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Everything posted by prensa

  1. bubbashrubba - Hello! Did you copy & paste in a new NiTriStrip part to your model at all? The most common cause for a mesh that's had pasted in parts crashing the GECK/Game is an incorrectly named Block. When you paste in a new part in Nifskope it frequently gets renamed. This can cause problems if the new name for the part is one of the special names. If your new part's Block gets named the same as the BSFadeNode (the very top node), you'll get a CTD. Left click on the new part to bring up it's details in the bottom window, find Name & click on the Txt to bring up a window. In that window choose another name for the part, alternatively give it your own name so long as it's not the same as the model's BSFadeNode. Avoid BSX, UPB & PRN too. It's often best to go with a name used by one of the vanilla parts that's not animated or the top node. "for an armor mod" I take it you're not using the car01hulkhood as part of rigged armor? As any new part added to armor needs to be rigged in a 3d program like Blender to work properly in game. Hope this helps! Prensa
  2. Necroflange - Hello! "you are very knowledgeable and just packed full of great information.." Thank-you kindly, though there's still plenty I don't know. :) "i hate to pound you with questions but.." No problem, happy to help if I can. "its all the same item..how can it have no collision one moment and have collision and havok the next?.." That is strange, they are all the exact same model? You've not got the one with non moving pieces stuck within another objects collision have you? Easy to place things in GECK within the collision of another object by accident. "although they are not static, i can run threw them as though there is no collision at all.." I did notice when answering your previous question & looking at the vanilla Motorcycle hulk model that it's using a kind Collision Layer I've never seen before. So it could be something to do with that. "is there maybe a setting someplace i have over looked?.." Collision type is controlled within the bhkRigidBody of the collision mesh. It's set where it says "Layer" & again where it says "Layer Copy". These are normally OL_STATIC for static items & OL_CLUTTER for moveable items. OL_ANIM_STATIC is seen on animated collisions & I've occasionally seen OL_PROPS used on clutter items but never the settings on the motorcycle01hulk.nif. Both the main part of the bike hulk & it's fragments have unusual settings. I did notice in game that the bike hulk fragment can be picked up with the grab (z) key & moved but can be walked through. It's possible the unusual setting is so the fragments are low impact as far as performance goes, since they are only intended for minimal interaction. If you like you can post a link to the model & I can take a peak at it. Or you can pm me the link if you're worried about the model being downloaded before release. I can't promise anything since, as I say, I've not seen this type of collision before. Prensa
  3. Necroflange - Hello! "I'v seen you post in several threads giving detailed information on different nifskope problems. reading some of those threads has really helped me out on this current project." I'm really pleased they've been of use to you. :) "unfortunately, i wish i had posted earlier before your lengthy response, that i had figured out my problem." Just glad you sorted it out. "I didn't have much luck in the past copy and pasting the "BSDamgeStage". but some how this morning when i tried it, i copied the whole branch (I think) and pasted it to the ninode of the object i wanted the fire effect on.. and BOOM it worked..!! i was super happy and proud of my success." Sometimes when pasting bits between .nifs the String names can get changed, sometimes this can break the function of the block. Always check the names of pasted Blocks & copy/paste over the old name if necessary. " although im not sure why you say in your tutorials to open two instances of nifskope and copy and past the collision objects?.." Force of habit, in some cases the newly created Convex Shape Collisions end up not connected how you'd like. When you have an existing collision branch all ready set up & just want to replace the collision mesh shape with one that fits your new form it's safest to just Copy & Paste Over the mesh. That quarantees only the collision mesh is changed. "heres a pic i CAN post though.. this is my propane tank iv been blowing up all day..lol" Looks cool! Good idea for some extra (explosive) set decoration. :) Be neat around some of the existing campsites etc.. "i opened up the tank nif in nifskope and under the "bhkRigidBody" tab i see "4 bhkMoppBvTreeShape 3 bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape 2 hkPackedNiTriStripsData"" This is a more complex form of collision, basically a more accurately shaped to fit more complex objects when simple collision shapes won't do. It can only be created in a 3D program like Blender, unlike the simpler shapes like a BhkBoxShape or Convex Shapes. " is it possible to scale down the bounding box in nifskope?." If you mean a collision mesh then only if it's a simple shape like a BhkBoxShape, BhkSphereShape or BhkCapsuleShape. All of those can be resized by adjusting their Dimensions found in their shape block for example a box collision will have a BhkBoxShape with "Dimensions" in it's Block Details. They will be X, Y & Z & will scale the box. The "Minimum Size" is set to the lowest number of the three dimensions. Convex Shapes can easily be remade as mentioned previously to fit new sized objects. More complex collisions can't be scaled in Nifskope. "the static collision i have around the tank fits nice and tight but once i get it in to the geck as a static piece the bounding box is double the size it should be. " Sounds like GECK is seeing the model as bigger than it is, make sure that your new object has it's Radius updated if it's been resized in Nifskope. In Nifskope left click the parts to open up their NiTriStrips, go down to the NiTriStripsDataBlock & left click it to bring up it's Block Details. Find "Radius", right click on the number there & select - Mesh - Update Center Radius. If it was resized in Blender this will automatically have been taken care of. If you've been altering sizes in Blender you may need to lock down the changes properly. In Blender, right click a part of your model so it's highlighted. Press A twice so everything is highlighted. Press ctrl A select - Scale and Rotation to ObData. Save your model. Good luck with your Propane tank resource! Prensa
  4. Hello - Dark0ne Thank-you for responding! I knew it had changed & recently. It's a shame those sub sections had to be dropped, at least the Image & recent File post sections. Although searching deeply through them was of little use as mentioned in your post, the ability to see what was posted most recently in a specific Game's forum was really useful. Prensa
  5. Hello! Seems like the missing sub sections have all been combined together now here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3409-commenting/ Though it's nowhere near as useful merged like that as you are looking at all the different games comments from the entire Nexus combined. File topics, Image topics & even Articles all used to appear as subsections within the individual Game forums so if you wanted to to see only Fallout 3 content you'd go to the Fallout 3 Forum. Doesn't even look like you can filter that section to only show specific game related material either, I looked through the custom options. Any plans to return these sub sections to the Forums where they are useful? Prensa
  6. HeartFireOne - Hello! Have you taken care of archive invalidation? Without archive invalidation newly added textures from mods get ignored & result in in game textures that change like chameleons. Simple solution is either to use the stand alone program: ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated http://www.fallout3n...file.php?id=944 Or, if you use Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) click on Toggle Invalidation on the right. For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select: Tools - Archive Invalidation Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) has a built in Archive Invalidation too. DON'T USE BOTH METHODS TOGETHER. Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod. Hope this helps! Prensa
  7. Necroflange - Hello! I've not done much with the motorcycle01hulk, apart from have a look at it in relation to how the model works with damage stages. The strange behaviour in game is probably due to the collision shape not being right for the new object. "Copy Branch" & "Paste Branch" your new part into the MotorcycleFront Ninode. Left click the new pasted in part, in the Block details where you see "Name" click on the Txt & locate: MotorcycleFront:0 Select it & click OK so that the new part is called MotorcycleFront:0 to match the original part we're replacing. Right click the original MotorcycleFront:0 NiTriStrip & Remove Branch. You now have the new part in the model but with the incorrect collision shape. Save the .nif. Go to that saved .nif & open it so that you now have two instances of Nofskope open with the altered model. In one instance of Nifskope right click on the newly added part & select - Havok - Create Convex Shape. Up will pop a box with a "roundoff" number in it set by default to .250. The higher this number the less performance hit you'll get from the collision mesh but the trade off will be a less precise shape. The default figure often works so try it as is first. Click OK & see if the new Convex Shape created looks right. If the shape is way off or not even created then try again with a lower figure. Once you've got the shape fitting, right click on the new Convex Shape & select - Block - Copy. Now go back to the other Nifskope with your mesh in & right click on the old Convex Shape & select - Block - Paste Over. The new Convex Shape should now have replaced the old & be form fitting to your new part. Left click on the new collision to open it's Block details & check that it's material setting is what you want it to be. Material setting defaults to HAV_MAT_STONE when you create a new one. The material setting dictates how the object reacts to contact in game, stone, organic, glass, etc.. The motorcycle was originally using HAV_MAT_ORGANIC_STAIRS which is really the sounds for a heavy metal object like car or motorcycle parts But you can set to whatever material suits. The Collision that you're altering is actually attached to the MotorcycleFront Ninode rather than the MotorcycleFront:0 NiTriStrip which means if you want top move that part with it's collision you need to move the MotorcycleFront Ninode rather than just the MotorcycleFront:0 NiTriStrip. You can move the MotorcycleFront Ninode to adjust the position of the part if you need to, the collision will move with the NiTriStrip perfectly. "And too, there's a little "X" next to the little square that im sure is not supposed to be there" The tiny multi coloured x is the center orientation of the collision, it should generally be within the center of the collision mesh that it belongs to. "or how to center the pivot points on the objects?" I don't think the Pivot point going to cause trouble in this case, it's very important in animated meshes or meshes that come under external animation (.kf's ) control. Right clicking the NiTriStrip & selecting - Transform - Apply will center the pivot to the object, basically it locks the adjustments to position & scale set in the Transform data. Not always desirable, only use if you're not getting the right results. "i really enjoy blendering and textureing and i would like to start using nifskope, im just now starting to understand what a powerful tool it can be." Yes Nifskope is a very excellent tool, capable of doing quite a lot of things. I think it's often overlooked just what it can do. I actually learned to use Nifskope first then Blender, Blender defeated me for a long time. :) Before Blender I was able to make quite a few models with only Nifskope (altering existing shapes to build new things). I was able to make progressively more complex things with Nifskope. The most complex model I ever built with just Nifskope was Jack Harper's rifle from the film Oblivion. Looking inside vanilla models & seeing how they work & do what they do is a great way to learn. Now I finally got my head around Blender I use it for model construction but knowledge of Nifskope is still needed for getting Blender exports into the game. Hope this helps! Prensa
  8. ZdaClash - Hello! Installing Blender to work with NIF Scripts can be a little tricky as it needs the correct versions of the required programs installed in a specific sequence to work properly. The clearest set of instructions I found are here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/30/? Look on the Description page under "Installation". Also has the right versions of the programs needed to run Blender with NIF Scripts ready to download in the file section. Hope this helps! Prensa
  9. Hello - bben46! Thanks for responding. "This has not changed in several years" Not been that long since I've been away from the forums. :) "FO3 forums http://forums.nexusm...x.php?c=278,281 For recent posts - look in the upper right to find a tab that says "View New Content' Then once you click that, in the left side for other options on whatyou want to view" Clicking View New Content brings up something similar but it's content from all forums not just Fallout 3. There used to be a section in: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=278,281 Where you could go straight to Fallout 3 related new posts, like new posts on mods. "For the image share - go to the Front page of the Fallout 3 section - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/? Look at the tabs at the top for the one labeled 'Images'" I usually go to images via the "Latest Images" link on the front page, viewing them isn't a problem. However it's the forum version that's missing or rather the link to it in the forum pages. There used to be a section in the Fallout 3 forum where you could view the latest posts in the Fallout 3 image gallery. Handy as latest comments on images would bring them up to the top so you could quickly see if there had been responses. Clicking "View forum thread" on the images leads to it's Forum version & back tracking from there leads to: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3419-image-topics/ But again that's a list of site wide images, not just Fallout 3 images as was previously available in a section in the Fallout 3 forum. Like I say, it's not been that long I've been away from the forum section, has no one else noticed these sections missing? Surely I'm not going (more) senile. :) Prensa
  10. Hello! I've recently not been as active on the forums, upon returning I seem to be unable to find a few sections. There used to be a Fallout 3 Forum section like "Recent Posts" or similar that listed the latest posts on Fallout 3 files. It was very useful for a quick way to scan what was going on. Handy to for getting recently posted files a bit of attention before they get to hot files. There also used to be a Forum section for the Image share, again very useful for seeing what was new & more importantly if your replies to an image had been responded to. I'm pretty sure I'm going to the same place I always did. Have these sections been moved to another location or have they been removed? A shame if they are gone. Sorry if this has been explained, as I say I've not been as active lately though I looked back through the posts in this section several pages to see if anyone had mentioned it. Thanks for any help! Prensa
  11. Dimensionlord - Hello! The links I found for Fallout 3 Predator on the Nexus were dead, though there's a Predators mod for New Vegas here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38552/? Hope this helps! Prensa
  12. Macman253 - Hello! "I am looking for a mod that puts the Biker goggles on the head as eyewear but it doesn't conflict with my Prewar Baseball cap. " I don't know if it conflicts with the baseball cap or not but this mod places the goggles on the head: Forehead Goggles by Firoas and Ghanima Atreides http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17375/? Hey, Ghanima Atreides, that's a Children of Dune reference, I love that book. :) "I cant find the nif for the Biker Goggles to use in Nifskope to edit it myself otherwise I would have." In the Fallout - Meshes.bsa under: Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\armor\WastelandClothing03\m\ It's called: goggleswastelandclothing03.nif There's also night vision style goggles under: Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\armor\WastelandClothing04 Male (m) & female (f) folders, they're called: goggleswastelandclothing04m.nif goggleswastelandclothing04f.nif Also the Wasteland Merchant hat: hatwastelandmerchant.nif Is a cap with the goggles on it that may be of use to you. There's also general headgear tutorial here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Headgear_tutorial Hope this helps! Prensa
  13. BlueA10 - Hello! "That said, your post gave me the idea of checking my drivers, so thanks to you I no longer have to deal with the normal, horrible mixing." I'm just glad you were able to at least find a partial solution. Sound is a really important part of the gaming experience. :) Prensa
  14. BlueA10 - Hello! Creative Alchemy works for me but I've got a Creative card. By trial & error I found the right settings for me. It seems to vary slightly for different setups. You can alter Alchemy settings by going to the Creative folder in your Start menu. Within that there will be an Alchemy folder with "Creative Alchemy" in it. Select New Vegas, adjust the settings & test in game. I use these settings: Buffers 4 Duration 25 Maximum voice count 128 As I say, I've seen other people quote different settings that work for them. "I've heard setting a Creative sound card to Game Mode would fix issues with ALchemy, but I only have a Xonar" I've also found that you have to run Fallout & most likely New Vegas (I don't have New Vegas myself) with Creative switched to Game Mode or else the game locks up. You can change to Game Mode by going to the Hidden Icons on the Task bar & selecting the Volume Panel. There should be a "Mode Switcher" option from which to change your Creative setting. Perhaps Xonar has a similar Game mode setting you could try? As for the multi core fix, make sure you've edited the correct .ini as people often get the wrong one. There's one in the Fallout 3 folder called Fallout_default.ini that's often mistaken for the main .ini, making the change to that won't hurt but also won't fix the problem as the Fallout_default.ini is only a sort of backup for when the .ini gets recreated. The one you want to change is: For XP: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\ For Vista & Win7: Documents\My Games\Fallout3 The file you want will be called: FALLOUT.ini Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line: bUseThreadedAI=0 to: bUseThreadedAI=1 & insert this line under it: iNumHWThreads=2 Save & close your ini. Hope this helps! Prensa
  15. DarkGodSephiroth - Hello! "Anyone know how to create the female in dimon99's nude mod? The female with a flower in her hair holding a pistol??" Looks like Saram hair style 12 - FO3Idkrrr12.nif, from here originally: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5462/ I know it as "Puffy Pony Tail" from the compilation of hair mods that I use "A Good Hair Day" here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5718 There's a fix if you have a flicker problem with that hair style here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6391/? The body tattoos are the Type 3 Tribal Tattoos, intended for Raider Females but can be used on normal NPC's & the Player by placing in the folder: Fallout 3\Data\Textures\characters\female The Type 3 AIO installer also has the option to choose the Tattooed texture. If you only want the Player to use them & not all non Raider females You'd need a custom race to use them & choose that race for your character. The face texture is probably one of the two optional face textures, also selectable from the Type 3 AIO installer. As for the facial features, you just have to use the normal face creation to get the desired effect. Hope this helps! Prensa
  16. TheBlob2 - Hello! Run GECK, go to File - Data & a window with a list of all the plugins in your Data folder will come up. In that window locate the .esp you wish to open & edit, left click it to highlight (Don't tick the box next to it), click on the "Set as Active File" then "OK". The plugin will now load up & you can look at it & edit it in GECK. You can only edit .esp's in GECK not .esm's. Once you've made the desired changes go to File - Save. Hope this helps! Prensa
  17. braibays - Hello! "So I have to make an ESM for each Dungeon I make? That's hard work" Not unless you mean each Dungeon is a separate .esp. If all locations are in one .esp then all you do is convert it into an .esm when you're done working on/editing the .esp. You wait until the end as .esm's can't be edited by GECK. You can convert the .esp to a temporary .esm version if you want to test that at an earlier stage before mod completion. As for converting to an .esm, that's relatively easy. I use FO3 Plugin Utility: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5104/? With that you load the .esp & then File - Save As & give it a name & end with .esm easy as that. Other tools will also convert an .esp to a master but FO3 Plugin Utility creates the necessary ONAM records of a true master file (& not an .esp that's just flagged as a Master). An .esp is fine for adding items like guns & armor etc. but it has the limitation of the navmesh bug & also custom NPC's suffering the mismatched head/body colour. That's why when adding navmeshes or custom NPC's modders use .esm's these days. Hope this helps! Prensa
  18. zAzAaZOZO - Hello! "I have learned you are a higher level authority in this mod community and I always respect an expert's suggestions. " I don't know about expert, I think it's just that I've been around so long I've made most of the mistakes already myself. :D M48A5 suggestion of checking the textures are ending up placed properly & the method suggested is a good one. While you're there checking the textures, if your running Win7 or Vista, did they have a little padlock symbol on them? If so, move them out onto the Desktop & then back again. That will remove the padlock & allow it to be used as normal. If the files aren't ending up where they should plus you are using Win7 or Vista & you've got Fallout 3 installed in the Program files, right click your mod manager & Run As Administrator, then install the mod. See if that helps. If still no luck, does the texture problem happen only with this mod? Does it happen every time you play? If it's not every time you play & affecting other mods then check how many mods you're running. Fallout & other Bethesda games have a limit of how many mods they can run. Technically it's 255 mods but people tend to encounter problems approaching 200 but also others have problems a fair bit lower than too. It normally shows up in game as random & sudden missing textures or meshes. If you're well under 150 mods it's probably not that. If you're well over then try turning off a few unnecessary mods, or merging some of the smaller compatible ones. Hope this helps! Prensa
  19. braibays - Hello! Make sure you've finalized your new navmesh. You do that after completing your navmesh & selecting the tick mark symbol from the Navmesh Window. If you don't finalize the navmesh it won't work properly. If you've used stock NPC's from the vanilla game check that the the ones you've placed are not special instance NPC with scripts or special AI Packages for them to act in a special way in the vanilla game. Check their AI Packages for special packages. If your plugin that adds a navmesh is an .esp then there is a bug that affects navmeshes. Navmeshes in .esp's can work fine until you leave the room & come back or reload into the room again from a save. The NPCs will act as if the navmesh is no longer there. This tends to affect navmeshes in larger (by memory not "physical" size) cells. That's why it's normal to convert .esp's with navmeshes to .esm's, to avoid that bug. Hope this helps! Prensa
  20. zAzAaZOZO - Hello! Have you taken care of archive invalidation? Any mod that adds new textures needs archive invalidation to work or else the textures will be messed up, taking on surrounding textures as you describe. Missing textures can also show up bright pink/purple. Easy to take care of, either use: ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated http://www.fallout3n...file.php?id=944 Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right. For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select: Tools - Archive Invalidation NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too. DON'T USE BOTH METHODS TOGETHER. Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again AFTER you add in a new mod. Hope this helps! Prensa
  21. vanlore - Hello! "Prensa, thank you so much, that is exactly what I needed." Happy to have helped! "I had watched 2 tutorials on FOSE and none of them mentionted that part. I assume it's in the small print on the fose site." Way back when I worked on my first script in Fallout 3 it had FOSE commands in it & I had the exact same problem before figuring out the FOSE/GECK thing. :) Best of luck with your mod! Prensa
  22. vanlore - Hello! Are you running GECK in FOSE mode? Normal GECK can't compile FOSE scripts as it does not recognise the new commands, you have to run GECK via FOSE. Easiest way is to make an FOSE/GECK shortcut. Go to your Fallout 3 folder were there should be a file called: fose_loader.exe Right click, drag it & drop, selecting the option "Create Shortcut Here". Rename that to something like FOSE GECK so you always know what it's for. Now right click on it & select Properties & then the "Shortcut" tab. Where it says "Target" there will be an address, the location of your Fallout folder FOSE files like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fose_loader.exe" With the quotation marks. You only want to add a bit to the very end of the address, this: -editor" Including the quotation mark. So at the end of the address it reads: fose_loader.exe" -editor" & the whole line is like this (depending on your folder location obviously): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fose_loader.exe" -editor" Including the quotation marks. Once that's done, double clicking on it will launch FOSE compatible GECK where your script will now compile. :) Hope this helps! Prensa
  23. SGTbayk47 - Hello! It's like this in Fallout 3 meshes too, It works fine as it is in game. Basically armor parts will ignore any transform (position data in Nifskope) on them unless it's been applied & saved. You could move any of the parts to different locations as long as you don't Apply & there'll be no change on the armor in game . If, for example, you wanted those pieces to stay there you'd right click on them & select - Transform - Apply & save the armor. In this case they'd be in the wrong place of course. "is it supposed to be like that" As to whether it should be like this, probably not. The arms were possibly moved out of the way while the artist was working on some of the other parts they blocked & just never moved back. Since it has no effect in game it would be easily forgotten. I've occasionally seen other armors with shifted parts, usually Meat caps. "and if not does anyone know how to easily fix it." You could put it back to before Transform Data was applied, make a backup of your mesh BEFORE working on it in Nifskope in case of goofs. Right click on the piece - Transform - Edit & a window will pop up,you can see that the position data has not been applied because the X, Y & Z coordinates are not set to zero. In that window change the X, Y & Z coordinates to 0.0000 & click Accept. Save the mesh & the mesh will match the in game position. Hope this helps! Prensa
  24. TravelFreely - Hello! Hat on the side of the head like that is a normal sign you've not set the hat up properly. Two things are often missed when adding hats. Hat's need an .egm file that allows them to be fitted to different sized heads, for new hats you need to use The Conformulator to generate a new .egm. If you've made no changes to the model you can use the hat's original .egm. For hatchinesecommando.nif that would be: hatchinesecommando.egm It's located in the same folder as the hat, you need to place a copy of that .egm in the same folder as your new copy of the hat. If you changed the name of the hat file, the .egm must match that. For example: ChangedHatName.nif Then .egm must be: ChangedHatName.egm The other thing often missed is, AFTER adding a new hat in GECK, go to the top menu & select Character - Update FaceGen Model Availability then save your hat plugin. It is a cool hat. :smile: Hope this helps! Prensa
  25. Nexus is acting odd & is cutting off my post. Most strange. Nexus must be on the blink, I can't get the rest of the post on. :sad: EDIT: Finally posted properly! See below.
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