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Posts posted by RangerBoo


    ... Alright, I'm going to assume you mean that the option isn't there which means that you're doing something wrong or you have the wrong plugin..


    If this is the plugin you have, then it's all good.


    Since you mentioned converting a DDS file, make sure you load your DDS with these settings.

    Make sure it's set to RGB colours and not something else, by default it should already be set to this.



    After that, you should be able to save as a targa.

    And finally, just choose the 32 bit like you wanted.



    OMG!!! THANK YOU! You are a life saver! :laugh: I'll be sure to give you credit in my mod( if it comes out I hope).

  2. Hmm, what exactly is the problem, the option to save it as a targa isn't there or it won't save the alpha?

    It won't like me save as targa even though I have the pluggins needed. If someone can give me a detailed step by step guide on saving an alpha dds file as 32 bit TGA that would be wonderful.

  3. I'm afraid I can't be of real help, I've never played with LOD textures or Tga.


    I can only point to tutorial, with the hope it can be useful to you.





    Thanks. I give it a try. However I need to convert the dds file into a tga in photoshop which for some reason it won't like me do. I hope I can find the soultion to this problem.

  4. Everything is in the right place and are the same size, I just don't know why its not working. I keep getting the File (whatever) "Are not the same size (but should be)" message.


    Update: Never mind. I forgot to unpack one of the bsa packages. Put a giant I on my forehead because I'm a giant IDIOT! :blink:

  5. :laugh: I got a good chuckle from reading some of your dialouge. I always thought the player's dialouge choices were a little too passive especially with NPC that just came off as obxinious or insulting to the player character. Yeah I say people would be intrested in this type of mod, go for it!

  6. It looks like that the custom texture isn't the one you want for texturing those LOD obejcts. Adjust the atlas texture if you want, but I'd get rid of it for generating LOD objects in the future.


    That, or the faces of your LOD objects need to be smoothed and faced correctly.

    I found the problem, it was that I didn't create a LOD mesh for the texture. However I'm now having a new problem with generating the new objects, when I try to generate the objects in the World LOD I get an error that says: "One or more LOD blocks failed to build. The following missing files r other problems were reported:

    Models: LOD diffuse'../source/textures tga/m files

    (x86)/steam/steamapps/coomon/fallout new vegas/data/textures/arroyo/landscape/arroyorockcanyon.tga' and normal texture'../source/textures tga/landscape/nv_rocks/NV_RockCanyonLod_N.tga are not the same size(but should be)." I checked everything and it all seems to be in the right place so I don't know what the problem is. Oh and yes I am using some of your assets TrickVein but just as a test for my test world space. If I ever use assets from someone else mod I will always make sure to ask them and give them credit. I would never steal someone else hard work and claim it as my own or use assets for a mod without asking for permission.

  7. If you do not meet the mods requirements it will crash on startup.

    If you have a mod that required SKSE, it will present you with a warning, and then resume the game normally.

    But, should it require a DLC you do not have; then it will Immediately crash.

    I first realized this when I disabled Hearthfire because of a bug that ruined the game for me, and it crashed on startup.

    As it turns out I had the Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod still enabled.

    Tell me the mod that made your game crash and I'll look into it.

    I have SKSE and all the DLC's, these mods have never given me a problem before. It doesn't matter which mod it is it just keeps crashing.

  8. Okay, at first my Skyrim crashed on me a few days ago. Since then I have deleted my saves and uninstall and reinstalled Skyrim to no avail. So when I reinstalled Skyrim this time I decided to just install one mod and see what happens. It started up so I installed a second mod, crashed right on start up and these are all mods that I have used and played before with no problems. Anyone else having this problem?

  9. I guess I can offer my voice to anyone that needs voice actors for their mod:

    Ranger Boo:

    Actor Stats

    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Race: White/Cacasian
    Active Member: Yes

    Playable Races:
    Human and elf characters. Nothing against beast races its just I can't do accents well, sorry.


    I have voice acted for several mods for FNV. I voiced Maria Hall and Lysa Aldis in Saxxon Quest Collection, Liz in Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse, Illana Kutskova in tolbox2 Youtube series Sickle Cell and several others that are still in progress.

    Well I'm new to Skyrim modding so not much unlike with FNV but if you need help writing dialogue, characters or quest I'll be more then happy to help. I wrote twelve pages worth of dialogue for a friends mod after he got into writers block so if you need any help besides I'll be more then happy to lend a hand.

  10. Ahh man.... You can't leave us hanging with NVBIII. :sad: Especially when all signs point towards that FO4 trademark being fake. This news is coming at the worst time for me right now. :sad:


    I tried to send you a message but it won't go through, so I hope you don't mind if I put it here:

    "Hey man, I read that you were going to stop modding FNV. I'm sorry to hear that but I was wondering if you like to maybe wrap up the NVB story I would be happy to help. I have a lot of free time and nothing going on and I can use the distraction(A lot of s*** hit the fan for me this week and a distraction would be really good). I know how to make a world space(just finishing up a world space for a friend right now), work with regions, import custom content and everything else and the mod can be something small and not huge in order to wrap up the NVB story and not leave everyone hanging. If your interested please connect me and I'll get to work on it ASAP(I'm sure I can scourge up a couple of others on the Nexus to help me), if not then I understand perfectly."


    Here is a picture if your curious: http://imageshack.us/a/img833/9962/blza.jpg

    Still a little more work to be done.


    Nice picture! Would be nice to know what all this will end up to to be able to follow your and your fellows progress.


    Regarding some work still, you need to generate NavMesh (you done that already?) you can triangulate it yourself manually (tedious) or you can actually get GECK to do it with to my mind acceptable results I done that successfully, BUT I have to recall the strategy, it was some not so obvious steps to get it done and always there was no clear document how to do it properly.

    Why I mention this? If you have just one (1) so little tiny error in your hightmap somewhere in the outer borders of your worldspace Generate NavMesh fails, if you create a border around the sections any player and NPC follower will be able to follow and all errors in hightmap is outside that border you happily can use the Generate NavMesh function and save a lot of time. The problem is I can't recall exactly how I created that border and forced generation to just generate NavMesh inside.


    Thank you for both the compliment and tip regarding the navmeshing! The mod in question is a companion mod that my friends been wanting to make for a while now. At first I thought I would be just vocing the mod but when when he learned that I knew how to make a new world space a bunch of ideas got into his head and this world space is the result. Its nearing complation(I'm about 70% done, just need to make a couple more dungeons and then navmeshing). I am also making my own world space/ quest mod as well but right now thats on the back burner until my friends mod is done.

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