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Posts posted by prensa

  1. Kimberlee - Hello!


    "or starting fresh with a brand new model/texture. What I would like is a tutorial that would help me to do either."


    Most custom body/meshes/.nif's for Fallout 3 are made with Blender, as it's free.


    Blender is however known to be quite tough to break into, though if you already have experience with 3D modeling you may have a head start.


    I can't offer any direct help with Blender, it didn't seem to like me last time I tried to use it. :)


    Nexus Wiki has this guide on where to get Blender & how to install:




    On the forums there's this list of related Blender links:




    There's an extensive guide to download on the Nexus:


    Fallout3 Training Manual on Blender GIMP NifSkope and GECK




    Blender to Fallout 3 - Tutorial




    There are lots of Youtube video guides for Blender too.


    This FO3 ready skeleton may be of use:


    Breezes Blender FO3 Biped Animation Kit




    Nifskope is the tool used to set up the meshes once made in Blender:




    I use 1.0.22, it's not the latest but it seems to be the most Fallout 3 friendly version.


    The later version seems more Skyrim orientated from what I can tell.


    Once you've made the model, there are several programs that can be used to make the tesxtures/.dds:


    I use Paint.net for my texture work, it's very user friendly & although simple to use it's very versatile:




    You can also get a lot of user made plugins for it to do a multitude of deifferent things.


    I've never used Gimp but it's popular as well & free:




    A handy GIMP links page:




    & of course there's Photoshop but that's not free.


    Hope this helps!



  2. VGI - Hello!


    EDIT: I see wetblanket has beat me too it, I'll post what I'd written anyway. :)


    I've not seen a collected repair list however, you can find out repair lists by using FO3Edit.


    Run that & look up the item under Armor (under fallout 3.esm for vanilla or under the DLC's for their content) to find out what Repair list it's using.


    Repair lists are in "FormID List" & start with "Repair".


    When you look up a Repair List it will have all the items that can be used to repair the armor listed. If the item is the only thing listed & it's unique then only merchants can repair it.


    Either that or look up the item at the Fallout Wiki, they list the items individual repair list.


    Armored Vault 101 jumpsuit:




    The Armored Vault 101 jumpsuit can only be repaired by merchants.


    Winterized T-51b power armor:




    Winterized T-51b power armor should be repairable by normal power armor but due to a goof in the vanilla Operation Anchorage you're actually given the simulator version that has incredibly high health & can't be repaired.


    The Unofficial Fallout 3 patch fixes that issue as well as a few other things with that armor.


    Hope this helps!



  3. aerophoneix - Hello!


    I've only ever done water in interiors, is it interior water you're using?


    Did you set your cell to "Has Water"?


    That setting is in the Cell's "Common Data" tab when you click on it & Edit in the Cell View window.


    You also need to set a Water Noise texture to add ripples to the surface of the water.


    That setting is in the Cell's "Interior Data" tab when you click on it & Edit in the Cell View window.


    Now the Water Noise textures have to be selected from the Data folder, so you need to place the vanilla ones from the .bsa into there so the GECK can see them.


    You can get the water noise textures from the Fallout - Textures.bsa. (they have to be unpacked to be used in GECK).


    I use BSA unpacker that's built into FOMM & is listed under "Tools".


    From there open Fallout - Textures.bsa & type water into the search filter to find the files.


    There's waterfoam01.dds, wastelandwaterpotomac.dds & several more. They are all in that textures/water/ folder.


    Best to unpack them all & place them in your data folder with that same sructure:




    You can then experiment in GECK with the settings you like the best for your water.


    Additionally you need to set items around the water to "Refracted By", this allows the water to show up properly too.


    Pretty much anything near by like walls & ceiling should be "Refracted By", you click on the object & select it's "Refracted By" & choose a Reference, in this case your water.


    You can also set objects to be "Reflected By" this sets what will actuallty be reflected in the water (as long as it's in a possition to actually be reflected). I use this sparingly as too many reflections will eat processor power. Selecting one or two obvious things that would be reflected is usually effective.


    There's a good step by step guide to using placeable water here:




    If it's exterior water you are talking about & bits are missing, I have seen this problem mentioned before, here's the solution to that from the GECK site:


    "Default Water Height: Set the default water height. To avoid rendering errors with autowater, it is recommended that you set this value to at least 10500. "




    Hope this helps!



  4. Griffin - Hello!


    "I can't get the mouse to select when I left-click. The single left-click should select the object. but it doesn't. double left-click selects and opens the object properties window. Yet the single left-click, in the render window pane, does NOTHING! HELP HELP HELP."


    How odd.


    So you can left click on items in the Object Window?


    The only thing that comes to mind is the special selection options in the Edit pull down at the top.


    Edit - Render Window Picking Preferences, select that & up pops a window with:






    they each will have the option to "Pick Only" or "Exclude". This is for when you are doing fiddly work & you don't want to select those types of items because they are in the way.


    Make sure none of those boxes are ticked, particularly the Exclude ones as that would tell the Render window to ignore normal left click selects.


    They should all be unticked by defaulr.


    You may have accidentally selected that, many settings have keyboard shortcuts & can be toggled on by pressing the wrong key combination.


    Hope this helps!



  5. UltraSwede - Hello!


    The original pipboy laser pistol pipboy texture will be packed in the Fallout - Textures.bsa & the game should default to that unless you have a plugin pointing to a new texture for it.


    If you installed a mod that changed the icon for that weapon & it added a new one, it may not be showing up if you're not using a form of archive invalidation.


    Simple solution to that is:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    If that does not fix it & you do have a mod changing the laser pistol in some way, make sure you have installed the textures for said mod properly.


    Any new texture changing the original could be in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Textures\interface\icons\pipboyimages\weapons


    The original is called:




    But a replacment might be named something else & even filed differently..


    If none of the above helps, track down the plugin that is changing the laser pistol.


    If you can use FO3Edit, look up the laser pistol to see what mods are making changes.


    If you don't know how to use that yet, a simple way to check would be to turn off your mods one at a time, checking in game between each to see if the laser pistol icon returns to normal. That way you can find the culprit.


    Hope this helps!



  6. Griffin - Hello!


    "I owe you another apology for that. Stuff going on has knocked me around a bit."


    No apology needed, I check in the help forums from time to time to see what's going on. :)


    "My computer died"


    Sorry to hear that. :(


    "I reinstalled FO3 and went with NMC texture pack. It is stunning, but too many stutters. I am not sure if the number of followers is the reason. (4) or if the textures themselves are the reason."


    Multiple followers won't help, added AI.


    But it will be the addition of NMC, any high-res texture pack will cause trouble even on powerful rigs. The bigger textures having to be displayed & shifted about by your computer are going to eat into your graphics card's memory. Too many high res textures at once will slow you down & cause stuttering.


    That's why Bethesda shipped the game with textures that are big enough for detail but not super high.


    I've always been satisfied with the vanilla games textures. To be fair when actually playing the game you aren't paying much attention to minor texture details. :)


    NMC does offer LITE (which seems to be what most who use NMC go for) & even Performance packs as alternatives to the biggest version.


    "I might get the Large Address Enabler. Can you recommend that?"


    I use the Large Address Aware Enabler for FO3:




    As I have a 64bit set up with tons of memory (12GB) & it gives Fallout 3 more memry to work with.


    It's easy to use with instructions (slightly more detailed & up to date on the Description page rather than the Readme that comes with it).


    Seems to help, been so long using it that it's hard to compare without. :)


    As far as I understand it, it's worth doing even for 32 bit set ups as long as you havet plenty of memory to take advantage of.


    " I got rid of most of them, but still, my Apocalypse Armory weapons disappeared, even with this mod still active. I have no idea why."


    If you mean the placed Apocalypse Armory weapons in your mod disappeared when you removed Apocalypse Armory as a master, that would be normal.


    If you're wanting to use Apocalypse Armory content in your mod, Apocalypse Armory would be a master to it.


    The best thing to do would be to make a plugin (.esp) that adds the Apocalypse Armory content to your mod. That way Apocalypse Armory is only a master to that plugin & people that want to use your mod but don't have Apocalypse Armory can choose not to use the plugin.


    Note that you can only have an .esp modify a .esm soy you should make the Apocalypse Armory content plugin after converting your main mod into a .esm (when you're all done).


    Unless of course you're happy to have Apocalypse Armory as a master to your main mod.


    "and lights cause flickering on the water texture, so I have one piece of water that flickers, and I can't seem to change it "


    I've seen that happen, make sure you've not go mist or some other effect like that set to reflect or refract on the water.


    If you need to clear everythin on a piece of water, you can delete it & place a new one to start afresh.


    "One thing you seem to know a lot about is making merged patches on FO3Edit. I like using small mods, like clothing addons, mods that let me get followers without Karma requisites, or for example, the Firelance Quest activator mod, these are such small mods though, that it would be cool to combine them. Like all outfits by "Fizz", into one merged patch for "Fizz_Outfits" etc, for personal use. How would I go about doing such a thing?"


    Not so much a Merged Patch as merging mods you mean?


    Yes, that's quite easy. I've done it with several clothing mods that added single pieces to cut down on my .esp's.


    You can do it in FO3Edit but I use FO3 Plugin Utility by ScripterRon:




    It's quick & easy for this sort of task.


    Go to File - Open & choose the first mod you want to start with.


    Then go to File - Merge Plugins & choose the mod you want to combine with the first.


    Now go to File - Save As & give the combined mod a name & save.


    All done!


    Obviously you can combine more than two mods.


    Worth noting that by combining mods you would stop using the originals & the combined one takes over. This will act as though theses items are different to the originals & means that if you'll need to re get the items added. In the case of most one off clothing mods this normally means having to collect the item again from where it was placed in the world.


    New characters who hadn't collected the items would be unaffected.


    I tend to combine simillar mods, like clothing with clothing & weapons with weapons.


    I also avoid combining complex mods in case of unforseen consequences.


    I've had no trouble with this method, though it's worth pointing out some people have mentioned some records being lost on more complex mods. I've not experienced that & like I say, I stick to combining simple mods to save .esp slots & reduce clutter & have had no problems at all.


    "I have uploaded more pics of my mod. Check em' out and give me any feedback you wish, good or bad. "


    I'll take a look!


    "Do you by any chance know how to create the pop-up message when you start a new mod? like at the start of A Quest For Heaven, the message appears and you know where to go to start the mod, based on that message.. any idea how to do this?"


    I've not had to do that yet. :)


    You could use a script with the ShowMessage command to pop up a Message you've set up:




    Depending on what you're doing you could also use a simple quest to start as soon as the mod is installed that plays the message & has info in the quests section. This could then be completed when the player arrives at the mod location.


    "My daughter Josie sends you a smile and a baby talk hello"


    & a big Hello! to Josie too! You need to get her working on modding as soon as possible. ;)



  7. Jenova23 - Hello!


    Is the custom body you are working on added by an .esp file?


    Because Fallout 3 has a problem with NPC's added by .esp's resulting in mismatched heads/bodies.


    You need any mod adding bodies to be an .esm, or at least flagged as one.


    You can either change the flag on your plugin to a .esm with FO3Edit in Masterupdate mode or tick the .esm box on your .esp in FO3Edit manually.


    Or change the plugin into an .esm properly with a tool like FO3 Plugin Utility:




    Obviously you'll need to keep your plugin an .esp as long as you are working on it as GECK won't let you work directly on a master (.esm).


    Change your mod when you are done or want to check it.


    Hope this helps!



  8. scottym23 - Hello!


    "Right when you said that I smiled and realized that had to be the problem."


    That was the very last idea that came to me, just glad it's figured out. :)


    "I feel like we just solved a crime haha, it's so satisfying solving a problem like this!"


    Hope it hasn't put you off modding, it's not normally that tricky to mod a file. :)


    "Recently I bought the goty edition because I had already had the regular fallout version but none of the dlc."


    The DLC's are great fun, I'm particularly partial to Point Lookout. :)


    "Thanks so much for helping me all of this way, I really appreciate it."


    Happy to help!


    "If there's anything I can help you with in the future"


    Thank-you kindly!


    Good luck with your modding!



  9. scottym23 - Hello!


    "I am aware of scrolling down and it's not at the bottom or anywhere in the list"


    I figured as much, just thought I'd cover all the bases. ;)


    " don't quite understand what you mean by your last statement, "You can place a copy in there from the original download". How would I go about placing a copy of MyMansion into GECK? "


    No I mean place an original MyMansion.esp (before you modified it in FO3Edit) from the original download into your Fallout 3\Data folder instead of the modified one (move that onto the desktop for the time being).


    I'm just curious to see if the original is showing up in your GECK. If it does show up at least we will know it's something to do with it being modified.


    I'm quite perplexed by this as the only thing I know of that could cause "phantom" files is Vista/Win 7's UAC but you can see the file in your Data folder when you actually go there.


    Try right clicking on GECK & "Run as adnministrator" then go to GECK's data files & see if it shows up then.


    You don't have more than one installation of Fallout 3 do you?



  10. scottym23 - Hello!


    Okay this is odd. :)


    I've even opened the mod in FO3Edit myself & unchecked the .esm flag, saved on exit & then opened it in GECK just to make sure nothing odd happens, it showed up in my GECK's data list as it should.


    Let's check a few things, in GECK's data list you are aware that it can be scrolled down to see more mods in the list? I know this may be obvious but you'd be surprised how many people miss it. :)


    Since the mod is recently modified it will be near the bottom.


    Another thing, if you are on Vista or Win7, check the MyMansion.esp in your data folder does not have a little padlock on it.


    If it does have a little padlock on it, move it out onto the Desktop & then back again. That will remove the padlock & allow it to be used as normal.


    If still no joy, does the original version MyMansion.esp show up in GECK? You can place a copy in there from the original download.



  11. scottym23 - Hello!


    You set it manually with FO3Edit as an .esp? That's quicker than using MasterRestore. :)


    As long as you clicked OK when you closed FO3Edit after making the changes, the modified MyMansion.esp should be saved over the original.


    Make sure you've closed FO3Edit as it won't have saved the changes until closed, plus having it open in FO3Edit at the same time in GECK prevents GECK saving changes.


    Also make sure not to have GECK or FOMM/NMM open when using FO3Edit because of a simillar saving issue.


    Since it will be the last modified it should show up at the bottom of GECK's data list.


    If you are still not seeing it, go to your:


    Fallout 3\Data


    & make sure the MyMansion.esp is there. If you're on Win7 or Vista it could be being redirected to another folder.


    Did FO3Edit give you any error messages upon exiting & saving changes?



  12. scottym23 - Hello!


    "But that is going to be if I ever get really good with it "


    GECK is surprisingly user friendly & quite easy to work with. Stick at it & you'll be amazed at how quickly you can pick it up, I did. :)


    "haven't even begun to look up tutorials"


    There are tons of guides, videos etc. but the official Bethsoft GECK site is great & contains stacks of info & help:




    There you can follow the "My First Vault Tutorial Series" which even have example plugins to demonstrate what they are talking about.


    Very well written too.


    "Okay now i'm having a different problem involving the G.E.C.K. The place I want to add the guards to is the "my mansion player home" mod. However when I load the G.E.C.K and try to find the location in the cell view box, it doesn't show up (or i'm not looking hard enough, but I scanned over them all about 3 times to make sure I wasn't just missing it). Is there a different way i'm suppose to edit game material that isn't part of the original game?"


    MyMansion.esp is an .esp that has been flagged as a .esm, probably by FO3Edit in Masterupdate mode.


    Because of that GECK will treat it as a master & won't allow it to be modified directly, you can't set it as the Active file & save changes to it.


    You can still make changes but you'll have to save them as a seperate .esp to load after the MyMansion.esp.


    Or, if you want to add your changes directly to the mod using it as the Active file, you could use FO3Edit MasterRestore on just MyMansion.esp (untick all your other .esp's except MyMansion.esp then run FO3MasterRestore) to turn it back to a modifiable .esp.


    As it is now, In Geck make sure you've gone to File - Date & ticked the MyMansion.esp & OK.


    Or, if you do convert it back to a proper .esp to modify in GECK, you'd go to File - Data & set it as "Active File", OK.


    Once that loads you'll find the mod's cells listed at the bottom with the prefix:




    Hope this helps!



  13. scottym23 - Hello!


    "I am trying to add some guards to the game around certain locations in my house and am having trouble with a couple things. I don't know how to place them in the exact direction and facing the way I want them to. I can get the npcs with the placeatme command, but they begin to move and I don't know how to place them perfectly where I want them. The second thing is how do I get an npc to not move and stay in place? "


    You need to add the NPC's in GECK.


    The most basic way to get them to stand on spot as if guarding is to place an XMarkerHeading (found in the Object Window under Static) on the spot you want guarded, place your NPC, click on the NPC & select the Linked Ref tab, in that click on "Select Reference in window" & select the XMarkerHeading.


    Now in game they will stand at the XMarkerHeading unless attacked or sensing danger.


    You use the XMarkerHeading insted of an XMarker because the XMarkerHeading has a pointer on it that allows you to tell the NPC which way to face.


    For a slightly more advanced option you can also use this method but without linking the NPC to the XMarkerHeading directly. In this case you'd create a travel AI package that sends them to the XMarkerHeading. Other packages can then be added to set the guard to go & eat or sleep at certain times (this helps to add a touch of reality to the guard as no one would stand in place forever :) ).


    For a good simple example of this check out the MegatonSettlerMercCraterside who is inside Craterside Supply.


    He's got 3 AI packages, One tells him to sleep, another tells him to eat & the last sends him to guard on the spot for the rest of the time.


    Note his guard location is not an XMarkerHeading, instead they've used an idle so that he leans against the wall in that smug way "I got my eye on you.....". Again, using an idle adds a bit of character rather than standing bolt upright at an XMarkerHeading. Depends on what kind of feel you want your guards to have.


    Hope this helps!



  14. Shidentora - Hello!


    The Cannister Rifle in Apocalypse Armory with it's HE rounds is very effective.


    It also ejects very large spent casings. :)


    The various gauss weapons also have that explosive effect that the Anchorage Gauss rifle dose.



  15. scottym23 - Hello!


    I don't use Pipboy Readius myself but the problem you have sounds like you've not completely uninstalled the mod, in particular the animation files.


    Check your:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson


    Now if you still have a "locomotion" folder in there, check to see if there's "female" & "male" folders in there with a file in each called "pipboyfemale.kf" in the female folder & "pipboy.kf" in the male folder.


    If those .kf files are in there, that's what's causing your problems, delete them & you will return to the default Pipboy animation.


    Make sure to delete the .kf's in the male AND the female folder.


    If those "pipboyfemale.kf" & "pipboy.kf" in male & female folders are the only thing in there you can delete the whole locomotion folder.


    Hope this helps!



  16. theoneandonlyboiler - Hello!


    I'm no expert on scripting, still learning myself. :)


    I tested OnAdd too & it seemed to work but you could also try OnSell instead:



    scn RivetCityHouseScript


    Begin OnSell


    Player.AddItem HouseDeedRivetCity 1

    Player.AddItem RivetCityHouseKey 1

    Player.RemoveItem RivetCityApartment 1 1




    You attach that script to the item being sold.


    The addition of the space & 1 on the end of the RemoveItem line means no message will be displayed of the item being removed, that can be handy if you don't want to spoil the illusion by having an item removed that's not really meant to have been there.


    Hope this helps!



  17. cavon31 - Hello!


    That's a texture problem, sounds like a classic archive invalidation issue.


    Make sure you've definitely taken care of archive invalidation.


    If not taken care of new mod added textures won't show up properly.


    Either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  18. charwo - Hello!


    "I can easily reset say Lydia Montenegro in the wake of Tenpenny Tower quest. I might even be able to get her back to her store. However, and this is the important part: she uses her exile dialogue and won't sell me the ATT mcguffin I need to further the mod quest."


    Lydia Montenegro's vendor services are probably connected to the Tenpenny Quest stages.


    In order to get her offering services in game again you'd probably have to set the Tenpenny Quest back to before the take over.


    setstage 00014e9f 10


    Would set it back to when you have to take sides in the conflict.


    Or maybe try:


    resetquest 00014e9f


    That might reset her when you call her back but it's rather messy. If you completed the Tenpenny Quest in favour of the Ghouls, they will all be in there now. A new vendor takes her place & I'm not sure how the two would interact.


    Same goes for the other characters


    You can get the Quest base id's from the FalloutWiki:




    They also list the quest stages.


    It's just that you're going to have to do a lot of messing around to get these characters back to a pre-scripted event status through the console. It'd probably be easier to start a new character & play the game differently to keep them alive in the first place so you can utalise the mod's dependant on them.



  19. charwo - Hello!


    I'm sorry, I'm not sure I quite understand what you are asking here.


    You're trying to bring these people back in game?


    That would just need, for say Nathan Vargas, to open the console in game & type these four commands pressing return after each:


    prid 00003b57



    moveto player


    00003b57 is Nathan Vargas' ref ID, you use prid because you can't click on him to select.


    You can get the ref ID for the others from the Fallout wiki:




    Hope this helps!



  20. Griffin - Hello!


    "So sorry for not responding sooner after you took the trouble of writing back to me last time.


    Been pretty hectic here in newborn town."


    Been busy here myself, no nappies involved though. :)


    Glad to hear the Raiders are working out.


    "EDIT - I pretty much sussed out that the renaming of an asset with a unique I.D. - thus


    creating a new form, meant you were no longer drawing information from the .esm/.esp but


    instead were utilizing data from mesh or texture or sound, so if I were to rename every item I


    copied from an .esm, and then removed that .esm from the master list, but still kept access to


    the data files for each asset, would this work? and make the .esm no longer required?

    God, I sound like I am rambling now. Sorry Prensa"


    Yes, like you've got it. :) It does get a little confusing trying to describe these things.


    Giving it a unique ID makes it an item within your mod rather than a borrowed asset.


    as long as it's not relying on scripts or other side things from the other mod.


    I've never had to remove a master from a mod so you're in territory that I've only read about &


    done tests with.


    If it's not actually used, remove it.


    As far as I know removing items first is best then the unhook the Master, though it's really only


    a problem if you tried to load up the mod with the items still in place but the master removed.


    Obviously, back up your mod before doing this type of thing as it's very easy to destroy a mod


    with a bad edit. :)


    "I also have trouble with old FOMM adding mod packages "Fomod"s. I try to do it exactly as


    described. But so far I get an odd error every time. (A problem has occurred - "Boolean


    System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32") - this mod has not been installed) So for this


    reason, I cannot add any body mods, at least those dependent on fomod installation. I have no


    idea what this means."


    Found some people with the same problem here:




    Seems like a net framework issue (not up to date) or possible version of FOMM used.


    By the way, about that mass stting of reflections/refractions you mentioned earlier, I had to do


    a whole load just recently & found a handy trick.


    I went to the Cell View window & was able to select whole chunks that I needed on there


    using shift & left click to highlight, then click on the Render window (the top frame not inside


    the Render window) & pressed the - key to set the reflections/refractions.


    It certainly saved a lot of time & meant I didn't have to pain stakingly select each item (some


    are in tricky spots).


    I'd not thought of doing this before. :)


    "You should be able to view my pics from my profile page"


    I've checked them out now, doing interiors? Fun isn't it. :)


    I've done some big pipe work too. :)


    Fun looking through GECK to find obscure pieces to use.


    "I am curious about your mod now, could you tell me a little about it?"


    Started off more as a fun project to teach myself how to use GECK but has grown.


    I'm always finding something new to add, hoping to release eventually. Let's just say interiors are involved with some fun extras. ;)


    PS Is that Avatar Insidious?



  21. crashinghell - Hello!


    "I was Trying To make Human With a nice green lizard texture to make a new race but every time I select the texture it says path invalid or something. Any help is appreciated "


    I take it your changing the texture for your new Race in the Race window - Body Data tab in GECK.


    Some files have to be in a specific folder structure for Fallout 3 & GECK to recognise them.


    For Race textures I'm pretty sure they can be in any folder structure as long as it's in the:


    Fallout 3\Data\Textures


    If you've accidentally placed your textures within the Mesh folder & try to point GECK to that, you'll get that error message. If that's the case, move it to within the texture folder.


    Hope this helps!



  22. Roycesraphim - Hello!


    I'm no scripting expert but to make a script act only once I'd use a "short".


    You'd do something like this:





    Scn vtfihousedogsawyershoot



    ;Set short to VTFISawyershotme


    short VTFISawyershotme


    ;Starts when the player enters the trigger zone


    Begin ontriggerenter player


    ;If it's 0 then it's not been done before so play the sounds


    If VTFISawyershotme == 0


    Playsound gunshot

    Playsound richochete


    Playsound gunshot

    Playsound richochete


    Playsound gunshot

    Playsound richochete


    ;set it to 1 to show it's been done & stop it from repeating


    Set VTFISawyershotme to 1






    Obviously you don't need the explanations I've included after ; they are ther to help.


    You'd attach this to the trigger that you'd set up on the side of the door where Sawyer is.


    Hope this helps!



  23. crashinghell - Hello!


    "Now the only problem is my mod wont work for some reason after I replaced the creatures with ghouls and deleted most npcs"


    Go back to a previous version of your mod, GECK makes backups & places them in Data\Backup, with .bak & a date tagged onto the end. Remove the tag at the end leaving .esp & youcan use it as normal.


    I'm not sure what you mean by deleting NPC's & replacing creatures, if you mean you placed your new ghoul instead of them that should still load in GECK.


    Hope this helps!



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