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Everything posted by prensa
TheSwampFox - Hello! "Prensa kudos to you for your detailed response," Thank-you kindly! Bone weighting seems complex at first but it's not so bad once you get into it, well worth learning. :smile: The right forearm armor seems to have been scaled just in Nifskope possibly? That would explain it's odd behaviour, without Apply used the changes are not locked. Armor pieces need to have BSDismemberSkinInstance re-saved once heavily altered, a job best suited for a 3d model program like Blender. It also seems to have some of the human sized sleeve & torso armor attached which looks a bit strange. "If anyone that has the know-how could possibly DL my .nif file I linked to and be so kind as to fix it and upload it" See how this works for you: https://www.mediafire.com/?k46d4p9c833eea4 I Bone Weighted the shoulder pad, I deleted the right forearm armor & mirrored the left one to the right a weighted it. Both those forearm pieces are clipping the arms, you can adjust them by scaling them up a bit in Blender, or removing some of the hidden Super Mutant arm underneath them. I don't have the textures for the front harness you're using so I can't tell how that's working (textures\creatures\smspinebreaker\SpineArmor_D.dds), I assume you've got those at your end. Hope this helps! Prensa
TheSwampFox - Hello! "however once in game the right shoulder pauldron is not on the shoulder of Fawkes" If you open the mesh in Nifskope & expand the details of the left & right pauldrons to compare, you'll notice that the left pauldron has a BSDismemberSkinInstance block whereas the right one does not. That's why the right pauldron is not working properly, a BSDismemberSkinInstance block tells the piece what bones of the skeleton it's connected to so that it can be moved properly on the body. No BSDismemberSkinInstance, no connection to bones. You need to add bone weights to that part in Blender, you should be able to use the Bone Weight copy script to copy the weights from another part of the body. Detailed explanation of that here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1#Add_weights_to_the_armour Hope this helps! Prensa
Need help with script in object placed by explosion
prensa replied to theclawhorn's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Deathfang - Hello! "When I try to open EVE in the GECK it complains about multiple master files. " You need to change a setting in the GECK's .ini in order to load multiple masters. GECK's .ini should be in the same place as your Fallout 3.ini. Go to your: Documents\My Games\Fallout3 Open this up in notepad: GECKCustom.ini & change this line: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0 To this: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 Don't do it while GECK is running though or it will change the setting back when you close GECK. If you're working with the New Vegas version of GECK then make sure to edit that version's GECKCustom.ini instead of the Fallout 3 one. Find the New Vegas one here: Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\GECKCustom.ini Change the line the same as mentioned above. Hope this helps! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weijiesen - Hello! That Shredder Grenade effect looks very cool. :) Prensa- 21 replies
Need help with script in object placed by explosion
prensa replied to theclawhorn's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Deathfang - Hello! Glad you got it working. :) "Do Misc. Objects HAVE to have a model to be placed?" I'd assume they at least need a model to be placed, especially in the case of wanting it to fire as without a projectile node it will fire from the center of the model. That was probably the problem. You can always find a less obtrusive object, or perhaps make it very small so it can't be noticed for the few seconds it must be in existence. Prensa- 21 replies
Need help with script in object placed by explosion
prensa replied to theclawhorn's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Deathfang - Hello! The example script I posted works for me, it fires a missile from the placed object (I used a modified Big Pot). Is that not what you were after? Does my version of the script work for you? Try it with a Big Pot placed & the missile projectile at first, as it is written, then swap in your custom weapon/projectile for the missile to see if the problem is with your custom weapon/projectile. Hope this helps! Prensa- 21 replies
Need help with script in object placed by explosion
prensa replied to theclawhorn's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Deathfang - Hello! "As I suspected the script isn't even executing. Does anyone know why this is?" I think your MarkForDelete is removing the object before it can fire anything. I tested with a modified frag grenade explosion which placed a modified Big Pot as it's Placed Impact Object when a frag grenade is thrown. That Big Pot was set to fire a missile with an attached script that used FireWeapon WeapMissileLauncher & the disable & MarkforDelete so as to tidy itself away. I set the script up so that it fires & has a timer to prevent MarkforDelete kicking in before the projectile has a chance to fire. Here's what I used: scn TestProjectileScript int counter short timer ;To store the delay before marked for deletion Begin GameMode if counter == 10 FireWeapon WeapMissileLauncher ;when counter reaches ten fire whatever weapon that has your needed projectile set counter to 11 ;Stop this line running again by setting above ten return elseif counter < 10 set counter to counter + 1 ;If not yet reached 10 add 1 until it does return elseif counter == 11 ;If it has fired it will be set to eleven so disable and set to twelve so that the mark for delete can kick in disable set counter to 12 return endif if getdisabled == 1 ;If the Placed Impact Object has fired and is ready to be deleted it will have been disabled if counter == 12 ;And counter will be set to 12 set counter to 13 ;So set to thirteen to stop this part running set timer to 25 ;Set the delay so that the projectiles have finished firing can be any number you need return endif endif if timer == 0 ;Once the timer reaches zero it's safe to call mark for delete set timer to -1 ;playsound NPCSuperMutantBehemothAttack01 ;This line is not needed it's only to test that mark for delete is being reached markfordelete else set timer to timer - 1 ;If not zero yet then deduct one until it is endif End The annotations are just there to explain what I've done. As mentioned the line: ;playsound NPCSuperMutantBehemothAttack01 Was used to let me know that the mark for deletion phase was kicking in, remove the semi colon to hear the noise at this point. It's a handy trick to use when you think parts of your script is not working. Remove the line entirely from completed script. There's probably slicker ways to script this & anyone that's a script wizard is welcome to come in with anything smoother then mine. :D It worked for me & I think it's what you're after. You can easily substitute the timings to suit your projectiles needs. Hope this helps! Prensa EDIT: trimmed down an annotation in the script because, as posted on the board, a line was split in two & interfered with the workings when copied- 21 replies
SmilingJack2 - Hello! "I got it working!" Looks cool! It's a lot of fun building weapons in Nifskope. :smile: Take care, Prensa
SmilingJack2 - Hello! Great, Happy to have helped! :) One thing I should mention, when you paste in parts to a mesh they often get renamed. Make sure the newly pasted in Blocks don't end up with the same name as the top BSFadeNode as this can cause crashes in game. Best of luck with your new weapon. Prensa
SmilingJack2 - Hello! Looking at the images it seems you haven't attached the new parts to the BSFadeNode, it looks like they are sitting under it. If new parts are added but not parented to the top BSFadeNode they will appear in Nifskope but not in game. If you can click on the arrow next to your BSFadeNode, collapsing it's children Blocks, & your new parts are still there then they aren't attached properly. Blocks 73 onwards appear to be unconnected in this way. For any new pasted in part you need to Copy Branch it & then right click on the top BSFadeNode of the mesh you want to paste it into & Paste Branch. You'll then see that the added part will be attached to the BSFadeNode, clicking the arrow next to the BSFadeNode will expand/collapse the new part with all the other parts. Hope this helps! Prensa
mamelukturbo - Hello! "Oh I would never thought of that, thanks for the detailed explanation!" You're most welcome! "Just makes me wonder why Bethesda added the reload sound in this seemingly rather complicated manner, why not just define it as all other weapon sounds." It is perplexing, it's certainly well hidden. :) "The tutorial from svartberg was exactly what I was looking for!" Happy to have helped! Prensa
yogkuvxwb - Hello! Apparently the ox with painted symbols is an offering from human farmers to appease the giants, you can read about it in the Skyrim wikia here: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Giant_%28Skyrim%29 Near the bottom of the page, under the heading "Interactions with humans" Prensa
mamelukturbo - Hello! "Where is it defined? Maybe I'm too tired or stupid or drunk or blind or any combination of those, but I can't see it in Art & Sound tab of weapon in geck, in FO3Edit I see sounds for Pick Up, Drop, Shoot 3D, Shoot 2D, Shoot 3D Loop, Swing - No Ammo, Block, Idle, Equip, Unequip but no reload." Yes, it is strange that reload sound is not in GECK the way other weapon sounds are. They are actually quite well hidden. :smile: The Reload sound is defined within the animation file (.kf) of each particular reload. The animations are packed in the .bsa under: Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male With the 1st person ones under: Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson If you have any weapons mods or animation replacer they may be sitting loose in those locations in your Data files already. For instance the Gauss rifle is a 2 hand weapon & uses Reload D so it's using: 2hareloadd.kf If you open that file with Nifskope, expand it's details & at the very bottom of the list left click on: NiTextKeyExtraData It's details will come up in the Block Details window, look for "Text Keys". This animation has four Text Keys, the first is Start, the last is End with the second a Blend & the third is where the sound is being set: sound: WPNRifleGaussReload You can change that to any sound that has been added via GECK, for example if you added the sound WPNSausageDogGrowl in GECK you could change that Text key to: sound: WPNSausageDogGrowl Save the .kf & place it in your Data folder in the proper location so it overrides the original. The problem is that many of the reloads are used for several different weapons meaning changing the sound for one changes them for any weapon using that .kf. There is a sneaky method using scripting to detect when a particular weapon is reloading & bypasses the .kf reload to use a custom one, like this mod: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8983 You could make a version of the reload that you want to change with the new sound, give it a differetn name & point your weapon at using the custom reload script method. A good toutorial on how to add custom reloads can be found here: http://www.svartberg.com/tutorials/fallout3_customreload/customreload.html Though it may look complex it's actually not as hard as it may first appear. :smile: Depending on what effect your after, you may not need to add a custom animation. For my Jack Harper Oblivion Gear I wanted the rifle to play the electronic sounding effect from the film when it's reloaded. I used a simple detect the animation the player is doing while holding my Tet rifle & play sound accordingly script: SCN OJHBoltSoundScript short OJHBoltSoundJustHappened begin gamemode if getcontainer == player if player.GetEquipped OJHWeapOblivionRifle if player.GetAnimAction == 9 if OJHBoltSoundJustHappened == 0 PlaySound OJHWPNRifleBolt set OJHBoltSoundJustHappened to 1 endif else set OJHBoltSoundJustHappened to 0 endif endif endif end Where "if player.GetAnimAction == 9" is the anim action number for when the player is reloading, so the sound is played then. My sound (OJHWPNRifleBolt) was to be played when the bolt is cocked so I built a delay into the sound itself so that it synced up to the animation. The script is attached to the weapon. I also use a similar script to add the jingle of shells being ejected on reload for my Webley revolvers. It's a simpler method that may or may not be suitable for your needs. Hope this helps! Prensa
jim_uk - Hello! Is the affected tile a piece of landscape or a kit piece mesh? If it is a kit piece mesh (a place-able square that you bolt together) then open it in Nifskope & check if it has an NiAlhpaProperty. If it does, make sure it's Flag is not 4845 as that can have a strange darkness in light effect simillar to what's going on in your video. Models that come out of Blender tend to get their NiAlhpaProperty changed to 4845 no matter what it was going in. It's fine for some things but problematic for others. If it's NiAlhpaProperty Flags is 4845, change it to 4844 with a Threshold of 160. If it's not a kit piece mesh but a part of the landscape then it's possibly a strange issue that can happen with lighting. The excellent mod Streetlights has a few instances where the ground flickers where the light falls & it's never been worked out exactly what the cause is. I looked into it a few times & the best I could come up with was that it seems to be when multiple light objects overlap on the same area. Moving the light objects further apart or reducing their strength so that they don't clash seems to work. Hope this helps! Prensa
Flickering/Glowing Custom Model Issue
prensa replied to KDStudios's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
KDStudios - Hello! "That's a lot of really useful information and very well explained." Thank-you kindly! "Your fixed model is absolutely superb, hopefully I'll be able to apply what I've learned to make the other models at least half as good." You've done all the hard work, I just did a tidy. :) Your houses look really neat, I've not yet made a building in Blender. "Yeah, Blender is quite fiddly at first, it used to take me ages to make even a basic collision. But now I find myself doing it in no time (trust me, the collisions used to look a lot worse heh). So I just need to sink some time into it and get the hang of it." Blender took me several attempts to crack. Tried again early this year & it finally clicked. Definitely worth the effort though as it's so much fun to be able to make objects to place in game. :) "Many thanks Prensa. I really appreciate what you've said and done here." You're very welcome, I'm happy to have been of help! :) Prensa -
Flickering/Glowing Custom Model Issue
prensa replied to KDStudios's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
KDStudios - Hello! I'm pretty new to Blender too, just got into it at the beginning of this year. :smile: "The flickering is very similar to the flickering you see when a model is right on another model and they're conflicting" You've hit the nail on the head, that's essentially the problem with your model. The flickering occurs when two faces occupy the same or almost same place as each other. The game engine renders both at the same time causing the flickering effect, as you say this happens in GECK if you place a mesh over another. It also happens within a model if faces are too close or right on top of each other, which is the problem with your model. If you look in Blender at your model you can see you've got a separate part for the exterior of the building & another for the interior. That's fine, actually makes it easier to work on but both the exterior & interior pieces have faces on both sides. Those faces are pressed against each other too compounding the problem. On top of that you've got a NiStencilProperty attached to the exterior (NiTriStrips Tri .021), a NiStencilProperty is used to draw the back of faces as well as the front so you don't need two faces. It's a handy way to fill in bits of models if they are viewed from both directions but here you've already got unnecessary faces back & front so the NiStencilProperty's just drawing more unneeded faces. Sort of like wearing belt & braces. :D Remove the NiStencilProrperty in Nifskope. In Blender you need to remove the un-needed faces. In Object mode you can select the exterior only & select Object - Show/Hide Object - Hide Deselected so that only the exterior shows. Now in Edit Mode remove the faces that are viewable inside. You can select a face on a wall & go to Select - Linked Flat Faces & it will select the whole wall, it's a quicker way than selecting each face individually. Use Delete - faces to remove them. Back in Object mode, Object - Show/Hide Object - Show Hidden will make the hidden parts show up again. Do the same for the exterior of your cabin & any other part with flickering. You may end up with some faces that are pointing the wrong way, fix this by selecting the face & either ctrl & N or ctrl shift & N to Recaculate the normals to point in or out as needed. I've done a quick fix for the cabin only to demonstrate. Note when you look at my version in Blender & hide the interior that the exterior walls are not visible when viewed from inside. It's a bit fiddly at first but once you get the hang of it it does not take too long & your model should be flicker free. :smile: Also, when I loaded your model in mini GECK (right click on model - Open With - GECK), I got an error that your textures have no MipMaps. MipMaps are needed for optimisation of objects when viewed from a distance, you need to have MipMaps enabled when you save your Textures. I quickly generated MipMaps for the included textures by loading them into DXTNmp & re-saving (you'll note the size of these textures is slightly larger now). Obviously it's best to use your master textures & save them with MipMaps anew so as not to lose quality from re-compressing already compressed images. I just did it for ease of use my end & as an example. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ru3xvn0ildcs6lv/BuildingProblem+Tidy.7z Hope this helps! Prensa -
Classic Winchester Widowmaker Shotgun problem :(
prensa replied to Marco94's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Marco94 - Hello! ClassicShotgun.esp that comes with that mod lists PointLookout.esm as a master, if you don't have that DLC then you'll get a crash on startup. Hope this helps! Prensa -
OriginOFPain - Hello! "I have made appropriate .ini performance tweaks" Does that include the multi core fix? Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading. That tends to be the main cause of freezing in Fallout 3. "I have an i5" i5's can be from 2 to 4 cores so you could need the .ini fix. Also, if you have added the multi core fix, make sure you applied it to the correct .ini as there is a Fallout_default.ini in the Fallout 3 folder that sometimes people confuse for the main .ini. Making the change to Fallout_default.ini won't fix the freeze bug as that .ini is only used when Fallout needs to rebuild your main .ini. The one you want to change is: For XP: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\ For Vista & Win7: Documents\My Games\Fallout3 The file you want will be called: FALLOUT.ini Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line: bUseThreadedAI=0 to: bUseThreadedAI=1 & insert this line under it: iNumHWThreads=2 Save & close your ini. Hope this helps! Prensa
My first mod: Mesh/Texture error when loaded
prensa replied to Atten's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Atten - Hello! "BUT I get the huge red exclamation point error centered on my head indicating that there is an error with either the texture or the mesh." Big exclamation is a missing mesh, if your paths to the mesh are definitely correct, have you made sure the NiTriStrip/NiTriShape of the modified hair is named properly? Hair models come with two mesh parts, one is the hair model & the other is the special hair model for when a hat is worn (normally matted down or tucked away so it does not clip). In order for the game to know which is which they have to be named correctly, for the normal hair it's: NoHat For the under the hat version it's: Hat When you exported from Blender it's possible the names got changed, open your model up in Nifskope & check. If they have been changed you can easily rename them by left clicking on the NiTriStrip/NiTriShape & in the Block details below click on the Txt next to Name - String. There's a good guide to setting up hair for Fallout 3 here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Porting_hairs_to_Fallout Don't forget to make .egm files for your new hair (allows hair to be shaped to various sized heads, that's covered in the above mentioned guide here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Porting_hairs_to_Fallout#Create_an_egm_file That requires a special mod tool, The Conformulator by scanti, the link in that guide is out of date the new link is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9360/? Don't worry that it's in Oblivion mods, it works for Fallout 3. I use The Conformulator all the time for hats. Hope this helps! Prensa -
Kritik6 - Hello! "The "new armor" just appeared as the normal mash even though if i retextured the "new armor" and changed the texture paths for it in nifskope." Skin parts of armor have a few extra Shader settings so that the skin can match the player's chosen race, you'll need to switch them off in order to convert a body to clothing. In Nifskope left click on the body, it's NiTriStrip will be highlighted. Go to the highlighted NiTriStrip & expand it's details by clicking on the little arrow, within that locate the BSShaderPPLightingProperty & left click it so that it's details are displayed at the bottom in Block Details. In the BSShaderPPLightingProperty Block Details look for the Shader setting: SHADER_SKIN Double left click & a pull down box can be displayed by clicking the arrow, select: SHADER_DEFAULT Now look right below that setting & you'll see "Shader Flags", double left click that to see a pull down with different shaders ticked & untick: SF_FACEGEN The body will now stop acting as skin & will respond to the new texture you point it to. "it might have somethign to do with the sk.dds" Remove the _sk.dds path from your mesh it is, as you guessed, related to skin & not for clothing. For really making changes to the mesh you'll a 3D program like Blender, the very best guide I've found for clothes making is here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1 It's in two parts, is detailed yet written in simple step by step terms. Though some skill with Blender & Nifskope is required. There's also "Creating basic clothes in 5 minutes using Blender": http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_basic_clothes_in_5_minutes_using_Blender Good luck with your project & hope this helps! Prensa
EnigManic - Hello! "I keep trying to post a screenshot and this sight is refusing to let me post the jpeg." Click on the little painting symbol just under the Emoticon smile, you can paste the image link in the window that comes up for your image to be in your post. I've looked at the picture you link to & it looks like the texture is jumbled even where the parts aren't black, though the image is small so it could just be that you're using a camo texture. Checking the T-51b mesh & those black areas use the same texture as the other parts so you should not be missing anything there if the correct texture is set. Have you modified a copy of the original texture for the Armor, T-51b PowerArmor.dds? Found in the Fallout - Textures under: textures\armor\t-51bpowerarmor\T-51b PowerArmor.dds As, unless you've altered the model's UV, the new texture must conform to the placement of the original. Are you using Texture Sets in GECK or are you changing the texture paths within new copies of the clothing meshes? If it's new paths in the meshes, make sure you've pointed them to the correct texture. If it's Texture Sets in GECK, remember that the Texture set has to match the model's UV that it is being applied to, for example you can't apply pre-war outfit textures to power armor & get working results. The original texture should be used as a base upon which to make the new texture. If you are using the correct vanilla textures as a base for your new custom ones & nothing else above applies, all I can think to check is if you've altered vanilla textures but are trying to apply them to some mod added custom armor meshes you may have installed. Hope this helps! Prensa
EnigManic - Hello! Did you change just the textures or did you modify the meshes at all? If you've taken the mesh through Blender at all it's probably had it's Alpha setting changed. Blender tends to pop out meshes with Alpha flag settings of 4845 which is unsuitable for some items, you can check the original mesh for the correct settings if this is the case. Did you save the new textures to the correct size, either 256 x 256, 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024, 2048 x 2048, 4096 x 4096, etc.. Have you saved your texture to the correct format, DXT1, DXT3 or DXT5? If the mesh requires transparency on part of it you'll need to use DXT3 or DXT5. Have you set normal maps to go with your new textures? They should end in _n & give "depth" to textures as well as containing an Alpha channel that sets specularity (shininess). Don't forget to use a form of archive invalidation to ensure new textures work properly. If you use a mod manager archive invalidation, toggle archive invalidation off & back on after adding new textures. Perhaps giving an example of what one of the affected items is & a screenshot might help someone diagnose the issue. Hope this helps! Prensa
soopytwist - Hello! As you found, there's no script folder in Fallout 3. When you create a script, like any other changes made in GECK, they must be saved to a plugin (.esp). When you want to save you go to File - Save & give your plugin a new name at which point it's added to your Data folder as an .esp that can be ticked in your load order & used in game. If you're modifying an existing .esp in GECK (meaning you've marked it with "Set as Active File" in Files - Data) then you save changes to that plugin when you save. GECK will also warn you if you have not saved & try to exit. So as long as you saved after adding your script in GECK it will either have been added to a new plugin which you would have had to name or added to an existing plugin if you had that "Set as Active File" at the time of saving. Hope this helps! Prensa
TLF853 - Hello! It's pretty easy to connect teleport doors, a really good description can be found here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_Finalize_and_Connect#Connecting_the_Doors That links you to exactly the part of the page that covers linking an exterior door to an interior door. Just substitute your doors & cell for the ones they mention in the example. Further down it also covers Finalizing your Navmesh so that the doors can be used by NPC's as well as the Player. Hope this helps! Prensa
reindeer51 - Hello! "Yeah, I checked and indeed the IDs are there." Great! I'm glad GECK & Skyrim Creation kit aren't too far apart then. :) "Funny, I've been using the Reference window so many times, seen those numbers yet this never really occurred to me." It was ages using GECK before I realised what they were too. :D "Thanks so much for the detailed post. It'll surely be helpful to others as well" Glad to have helped! Prensa