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Everything posted by AsaRuth

  1. Is it bad I miss the old profile picture?
  2. Hello all, it is so good to meet you here
  3. Hi testing! Glad to see you here, and thanks for the nirnroot glow!
  4. This might not be a popular idea, but I think those of us that have been around the nexus for years can understand why I say what I'm about to say. I was once a new member, but I would willingly been put on a tight leash until I proved an actual member. A tight leash would look something like this: new members had to have a minimal number of endorsements (let's say, five for the sake of argument), or un-banned images (three maybe would be a good number), or combo of the two before t...
    1. Spaceritual


      I think Dark0ne suggested in one of his recent posts that he was thinking of changing the moderators role a little in relation to warning and such... can not remember which article he wrote about it in though..
    2. Ithildin


      AsaRuth: Sounds like a good idea (the tight leash) to me. I'm not sure how you would've ended your thought process, since Nexus has a habit of cutting people short, but I'm interested in reading the rest. :)
  5. Another round of kudos and recongisation for making this community stronger. Thank you for your work and support!
  6. I was worried to apply the beta patch since I was running quite a few mods that need SKSE, plus skyboost and SKSE launcher extender. I looked but didn't see any obvious answer to my concern, "will my modded game run with the beta patch without too much fuss?" answer, Yes. - currently running the most recent skyui and Ihud (but without scriptdragon), better sorting, , tytanis, realistic lighting w'o post processing, and a few others that should not be affected by the updates, basically bunches of retexes. I removed skyboost and SKSE launcher extender. Then I installed the new SKSE 1.4.05 and downloaded the new beta patch. I checked that everything was active in wrye smash and guess what? The game runs. I have not noticed any bad behavior (hits to FPS) or any gains (however, considering I was using two mods to improve gameplay, and now only the patch, that says something good). It runs, basically like it did before. Now, since I loaded an existing save that was well established/developed in the game, I noticed immediately that some of the quest bugs still existed, however, I am hopeful that my next character (since will likely be after the beta period is over) will go smoother. Things that the beta patch changed (read, the bare minimum that need back-uped in case the patch and my (your) current build do not get along): skyrim.exe skyrimlaucher update.esm (possibly, maybe) strings/Update_English (three files) skyrimprefs.ini Hope that helps, happy gaming
  7. I've experienced this too, but so far its only affected the female fur armor model, and only sometimes. I'd love to know how to fix this
  8. I can only say you're wrong in this assumption. Such perceived-but-not-intended "trolling" rarely ever gets banned. In most cases it's the tone someone's using rather than the message brought across which got the user banned for trolling. Read up the "banned users" posts where moderators provide evidence and cause for why a user got banned. You will not find a single one getting rid of wasn't for the best. I'd actually call posts such as this "fear mongering"... if I was to use such expressions that is. If it wasn't for the feedback I received on my first WIP screenshots asking me to release my stuff, I'd never have come to the actively releasing side of the community to begin with. As soon as there won't be any feedback at all anymore, there won't be any of my mods released to the public either. I for one welcome any kind of feedback I receive, for this is the only cause for my mods being hosted here. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. So, could people please stop making others "afraid" of commenting in general for not to risk getting banned? :confused: (On a sidenote, it takes far more than breaking every single rule of the Nexus TOS to even remotely offend me or hurt my feelings the slightest. Not all modders are that way, sure, but not all are the other extreme either.) its not fear of being banned that made me post here, nor was it an assumption. It is the realization that many of the comments I've made to modders could be misconstrued as something other than support.
  9. Knowing full well that my input may not be well received- As a non-modder, but long term member of this community, I've been really distressed by the recent influx of bad behavior. Here in the last week I was down-voted for trying sticking up for a modder after four newbie members called the modder "stupid" and their modding efforts "retarded." The bullying that has become so commonplace here is neither acceptable or what drew members to the nexus community in the first place. I have tried, very hard, to give feedback which expressed both positive points and constructive criticism of mods, with the understanding that even when a mod has no appeal to me, that the modder did not create the mod with me in mind, and that if I can't say anything nice, to just move on. I have when pressed for more information than I originally shared, tried to give those fuller bug reports. Even months after a bug, if I come across a possible solution or cause, I've returned to report those. Sometimes I have questions that are not answered in the readme, or the answer is not clear, so I will ask those as well. I understand many do not bother reading through the readmes, or previous comments, but many of us do. Yet, I was recently scolded by a modder for not assuming to know what they had planned, and instead asking for confirmation. Still other members try to ask questions, or give supportive feedback, but lack the base-language to convey their thoughts decisively and clearly, and that does not make them trolls, it means there is a language barrier between modder and downloader. However, after reading through the comments in this forum, members like myself should apparently not comment, or ask questions for any mod, because feedback, even when coming from a place of support and appreciation, can sound like "pure trolling" or "sugarcoated" trolling. Somehow, that idea makes me sad and cheapens the entire concept of the nexus community.
  10. well, I've abandoned any attempt to write my characters story, for sharing here, or anywhere. Simply put, I'm not a writer. Oh well, strengths and weaknesses. I'm eager for the release of the CK. I know that some truly impressive mods are going to happen. On a personal note, my brother surprised us all and made it through the holidays, however, he decided to refuse use of his feeding tube. As selfish as this will sound, I hope he can last until the the end of this semester,...
  11. hi all, been a while since I've been back, things are, for what they are, pretty good right now. I am currently attempting to create a running journal/storyline for my character, to be shared with the community. Apparently, the years of college persuing a degree in science has *not* helped my creative writing skills. Yet, I try...with poor results. With that all said, hope all is well, and are enjoying the holidays.
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Imagination is more important than writing skill. If you have some tryings, we are wish to hear them for sure.
  12. Had the same problem, check to see if you have an interface/pc folder (there is a mod that you may have installed that allows the user to remap keys and keep their hard-coded functionally), apparently whatever the patch did is incompatible with that mod, so if you find that folder, remove any files called contolmap. Hopefully that helps.
  13. Ithildin-Thank you. Not creepy at all, very appreciated.
  14. Today, I spent the time adding a few and giving kudos to some who I consider essential to my experience as a gamer and a member of the nexus community. Even If I never spoke with you directly, I've seen your names, I loved your mods and images. You deserve the recongition for the support and work you put into the community. Thank you one and all.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Xtudo


      Thanks, I'm honored too. :D
    3. Aoikani


      Thanks Asaruth! :)
    4. wolfsangeleyes


      I second Amnis. Kudos for your kind words. And thank you for adding me.
  15. @10hellfire01 you are a lifesaver for sharing zeroes tip. this fixed the problem (from the update) so nicely. kudos for you
  16. this happened to me as well, I was in game, exited, noticed an update (oh goody I thought) returned, and now, a crash to desktop in game (my first) and then the game will not even launch. I tried reverting to a backup of the original files, but with no luck.
  17. the new functionality should be a boon for the site accessibility for both the modders and the downloader. Thank you for continuing to improve that which is so driven by (and for) the community.
  18. I have to agree, that list is sadly limited, but thanks for sharing. voted for (lame console version) oblivion. You know, when oblivion came out I was so excited, bought the console, played about ten minutes, and never played the console again. PC version, however, is amazing.
  19. Lord FrostCraig, I've been meaning to get a mouse, right now I use my laptops touch pad and a rather odd-straight across the keyboard configuration Genzel, I was wondering this as well. It would be a pain me thinks, but if 3rd person animations were made, it would really look odd to not move the weapons/shields. So maybe a good start would be first person with 3rd person being a larger undertaking.
  20. I agree it would be a lot of (mostly outrageous) work, but honestly, as a lefty, immersion is screwed for me each time I whip out a weapon using the wrong hand.
  21. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to try making left-handed animations for weapons/combat, or does anyone know if they already exist? I lack the skills to do such a thing. But, I figure the first person might involve simply reversing the existing animation, but third person would require entirely new. cheers!
  22. to admin: I'd like to share that I also noticed the same thing as Herculine and RogueAOV reported seeing yesterday: unusually high amounts of users in each server. To everyone: relax, change your passwords, get rid of any junk accounts, and don't share private information. The internet is a fantastic tool, that requires that you are responsible using. -cheers
  23. I must say that the stats are amazing, having been a member for 2 years, I've been blown away at the community of talent and support that I find on this site. Thanks to the modders and Thanks to the site admin. who keep it going.
  24. I noticed some of this junk-weirdness turned up in my spam box today. Thanks for catching it so quickly, and I have total confidence that the problem will be taken care of.
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