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Everything posted by KanesGhost

  1. I pretty well agree on the given definitions of Vamps and Lycans... I would also add I see Vamps as intentionally cruel, through their arrogence and disdain, where as Lycans as unintentionally cruel, through their hunting methods and chaotic indiscriminating attacks. I am a big fan of Lycans, never play the Vamp in video games, always play the Lycan if their available, love playing Lycans : ) The character I play is a born Lycan, is not and never was human (I infect him in Helgen, as I play perma-death he has been recreated more than once)...he is RP'ed as having come from the mountains bordering Skyrim and Cyrodiil, inaccessable regions where his Clan (Pack) lives, he was out tracking Bandits who had killed two of the Packs young and had tracked them too far into Skyrim territory, caught up by the Imperials while he was bathing (explaining no gear), he baths to cover his scent. He is very primal and animalistic, is a pure hunter, he preys on and eats people and predator beasts in both his Lycan and human forms (skins them all and harvests them for their meat and his poisons), loves the challenge of the hunt, the greater the challenge, the better. Doesn't connect with people, very much the outsider, he doesn't understand people, there are a small number of quests I can't do with him, because he can't understand the concept of a lie or stealing. I try my best to have him live and think as I would imagine a lone wolf would and so he has no moral values good or bad, he just is, lives for the moment and reacts moment by moment, doesn't look beyond, has no followers, has found himself a small out of the way hide-away where he stores the little he owns, doesn't buy or sell (lives off the land), only eats raw meat and drinks only water, doesn't loot or collect any gear aside from alchemical ingredients, fresh meat, pelts and arrows. His battle style is a cross between Ranger and hunting predator, is a patient stalking and ambushing bowman, tactics heavy, spends more time quietly stalking and planning his attacks than battling...most of his attacks are ranged, but if he is forced into melee and is failing to holdthem off with his bow bash and agility and takes enough damage, he will rage and force transform into his beast self. He has no magic to speak of, doesn't understand it and so doesn't like it...also despises walking dead things...Vamps, Draughers...their an affront to his senses and he reacts very violently, as you could then imagine it's very difficult then rp'ing him with Serena, so he kills her once she is of no use anymore...That's pretty much my Lycan in a nutshell.
  2. The Way of the Dovahkin-Ultimate Deadly Encounters (aka: Sleeping Dangers-Sands of Time)...An all in one stop shop for the ultimate deadly hard core play through... :devil: ...Plus the Modder is very active and helpful.
  3. This is incorrect....Over many eons (since the dawn of mankind in fact) many people of many Cultures have gone into battle or to war wearing very little, in some cases even naked is not unheard of....from what I understand, the nudity was often meant to be a form of intimidation...show no fear, etc...Picts and Celts seeming the most historically documented for such behavior...though I have also found mention of it among the Spartans: http://fsos.com/celtic_history.htm Where as nudity was a rarer event...little to no Armor was much more common...in fact the majority of people going into battle went with almost no Armor, simply for the fact that a) Many could not afford Armor (eg. Medievel Europe)...b) Many Cultures, including Warrior Cultures, did not use Armor or used very little of it (eg. Native American)....For many it was more about strategy rather than protection, take the success of the English Red Coats as an example, they were not armored, but that did not stop them from dominating new lands and holding their own with the French..their strategy was what the key. Mobility was also a major factor in battle, many citing Armor as too restrictive, when agility and mobility are most favored in battle...depending on battle style. As for your question, I am an older female and have used a number of 'Skimpy' Mods (some quite skimpy), though I have a strong preference for the less visually pleasing varieties (not so artistic) and always Light Armor, though never over Leather (aka, never use Glass or Elven, etc...), for both male and female characters...Reason being, I love a strategic play style that favors agility, mobility and stealth in battle....such battle style looks ridiculous and out of place to me with a lot of Armor. Though there are also the odd games I play, when just messing around, then I play for beauty and the Skyrim Mod bodies are beautiful (both male and female), so things get very skimpy then, simply because I think their beautiful.
  4. I know what filledb wants, I have been wishing for something similar myself, I wish I had better news filledb, but such a Mod does not exist on Nexus nor anywhere else I know of. RND and iNeed do not fill this niche', neither of them allow for actual survivalist techniques including food items, cooking methods or sleeping arrangements, etc...
  5. Thank you for your input, Kane. I have thought about his motive for joining, yes, but I haven't managed to come to a conclusion on that yet either. The war is not disrupting him or his professions, and although the Penitus Oculatus were a threat, they've mostly dissipated and are now only an irritation. However, the Imperials must have their suspicions about my Argonian, and if I side with them, there are two outcomes. Either the Imperials, when the Stormcloaks have been shooed away, will turn on me, or, recognizing that I played a key part in their victory, will clear me of suspicion or consider me too much of an asset (or too dangerous and not worth the lives of their men) to try and kill me. I think one of the latter is most feasible. Okay, so those are the possible pro's/con's of joining the Imperials....so what are the pro's/con's of joining the Stormcloaks?
  6. Sylvian says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Farmer_%28NPC%29 Teeba-Ei says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Teeba-Ei Anuriel says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Anuriel Valmir falsely says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Captain_Valmir The devs mustn't have thought those through. You only have to go to windhelm to see that the stormcloaks hate pretty much anyone who isn't human, and dislike any non-nord humans. When you consider the bigotry so prevelant in Tamriel...Altmer considering themselves superior, Dunmer, Argonian, Nords...Forsworn vs Nords, etc...all thinking they are something more than the other...what makes the Nords stand out as any different? Almost every Race/Species seems to see themselves as superior in some way or another...almost all of them are guilty of bigotry to a greater or lesser extent. Even still, nords and altmer are the only racist races (I can't think of any others). Most of the altmer in Skyrim are part of the thalmor which I feel is the main reason for their superiority complex. Regarding the forsworn, most of them (including the women, children, infirm etc) were killed by Ulfric Stormcloak and his men, so can you blame them for hating nords? To be honest, I feel only the stormcloaks are racist, nords that side with the imperials (or anyone who's neutral) are far more open-minded. No, the Forsworn blame the Jarl, not Ulfric. Ulfric may have been the hands, but the head who ordered/approved the executions were either Igmund or his father. I am not a Lore Monger, but have seen plenty of them post...now if I remember correctly, please correct me if I am wrong...The Dunmer were exceptionally Racist in Morrowind from what I hear (I have never played it)...I do know the Altmer certainly display quite a superiority complex in Oblivion (I have played that)...Apparently the Argonians at some point enslaved the Dunmer...The Snow Elves began the aggression between the Nords and themselves...The Orcs in both Oblivion and Skyrim make their feelings of superiority pretty clear....As for the Forsworn, that was a stuff up on my part, I was in fact referring to the abuse the Nords put them through, though end point still remains, the Bigotry between Races/Species appears to be pretty rampant in Tamriel, Nords are not an exclusive group in their Bigorty.
  7. Sylvian says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Farmer_%28NPC%29 Teeba-Ei says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Teeba-Ei Anuriel says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Anuriel Valmir falsely says hi: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Captain_Valmir The devs mustn't have thought those through. You only have to go to windhelm to see that the stormcloaks hate pretty much anyone who isn't human, and dislike any non-nord humans. When you consider the bigotry so prevelant in Tamriel...Altmer considering themselves superior, Dunmer, Argonian, Nords...Forsworn vs Nords, etc...all thinking they are something more than the other...what makes the Nords stand out as any different? Almost every Race/Species seems to see themselves as superior in some way or another...almost all of them are guilty of bigotry to a greater or lesser extent.
  8. Looking at your characters description, personally I am finding it kinda hard to imagine why he would join either side...why would he? Neither side matters to him. I play a kind of similar character in some ways, his no machine, nor does he join any Guilds at all, but like yours, he doesn't give a damn about anyone and though he isn't immoral, he isn't moral either, more so amoral...doesn't think about it (Is due to him being a born Werewolf, so not really human and is very primal an elemental in his mind set and approach)...and so he doesn't join the War effort as the issues mean nothing to him, nor does he care. Have you thought about why your Argonian would join at all? Or take any notice? Though I guess, if an individual doesn't care at all, but still decides to join, I would hazard they would join the Imperials, reason being, the Stormcloaks are driven by emotion, the Imperials are simply being strategic, in that i mean, it works in the Imperials favor to govern and have the alliegience of Skyrim due to the impending war.
  9. I play a Werewolf (born Werewolf, infect him as soon as his hands unbound) who hunts in a similar vein, though for him it's not 'honor', it's the excitement of the 'challenge'...he feeds on/eats Humanoid and large Predator meat in both his Werewolf and human forms (though as a born Werewolf, I don't consider him human)....he doesn't bother with Civilians, they don't give him an appetite, he hunts for his food in the wilderness among the Bandits and such...He is unable to eat Vampires though, I have been RP'ing this lack as his complete aversion to and distaste for dead things, his aversion explaining his deep seated burning hatred for the animated dead such as Vamps and Draugr's, I figure him being so deeply bound to nature as such a primal being, a Werewolf, he really cannot tolerate such entities....I am curious though, are you using a Mod to be able to eat Vamps? If so, may I ask which one? I would love to take a look... :smile:
  10. There is also 'Pacifist' if your sick of Skyrim animals psychopathic behavior: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21183/?
  11. The Way of the Dovahkin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters (aka Sleeping Dangers - Sands of Time) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12452/? With this Mod you are no longer safe, not even while your sleeping, also fast traveling and waiting and don't expect to know what's around every corner anymore or how many opponents you will be fighting...this Mod not only spawns new combat NPC's on you, it will also add to already existing numbers of combat NPC's, there are also a number of much tougher Boss NPC's to be dealt with...all of this coming very highly configurable to your taste in it's MCM Menu. You would definitely also want to use one of the Camp or Bedroll Mods to go with it.
  12. A basic needs Werewolf Player Home, somewhere well away from any roads in the Reach....being a cave, though light filled (open topped cave like the Eldergleam, etc...) with a lot of flora, Trees, Bushes, Alchemy Plants, with a running water source such as a waterfall leading to stream which pools into something large enough to bathe in. The living area concealed from the cave entrance view by rock formations and plants and the living area kept simple, using Forsworn Bedding (the pelt on hay), a campfire close to the bed with the cooking pot frame, a tree stump to sit upon...a and a couple of Weapons Racks and a couple of Chests, though no Mannequins. A camp style forge with two small Chests nearby (for pelts and Ingots), away from the sleeping area. An Alchemy area, the table and a number of small useable barrels and a couple of tables peppered with Jars (like Bug Jars) and various ingredients...Please no Enchanting Table or Soul Gems. A friendly Spriggan and a few friendly Wolves living in the cave would be fantastic also... :happy: I have dreamed of a home like this for my Werewolf for a long time and have tried to create one myself, but couldn't get the hang of Modding at all... :sad: ...Would you please make it Svadas?
  13. The simple answer in Anthropocentrism...: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/27493/anthropocentrism Dragons do not look anything like us, if they were relatively like sized and bi-pedal, coupled with their ability to speak, then you would find quite a different attitude from people. Yes, Odahving and Durniver (not sure of their spelling) both chose to work with you through respect, not tamed.
  14. Is cool... :happy: ...best of luck Majorshepard... :happy: ...the more thorough the better anyway I say, as I mentioned Skyrim is insidious, always better safe than sorry with it. Hoping your back up and running real soon without issues, will help in any way I can... :smile:
  15. Yes, just untick from list of Plug-Ins...no need to remove them from NMM. Yes, create a separate folder to back them up, your NMM files are under Local Disc (C:) (default)/Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim/Mods...copy/paste the Mods into a new Folder on your DeskTop.
  16. I have just finished a re-install myself....you want to completely clean out your system, I learned the hard way scripts/corruptions can still be present after a re-install....so don't forget to delete all your old 'saves' too...found under 'Documents' under 'My Games'....I also make sure Skyrim no longer exists in my Program Files/Steam/Steam Apps, delete the Skyrim file if it's still there....Double check all these despite un-installing through Steam, I find Skyrim a little insidious when it comes to leaving a trail on the Computer. Untick all the Mods in your NMM and save the Mods in a back up folder....though the Mods should remain safe in the NMM folder, but always back up to be on the safe side. Sorry, I don't know anything about WyreBash personally, never used it. Though I am pretty solid at knowing Mod dependcies, what needs to be installed in what order, etc...am happy to help if I can.
  17. I think you may well be right, it would certainly feel like what Bethesda may have been trying to achieve and I have seen many number of people express a lot of disappointment at her not being marriageable in the vanilla game and there are quite a number of fan Mods designed around Serana, her looks, abilities, marry status, etc...Though alas, I am not a spry young man, but am an old woman and so whatever charm Serana is meant to have is well and truly lost on me...an emo teen girl with constant complaints and woes to me issues, always getting in my Dovahs way (I did use various Mods to alter her behavior when I played Dawnguard, 'Shut up Serana', the better stealth AI for her, 'Serana is truly a Vampire' (makes her look like what she is) and would have used that Mod that stops her from bringing all the dead back to life if it had been made when I played through the quest)...Yes, I am very well aware the game was not made with my age group in mind... :tongue: ...in fact I would kill to give the girl a good clip across the back of her head and tell her to grow a pair... :tongue: ...But I can see your point and believe you nailed Bethesda's intention.
  18. People around here certainly seem to have an inflated image of what Role-Playing is. There are literally hundreds of RPG's which offer you no choice at all. The entire J-RPG genre, while still being RPG's, give you little to no control over your characters personality or development. To constitute an RPG, the only criteria is that you play a ROLE. Having cookie cutter story-lines or a lack of choice has nothing to do with the genre. Seems to me what an RPG is, is very much up for debate (not that I wish to here), prior to my last post I took time to search various perceptions of RPG in video gaming on the Net and then perceptions and claims of where Skyrim stands in all this, there's a lot of dissension and a number of opinions...did come across some very good break downs of the whole debate. You and I obviously have differing views on what and RPG is, I would consider Fallout, Dragon Age Origin and Mass Effect 1 (partially Mass Effect 2, but falling short) to be RPG's, they give Role Play choice. I would not consider the games you refer to as RPG's...each of us has our own perceptions....seems various Gaming Companies have their own perceptions also, though seems to change like the wind for them per game.
  19. Nobody is asking for the extensive RP Table Top Games offer and not everyone is able to Mod for many varied reasons. What is being asked for is some choice from the game developers, not nil choice. Bethesda's official stance has been to class Skyrim as an RPG, but have chosen not to design the game that way. Despite the lack of RP, I do love the game for the most part and can usually through the use of Mods and careful choice skirt most of the more jarring immersion breaking elements of the game, but Dawnguards waifu is much like Mass Effects ending, laughable limited no real choice...Is a shame, as I actually like the Dawnguard story for the most part, but no longer play it as I do not enjoy such heavy railroading or the character (an irritating personality forced companion for long stretches, but her personality is well beside the point and irrelevant), I just keep it installed now for various Mods to function and a few of it's toys. Your example of Lydia is a very poor example, given the fact if you want RP a Xenophobe, you can ignore her and not use her as a Follower or even take her with you and kill her if that is your wish...Me, I just go though a little dialog in the Jarl's Palace with her and that's the last I see of her...am a Stenvar fan personally. If you disable Serana you are very well aware you can no longer run the Dawnguard story and so 'no', it is not an option.
  20. So many people missing the point here...First of all you have one choice only, you a Vamp Hunter who finds a Vamp carrying an Elder Scroll (I refuse to do the MQ up to my character finding out what an Elder Scroll is, so he can at least be blissfully unaware of what the Vamp is carrying), the Vamps immediate request is take it home, but it refuses to give you any relevant information about itself, agenda or request. Yes, you can take it back to the Dawnguard first, but Isran without meeting it or interrogating it says, "yup, take it home"...so much for his distrust of Vamps...O.o...So you take this thing home with almost zero information on it and no knowing what it's real agenda is and you trust and welcome it with open arms? The problem is the Dovahkins behavior and blissful compliance with nothing to go on makes no sense what so ever. You don't know anything about this Vamps story until it decides to return of it's own free will, which you had no idea it was going to do. The Dawnguard story would have been much greater and much more RP Gamers friendly (so much for an RP Game, it's not), if there had been a small divergence to begin the story giving two choices... a) Take it back to the Dawnguard and it's interrogated, though the torture room is not nice, it is an indication that interrogations do take place at Dawnguard no matter how unpleasant they are, though torture certainly does not need to play a role in the actual interrogation of Serana, it gives the relevant information freely and then you return it home, basically give time and reason to trust this Vamp. b) You choose to take the Vamp straight home, very much like the current story, but it divulges the answers to those same questions you would have learned at the interrogation, though this time without the threat of violence towards it and a friendship beginning to be built from that point....maybe receiving a bonus of some sort to the friendship for trusting the Vamp immediately. Then there's the dialog...with Serana you generally have three dialog choices...a) be nice, b) be nice, c) be almost as nice, with very little variance....Once again a kick in the gut for anyone who wishes to RP...I completely understand and accept RP can not be diverse in a Video Game, has to remain very limited due to the capabilities of the game engine, plus cost of VA, etc...but instead of the a), b), c) non options, most receiving different dialogs already from the Vamp, a little choice for a similar cost could have been achieved...a) leads to the fuzzy bff friendship with it (as the choices already pretty much stand)...b) leads to something more neutral (as the 'almost as nice' choice stands)....c)...you have a job to do and forced to work with the Vamp to do so, purely business, no bff development. You can mix and match these choices as you see fit, your choices of dialog mix all leading the already original game content...as bff's it would choose to become human again if you ask it, the colder approach as it stands, it won't give up it's vampirism....None of this would have involved any real change in game development cost. Plus remove Serana's essential tag once the Dawnguard completed, as is done with the majority of other essential NPC's in the game.
  21. You play a character who can handle and survive places like 'Liars Retreat' and so I don't think one attacking Falmer would pose any sort of real threat or problem....and I would certainly think the possibility of such an occurrence is worth the risk considering all the innocent trapped souls you can release. JohnnoCox, a question, why would you be trapping souls only to then go and release them?
  22. I would love to see a Mod like this, for all Soul Gems, not just the black ones....Like Lobo I don't use enchantments, personally I always found the idea of catching souls horrific and would love to be able to free them.
  23. Do you play in first person? I find I have similar trouble to what your experiencing if I try to play in first person view or watch a Skyrim first person view video, I get disorientated and dizzy within a few minutes...but I am fine playing in third person view, have you tried third person?
  24. I am not really a fan of followers, but if I do decide to use one, it is usually either a Mod enhanced Stenvar, a ring summoned Sabre Cat or Hoth. I have tried Lydia, Jenessa, Farkas, Kharjo, Macurio, the Solitude Executioner and Mod Followers such as Vilja, a follower Mod made of my own Dovahkin (Kane) by a friend and a few animals. Mod enhanced Stenvar, Hoth, Kane and the summonable Sabre Cat are by far my favorites, though I only use Kane when not playing my primary Dovahkin (too weird with them being identical... :tongue: ...)...It all depends on who suits your combat style and the feel you want for your game. I enjoy running hard bitten, battle hardened Warrior teams and run a Dovahkin who shy's away from magic entirely, he specializes in Archery, Poisons and Two Handed and find Stenvar and Hoth suit my wants and combat style perfectly, they don't go flying head first into battle, thus not giving away my ambush positions and when they do enter battles their tanks...as I play with a very difficult hostile NPC additions Mod and DD I find their AI stands up well under those conditions...the Cat is also fantastic because he is only there when needed, thus I can fight most of my battles alone without intrusion. As for the Kane Mod, a brilliant tank who stands his ground and looks after himself very effectively... :happy:
  25. I'm very interested, though sadly I know nil about modding or scripting.
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