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Posts posted by RangerBoo

  1. If you changed something an used the same save game it can an does glitch out the game. That could be the cause, or you have a mod that has broken that vendor's list.

    I don't see how uninstalling a mod would glitch out the vendors list plus the mods I did uninstall during my game were weapon mods and nothing that touched the vendor list. Now I am trying to find a why to fix the damn vendor list.

  2. I'm trying to nav mesh the exterior of my world space but the for some reason the worlds borders for each cell space won't let me connect the triangles with with other triangles in different cell borders. Can someone please help me with this. :wallbash:

  3. I kept geting this message when I try to generate Object LOD in the GECK: ERROR

    One or moreLOD blocks failed to build. The following missing or other problems were reported:



    However I checked and there is no NIF file for WastelandShrub01. So WTF!! :wallbash: :verymad: :wallbash:



    On The Man from Old Mexico, just who is that man from old mexico if you are willing to reveal any of that at the moment.


    "Quemador", a tribal leader/raider who is a powerful warlord. He also likes fire. A lot.


    Please don't make Russell lose his second eye to another maniac with a shishkebab...


    Going to be honest. I won't shed much of a tear if that happens. I know I'm cruel. :devil:


    You still need someone for that Ford guy?

    Ford is a highly competitive role - I will be accepting auditions until the 31st.


    There have been more submissions for Ford than any other character.


    My guess is because its a role that requires a younger voice actor allowing many of the younger voice actors on the forums a chance to voice in a mod as there is not a lot of mods on the nexus that call for younger voice actors.



    To be honest, I'm glad that your not doing the "Lake of Fire" draft for NVBIII. It was.... a little too much if you don't mind me saying. I was afraid that if I played it or watched Al play it that I would destroy my computer and run off into the woods to live the rest of my days as an insane hermit who has sworn off technology. :wacko: Such is the level of skill you have as a writer.

    It wouldn't be a sound conclusion. For me, it was never a serious option.


    Numerous threads will be tied up in NVBIII, so I'll have to weave some fresh ones for Sinners and Slaves. Expect an abundance of foreshadowing in dialogue and slideshows.


    Huzzah! :dance: Don't push yourself to much though. We don't want to break you.



    A qustion about the "Lake of Fire" draft.


    When you find Marko on his deathbed, is he awake and fully aware of his surroundings? where he is, who you are, the well being of his family...


    It was supposed to be set in an obscure town in the Great Plains. Marko would be comatose, totally unaware that you're there. Killing him would only provide a hollow sense of justice. Since Just a Courier will almost certainly never get made, it's a non-issue. I've decided to focus on other mods before FO4 hits - Sinners and Slaves is probably my next "big" quest mod for NV.

    To be honest, I'm glad that your not doing the "Lake of Fire" draft for NVBIII. It was.... a little too much if you don't mind me saying. I was afraid that if I played it or watched Al play it that I would destroy my computer and run off into the woods to live the rest of my days as an insane hermit who has sworn off technology. :wacko: Such is the level of skill you have as a writer.



    Understood. Also, I hope I didn't give you any ideas on torturing poor Al. :devil:

    What tortures Al, so far as I can tell, are quest mods that with unclear objectives or circuitous plots. The only time I might have pushed his buttons was with Zimmer in The Inheritance, but even that turned into some hilarious s***. Jesus-Zimmer was born!


    My next mini-mod, New Vegas Killer, will feature an event I like to call "Death by a thousand hobos", which will certainly provide a glorious death(s) for Al. Envision the ghoul encounter in The Inheritance, except its angry, violent hobos instead of ghouls.


    Well that was also Project Nevada's fault as well. And, oh no! All of Freeside and North Vegas are going to team up and try to kill Al! :ohmy: Filthy hobos! Now I know why I always hated them! :mad:




    Wow....... Please tell me that we get to kill Marko in the dark version. Please....

    I went with "Darker" out of the "Dark", "Darker" or "Lake of Fire" outlines. You'll have to play to find out... :wink:

    You sadistic bastard! :devil: Keeping me on the edge of my chair like that! Anyway, your not going to randomly kill off companions in the current version are you? Many players, such as myself, will lament this. Me mainly because I don't want see Jerry, Steve and Cuddles get killed(nobody gives a crap about Janet. :devil: ) Also please don't break Al. :sad: His vids make my weekend and I would be very sad if this makes him stop. :sad:

    All I'll say is this - the player is strongly encouraged to leave companions in the Mojave. Failure to heed in-game warnings will bring consequences, and trust me - being essential or other such considerations won't matter. If they're in Utah, they're fair game.


    It's impossible to break Al. No matter how dark his playthrough turns out, I'm confident he'll spin it into something hilarious. I have no doubt he'll die a dozen or more times, but that's basically par when he plays my mods. Actually, the way I'd break Al is by making him play a note-based, nonviolent quest mod in Skyrim. That might send him over the edge. :wink:


    Understood. Also, I hope I didn't give you any ideas on torturing poor Al. :devil:


    Wow....... Please tell me that we get to kill Marko in the dark version. Please....

    I went with "Darker" out of the "Dark", "Darker" or "Lake of Fire" outlines. You'll have to play to find out... :wink:

    You sadistic bastard! :devil: Keeping me on the edge of my chair like that! Anyway, your not going to randomly kill off companions in the current version are you? Many players, such as myself, will lament this. Me mainly because I don't want see Jerry, Steve and Cuddles get killed(nobody gives a crap about Janet. :devil: ) Also please don't break Al. :sad: His vids make my weekend and I would be very sad if this makes him stop. :sad:


    And i'm late...

    You're not late. I haven't even begun auditions yet. I'll make an announcement in this thread when the VO work starts.



    - NAVMESH! (Listening to an audiobook makes it go faster, but still...)

    - Added some clutter to select dungeons, touched up a few interiors

    - Added music to interiors, specific locations, and the worldspace as a whole

    - Wrote more dialogue for Ford, which has been entertaining.


    Ugh... Navmeshing is such a b#tch.

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