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Everything posted by AsaRuth

  1. Hello, thanks for adding me!
  2. Hello! Thanks for adding me. Hope all finds you well.
  3. Hello! Thanks for adding me.
  4. Hi, hope all finds you well!
  5. I won. I'm the winner. And I'm going to state. :thumbsup:
  6. As I periodically do, I sent out another round of kudos to some of those modders and image artists who work inspires me. Thanks to everyone of them for their efforts and generosity!
    1. Naktis


      I agree. Thank you for sharing the lovely mods and images with others. *happybounce*
    2. AsaRuth


      ***Big Happy Shimmy for Naktis***
  7. Hello, thanks for adding me!
  8. today, Michele Obama spoke to my graduating class. Very proud to call myself a part of the class of 2012-we came a long way from our past.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      Congratulations! :D
    3. Naktis


      That sounds nice. Congrats. :)
    4. AsaRuth


      thanks all
  9. Hail Calyps! creator of the blessed body and the most excellent ro's armor!
  10. hello! I had to stop by to tell you blessed body is gorgeous and your armors are superb, thanks and I hope you are having a great day!
  11. greetings! thanks for adding me!
  12. This handsome fellow to my left is Sir Cedric Pumpernickel the second, and yes, he is enjoying watermelon.
    1. AurianaValoria1



      Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir Pumpernickel.

    2. Naktis


      Well met, Sir Pumpernickel. :)
  13. Finals Time, oh finals time...how I wish you were over...
  14. "Kittyeh has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"

    Hello Kittyeh!

  15. *waves back* Hello!
  16. Hello all, I originally brought this up in the oblivion forum about a year ago and it was meet with little enthusiasm-which I understand, since oblivion lacked the engine to handle my idea. However, considering Bethesda attempt to implement duel wielding, I feel it could be taken further. For those who do not know, right now, duel wielding is extremely limited by bias for the dexteral player. If you hope to play an ambidextrous or sinistral character, the system breaks down. By which I mean, as long as the play style is right hand dominant, you can switch between weapon/shield and spells without too much trouble. Not that it is perfect in the vanilla system. Yet once you try to auto-equip a weapon/spell to the left hand this system becomes cumbersome. Examples: If you wish to wield a sword in the left hand and shield in the right; too bad. If you wish to duel wield two shields...good luck If you want to equip a weapon in the left hand, and a whatever else in the right, you can, if you: 1) hotkey the spell/weapon, then... 2) press the hotkey to put it in the left hand, and then.... 3) press the hotkey again to move it to the right hand, and then.... 4) equip the weapon. and then: (optional, but likely) 5) suffer and possibly die because an enemy hit you three times while you were getting mussing around with your equipment. *sigh, reload* And I'm sure other problems exist in the vanilla duel wielding/lefty wielding system that I did not include, in fact, if you know of any, please share them! My idea to fix this is, sadly, far beyond my meager skills as a modder (sorry all, I earned my degree in psychology- e.g. no background in scripting). Yet, we have SKSE and AMAZING talent in our community, so I'm confident someone could fix this. My suggestion to get the ball rolling would be a key-press script (similar to what script dragon does in iHUD) that toggles which hand the player equips an item/spell. The toggle key, for arguments sake, could be "L" for left and (maybe) "R" for right. In theory, you could favorite a weapon/spell and that would auto equip to the right hand, or you could favorite a weapon/spell while pressing the toggle "L" to auto equip that item to the left hand. What type of item should have little effect. Shields, weapons and spells could all be assigned by toggle to which-ever hand the player wished. Wow, that ended up longer than I intended it to be, but I hope at least one person reads it and thinks "Yeah, that needs to be fixed, and I know just who could do it." :thumbsup: A note on a much further removed, but very much related note: Has anyone else noticed that kill-cams only use the right hand? Duel wielding does not show up properly, and Lefty wielding does not have a kill cam at all that I can tell. :( I'm afraid we will need an animator to fix that mess. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and thank you for (positive) feedback) AsaRuth
  17. Happy St. Patrick's Day
    1. Ithildin


      Happy St. Paddy's to you, too! =) My family and I all happen to be wearing green this morning - none of us planned it.
    2. AurianaValoria1


      You too, AsaRuth! :D
    3. Flintlockecole


      I woke up drunk, knew something was happening. Cheers.
  18. completely understandable!
  19. Hello Space, I've missed you lately, but I see you are busy into ME3. I hope it is wonderful and you are enjoying yourself, and...that you will come back to us soon. :)
  20. Skyui does not need scriptdragon, but iHud did if you used the toggle function. If you hall iHud installed and you pull scriptdragon entirely from your skyrim folder and still can't run the game try reinstalling iHud with the toggle off. That *should* fix any issues.
  21. Since the new update and SKSE I've had frequent CTD problems. :wallbash: My game was stable (except back with that...was it 1.1 update that screwed almost everyone) Luckily, I keep backups of everything. So I reverted SKSE (from SKSE 1.4.13 to 1.4.12), TESV.exe and SkyrimLauncher.exe (from 1.4.27 to 1.4.21) and...no problems. Even with any new mods installed. So my question is this: Does anyone know if the issue or CTD lies with SKSE, the latest Bethesda update or mod order, or any combination of the three? I'm currently running a handful of esp mods and a fair number of interface and texture mods. I'm leaning toward load order, so what can a non-programmer like myself do while I wait for BOSS or another manager program is updated and hope they can fix the mess? Thanks for any words of wise and remember, back up those files!
  22. I came here to post this concern on the forum, an here I find others with similar problems. Since the new update and SKSE I've had massive CTD problems. As in, unplayable CTD issues. My game has always been stable (except back with that...was it 1.3 update that screwed almost everyone) Luckily, I keep backups of everything. So I reverted SKSE, TESV.exe and TESV_launcher.exe and no problems. So my question is this: Does anyone know if the issue SKSE, the latest Bethesda update or mod order, or any combination of the three? I'm running a handful of esp mods and a fair few interface and texture mods. Thanks for the help and remember! Back up those files!
  23. Babe...You are so not active here :D
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