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Posts posted by RangerBoo


    Well since everyone is saying what they want to see I will say what I dont want to see.


    Dont do a legion mod please. You are great at writing for other factions and characters and I cant wait for B3 but no...not the legion.


    Well, since Bethesda Softworks is the worst publisher on the planet (save for EA), they decided to rush New Vegas out the door so it wouldn't compete with Skyrim's sales. In turn, Obsidian underdeveloped the Legion and made them unsympathetic overall. I doubt anyone could make a well made, lore friendly Legion quest mod. In my opinion, the only redeeming quality of the Legion are its lead characters: Caesar, Lanius, Graham, Ulysses, and Vulpes (all of them with incredible dialouge).


    I don't know... Reading some of Van Buren docments, the Legion were just as much of dicks as they are in NV. The only difference being that the sexism in Van Buren was a little bit more toned down.

  2. While wrapping up the main quest I've also been throwing myself into dialogue. Here's another sample that was added on the fly:





    If I'm hearing you right, you seem to embrace being the bad guy.



    {Flash of anger}I want to know what effete, sniveling worm coined the term "bad guy". Probably some spineless wretch who relied on stronger men for his safety.


    You know what "bad" means to me? It means you're strong, you endure when others listen to that pussified voice inside, lay down and die.


    I don't know about your world with all its nations and laws, but in my world "good" is raw flesh that is stripped and eaten by the hungry.


    What would you do without a few bad men around? No job, for starters. You're only as good as the man across from you, it's what builds you.


    You've smoked a few lowlifes, so now you're supposed to be special? You're just another meatbag with an expiration date.


    The hubris of it... to call me bad. There will come a time when you'll wish you'd had more bad in you, because good... lets you down in the end.




    In writing this mod, sometimes I catch myself writing the villain as an odd sort of hero, or at least a rebel against the player's relative omnipotence. There's definitely a spirit of non serviam that fits in with some of the religious themes. If the player is God of the wasteland, this antagonist could certainly fit the role of Satan.

    Hmmm... I wonder who this could be? :tongue:


    You know what would be a troubling addition? Have someone use children as hostage or as a meatshield. Than give the courier the option to engage directly with a chance of getting the children killed, a speech check to maybe to have them removed, a barter check to possibly remove one children, etc. That would give the courier something to munch on...

    Already done, in a sense.



    Why are you so awesome someguy2000?

    Don't call me awesome until you play the mod. I imagine some people may curse my name when it's finished. :devil:


    Aww.... come on, its not that brutal and bleak as The Great Silence, is it?

  4. An excerpt from some recently-penned dialogue:





    What can you tell me about Marko?



    I suppose in a strange way he's not much different from you, Courier. He was forged in violence, reborn a survivor.


    He's not exceptional in any physical sense, nor is he the most intelligent man I've met. I suppose it's his resolve that sets him apart.


    There have been times when most men would have succumbed to defeat or even death, yet Marko won in the end.


    He told me about the time he was captured by raiders back east. They ate Marko's comrades and forced him into servitude.


    He went along with it, ingratiating himself with the leader and even proving himself as a capable cook. The raiders even grew to trust him.


    He was eventually offered the chance to join their ranks - on the condition that he prove his ability to kill without hesitation.


    While he had certainly killed before, this was different. He was ordered to slaughter the family of a random farmer, fellow by the name of Randall.


    Given your history with Randall, I have no doubt he's told you what transpired. Marko killed them all in front of Randall in gruesome fashion.


    The slavers' leader was so impressed that he made Marko his right-hand man. Marko soon exceeded all expectations as a raider.


    It seemed as if Marko had assimilated into this new lifestyle with no regrets or grudges... for a time. Then they ran into a rival group of raiders.


    On the eve of their battle, Marko sedated the leader and carried him to the rival encampment.


    With a rapt, surprised audience in full view, Marko blinded, castrated, and paralyzed his leader, then announced his intentions.


    He declared himself leader of the rival tribe, and would face anyone who thought himself more worthy. None challenged him.


    With his intimate familiarity with his original clan's tactics, Marko led his men to an easy victory. The fate of the captured raiders was... grim.


    Most were blinded, emasculated, and crippled, much like the leader. Additionally, they were disemboweled.


    For days, Marko allowed his dogs to feed on the entrails of the dying men, taking care to ensure their survival long enough to extend the agony.


    They all died, eventually. Except the leader. He had a much worse fate. They say Marko carted him about for years, caged like an animal.


    He was a living reminder that crossing Marko could bring a fate far worse than death. No one ever questioned him.



    Whoa..... :ohmy: Good writing, makes the legend reguarding Marko all the more compelling.


    I'm going to repeatedly issue bold, highlighted warnings not to bring companions, but I can still imagine the lamentations that will flood the comments. It's probably a sign that I've been writing from the villain's perspective too long when I admit that I'm looking forward to it. :devil:


    I got to ask, will not even Russell himself be safe?

  6. Thanks for the support, as well as the VO offers! Don't worry, there will be plenty of voice acting opportunities when the time comes. I'd estimate there are about 30 speaking roles, about 10 of which are principle parts with numerous lines.


    Courier will give them war they wouldn't believe. :D

    Syndicate won't be in NVBIII, except perhaps in a few notes.


    This mod's final act may come as a shock to some players. The war is coming to the Courier this time. I imagine it will spur... strong feedback.


    On that note, I may permit the player to bring companions to Utah (let's face it, plenty will do it despite my warnings), but I won't be held responsible for whatever befalls them. Being essential won't save anyone. No one is safe. :devil:

    NO! JERRY! STEVE! CUDDLES! :sad: And no one gives a crap about Janet! :devil:


    I was a bit shocked at the low number of Lady Killer speech checks in the vanillia game compared to the other gender preference checks. I'm mean, seriously its Vegas. Anyway. I always thought it would be funny if their was a Black Widow opition for Russell, only for him to turn you down. :tongue: But thats just me.

    I love Russell, but he's still damaged goods. That might be addressed and/or ameliorated in an update down the road.


    Writing romance has been challenging enough as it is, but I'm determined to see it through. I have to watch Deadwood periodically for a palate cleanse.


    That's putting it mildly with Russell. I have to give you credit. Writing romance is tough even though I, myself, don't really care much for it. I just thought it would be funny for the LOL"s to have a Black Widow check and have Russell respond in the negative. I however, am more curious about the Wild Wasteland encounters. :tongue:

  8. I was a bit shocked at the low number of Lady Killer speech checks in the vanillia game compared to the other gender preference checks. I'm mean, seriously its Vegas. Anyway. I always thought it would be funny if their was a Black Widow opition for Russell, only for him to turn you down. :tongue: But thats just me.

  9. I was thinking, just throwing idea's around, what if you make a Wild Wasteland Encounter were you find a dead or living bounty hunter who is or was looking for Ronald Dillinger? Since The Inheritance did have a note about Ronald.


    I have but one question for ya...


    Will there be Al Chestbreach references? :tongue:

    There might be a random encounter or two... :wink:


    Overencumbered Man? :tongue: Or prehaps the ever evasive Ronald Dillinger?



    So long as you don't have it end like Mass Effect 3 I'll be a happy lady! :teehee:

    It was indoctrination! (I haven't played ME since the first one - I'm one of those curmudgeons that hates ME2)

    Its okay, I hated the second one too. Oh God! I'm just thinking how NVBIII would end if given the Mass Effect 3 treatment!

    And then right when the Courier was about to have the final showdown with Marko, a strange, blinding white light appeared and the Courier was somehow transported to The Lucky 38 where a hologram of the irritating Mick and Ralph crier apeared and gave the player three choices in which none of the choices you made prior will matter, you die no matter what and your friends are transported to some podunk area of the wasteland without any explanation because F*** You! Its art!


    I think once you finish NVB3 you should try to release more mods on the scale of something like The Inheritance. Sometimes its better to write a lot of short stories rather than some epic novel. so I'm looking forward to mods like The Message or a Someguy quest collection (or something like it) sounds like something that would add a little spice to New Vegas.

    When I started considering whether or not to resume modding, I took a long, hard look at everything I've done in order to dertermine what's practical as a mercurial modder. My motivation tends to run in 6-month bursts, so mods produced in that window usually get finished. I was very burned out when I released Russell (even if I didn't let on), and I was just looking for an out. Those goddamn updates to NVBI and NVBII (mainly the latter) were the most time-intensive thing I've ever worked on, period. For me, nothing is harder than revising and revamping old content, particularly if it's screwed up. I hate that Russell now has a reputation as a buggy mod, but it was my fault for releasing it prematurely and then sitting on it. Lesson learned.


    For NVBIII, my goal is to keep it focused on the main plot, and avoid feature creep at all costs (ahem, random encounters). With the main quest about 70% complete, I feel pretty confident about seeing it through to the finish. There still remains plenty of work to be done on interiors, dialogue, and what not, but the core content is shaping up nicely. The final act will require for me to expand my skill set (I try to do this with every mod), primarily in the are of camera manipulation via scripting. I've reverse-engineered capture sequences (like that in Dead Money), so I'll figure it out with some trial and error. It's nothing too fancy, anyway. Plenty can be communicated to the player through sound when the screen is black... :devil:


    God, I can't wait to share this mod with ya'll. It will probably spur some sharp opinions, but it sure as s*** won't be predictable or boring. Thanks for the support, all!


    So long as you don't have it end like Mass Effect 3 I'll be a happy lady! :teehee:

  13. Understandable. I am interested in seeing how this encounters play out as as well as the type of encounters. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the encounters will be from surviving members of the Sand Wolves. Correct me if I'm wrong.


    Sorry about spoilers but I don't know how to make a spoiler tag for the life of me.

  14. Voted for restricted travel. The player is heading to the showdown, their only concerns should be getting s*** done in utah not whether or not they left the stove running in the Lucky 38.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. This is a final showdown with quite possibly one of the most evil character to ever come from a mod. Your main concern should be the final confrontation with Marko not whether or not you forgot to pack an extra pair of underwear.

  15. One of these days I need to make a compilation of all the deaths he's experienced in my mods. Poor Al.


    EDIT: My all-time favorite is still him getting man-handled by an unarmed ghost in Sword of Sigdan. He was so... surprised. :devil:

    It was like watching Bane break Batman's back! :laugh: But my favorite would have to be the exploding slaves from Russell. Both him and Jerry were taken by surprise! :devil:




    Just a little sample, since I'm giddy from penning dialogue for a "certain character":





    Are you going to use wanted posters?



    Posters? Only use for those things is to wipe your ass, not a damn thing else. Wasteful and stupid, I call them.


    Most look like they were drawn up by a gang of blind hobos. Terrible printing and even worse artwork.


    I give you a name, you kill the motherf***er. That's how this business is supposed to operate. It keeps things organized and neat.


    Most of the time posters are spread all over creation, and it's a pain in the ass to even find work. Goddamn ridiculous!


    You show me the man who invented wanted posters, and I'd gladly shoot him in the face, then stomp his nuts for good measure.



    Fairly obvious that character is gonna be the player's "boss" for NVBIII...


    So, who wants to take bets on the mystery chief's identity?


    Probably Randall


    It's Ronald Dillinger. Really!


    You shouldn't have run Ronald. We will find you! :laugh:


    I am little afraid to ask what Karl's "Kandy" is.

    Karl is a polite, elderly gentleman who sells confectioneries at reasonable rates. You can always trust Karl with a "K".


    If there's one thing you can count on in my mods, it's well-balanced, amicable citizens living peacefully in the Mojave. So much cynicism...


    Then again, it could be a whorehouse run by a sadistic maniac... or perhaps a gifted vocalist?


    The sarcasm was just poring out of my monitor while reading your post. :D

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