sorrows and Dead Horses which would go back to Dead Horse Point.)
  16. I could see some bounty missions, maybe some detective quests where you have to help solve a murder, find and turn in the crooked cop who's sell information to raiders that's getting troopers and cops killed or take a bribe from him and nothing changes. I know they could be offered by a military officer, but to me that seems like an unnecessary strain on the military's resources.
  17. I agree with you that the NV state will have a large military presence for a long time after the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam, but that doesn't mean the military will be the sole body responsible for law enforcement. Maybe at first there will only be one police station (maybe in freeside) manned by some former troopers and police officers from around the NCR brought in to help in training and setting up new stations around the state. As the mod progress new stations in various towns around the mojave will pop up, this would give the impression that things are changing and the NCR is finally laying down some law and order.
  18. So I just found this. "The NCR is a clean town filled with honest, hardworking folk. The NCR does keep order within its walls with a large and competent police force. Outside the walls, the NCR has so far been operating through others, buying and trading for things that they cannot yet take by open force.[1]" http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/New_California_Republic_(town) found under Background http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Sheriff%27s_department_(NCR)
  19. I'll take a look at it, but I don't think it would hinge on scripting to make it hang around. More likely we're looking at one of the nifs in teh effect directory. Also sleep gas might be a good one, and it would be pretty easy to have a script effect. Maybe instead of an explosion, the canister releases a tear gas cloud that looks similar to the cloud found in Dead Money. I can't think of any weapons that would have the affect that I'm thinking of (I mostly just use sniper rifles and smgs when I play) but if I find one I'll let you know.
  20. Yeah it is unfortunately *definitely* not the way to go about modding. Multiple projects split your focus and increase teh time to complete them by a factor equal to your all your other projects. It's just hard when there are so many good ideas......and when you have an almost A.D.D. level boredom threshold, like me :sad: If I could I would help but I suck at using the GECK, so all I can do is pile on ideas and work for you ;)
  21. That's possible but here are some information that leads me to believe that there's a regular police force. Keep in mind this is just speculation. "judicial branch comprises courts and judges ruling in accordance with NCR's adapted version of American common law." So we know they have courts and judges. They would need bailiffs and guards, but this could be covered by the NCR CF. "Policing (both civilian and military) in the fringes of NCR territory and outside of it is usually of poor quality however - this is evident as off-duty NCR troopers that seek entertainment on The Strip can be witnessed drunk and hint to have been gambling or using prostitutes." The civilian and military COULD mean the police force The NCRCF is a different division than the NCR MPs The fact that the NCR MPs are MPs and not just regular police officers leads me to believe they have a civilian counterpart. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/New_California_Republic In the laoding screens its stated " The NCR's military doesn't like being in the role of "peace-keeper". Crimes across the Mojave are typically punished by death." http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_loading_screens 4th bullet under Factions Also one reason is that using troopers to act as police would be a huge drain on military resources, especially in times of war. We also know that NCR rangers do act as sheriffs from time to time as evident in Primm. If you're going to create a law enforcement branch of the NCR then I think you could also have a few NCR rangers (Numbers would depend on how many people are in the town/surrounding area) who act similar too the FBI.
  22. NCR Rangers are teh equivalent of our special forces (ie they are force multipliers) and typically are assigned to very difficult adn dangerous missions. I just can't imagine any reason to put them in Zion, when they are needed so badly elsewhere. The NCR has no resources or citizens in Zion to protect. Legion are a far greater threat than tribals. I'm not sure we'd have much of an expansion if we only have two additional tribes. We can create more worldspace to house other tribes. Zion has (from what I can tell) fairly fertile soil and sending troops into it to secure the land so it could be farmed would mean forcing the tribes out. There could be a few troopers but mostly rangers since they would be able to move around the land much easier than troopers. I would like to see the NCR securing Zion after the Legion has been dealt with. This would allow more troops to be sent there and if the Legion is trying to assimilate some of the tribes it would give the impression that they're still a threat and can come back. The way I view it is if you send a large number of regular troopers to fight the tribes head on, they could use guerrilla tactics which would result in the unnecessary lose of troops. If you send in some Rangers with a few troopers for defensive measures then it would allow for faster movement, stealthier options, and the tribes would have a more difficult time using guerrilla tactics since the rangers could hinder their movements.
  23. Since House is the only thing stopping the NCR MPs from carrying real weapons, once House is out of the way they should start carrying 9mm pistols, as well as cattle prods. After the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam the MPs should be replaced with a regular police force and the embassy will become the police HQ in the state of NV with a station in freeside (possibly in the Kings HQ, freeside police would also patrol in North Vegas Square), Westside, Primm, Nipton (if it's cleaned and populated), Novac, Goodsprings, Bonnie Springs (if it's populated), and Vault 3 suburbs (If its populated). Of course the size of the town would dictate the size and man power of the police force, but all stations would have jurisdiction throughout NCR territory. The larger stations could have small armouries that the player could see 9mm/10mm/.45 SMGs, leaver action shotguns, 9mm/10mm pistols, service rifles (very little), flash bangs, and maybe a couple grenade launchers with some tear gas ammo. The tear gas ammo would have to be created but I was thinking something like an regular explosion but the effect would have gas linger in the air for a determined amount of time, the poor victim wouldn't receive any explosive damage but would slowly lose health (although it can't kill) and could send most humans to flee. I will try to expand on some of the other ideas on the list I posted later when I get the time.
  24. Problem with that is you'd need the voice actor or have her learn telepathy.
  25. That's because he's working on like 20 mods lol :P
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