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Everything posted by RoyBatterian

  1. Im a programmer too, and it gets weird with more than 90, and will work anywhere between there and 142 on my machine (it varies) I can load 255 if the mods have very little in them. So no, that's not correct. The bug is not in Oblivion. From debugging it appears that the memory allocator for the plugins doesn't function correctly. ESP are for working with Version Control and merged into master, the game treats ESPs differently, this is known and has been reverse engineered on several of the engines now by experts reverse engineers/programmers. They are not intended for production, Bethesda does not ship ESPs, they use more memory and all references are treated as persistent which wastes memory. Version control has little to do with it. The tool is crippled anyways, this is what we have been trying to address. Cannot reproduce 16MB bug with ESM, didn't test with ESP. I have no such issues, we have created very large mods with GECK now with no such limit, the Frontier is larger than NV is, and our upcoming DLC for TTW is also > 16MB with 0 issues. Then again we don't create stuff with the heightmap editor as it is limited to 64x64 and that is too small.
  2. Plugin limit is complex and varies depending on machine/load order, it's not a simple signed/unsigned bug or it would be fixed by now. Fallout 3 has it too btw, I've been able to trigger it. The memory leak is the audio system primarily, this is fixed if you use the vorbis libraries that Kane Wright posted, they are included with TTW to fix the issue. It is a known issue with the version of the libraries that Bethesda used. Havok problems are due to scaling, and that Havok uses metric and bethesda used imperial and they didn't account for it. This issue exists in the engine to this day (creation). I don't know what you mean by 16MB limit, TTW, Frontier and DLC are beyond 16MB. They are ESMs as they should be, ESPs are not intended for production, and never were. ESPs could also be the cause of the plugin limit bug, I have not tested this yet, but it's possible its a memory leak as all records are treated differently and there is no ONAM in ESPs (creation engine changed this). @Dubious You may link anything and everything I do without asking permission. That's a reference to Have a Cigar by Pink Floyd :)
  3. Posting this here, so people can see what bugs are still in the engine and which ones have been fixed. I started this google doc in June of 2017 and keep it up to date as I find more. Also as a log so there isn't dispute about who knows about what bug and when it gets fixed on the engine level they can't piss and moan about it like some people have in the past. If you make a mod that fixes it via script or whatever, don't get upset when it's fixed at the engine level. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kK9WmQ2WFPJbDTDSn5vInpy-icRGkufa1Y69E3UrAHA/edit?usp=sharing
  4. You can only change the finger positions according to hitman.
  5. You can't really use Blender for much serious work in NV, the niftools plugin still destroys vertex normals on export, and Neo won't fix it as much as people have begged him to. Jon stopped developing nifskope, but I have the 2.07beta's with the shaders in them on my gdrive, 32 bit version is only to update MOPP. Shoot me a pm if you need them vurt. I'll shoot you a message if/when the FBX converter is ever released.
  6. Tale of Two Wastelands is the best mod not on nexus (taleoftwowastelands.com) *toots own horn* DarnUI, VanillaUI+ are also excellent mods not on nexus (moddb).
  7. If you make them sounds instead of dialogue, then yes you can play them via playsound in the menumode for terminals.
  8. The problem likely is the original navmesh is deleted and your edit needs to be changed to an override (using FNVEdit), then refinalized in GECK. The navmesh in the ESP will also eventually stop working. It is a known bug in the engine and was not fixed until later in Skyrim's life. Also be aware when you change esps to esm, you can only do this in FNVEdit so that the ONAM is generated, otherwise overrides to cells will not work. Additionally references by packages to markers and other scripted objects need to be persistent or they will not work in esm. I suggest using GECK extender so you can see the error log and fix any bugs.
  9. Our installer is an exe, it's meant to either convert your game to TTW, or create files for use with MO2/Vortex. It's very complex and not a typical mod as it's a total conversion (like Enderal etc). It creates the ini files in the ini folder in the same place the base game does, MO2 is able to manage these INI files (FalloutCustom.ini) along side the games INI files, that is it's intended purpose. @dubiousintent You may want to familiarize yourself with TTW, it is one of the oldest and largest mods not available on nexus (we wish it were, but that's the staff's call) with many hundreds of thousands of users and a large community centered around it.
  10. It's definitely true in NV and F3, the bounds for a cell can't exceed 28000 units in any particular direction combined. I am not sure if Creation Engine has this Havok issue, would have to test it but I don't mod it. I've actually talked to Elminster and Arthmoor about why this was ever implemented and it was done so purely because of moving stuff out of the way in CKIT and has 0 to do with cleaning. You can turn on snaps and set the minimum movement and move a load of objects at once to any distance you set as the snap. Additionally disabling objects has 0 effect on rendering, it's a common myth. It breaks precombined in F4 though.
  11. They are both Total Conversion mods, and FNC was made in a way which overrides a large part of TTW's records which breaks TTW, it is in fact incompatible with a large portion of mods, more so than TTW is. This includes models and textures.
  12. MarkForDelete only works on temporary references, editor placed objects cannot be deleted. Excessive use of repeatable quest stages causes load time problems in some cases. The effect should be apparent after only a few hours of play. Low quest delays seem to affect it. I've never been able to determine the exact circumstances it occurs so I just quit using them and use functions instead. Quest stages are save baked, so this is perhaps what it is. PlaceAtMe and PlaceLeveledActorAtMe should be used sparingly, they do create temporary references so once the player leaves the loaded cell and they are unloaded they will still remain in the save as scripts cannot run on them or reference them. Actors should be spawned with spawn markers, having them initially disabled and then enabled will cause them to spawn immediately. If you want to do waves you can disable the spawn marker again and run resurrect on it provided the actor is dead and the marker is persistent, then re-enable it. PlaceAtMe can also cause various havok problems like invincible creatures that have effect shaders and other weirdness, the Reavers in the presidential metro of Fallout 3 is a good example of this bug. It can also cause crashing due to memory problems and other stuff, see any mods with waves of enemies created this way, Someguy's The Better Angels exhibits this issue. Tons of lootable items also causes save bloat as the state of the items is baked when they are taken. Dropped items does too, best to put them in a container.
  13. @Hmmm Let me know your account name if you are having trouble posting on the forum and I'll look into it. You'll get help faster/better by joining our discord. You have missing meshes, usually an indication that FalloutCustom.ini is not working correctly. Some setups have a problem with the sArchiveList entry not working, and it needs to be put in Fallout.ini @Deter32 TTW is a total conversion, it is easy to install, and works fine on it's own or with mods which are for it or compatible with it. Any problems you are having are likely on your end. Your opinion is not helpful to the user asking for help.
  14. I don't know what you are trying to show here, or what a "bullet ejector" is. Do you mean the muzzle of the barrel? Are you using any animation replacers?
  15. Well, you took the pic down already so I don't know what you mean, I'll look at it anyways though.
  16. Patrol packages might be buggy with idle markers, they worked in Fallout 3 but have issues in New Vegas in my experience. But this is how linked routines were done there, again they may or may not work in New Vegas. Sandboxing chooses things completely at random, including just standing where they are and picking idles from the idle manager. You may want to setup xmarkers and have them sandbox in a radius of it, rather than in a particular cell. Any markers explicitly referenced by a package must be persistent regardless of their type. It helps to give them a Ref name so you can keep track of them easier. You'll also want to avoid lock/unlocking doors in packages, this is completely broken and unreliable in New Vegas. No Low Level Processing stops AI from processing if the Actor is not loaded. I.E. player is in the same cell or Actor is within loaded uGrids. Keep in mind an actor may not be unloaded immediately when changing cells, and persistent ones will process more frequently, quest npcs marked in their base form will process more frequently again.
  17. They are hard coded in the game, they can have functions made to enable/disable them such as |StewieAI| has been doing.
  18. In response to post #67937096. #67941336, #67941861, #67942656, #67944211, #67955146 are all replies on the same post. As long as it's opt-in I don't particularly care.
  19. Thank you for the kind words Qwinn, much respect from me as well. Enjoyable read and looking forward to your continued work.
  20. I fixed it in TTW, it should be in NVSE fixes. If it's not, I'll get Void to put it in. I also fixed the Gauss Rifle. I will probably update these fixes to use JIPLN's new event handler as well for better accuracy and working on static objects.
  21. There seems to be some discrepancy in the downloads and endorsement statistics between the site search and the actual mod pages. I bring it up due to the discrepancy that was found a couple years back and wondered if that code was still hanging around causing this issue. It is not limited to any one mod, I checked several. Pics are attached. side note, these shots also show the anti-aliasing font problem I reported before with non-chromium browsers.
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