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Posts posted by prensa

  1. Jenova23 - Hello!


    That error means your mod could not be saved as normal because it is being used by something else.


    Make sure you do not have Fallout 3 running when you are saving in GECK, or have FOMM/NMM or FO3Edit open as all of those programs will prevent GECK saving over the old mod file.


    Also, depending on if you use Win7/Vista & what security settings you have, you may need to run GECK as administrator.


    "temp file DATA/(the mod.tes) contains saved data."


    Means that GECK has saved a temporary version of your mod under a different name, it will be in the Data folder named the same as your normal mod but with a .tes at the end instead of .esp.


    Simply changing the .tes to .esp will make that file useable & can replace the other version you were unable to modify.


    "For some reason also I have old mods that show up in geck but aren't actually in the folder, I don't use any tes files, I tried reinstalling G.E.C.K, updating G.E.C.K and I don't have anything running in the background either plz help. "


    Mods showing up in the GECK's Data list that are not in your Data folder may mean you have more than one Data folder & that GECK is looking at the wrong one.


    This could happen if you had originally installed Fallout 3 in a different folder then reinstalled it into another without properly uninstalling the original.


    For instance you may have installed Fallout from disc then installed from STEAM & have two Fallout 3 folders in different locations:


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\


    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3


    I'm pretty sure you can direct GECK to the Fallout 3 folder you want on installation.


    Hope this helps!



  2. AusGill - Hello!


    The Type 3 body is a nude body replacer by dimon99, it basically removes the spot welded underwear from vanilla bodies & provides a more appealing/feminine body. There are also a lot of clothes made for it. It can be found here:


    DIMONIZED TYPE3 female body by dimon99




    I put together a step by step guide for installing it with FOMM (simillar method for NMM) that can be found here:




    The particular outfit you have linked to is by BEWARE OF GIRL/BlackBlossom, though it will work with the original Type 3 body, she has her own version that you may be interested in too:


    BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer by BlackBlossom




    There's also a great male equivalent here:


    Breezes FO3 Males by Breeze58200




    Hope this helps!



  3. jordanb1992y - Hello!


    BlackRampage is correct, GOTY version of Fallout 3 is already the latest version & does not need to be patched.


    Fallout 3 GOTY is version, the very latest.


    You can see Fallout 3's version by going to the main menu, selecting Settings - Display & it will be in the bottom left corner.


    Hope this helps!



  4. theoneandonlyboiler - Hello!


    FO3Edit would be able to do that:




    You could use the "Copy as new record into" & choose a "<new file>" (at the very bottom of the list).


    You can even use the shift key to select multiple items at a time to move.


    May be easiest (depending how much you are removing) to make a copy of the mod you want broken up, open the copy in FO3Edit & remove the chunks you don't want leaving behind the parts you need to keep.


    You could then rename that file to what it does.


    Hope this helps!



  5. crashinghell - Hello!


    Firstly you need to get hold of a Feral Ghoul model, if you have FOMM it has a handy BSA Unpacker that can be found under Tools.


    You can use that to extract a Feral Ghoul model from the Fallout - Meshes.bsa.


    You could modify any Feral Ghoul but let's say:




    You would then rename that model to suit your new Ghoul.


    If you're just wanting to add in a Feral Ghoul retexture or slightly different armor/clothes arrangement then you can just add the new model into the existing Feral Ghoul Creature Folder.


    Place your model in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Creatures\ghoul


    If you don't have that file path, create it.


    The textures can be obtained the same way as the mesh but from Fallout - Textures.bsa


    The textures for that model are:





    To edit it's textures you'll need a texture/.dds editor.


    I use Paint.net as it's very user friendly & free:




    Once you've modified the textures to your liking, add them to your Feral Ghoul model by opening the model in Nifskope:




    I still use version 1.0.22.


    For the example model you'd expand Block 1, expand the BSShader......, click on BSShaderTextureSet & the texture paths will display at the bottom "Block Details" window.


    Expand the "Textures" there & you'll see two texture paths (the diffuse main texture & the normal map texture with _n at the end).


    Click on the purple flower to navigate to where your new textures are & you should see them show up on the model in Nifskopes Render window. Save your model in Nifskope & exit.


    Now to place the new Feral Ghoul model in GECK.


    In GECK, load up your plugin, go to the Object Window, find Actors - Creature, now type in the filter box:




    Select one of the Feral Ghoul types, CrFeralGhoul1A is a basic Feral Ghoul.


    Change the ID to suit your new Ghoul, maybe add the name of your mod to the begining of it to allow you to filter find it fast.


    Give it a Name (Feral Ghoul in Armani, Polka Dot skinned Ghoul, whatever.....).


    Once you click OK, you'll have created a new Feral Ghoul you can use in GECK.


    But it will look the same as the model you chose to modify.


    To give it a new model, open your newly created Ghoul & go to the ModelList tab.


    In here you can choose a new model to use for this Feral Ghoul, untick the old model in the list & tick the new model (as long as you placed it in that Ghoul folder mentioned above it should show up in the list).


    By clicking the Preview box at the bottom you can view the Ghoul in the side Render Window of the Creature details.


    Click OK & it's ready to place somewhere & check it out in game.


    Handy detailed guide to what all the settings in the Creature box do:




    Hope this helps!



  6. Griffin - Hello!


    "That was the problem. Doh!"


    Glad it's sorted. :)


    "So, OK, when I do some navmeshing of an area, I really should do an error check"


    Yes, the error check's a good thing though GECK normally throws a fit & won't let you save if there's a navmesh error.


    That is the plus side with navmeshes, anything seriously wrong & GECK will complain. :)


    "then a navmesh sweep, (though sometimes this removes otherwise working navmesh, because the program doesn't think they should be there, so I am loath to use this)"


    Balance for Optimization? Yes, that's best used early on in your navmesh, before you do the fiddly bits. As you say, it often removes pieces that should be there on more complex sections. I've gotten so proficient with navmeshing now that I tend not to use it anymore.


    More often than not, I don't get any errors first time around too.


    Except with caves, they are damn tricky. Mainly due to the floor not being flat & tricky crevices.


    " then I must check for cover edges, then I must finalize the whole area's navmesh, right? Without doing this, the npc's won't register use of the navmesh, and obviously this is a bad thing"


    Cover edges, Finalize always. Cover edges gives the NPC's & creatures more info on their surroundings (where to take cover etc.) & adds a bit of realism to their interaction in a location.


    Finalize is the really important one, that "sets" the navmesh & does things like identifying tleport doors.


    "BUT, I am going to assume that finalizing your navmesh isn't final, right?"


    No it's not final, you can use the Cover edges & Finalize many times. I often do it so I can go in game to see how the navmesh is coming along.


    You can continue editing it after you've used Finalize.


    You must always update with Finalize when you've changed some navmeshing though.


    "I have done some fairly extensive modification of navmesh in the wasteland and it occurs to me that as I have changed the navmesh for that area, which was once finalized, and now I finalize it again, it must mean that finalizing it, is not permanent, it is just kind of like activating it. "


    That's it, think of it like Finalize is saving your new changes.


    "So this means I can work on a small area, say the area of my subway, with the vagrant, finalize it, then add more navmesh later, for testing purposes, instead of wanting to complete the entire cell's navmesh just to test one NPC's navmesh."


    That's correct.


    I often drop in NPC's into a navmeshed area to see how they cope. Followers are handy too as you can lead them around & see if they are behaving themselves. :)


    "Apart from that, and from my early testing, the navmesh works pretty well. Few errors so far. My raiders move around. (I feel they need more idles). "


    You can always place in idle markers, rather fun actually.


    "That's fine, no worries, his prerogative, yet not one raider reacted to seeing another die. None was alerted by the massacre taking place. One and only one walked close enough to notice the PC and attacked. All the others simply walked around, did their sandbox routine, casually observing (or perhaps not) the deaths of their fellow-raider scum, until the last one in a crow's nest died. Yet no one reacted to the shooting going on."


    If you're out of sight with good cover & low light you can pick off a group.


    You can use patrol markers & set some raiders to patrol & guard the area as a real gang would. Set them to wander around the likely sneak spots.


    Don't forget traps, use these as the Raiders would. Remember where your brother-in-law sat to snipe your Raiders & conceal mines there or other booby traps like trip wires & grenade bunches:




    I found it added a whole new element of fun, both for you the disigner & the player. :)


    A big bang of a hidden mine or other booby trap will give the player a shock & alert the Raiders to them. Set the mines to being owned by Raiders so you don't blow them up too.


    Also consider giving the Raiders a guard dog or two, they have a better chance of picking up the presence of an intruder. These are all things that will make it harder for your Raider band to get punked & challenge whoever plays your mod.


    Begin to think like the NPC's you're placing would, would you cluster around one area with no guards or traps if you lived in a post apocalyptic world?


    A handy thing for traps, in case you're not familliar with setting up some of the more complex ones, is that there's a special cell included in the GECK with the traps set up ready to be copied & pasted.


    Look in the Cell View window - Interiors & look for the Editor ID:


    Warehouse Traps


    Can save a lot of time.


    There's a couple of other Warehouse cells, including one for toilets (amazing how many toilets I've had to do!).


    Simillar to those & equally time saving are the Kit cells:






    They have prefabricated building spaces that you can copy & paste into your cell to give yourself a head start.


    I wouldn't suggest just cutting & pasting everything, you want to give things your own touch, but these things can be customised & still save much wrestling with kit pieces.


    "I will add foot patrol sweeps of the area with dogs, in a patrol that should bring them up behind the PC while he/she is doing their sniping. I will put some traps (though this won't hinder a good sniper) but apart from that, not sure what to do."


    Ha, I see you already came to the sam conclusion. :)


    "though this won't hinder a good sniper"


    Be sneaky, make your traps a little better concealed than the vanilla game.


    I find the vanilla game made a lot of traps to obvious. Conceal them more. Make some obvious so that the Player thinks they are smart only to find the path they have diverted to is the real trap.


    "Hey I added a couple of sneak peak images of my mod to this site. "


    Where, which section, I'll take a look.


    "I want to say too that you have been absolutely instrumental in my mod's creation thus far and I really appreciate all your help. Prensa"


    I'm glad to have helped! :)


    As I said before, I'm still learning the GECK myself & I've learnt loads from these forums & people who've taken the time to write things out. Seems only fair to help others when possible.


    I'm hoping to post my mod but there always seems to be something else to add. :)



  7. doodlezorz - Hello!


    There's no need to get replacment textures for anything that comes with the vanilla game.


    All a mod does is place atheir version of a vanilla file into your Fallout 3/Data folder & that overrides but does not replace the vanilla one.


    The vanilla files will still be intact & contained in the .bsa's (sort of archives the Fallout uses).


    All you need to do is remove all the files that the mod you installed placed into your data folder, untick any .esp's/.esm's & the game will default back to the original.


    You can check to see exactly what the Pipboy mod installed by looking at the original download.


    Alternatively, Pipboy textures should be in:


    Fallout 3\Data\textures\pipboy3000


    Pipboy meshes should be in:


    Fallout 3\Data\meshes\pipboy3000


    The player's is "pipboyarm" & NPC's is called "pipboyarmnpc".


    Hope this helps!



  8. ohno21212 - Hello!


    Did you definitely edit the correct .ini? As there is a default .ini in the Data folder that sometimes people confuse for the main .ini.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  9. GowiHasti - Hello!


    I don't know about the .ogg files but I do know the .wav files I've used on occasion would not play in GECK or in game.


    I had to re-save them as .wav files & they then worked fine.


    I used the great (& free!) program Audacity:




    You can set Bit rate & file type there easily, a really good no fuss no mess program. :)


    I also found that many sound files have to follow a certain structure &, in some cases, even naming format to work.


    I had to follow the examples found in game to ensure some sounds played.


    This was with weapon sounds & a few triggered sounds. I've no experience with dialogue.


    "I've look at its properties and it doesn't tell me."


    On Win7 the bitrate for audio files displays at the bottom of the folder window when selected.


    Should also show up when you right click on a file & select Properties - Details, it's under the Audio heading.


    Hope this helps!



  10. Proximitus - Hello!


    " the combat armor, rivet city security outfit, talon combat armor, reilly's rangers outfit, all have different textures. They use the same model though and I was wondering, how did they do that in geck? "


    You are correct, they do all use the same model.


    It's a thing called Texture sets:




    You can find them in the Object Window under Miscellaneous - Texture Set.


    You can create a new one in there, assign it a Diffuse map (the basic texture) & a Normal map (the texture that gives depth) & even Glow & Enviroment maps too.


    Once you have a Texture Set, you can add it to an object by clicking on Edit by it's model (as if you are going to choose a new model). Instead of browsing for a new model, click on Alternate Texture & assign your texture set to the parts you wish changed.


    You'll see the model change in the render window.


    You'd then rename the object you just changed the texture on (so it becomes a new object & does not overwrite the original).


    It's handy for things that use the same model but just have a different texture.


    In those cases it also means you don't have to change the textures in multiple .nif's through Nifskope which is the traditional method.


    It also saves you having to pack the model into your mod if it's a vanilla one.


    Like I said earlier though, only really of use if the models share the same UV or are at least simillarly set up in how their texture works.


    Hope this helps!



  11. TheCampingCam - Hello!


    "I am experiencing a crash when i start up fallout 3 goty"


    That's normally caused by a missing master file, a plugin is missing another that it needs to work.


    " I had previously installed mods succesfully but i deleted that game folder and re-downloaded a fresh copy via steam."


    Was the original Fallout 3 installation via STEAM or was it off a disc?


    Are you sure all traces of the original installation & mods are gone?


    If you had two installations of Fallout 3 in two different locations, parts of the old one may still be there.


    If you are using a mod manager (FOMM/NMM) it may still be pointing to the old installtion.


    It's possible your old .ini is still in place, go to your:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    & drag:




    Onto the desktop.


    Start Fallout 3, it will make a new .ini file, see if it loads normally.


    Hope this helps!



  12. wanqiqi - Hello!


    That's odd.


    Click on the "Messages" tab at the bottom of the Right hand window.


    The Right window should show all the mods you've loaded (left ticked in the initial selection window).


    The last message should be something like:


    Background Loader: Finished


    If you have an error message there instead, that could be your problem.


    Make sure your load order is correct & no masters are missing or loading below .esp's.


    If there is an error message there & adjusting your load order does not help, copy & paste the error message here.


    Hope this helps!



  13. charwo - Hello!


    "I need to see some files from FWE. That means I need to open it with GECK. GECK gives the following error: Multiple master files loaded. Aborting operation. I need to know how to open FWE. Please help. "


    You need to change a setting in the GECK's .ini in order to load multiple masters.


    GECK's .ini should be in the same place as your Fallout 3.ini.


    Go to your:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    Open this up in notepad:




    & change this line:




    To this:




    Don't do it while GECK is running though or it will change the setting back when you close GECK.


    Hope this helps!



  14. Proximitus - Hello!


    "The 2hrreloadzstart file was among the other files, so I reckoned it was important."


    That's what I'd guess, it's reloadz so it's clearly related.


    "But I didn't implented the file into the script, so I don't think that causes the problem."


    I think that may be why it is causing a problem, it's possible they should be used together.


    I can't say I've seen a start version of an animation file in Fallout 3.


    I don't have New Vegas to check. You may want to look in GECK at that eapon & see what animations are listed for it.


    "Is there some way I can comparise the 2 files, the NV ones and the ones that you use (don't know wich they are) to see where they flaw?"


    As wetblanket says, Nifskope will view .kf animation files:




    I've used it to edit start/end times on animations before but it's not going to tell you a lot, just a lot of NiTransformInterpolator blocks with animation instructions.


    Apart from the Text keys with the start/end times I'm afraid I know very little about animation files structure.


    As to which animations I tried out, I've got Apocalypse Armory installed so I've got lots of reload animations in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male


    I swapped in several of those like MauserCarbineReload & I think 2hareloadf too.


    They all seemed to work when called by that special script.


    It's only those New Vegas ones that seemed to get ignored.


    I even swapped them with a dance animation I have that can be triggered in game. Again, nothing happened in game when those New Vegas ones were in. Yet I could swap in any of the Fallout 3 reload animations & trigger them in game.


    Have you tried using any of the other animations from New Vegas in your mod?


    Just to see if they work?


    I can't think of anything else except contacting someone with more knowledge of animations.


    Sorry I couldn't be of more help!



  15. wanqiqi - Hello!


    "Now I have a real problem here, in my fo3edit the right is always blank, i guess i click something there, no matter how many times I close and reopen, the view area is still blank, do you know anything about it?"


    The right hand window should show flowing information as your mods first load, saying "Background Loader.........." etc.


    Once done your mods will be listed in the left hand window.


    In order for data to come up in the right, you have to expand one of the mods on the left by clicking on the + next to it & then selecting one of the sub records.


    For example, left click on the + next to Fallout3.esm at the top on the left. Many sub headings will be expanded. Left click on "File Header" & the details of that will be displayed on the right.


    You can expand other headings & left click on them to see their data on the right.


    Hope this helps!



  16. Proximitus - Hello!


    I've taken a look at your plugin, there's nothing wrong with your script or the implementation of the reload animation workaround.


    It seems to be the animations it's not liking as it ignores the ones you're trying to add.


    I tested it with some other fallout 3 reload animations, copied & renamed to replace the files you provided, & it worked as it's meant to.


    I do notice that there's an extra file with the reloads you are trying to use:




    Not sure what that's for, my guess would be that's part of the problem.



  17. Proximitus - Hello!


    "found them! Problem is, now I can't find the place to edit the ReloadA to ReloadZ animations in GECK! "


    In GECK, edit the weapon you want to use the animation, reload is set under the "Art and Sound" tab in "Reload Anim".


    You can also see & edit Reloads in FO3Edit.


    Though Fallout 3 only has reloads from A - K, & I think that's hard coded.


    You'd probably have to swap the reload for one of the existing ones by renaming the animation to one of the vanilla ones.


    I have seen a sneaky script/idle animation method used for adding in new reloads so that existing ones don't get replaced.


    The plasma weapons in Plasma Weapons Redesign Rebalance by chai:




    & also the Heavy Plasma pistol in Apocalypse Armory.


    There's a detailed guide on how to do that here:




    I'm assuming you're doing this for personal use as you would not be allowed to upload a mod for Fallout 3 with New Vegas content.


    Hope this helps!



  18. Proximitus - Hello!


    I don't have New Vegas so I can't tell you where the reload animations would be there.


    However I know where Reload animations are in Fallout 3, so that might help as they should be in a simillar place in New Vegas.


    In Fallout 3 Human animations are in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male


    Their first person equivalents are in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson


    The files are .kf & tend to be named things like 2hareloadf.


    If it's a vanilla weapon they will be in that same path contained in the meshes .bsa of course.


    Hope this helps!



  19. wanqiqi - Hello!


    "is there a way to edit master file instead of plugin files?"


    Yes, you have to change the .esm into a .esp file first.


    You can use FO3Edit to do it.


    MAKE A BACKUP of the .esm you are going to edit FIRST.


    Just in case something unexpected happens. :)


    Load up FO3Edit, expand the details of the .esm you want to change by clicking on the + next to it.


    Left click on "File Header", it's details will show up on the right.


    Next to "Record Flags" right click on "ESM" & select Edit.


    In the box that comes up untick ESM.


    Close FO3Edit, it will ask to save changes to the mod you modified, click OK.


    GECK will now allow you to edit the .esm.


    To turn it back, follow the same steps above in FO3Edit & tick ESM in that box.


    If it's your own .esm, it's better to always keep a copy of the original .esp form of it & modify that before changing it into & .esm.


    Of course, if it's some other .esm you want to edit you have no choice but to do it this way.


    Hope this helps!



  20. Griffin - Hello!


    "but in any event, do you know how the developers would batch assign reflections/refractions to batches of water tiles??"


    I've not needed to use the batch (- key) to often but as far as I know it only wokrs on multiple selcted items to set one thing on them at a time & not multiples.


    I've been lucky so far in that my placed water has been only one object.


    However, depending on what you need each piece of water to reflect/refract, you can batch set the refractions on the water item THEN copy it. When you copy something like water that has things set to reflect/refract a box comes up asking you if you want to also keep the same reflect/refract lists.


    That would save having to set them all again BUT it's only useful if you want the copied piece to reflect/refract the same things as the original. So not sure how helpful that is to you. :)


    As for the vagrant, have you definitely got the navmesh done correctly?


    No navemesh results in stuck NPC's as they don't know where they can walk.


    Since you say you've navmeshed the area, did you remember to finalize the navmesh?


    After making a navmesh you should always click on "Find cover edges for current cell" then "Finalize current cell's navmeshes" (the red tick in the navmesh bar).


    Finalize is important to complete a navmesh, it also registers any teleport doors.


    Also using Flood fill (select a navmesh trianlge & press F or select it from the navmesh bar) is a good quick way to make sure your navmesh is all connected as it should be & not seperate islands.


    All connected areas will turn green, anything left red is it's own unconnected island.


    If the navmesh checks out, time to look at your NPC's packages.


    I love the sandbox package, it's a great way to allow NPC's to move about seemingly freely without rigid timetable constraints. :)


    Unles you need osme special conditons in there, just use a default package.


    You'd go to the NPC's AI Packages & select say:




    The 1024 at the end represents the radius the NPC will wander about, there are tighter Default ones if you want the NPC to wnader in a tighter area.


    Don't forget, it you want to edit that Default package, give it a new name so you don't mess up others who are using the same package.


    If you're leaving it alone then there's no need to make it a new package.


    As long as they have that Sandbox package & a decent navmesh they will wander about & use any furniture or idle markers you have placed.


    Note, if they have any other packages like patrol that have them locked into markers they will ignore the sanbox & execute those first.


    If the marked patrol has them in a permanent loop they will never use the Sandbox.


    They will also divert from the sandbox if you've scheduled packages.


    For instance I have an NPC that has a DefaultSandboxCurrentLocation1024, so that NPC wanders around freely. They also have a scheduled patrol package set to 20 (8 o'clock) so at that time they leave the Sandboxing & head to the marker linked to that patrol & execute that. Once finished, they return to the Sandbox package.


    So make sure your NPC has no packages clashing.


    If in doubt, remove other custom packages & just leave the DefaultSandboxCurrentLocation1024 in & see what happens.


    If they work with just that in but not with all your packages, you'll know you've got packages clashing.


    I sometimes find it handy to drop in another NPC who's just got a Sandbox package to test locations.


    Another possibility is a very low energy setting in the NPC's AI Data tab.


    The Energy setting there (1-100) determins how much moving about they'll do though that shouldn't make them stuck in place.


    Low settings tend to sit, eat & sleep more while high enrgy tend to do idles & move about a bit more.


    There's a great page on Sandboxes here:




    EDIT: I should also mention that .esp's have a known issue with new navmeshes, sometimes they act very strange. This can manifest itself in the form of the new navmesh working correctly on first entering the room but seemingly becoming "jumbled" when you re-enter.


    Creatures in such an affected room will pool up in one place when you re-enter too, a sure sign of this bug.


    It does not always occur but can be perplexing if you haven't heard of the problem (it was to me when I very first started navmeshing :) ).


    The solution is to make any mod that adds navmeshed areas an .esm.


    The .esm files don't seem to have any issues with navmeshes.


    Of course you need to keep your mod a .esp for as long as you are working on it in GECK so just bear it in mind if the problem crops up. You can always make an .esm version of your mod to test, just to make sure all is well.



  21. nivea - Hello!


    Glad it was of some use. :)


    I just couldn't find any guides or articles about how those pesky wounds worked.








    To anyone interested, further to my earlier post, I've been playing with this & found a few things out.


    This same method of moving Blocks in the Block list above the amputation caps works for creatures too.


    I had some clothed Feral Ghouls that wounds never displayed on.


    Moving the block with their main body on above the Blocks with their amputation caps worked. But you also had to move the clothing Block that they were wearing (Creatures clothes are built into their model unlike human NPC's) to above the amputation caps too in order for the blood splatts to display on the clothes.


    This includes Arms if they are seperate from the clothing items main body.


    & nifty thing about this is, If you want an item to not display bloody wounds, you leave it under the ampoutation caps.


    Handy for say a bullet proof vest part of clothing or an armor piece that you don't want to look like it's been penetrated.



  22. Griffin - Hello!


    "Also to fix my FOMM problem, I went with the "old" FOMM, installing it instead of trying to get the "New" FOMM (GEMM) to ever start working again, which it wouldn't. And this works fine. And it seems a little friendlier too. Nice"


    Yes, I've always stuck to "Old" FOMM. Since I don't have New Vegas & am more than happy with "Old" FOMM there was no point. :)


    "Finally, - Morrowind - Loved it. Absolutely Loved It!!! "


    I don't know how many hours I played that! I still play it from time to time. :)


    "Oblivion, Good, but not Great."


    I love Oblivion, took some time to adapt after Morrowind because a the subtle changes but I grew to love it as much.


    I love how Sweet rolls keep croping up in Bethesda games, I smiled when they turned up in Fallout 3. :)


    "Fallout New Vegas - Havent played it yet. "


    One word, STEAM. The only reason I don't own the Ultimate (GOTY) edition of New Vegas.


    I wish Bethesda would at least make the GOTY's, that are released a long time after a game premieres, non STEAM. :(


    "Hey, I still don't know why my game always crashed on quitting. I disabled many mods, including my own mod. And this didn't make any difference. Always crashes when I quit "


    Not unusual, happened to me on Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3. Minor really.


    Fallout Stutter Remover has a clean exit setting in it's .ini that may help.


    If you use Stutter Remover (requires FOSE), edit the .ini in:


    Fallout 3\Data\fose\plugins


    & change:


    bFastExit = 0




    bFastExit = 1


    See if that helps.


    "I committed to the big mod change overhaul last night. And spent the better part of today trying to reverse the damage done by installing the mods I did."


    Uh-oh. :O


    "I also tried to instal DarnUi"


    The FOMOD of that edits your .ini automatically.


    If you manually install it you have to make the .ini change yourself.


    There's a very good installation .pdf included with DarnUI to tell you what to do.


    It's in the Docs folder of the non FOMM version.


    DarnUI also requires FOSE to work.


    DarnUI can be found here:




    Direct link to manual version:




    Direct link to FOMOD version:




    Direct link to the hot fix:




    "After carefully installing all of these mods. I got a crash on launch, so I started going through and systematically turning them off. One by one. All the way to leaving only Vanilla ESMs still selected. And, now this is CRAZY, the game still crashed."


    Crash on launch of Fallout 3 with mods is almost always due to a missing master.


    A very quick way, after your game crashes on startup, to check if you're missing a master is to left click on your mods in FOMM. That will make a list of the selected plugins masters appear at the bottom of FOMM. Any listed master missing from your load order will mean Fallout 3 will crash on startup.


    If it's happening without any mods active at all, it could have been your .ini.


    Deleting or moving the .ini & restarting Fallout 3 would remake the .ini.


    "Will at least teach me to download, install and check mods on at a time, instead of installing a dozen new mods and installing them all at once, and then checking. That was stupid. "


    One mod install at a time is the best way to go.


    I always check one mod out at a time, making sure to start a new savgame thus leaving old saves to go back to if something really bad happens. :)


    Hope it's all working again now!



  23. HAMPOLLO - Hello!


    "I am using Enhanced Blood Textures My link Everything worked fine until I installed Dimonized Type 3 Female Bodies My link which does not support wounds."


    Well wounds, the bloody stain that shows up on the body after taking damage, is an odd thing.


    Some armors it will show on & others it won't.


    Even on vanilla bodies & armor it does not seem to be consistent. Some show wounds others do not.


    Though wounds don't show (blood spurts come off impacts still) on the Type 3 when naked, wounds do appear on many armors/clothes worn by Type 3.


    The vanilla female body also seems to have some inconsistencies too.


    I'd never really noticed the missing wounds on the Type 3 (not often fully naked in battle ;) )

    or the other vanilla clothes & armor, until you mentioned it.


    "How hard would it be for a totally new modder with no GECK experience to modify these 2 body mods to enable wounds to show up?"


    Firstly you'd need a .nif editor, it's called Nifskope:




    I still use the 1.0.22 version, if you're not editing Skyrim .nif's that'll do for you.


    There's a very detailed guide here:




    The tricky part was working out what was wrong. ;)


    This might scare you off if you're new to Nifskope but I'm going to document what I've found in case others read this looking for a solution. It actually turned out to be rather easy.


    I started looking into it after reading your post.


    I looked around for information on how the wounds work, unfortunately there was nothing I could find. Many people wondering how they worked though. :)


    So I started with the odd fact that Type 3 without clothes had displayed no wounds but could in some armor/clothes despite them showing a lot of the very same body.


    After a bit of fiddling with Nifskope I managed to make a Type 3 that would show wounds by pasting it into & over a piece of clothing.


    I managed to do this also for the Breeze male I use too.


    Trouble was, I didn't really know why it worked.


    Took 'till today to figure it out.


    I was guessing maybe a shader controlled the blood impacts on the body or a node or a setting in a node.


    Wrong. :)


    It's far simpler than that.


    It's the order that the main body of the nif model is in the Block list in relation to the Meat caps & Limb Caps (the bits that form the bloody stumps when limbs are removed).


    If the main body's Block is lower than the Meat caps & Limb Caps in the Block list, no bloody wounds will show.


    Move the main body up the list to just under the 0 Scene Root & above the Meat caps & Limb Caps & the bloody wounds show up.


    Might sound complex but it's done easily by left clicking on the Block in the Block list you need to move in Nifskope & pressing Ctrl & the UP cursor key untill it's just under the Scene Root.


    Works for bodies & armor/clothes.


    For example, thake the Type 3 BASE HD body:




    (Always make a backup of any .nif BEFORE you try & make changes to it)


    You'd open it in Nifskope.


    Left click on the body in the Render window, which highlights it's Block in the Block list.


    That Block is 31 BASEHD, press Ctrl & the UP cursor key & move up it's number until that Block has moved to a position just under the Scene Root, above the Meat caps & Limb Caps.


    Go to File & Save.


    That femaleupperbody.nif will now show wounds in game.


    The same method made my Breeze male also show wounds, that's the upperbody.nif & the main Block was called "Body".


    I use Breeze 1.3 not the latest 1.6 so I don't know if the 1.6 shows wounds or not. The 1.3 didn't until fixed.


    I've also used this method on a few pieces of clothing succesfully too.


    Of course, you'd have to fix any piece of armor/clothes that didn't display wounds as well as the bodies.


    That's because the clothes work by basically replacing the body in use.


    The method is at least easy. :)


    I've not had long to test it but all seems well (if very bloody) with no side effects.


    Oh, anyone getting strange jagged bloody wounds instead of splatts, right click on the mesh in the Render window & select - Mesh - Make Skin Partition. Fixed it on the Breeze I was working on.


    Hope this helps!



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