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Everything posted by KanesGhost

  1. Unfortunately a number of Mod users seem to take issue with Scandinavian Accents...the Follower Mod 'Vilja', the Modder is Scandinavian and voices Vilja, a number of less than savory comments on Vilja's accent seem to plague that thread... :sad:
  2. I am having the same problem... :sad: ....am at a loss what to do about it.
  3. I love a challenging game, no fun if your a god....though it's also important to me for combat damage to be equal both ways...realism...so I don't play beyond Expert difficulty. My Mod list: The Way of the Dovahkin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters (aka: Sleeping Dangers - Sands of Time) Deadly Dragons (though vanilla, health and damage upped and set to Swarms) I build the rest of my Mod list around the above two mentioned: Duel Combat Realism - Hardcore Skyrim Bandages Fighting Styles of Tamriel You are being Followed Realistic Poison Poison Skills Enhanced Stealth Skills Rebalanced Traps Make Noise Havoc Bedrolls (sleeping outdoors is dangerous due to Ultimate Deadly Encounters) Faster Stand Up Martial Arts - Front Flip Armor Perk Trees Redone - Light Armor (all about agility for me) Trick Shot Perk for Archery Sneak Tools Werewolf Mastery Would love to use Dragon Combat Overhaul, but is way too buggy. Then there are the immersion Mods: Trade and Barter Syrealism - Crafting Kits Realistic Room Rental Hunterborn Realistic Loot Lite Harvesting Animation (dangerous to harvest with Ultimate Deadly Encounters installed) Reduced Gold Rewards for Quests Am just trying out 'Forbidden Luxury - The Fur Traders Legacy' at the moment also. Then there are my own rules I play by...I play 'Perma Death' it gives me very good incentive not to die... :confused: ...I tend to play a Stealth Poisons Archer (Nord RP'ed as something else, my own made up Race with a couple of tweaks...is a Werewolf from the start with Beserker Rage set as a lesser power, very heavily RP'ed..he has a temper... :tongue: ...). 1. Does not use Enchanted Armor or Weapons. 2. Does not use Magic of any sort...he has none (using a Mod that removes starter spells) 3. Does not use Healing Potions or Skill Buffer Potions. 4. Does not carry weight exceeding 220...a self imposed cap. 5. Does not loot large or heavy items. 6. Only carries the bare necessities, no extra's....Only the one set of Armor he is wearing (Light), one Heavy Bow, one Crossbow (though it is the Van Helsing), one Two Handed Sword, one Dagger, a selection of Poisons, a little Food, Water, Bedroll, Lock Picks, Bandages, Crafting Kits for Camp Fire, Alchemy and Smithing...and a small number of rotating Poisons ingredients. 7. Never Fast Travel or ride Horses or go by Carriage. 8. Has to break out of Battle and run for it if he is hurt...find a safe place to apply Bandages to heal before he can head back into Battle. (The Modder of UDE set the Werewolf Hunter Boss to run just that little bit faster than my Dovahkin, giving me another challenge... :tongue: ...makes escape hair raising... :happy: ...) 9. Only have a Follower if I feel like a break...always Stenvar or Hoth...much prefer Lone Wolf game play...though my man does carry one Enchanted Ring (summons a Sabre Cat) as back up if he is cornered in a confining space (interiors) or heavily outgunned such as two or more UDE Bosses at once or Dragon Swarms around poor cover...and when he is sleeping outdoors. 10. Eats, Drinks, Sleeps and Bathes regularly (Bathing to conceal his scent, I would love to find a Mod to enforce that)...would love also to use a Realistic Needs Mod, but due to RP is impossible, as a Werewolf he lives on raw Humanoid and Predator flesh. 11. Never uses Light Armor beyond Leather. I think that's about it...I love Tactics and Strategy and I find this Mod load out and restriction rules enforces the need for me, is essential for my Dovahkin to survive....have refined the arts of dodging and Bow bashing... :tongue: ...he rarely takes any damage at all...and is a very dirty fighter, such as: If he picks up a train, a nasty UDE spawn or a Dragon Swarm he will high tail it straight for a Bandit or Giant Camp sprinting through the Camp and dragging them into the fray.
  4. Poor Stenvar... He died heroically battling 2 master vampires and countless thralls on master difficulty. I would have helped, but I was busy fighting to save my own life. He was a solid bro, and he shall be missed. :') Noooo!!!...Not Stenvar.... :sad:
  5. Nord...The biggest, gruntiest Human Race Male, though I also love contradiction and so tend to play him as a stealthy Archer.
  6. I pretty much agree with CookieDynamics...all three are lousy people, all playing stupid games. If I HAD to choose one as a Follower, it would be Faendal, he is the more combat useful of the two. As for all time favorite Skyrim character, it's a close call between Stenvar, Isran and Madannach for me...with an honorary mention for Captain Aldis.
  7. I find so long as my character can look good...ie: Better Males with Urshi's face and body textures for males and decent hair and Armor...and match the males with CBBE and it's included textures for the females....the rest I am happy with just a good ENB alone....though I do love 'Inside the Nebula' for the night sky, looks spectacular. That's about all I use textures wise, I don't feel the need with anything else.
  8. For me it would be...: Project ENB Better Males Favoredsoul CBBE Apachii Hair The Choice is Yours Paarthurnax Choice 3 The Way of the Dovahkin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters (aka Sleeping Dangers - Sands of Time) Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Start Stealth Skill Rebalanced Realistic Loot Lite Trade and Barter Duel Combat Realism Faster Stand Up Animation Hunterborn Reduced Gold Rewards for Quests Werewolf Mastery Skyrealism Crafting Kits SkyUI Harvest Overhaul Serana is Really a Vampire Stenvar Revamped CoT ....And a Realistic Poisons Mod I like Immersion (realism), Challenge and Beauty...Most realism can be RP'ed without the use of Mods...such as eating, drinking, sleeping, keeping warm, not fast traveling, etc...I love Mods where I can't RP it and consider them essential to game play....And without a good Combat challenge, the game bores me quickly and I loose interest.
  9. So is my character (barefoot)...I have been hunting high and low for dirtier skin textures, but haven't been able to find any, sorry.... :blush:
  10. Yes, it's like that isn't it...Dolls...I like the skin texture on this one also, not so perfect, more realistic.... :happy:
  11. 1/ Beauty, Realism and Challenge. 2/ Very much so, I believe I would have stopped playing Skyrim long ago if I wasn't able to Mod it. The vanilla Game is quite unsatisfactory, but makes a brilliant canvas for the Modding Artists. 3/ Yes I do, the game is much more interesting and challenging with Mods, I have to think about what I am doing when playing Modded Skyrim instead of just Godding it through the vanilla. 4/ For the Beauty, Challenge and Realism...makes for an interesting and engaging world to explore, always a new experience or way of doing things around every corner. Also able to really explore Role Play aspects and get much more creative with it. 5/ Bethesda should be thanking their Modding Fans, they keep their Games alive for them and keep people interested. Due to Modded Skyrim I became much more interested in other Bethesda Games and ended up purchasing more of their Games knowing I could create new and interesting experiences with the help of the Modding Community....and I now look forward to new Games Bethesda creates.
  12. Just realized the Read Me is a pdf....not the Mod itself. Edit: Read through it, I don't think it's for me....Thank you though ArtMurder...it changes too much if that makes sense....would break too many Mods I love. I will be looking into the Unleveled Mods, they have my interest.
  13. ArtMurder, I don't know a lot about Requiem, does it change the Perk Tree's? It doesn't give a great deal of information on the description page and I note you have to download to access the the Read Me file...is it well modulated? Sorry, I like the Skill Tree Mods I have found, would rather not change them if possible. Would you tell me a little more about it please? I have looked into the 'Locational Damage' Mod, due to what 'The Way of the Dovahkin' Mod spawns on my character, it leaves me a little nervous to be honest.... :tongue: ...I play Perma-Death and those spawns can get nasty.... :D ...as I don't Fast Travel or use Horses, i wouldn't like my Dovahkins chances of reaching the next Town intact... :tongue: ...same goes for that Armor and Weapons breaking and de-grading Mod. As I use the above mentioned spawn Mod, I won't worry about Immersive Creatures myself, though thank you for bringing it to my attention...and I use a Mod that gives Crafting Packs (Satchels), so my Dovahkin can work his Smithing and Poison creations anywhere, seems more realistic to me for him to be able to do so, make use of his environment per se'. I like Deadly Dragons due to the fact that I can have Dragon Swarms with it, I love the Dragon Swarms.... :happy: ...As for Duel Combat Realism, the smarter the enemy AI the better. The Hud, yes, I cheat, I use the Crosshair... :blush: ...the aim is kinda hokey when in sneak, which my guy spends most of his time in....yes, Headshots are my specialty,...and dodging Arrows... :tongue:...I may try without the Hud one day.
  14. I already use 'The Way of the Dovahkin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters (aka Sleeping Dangers - Sands of Time)', 'Deadly Dragons' and 'Duel Combat Realism'...I love a challenging game, love tactics and strategy. I know of 'Requiem', but from what I understand due to my RP it would not be a good choice for me. I have tried 'Dragon Combat Overhaul', I loved it but it continues to remain buggy for me. My RP, my Dovahkin travels light, he is a Light Armored (never above Leather) Poisons Bowman, Two Handed Sword...never carries more than one of each weapon and only carries the Armor he is wearing, he carries one Heavy Bow, one Crossbow, one Sword, one Dagger. He never uses Enchanted Armor or Weapons, nor any Magic of any kind, nor does he use Healing Potions or Skill Buffer Potions...he has to break out of battle and get away from the danger zone to apply bandages if hurt. He does Smith and does create Poisons though. Rarely uses Followers, though will use one at the most if needed, either Stenvar or Hoth. Any suggestions for difficulty Mods to up the challenge of my game?
  15. I use this one, it has pit hair for a number of body types...: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4686/?
  16. Are you using the Alternate Start Mod?....I have seen a Youtube of the same thing happening for someone using the Alternate Start Mod.
  17. I would highly recommend this Mod for a complete game changer, you would be surprised at how dramatic a change it makes to your game...Skyrim will never be the same again, it will keep you guessing and on your toes always...makes you a nervous, but addicted Gamer.... :happy: The Way of the Dovahkin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters (formally known as Sleeping Dangers - Sands of Time) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12452/? Plus as a side note, for a character with a difference and something completely new to play, I once played a 'Pacifist' play through and found it completely changed the game and the way I played it. She specialized in Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, Sneak and Pick Pocket on Expert difficulty, can't use Followers with such a build though, defeats the purpose and I found activating the Dragons ruined that game for me....she couldn't avoid having to combat the Dragons...but until that point though (was about level 30 then) the game was definitely a new experience and a whole lot of fun, had to find all new ways to deal with situations. I relied mostly on Illusion and found I needed to use a Mod to boost her Illusion skills a little, not too much though, no fun in OP'ing it....Was a good and very interesting and challenging game, probably the most challenging I have played. Two of my favorite moments in playing her: She Pick Pockets a key she needed for a Bandit (plus his coins, etc...) and goes on her merry way, I thought she had got away clean with it, but eventually some Hired Thugs showed up sent by the Bandit, my girl Pick Pockets them completely clean also... :D ....I want to know how they explained that one to the Bandit.... :D The Quest 'In my Time of Need'....My girl casts a sneaky 'Frenzy' on one of Bandits in the main room...The Alikir came rushing in and wiped every single Bandit out.... :tongue:
  18. I don't like your chances of finding such a youtube.... :sad: ....I have been asked a few times to film the combat my Game due to my combat style and the realism I include...Perma Death, no Magic (including Restoration or any Enchanted items), no Healing or Skill Buff Potions...I gotta make sure he takes virtually no damage, he does have bandages but has to break out of battle to apply for much slower healing, is all tactics and strategy to survive....As for out of close Battle, unless you want to spend hours staring at some guys butt (I play third person) I can't see much fun in it to just watch uninvolved. My character spends most of his time crouched assessing his environment, potential threats, hunting, potential battles (eg. stakes out a Bandits Camp, watching their movements, routines, etc...well before attacking)...He takes time prepping his kills, crafting Arrows, upkeep of Weaponry and Armor, eating, sleeping, drinking, bathing (to remove his scent), making Poisons, etc....my game crawls along at snail pace. Then there's the no looting of large or heavy items or aged food, carrying bare minimum (nothing beyond what I consider realistic) I self cap his carry load at 220...he walks and jogs everywhere, so travel is slow....It's fun to play, but I seriously doubt fun to watch.
  19. There already is, just not on Nexus, it's been out for quite a while now and yes, I use it.
  20. It all depends on what gaming style you prefer most....I love Perma Death Glass Cannons, Realism, challenge and heavy reliance on Tactics and Strategy....So I have the most fun running a Poisons Archer in Light Armor, he doesn't use any sort of Magic including Restoration and no Healing Potions or Skill Buffer Potions....he uses slower healing Bandages instead. I do have to use a number of Mods to achieve satisfaction with his build though. A Mod to make Stealth more realistic and challenging...: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28418//? Give enemy NPC's some grey matter between their ears...: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2700/? The best enemy Mod out there....if you don't use Tactics and Strategy you die, these NPC's are tough and as I run a loner Dovahkin (very rarely use Followers...one at the most if I do use Followers) it's a real challenge to stay alive....: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12452/? Plus I use a Mod that make Poisons more realistic...though the potency of Poisons run both ways, Spiders are a force to be reckoned with in my game....Some minor Perk Tree tweak Mods...and an Agility Mod. It all really does depend on what you like though and how you most enjoy combat....Squishy Archer's are great for patient strategic play, only if the high damage Stealth perk isn't abused though....I still make use of the high damage, though have evened that out with much more challenging Stealth and tougher and smarter NPC's.
  21. Thank you for bringing up Fjola, I had forgotten about her...yes there will always be exceptions to a rule and Fjola is one of them, realistically that would had to have been a heck of a battle for her to achieve all she did...not unheard of, just exceedingly rare. As for the Racial/Species Bigotry, when I first played Skyrim I was expecting much more in the way of Racial/Species Bigotry, was looking forward to playing through the various Races and Species to experience the differences, I was disappointed....I would have liked to have seen a greater impact on the choice we make of our PC. The Khajiit I have wondered the exact same thing about Imperial held Cities, but I would honestly account that more so to Bethesda stopping short than Khajiit reputation, though possibly for RP reasons the stereotype would work best in answering those questions in game play.
  22. *snip* -Higher pain tolerance (child birth) -Steadier Aim (less nerves due to biology) -Multitask better (different thought process between men/women) -Strategic thinkers (different thought process between men/women) *snip* From what I understand, it is not in fact a higher threshold, but comes down to the type of pain....Women being more tolerant of deep seated throbbing pain, Men being more tolerant of sudden sharp pains....I noted this in effect also, I do a Martial Arts and have noted the men seem much more able to tolerate the pain from the sudden impact of a Throw or a Hit, whereas something like muscle straining stances women have a higher tolerance for....I noted this last particularly as the group I was in was asked to drop into the Horse stance and told to hold it...I am an older woman surrounded mostly by young men, I noted though staying in the stance was highly uncomfortable, I was able to sink into the deep muscle pain it caused being much less effected and able to hold, whereas the young men around me starting dropping like flies in tears of pain...these same young men certainly trump me and the other females when it comes to taking hard hits and throws though...Has been an interesting observation for me.
  23. As an older woman, I mostly agree with the OP....It's a simple fact that as a majority rule men do have superior strength and higher aggression (testosterone) and so are much more likely to be the Warriors, etc...A woman involved in Warrior activities being more the exception than the rule. Yes, Societies and Cultures over time have had female Warriors, etc....such as the War Maidens of the Vikings, but they were always outnumbered vastly by their male counterparts. As for manual Labor, I disagree...in fact it has in most Societies...pre Western....been quite the norm for women to in fact get the Lions Share of the hard manual Labor, simply because the men were often out either Hunting or making War...or busy making plans and preparing for such events. Leadership is another matter completely, some Societies are/were Matrilineal some Patrilineal and some relatively able to balance the power equally. There are a couple of Mods I use to try and add such 'realisms' to my Game....The highest majority of my Bandits are male, is very rare for me to come across a female Bandit, because how I see it Bandits are not going to play nice with women, any woman in fact would be in great danger in their company....The Mod I use to achieve this also offers to do the same with the Forsworn, I don't use that one due to the fact that the Forsworn are a whole culture of people living out in the open and on the run, they do not have the luxury of gender specific roles...they all need to fight to survive. I also use Mods that put any female character I play in much greater danger than their male counterparts...they have an overwhelmed and subjugated threshold my male characters don't share, but my males can use against female NPC's....I much prefer the realism no matter how gritty and harsh. I would have liked to have seen more racial and species bigotry in the game reflected upon the Race/Species we choose for our Dovahkins...aka, my male character is a Nord, yet oddly enough the Dark Elf Shop owner in Windhelm chooses to trust him enough...very quickly I might add....to tell him about the Ring and ask for help...And Madanach, my Nord should have to work a lot harder to gain his trust....but get things, info, etc...a lot easier among the general populace as a Nord.
  24. I was wondering where I was getting the 'Assaults' from, thank you for the heads up smjn...Would be brilliant to see a Mods that addresses it.
  25. If you are not using an improved NPC Combat AI Mod just stagger lock them with your shield....keep them defending. If you are using an NPC improved Combat Mod and are Light Armored (I only use Light, preferring agility over protection), never go frontal toe to toe with them, always from the side...stay just out of range when squared off and don't stop moving and circling them...always keep moving, it's even better if you happen to have the sneak roll perk, thats a speedy close in or dodge if needed, I use it a lot for fast closing in and avoiding damage....You want to encourage the NPC to try for a strike and open himself up, it's all about timing, as soon as he starts his move, you either dodge or roll to his exposed side and stagger him first with a Shield Bash, then strike....Rinse and repeat... :happy:
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