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Posts posted by RangerBoo

  1. Just making sure that when you generated the LOD textures you moved the .dds files from Steam/SteamApps/Source/Textures TGA/Landscape/LOD/"yourworldspace"/DiffuseGenerated to Steam/SteamApps/Source/Textures TGA/Landscape/LOD/"yourworldspace"/Diffuse and then cut and paste the "yourworldspace" folder to Data/Textures/LOD/Landscape/ Just double check mate.

    I just did and it works now! :smile: I'm so happy! Thank You!

  2. It is, or can be which is why I left it out of the tutorial.


    Landscapes need to be perfectly rectilinear/straight sided. If you have even one errant cell which pops out into another quad then the process fails. 336 blocks is perfect, you've got 4 quads imported. No trouble there.


    Land that's submerged takes longer to generate.


    Depending on your rig you may not be able to generate LOD meshes from a single landmass if it's much larger than 2x2 quads.


    No matter what, it takes a really long time. If you make your system lean and have no or very few applications running in the background than it frees up more memory for the GECK to devour and it does make a difference.


    So if everything is set up correctly, go to 'world' from the menu bar and select 'world lod' - then in the list of worldspaces on the left, select yours and hit the big button which says 'generate terrain meshes.' You'll also want to generate terrain textures.

    Okay. I'll go give it a try.

  3. So I am nearing compilation for a world space I am designing for a friend and I am mostly done with the exterior of the world(still have some interiors left to do) and I am wondering how to generate terrain meshes for the LOD. I tried doing it once before on a test world space and couldn't do it. If anybody can provide me with an in depth step by step tutorial or video I would greatly appreciate it. Oh and my world space has 336 terrain chunks, in case anybody was wondering. Would like it to be less but what can you do?

  4. I was making a school house and to save time I duplicated the interior from the Searchlight school house. Oh course the duplicate cell is giving off radiation as the original cell. Can anyone tell me how to edit the cell to make it stop?

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