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Everything posted by AsaRuth

  1. Willow-We need your loving attention in DG-please come back to us!
  2. Fall is my favorite time of year, and the first two days of fall have been perfect!
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Glad to hear! Hope it'll go like this! =)
    2. Naktis


      Glad to hear. I love fall myself. All those colorful leaves... <3
  3. Hello and thanks for adding me dustin!
  4. Really?! That is the best news! I wish you great luck!
  5. Emma-that may be the best news I've heard in a long while!
  6. @ SkyrimAvio - I assure you this mod is not dead.
  7. As a side note, I was having also experiencing epic problems for Atvir after starting a new game-only to realize that I deleted a single script! *facepalm*. All is fixed now! *edit* Also-since the 1.7 patch, there is a bug with custom dialogue. To fix-save, exit, reload, enjoy!
  8. So, I keep meaning to play dawnguard...but I can't seem to stop tweaking things long enough to actually play....modding may be a problem!
    1. Ithildin


      That's exactly what happens to me once I start installing mods; first Oblivion, then Skyrim. At some point, Fallout 3 will join those ... I'm taking friends' advice and playing FO3 vanilla first. :)
    2. AsaRuth


      Well done! I did a vanilla play through first and LOVED the game! Hope you enjoy it!


      Side note-I made 7 (I think?) custom skins yesterday-and never got around to playing the game beyond testing them out! Ack!

    3. etayorius


      You welcome, hehe i didnt noticed i had a bunch of friend requests untill i checked my nexus profile.
  9. Thanks for accepting my request, and best wishes with RL
  10. So I got dawnguard, but have not yet started it. I was hoping to play a vamp, but wish to use my custom race npc, so I've been waiting for a fix. As I'm running around and questing...I see Daphne (from the blades) zooming around with the vampire lord animation. Has anyone else noticed similar behavior? Is there anything I can do to fix it?
  11. Hello and thank you for adding me!
  12. hello and thanks for adding me!
  13. ok, question, to those who may hit these wall before me. What to do when you have a mod you wish to release, that uses another moddered assets and you can't get ahold of them for permission to release....over a long period of time?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Using others content without permission would take you to BAN, you must understand that, firstly.


      If they do not want to give you the permission, only chance is to remove that content from your file, but if they do not respond you, write them one last PM tell them you're using their content and credit them as required. And keep PM's for in case of any "badness" to happen.


      This is minimal risky way. That's what I would do for sure.

    2. Naktis


      I'm in the same situation like you. Been waiting for a reply for about four months now. >:O


      Just like Lazy said you could always remove the content. You could always look for something similar. Maybe the author of that other mod will reply sooner.

    3. AsaRuth


      Good ideas! Thanks!
  14. Yikes...I'm pretty sure, if we check the rules, that..I win!
  15. hello and thanks!
  16. Ok, the opening ceremony was so great! I <3 my second homeland!
  17. *peeks in* Still silent? Boo!
  18. Kittyeh, LordFrost and Screaming- Hello! I'm trying my hand at "actual" modded NewVegas until the dawnguard DLC comes and yikes-I'm behind the learning curve! Oh well :) Hope today finds you well and happy. -cheers!
  19. Kittyeh-I'm so glad to see you put up a new mod today (?) maybe a silly question, could the lovely wolf be a mount?
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