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Everything posted by PeterMartyr

  1. [for future readers] create and debug the build on PC using existing conflict tools available, then transfer to android for playthru, that way a least you you will have MLOX, if can't use TES3 Conflict Finder. check Nexus Morrowind Utilities for tools) Oh OFC you can use MO2 for asset conflicts, before you copy it over too. btw if can not copy the mods in correct order with all this information you now have into your Phone? YOU SHOULD NOT BE MODDING GIVE UP NOW
  2. Functions and Events are exactly the same. the naming convention is for the human factor........ So a human being knows what is an Event and what a Function. So name thingys in coding is convention and design solely to make it easier for human beings to distinguish thingys, that confuse easily confuse them. Compiler is smarter than human beings and shouldn't even be mention here. Cause it as nothing to with this, it is all about the human factor. Don't make more complicated than than with "'Event' can be used as 'GoSub > Function'," that got nothing to do with it. edit: BTW I tried to make it funny... it all about the guy reading the code, rename your Function to Event for the next guy who read it, Ok? There rules in coding... they are not the same to human beings. if you want to know more google naming convention you will find that papyrus swings both ways, you can write it like python, or you and write it like C# or Java. The trick is stick to one convention so you don't confuse the reader. If you have a complicated validation you need to use a C# or Java convention. And since Papyrus is loose and a crappy example of a programming language. You can use a hybrid of both. In my experience most skyrim coder used the hybrid, cause we are lazy. and try to keep it simple where possible and skyrim compiler is very forgiving. Functions and Events is the just tip of the iceberg.
  3. in all honesty if you have the skill it is possible to do anything with code, but there is the kiss principle to consider, and these constant magic effects to check random things, though they work, also increase the likelihood of a call to desktop. a lot of effort for little or no gain, if it for your personal use go for it, if you're thinking of publishing be reasonable and responsible. don't. facelight on followers is a good repeatable example that common knowledge in the community, player sneaks? game checks constant magic effect. game ctd. is turning off face light on followers when sneaking worth a crash? NO. @foamyesque: for theory I to do Doubly Linked List, I went why, when I can use an existing framework. (I am still cheeky bloke) Still had to do it, I can now make my own formlists, There was question i remember you asking? The answer is: it is a list it what it does. You can add to the beginning or the end without checking anything. It is just the head and the tail.
  4. music is muted with silence..... look in the Kit btw skyrim doesn't play two tracks at the same time, what are you doing wrong? Since starting a new track mutes the old one? (thinking) May I point out the KISS design principal, Keep It Simple Stupid, i think what your doing is over complicated it for no reason whatsoever? I think music add or remove is all you need. (work it out) btw 2:: pfft sound markers OMG. sound markers are for FX sound effects, look carefully in the KIt notice they different, sound or music, you want music, not sound FX.
  5. You probably applied race menu script to it, remove it, it will go back normal, or use some other feature to alter a head. Go to the last tab were you sculpt, and reset it, removed applied scripts etc. The applied script is persistent in your game save too. So if it beats you resetting it back to default, you need to start a new Game.
  6. You can get orphan scripts by rearranging the load order too, adding mods, etc, this effects what is happening. What was once enabled is now being overwritten and is now disabled, so you get an orhan script. It could something as simple as a helmet armor mod, nothing to do scripts or coding presay. Edit: That why once you start your game it is set in stone. Adding Mods isn't a good idea. It doesn't do much damage, but it does do damage nevertheless. Edit 2 If can use xEdit, you can see what adding a mod does, and what it conflicts with? If your have a reference of this Item in your Game Save, EX you place this item in this chest, and it is now gone from the game? If don't have a reference to in your Game Save, you will be OK. It is very hit and miss. Random one might say depending on the what you being doing. Which leads to individual saying "I never had problem" && people like you saying "How did this happen, I was so careful" Here something that happen to me many years ago, a guy made a mod with just Skyrim has the Master, then Hearthfires came along, I had no Goat Horns, I had previously had Goat Horns, I use them on a player home even, then when I was building my second house No Goat Horns. I had to make Patch to get my Goat Horns back. I wore the damage to save cause I couldn't be bothered rolling it back. I had achieved too progress. we all add Mods, I am guilty too.
  7. Also for for 3rd party app, as dev I would allow access, but use a pecking order on resources allocation has well. It just good business, not personal, kind of thing. Has well
  8. @HadToRegister your logic sucks, for example it far more likely that it capped, since the download speed is dictated by the server. Not by what logging into the server.
  9. btw the # 2 using the log increases the chances of CTD so your a self fulfilling prophecy too. You shouldn't have it on in a playthru unless your a developer, debugging your own code. Turn it off now please. You have had your pointless fun. @scorpiosixnine (Joke) if you seriously think you done something clever, you should report that bug to unofficial patch team so the entire community can benefit.
  10. [01/19/2017 - 11:21:49AM] Error: Cannot request LOS to a None object stack: [ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135 [ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310 Notice all the Zeros on the left?? Wonder what the the first two hexadecimals means?? Btw I know, I just trying to get you thinking?? btw it not an Error, it the game engine NOT running a code message, so there nothing to fix!! Since it didn't run. Unless you wanted it to run, so the ERROR is it didn't friggen RUN!!!!!!! Because the player wasn't looking at the wall. AND THE LOG HAS NOTHING TO WITH CTD "ERROR" is the destination of the severity of what happen. maybe beth should consider using INFO or DEBUG more :D
  11. Multiple Inheritance? Most probable not :) It not Java Mate LOL It just simple coding language, each child can only extend one parent or super class. For what your trying to achieve I have never done it, but what I would do is check out how the game handles step and fetch this many items quests, the best plan to not reinvent the wheel but shameless copy bethesda. Cheers you made me smile. Think of Papyrus like some variant of Microsoft Code, since C# still isn't a true Object Oriented Language either.
  12. yeah you could do that, but that precisely the stuff you shouldn't be doing with xEdit, Me Myself and I would just boot up the Creation Kit to avoid errors that your gonna get.
  13. For "Scripts Presay" masters have got nothing to with it, some examples is SkyUI and UIExtension, they both compile fine with having the them has Masters. Ofc, if they aren't in load order it won't work. So the solution it to check with a script, that they in the load order and an give warning, error, or Ok, message to the user. Edit AddMenuItem also gives itself a "fake master" in UIExtension, so newbie can't get it wrong. If you don't believe it fake master, clean it with xEdit, xEdit can only remove Fake Masters. btw, you add a "fake master" with XEdit too. Standard cleaning doesn't affect this ATM. Edit 2 You may not get this but it like a Library Of Scripts, to call on, it compiles. But referencing a quest to reference it scripts in a ESP or ESM will require it has a master. This is not because of the script, but because you reference the quest in your esp. Look into how to reference the quest or Script dynamically, so their no reference to it in your esp. Another example how to do this SexLab.
  14. yes, requires SKSE, requires maintenance on player load game, it not Save persistent, BTW when I had to do this, I research it, and read SKSE sources to find relevant codes required, as we all know, any thing worth doing is worth going well. Hint 1 OK here it is: don't quote me but I think it in the Utility Class, from memory, been a while since I played Skyrim Hint 2 Use the wikki to see what the finished product look likes like i said, it been a while, so that best I can do ATM
  15. Why do people call pointers to a memory allocation memory? Then get get confused by pointers in the game save that create pointers in the memory that point to an instance of a memory allocation? If it persistent in the game save it will be there always! nuff said. Don' worry about what is really happening, cos the above is the most accurate watered down explanations ever. Also I am also confident Skyrim passes the buck to Windows to clean the Memory. In regard to how long it there. Confused? :D Edit btw Persistent is just fancy way of saying "The pointer is a Game Save or Esp" and can be retrieved. For multiple repeated use.
  16. @davethepak a declared object unless it is defined is none or null, this is true for every OO code on the planet. Then there Numbers ofc. This is not something special or specific to papyrus.
  17. NO... above is just the posting of a picture of the UI of the kit, it doesn't save that detail in the esp. So there nothing to edit. Plus Bethesda doesn't grant permission to that to the kit, but it what you do in privacy of of your own home kind of thing. THIS POST IS DEAD PLEASE
  18. For 2 & 3 yeah, it code mate, think it write it, execute correctly it works, but for a Jump, why not just register for player action or animation event, and forget about the keys..... Edit I can see a few problems with this that I am not going to go into, but think of this, Player is drinking, Player is drunk, FNIS AA to solve those problems, then Player is sober to restore it back.
  19. Yes Bethesda wrote that script ages ago, it used verbatim, in EFF, Amazing Follower Tweaks and countless other mods, and by me. It part of Serana AI, so it is in Dawnguard. Just copied it verbatim like we all do...... and use it to your heart content. It been a while so and it may be easier to copy it from EFF or AFT than find it Dawnguard, rest assured, it safe to copy verbatim from those mods since they can't claim the IP. Since exactly where it is in Dawnguard escape me at the moment. Edit it what make Serana move, when player stands still :smile: Edit2 funny note, both those mods and me, even retain the original comments by the original Bethesda author........ :D
  20. "get last ridden horse" or something like that, I cant be bother going to wikki but that what you need, it will return the horse that player is currently riding. Edit I had nothing to do https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse_-_Game Edit 2 I like your Method/Function :) but the above should simplify things for you. I am encouraging you keep coding, try using this page on the wikki to search for codes that set or returns things https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus
  21. if your using the external packer, yeah your right you can't do that. hint it doesn't accept files, just folders edit: the internal packer doesn't accept folders, just files just in case :D
  22. OGM OMG try cascading windows to snap back into view and seriously that your problem ?? :D first you right click on the bar at bottom of the screen ....... cascade, tile, stack, take your pick
  23. SKSE isn't installed correctly, the most common mistake made, reinstall it... btw to fix any potential mistakes first Skyrim, second Dawnguard, followed by Hearthfire, which leads to Dragonborn. Then to Quote Tony Montana. "Then and only then do you install the SKSE scripts" Overwrite where applicable ON Dawnguard, followed by Hearthfire, which leads to Dragonborn and lastly SKSE. It NOT a matter of just packing Scripts.rar then SKSE. ☺
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