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Everything posted by phantompally76
In response to post #39684490. #39686550, #39687780 are all replies on the same post. Nexus could be gone tomorrow as well. The perceived permanency of the repository does not change the definition of piracy. The point is, as you stated yourself, it boils down to the wishes of the mod authors having the final say. Many of the authors on Filefront don't even know their mods have been uploaded here, and they are definitely not having their say. And as far as I'm concerned, "We'll remove mods if the authors ask us to" is not a valid defense against the moral and ethical dilemma this hypocrisy entails. Frankly, it's absolutely no different than stealing merchandise from someone's home while they're away on vacation, and then agreeing to return said merchandise only after they have been caught and charged, then claiming they were doing the homeowners a favor by saving it from a fire that has yet to happen. That is still theft, and redistributing files without the expressed permission of the mod authors BEFOREHAND is still piracy. Blindly assuming that mods on Filefront have been abandoned just because they were on Filefront is naïve and troubling. If mod authors want their work to be preserved, by and large they will make sure that happens themselves. They don't need a self-appointed trustee to come along, decide those authors have abandoned their mods without any sort of systematic and quantifiable criteria, and redistribute their mods without the least consideration for the authors' wishes, and without securing their permission beforehand. That is mod theft and piracy, and it is no different than what the trolls are doing on Bethesda.net. We're going to have to come to terms with this, sooner rather than later. If we're so worried about piracy and modders' rights, we need to practice what we preach.
I don't have much more to add to this.....whatever it is. I just want to ask a question, and follow it up with a comparison. I'll begin of course by reminding everyone that I vehemently oppose mod piracy in any form, because idiots here like to gloss over that and act like I'm their enemy simply because I don't see eye to eye with the hypocrisy of this tirade against console pirates and Bethesda. What is stopping console mod thieves from saying "I am simply preserving this mod before it disappears from the Nexus/Steam, because it would be a shame to lose all these mods".? Is that considered a weak and invalid argument for mod piracy in the eyes of this community? Because that is precisely what the Nexus is currently doing with mods off Filefront/Gamefront. Due credit is not always being given to the original authors of those mods, and authors' permission to upload them in the first place is definitely not being secured. You can't try to label piracy as "preservation" with one hand, and then lash out at overt piracy (which at the very least doesn't try to mask itself as something else) with the other. And the only difference...the ONLY difference between those examples is that one of them generates potential website hits and ad revenue for the Nexus, and the other does not. Regardless, it is unequivocally hypocritical of this community to condemn one and praise the other.
In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020, #39602615, #39613970, #39621735, #39629690, #39630145, #39632030, #39632205, #39632700 are all replies on the same post. What's your point, son?
In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020, #39602615, #39613970, #39621735, #39629690, #39630145, #39632030 are all replies on the same post. Son, do you disagree that mod piracy is wrong? If not, then you and I have no quarrel. Stop trying to provoke an argument with me because you don't like my extensive lexicon.
In response to post #39610370. #39611030, #39622600, #39625550, #39629360, #39629840, #39630255 are all replies on the same post. It's not speculation, son. it's common sense. And I'm sorry you can't see the forest for the trees.
In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020, #39602615, #39613970, #39621735, #39629690 are all replies on the same post. That's not my motivation at all. I simply care too much about this community to watch it destroy itself because of its own ignorance, short-sightedness, and impertinence. And you will NOT fault me for that, MajorFreak. Nor for my writing skills. You get your say, and whether you like it or not, so do I. And if you're going to stalk my post history like an obsessed lunatic, why not throw me a bone and give me some credit for predicting this storm was coming over a month ago.
In response to post #39610370. #39611030, #39622600, #39625550, #39629360, #39630255 are all replies on the same post. Bethesda only changed their minds because Valve backed out. And Valve only backed out because they weren't equipped to deal with half a million angry neckbeards portraying themselves as ten million angry neckbeards. This time around, Valve is not part of the equation, so there's no way Bethesda will back down this time. They've been putting up with us for 2 decades, and they know how to handle us. And they'll find a way to monetize amateur modding whether we like it or not.
In response to post #39625375. #39626800 is also a reply to the same post. If you create a mod on the PC, it most certainly does.
In response to post #39610190. #39610305, #39611605, #39612570, #39615290, #39628270 are all replies on the same post. As much as this modding community may want that to happen.....no one else in the gaming world does.
In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020, #39602615, #39613970 are all replies on the same post. Your definition of "less buggy" is not congruent with mine. Neither are your expectations. It takes at least half a dozen other mods to make Hearthfire worth using (even with USLEEP), and even then there are still issues with the core "DLC". But the point remains. Paid mods aren't around the corner.....they've been here for years.
In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020 are all replies on the same post. They're still getting away with it. And they're going to get away with it again when they release the Battlefront sequel. And they won't change their business model, because they don't have to. But if you don't want me to bring EA into it, fine. Bethesda didn't fail at paid mods. To the contrary, they've already succeeded. You just haven't stopped to realize it yet. Most of us here paid for a mod disguised as DLC from Bethesda nearly 4 years ago, a derivative work based (heavily) off a free mod. Some in this community STILL refuse to purchase it (much to the chagrin of almost every mod author on the Nexus), leaving a very small minority of gamers with the ability to stand upon any sort of tangible moral high ground on this matter, but most of us own it (even if we got it on sale or in a bundle). Most of us own and use a paid mod uploaded by Bethesda based off someone else's work. Why this never came up during #modgate (and perhaps it did, but if so it was buried amongst the blatant hypocrisy and ASCII genitalia) is a little staggering. So don't pretend to act like this is new territory. Bethesda has already charged the majority of us for a mod....the ultimate copyright-infringing paid mod.... and the majority of us willingly shelled out the cash because they called it DLC. Bethesda got away with it, and they will get away with it again. And before the white knights retort "But that was totally different....", no. No different. Just inconvenient.
In response to post #39589525. #39589815 is also a reply to the same post. The same way EA gets away with charging full price for half a Star Wars: Battlefront and then ransoming the other half as DLC behind a paywall. Because average gamer$ will purchase them without questioning the legality, morality or stupidity of the software companies. Paid mods already exist. Some of you just don't realize it yet.
In response to post #39567530. #39569960 is also a reply to the same post. Yep, and those bees are going to end up stinging this community to death.
In response to post #39525245. #39528920, #39529290, #39529630, #39533865, #39542225, #39543125, #39543345, #39543435, #39544400, #39545515, #39546175, #39546550, #39546670 are all replies on the same post. @wulfharth, no one is impeding your so-called free speech. But there is a fine line between free speech and hate speech. And there is hate speech on both sides right now. And you can't just decide to moderate the hate speech on the side you disagree with, and champion the hate speech on the other. There is a word for that. And to quote Bail Organa, I'm sorry, but the debate is not over. After this @#$%show, it's only just begun.
In response to post #39525245. #39528920, #39529290, #39529630, #39533865, #39542225, #39543125, #39543345, #39543435, #39544400, #39545515, #39546175, #39546550 are all replies on the same post. Precisely. And that middle ground is the majority of the community what generates revenue for this website.
In response to post #39525245. #39528920, #39529290, #39529630, #39533865, #39542225, #39543125, #39543345, #39543435, #39544400 are all replies on the same post. @wulfharth Read my comment again. I disagree with almost everything boomerizer was saying. But that isn't my issue. YOU are my issue. People like you are my issue. You're not acting like advocates for modders' rights. You are acting like petulant children. You're acting like self-righteous bullies. You're acting like stereotypical neckbeard keyboard warriors. You throw the word "fascist" around carelessly. From where I'm standing, YOU are the ones acting like fascists, not the devils' advocates. They have just as much a right to make their voices heard as you do, and just because you oppose their messages doesn't mean that YOU get to dictate what they can or cannot express in this open forum. Outside our little bubble, people are talking. And they're not talking about mod piracy or console gamers vs. pc gamers. They're talking about what a bunch of over-reacting crybabies the nexus modding community has become. And I don't like that. I oppose mod piracy. But I oppose rash stupidity and heavy-handed censorship even more. This is NOT how you get Bethesda's attention. This is NOT how you impact change on copyright legislation. This is NOT how you treat members of this community just because they don't agree with you.
In response to post #39525245. #39528920, #39529290, #39529630, #39533865, #39542225, #39543125 are all replies on the same post. Regardless, that's not how an open discussion works. Again, if this is not an open discussion, then say so.
In response to post #39525245. #39528920, #39529290, #39529630, #39533865 are all replies on the same post. Deleting someone's comments simply because the echo chamber doesn't agree with them is every bit as unethical as mod piracy, in my humble opinion. None of boomerizer's comments were any more antagonistic or inflammatory than Dark0ne's OP. And while I didn't really agree with much of what boomerizer was saying, the behavior of his respondents definitely caused me to respect his thoughts just a little more than those attacking him, even if I don't agree with him. Members of this community are acting a hundred times worse than the #modgate pitchfork brigade at their strongest, all in the name of so-called righteousness. The last time I checked, this was an open discussion...not an "I agree with you Dark0ne, you're doing a terrific job pissing off Bethesda and burning your (our) bridges" thread. If both sides of the argument aren't allowed to have their say without being moderated, then what's the point? This essay isn't even being circle jerked on reddit right now (which SHOULD tell absolutely everyone here something), so this is the only place to discuss the issue. And it's not a black and white issue. I know you want it to be. I wish it were. But it isn't. This is a controversial topic, made a thousand times worse by a controversial essay, written in the heat of the moment with no consideration or regard for the consequences. So if the comments are open to only one side of the debate, please let the community know. Let ME know, so I can stop interrupting your echo chamber party with common sense and rationale.
In response to post #39480240. #39502500, #39505150, #39506260 are all replies on the same post. He certainly made all those points, but those points are buried deep within what I can only describe as a total meltdown. And that's what the media is going to focus on; not the content of the message, but the way it was delivered. His outburst makes us ALL look bad. If the CEO representing a community can't maintain his composure, then why should anyone take that community seriously? Publicly blowing up at Bethesda because he wasn't invited to the table or consulted on their business doesn't serve this community in any capacity. And if one reads between the lines, that's what this is all about. He stated in the very first sentence that he didn't want to write the essay. I wish he hadn't, at least in the form it has taken. And I imagine by now, so does he.
In response to post #39500700. "If I cannot wield the Sword of Grayskull......then no one shall!" --Skeletor
In response to post #39480240. Does that include the OP? Because the entire essay is filled with baiting, name calling, and general hostility, and by this website's own moderation standards, it should have already been deleted. If the owner of this website is not prepared to hold himself to the same standards he mandates for the rest of the community, then why should anyone else?* *Rhetorical question. I intend to continue to abide by the rules. But as a member of the Nexus Modding Community (regardless of whether I'm a supporter/premium or not), I expect said community's representative to the world at large to do the same. And so should everyone else.
This article itself is going to divide the community far more than console mod thieves ever could.
I don't disagree with much of your message (at least not enough to even bother mentioning), but I would like to point out that if anyone else had posted this on this site, it would have been deleted and the poster's account would have most likely been banned, regardless of the righteousness of their message. You MAY want to clean this up before the mainstream gets ahold of it. And I say that with the best intentions.
Skyrim Remaster Is True | Hide The Mods |
phantompally76 replied to deadblood01's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
And I may be the Princess of Canada.- 176 replies
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- elder scrolls
(and 2 more)
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Skyrim Remaster Is True | Hide The Mods |
phantompally76 replied to deadblood01's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm more than willing to give it a try, but if I don't like it (or if it turns out to be worse than the original like Arkham City), then I expect to be able to revert back to vanilla so that I can mod the visuals to my own tastes. Hopefully it can be toggled on or off in the Data Files like the High Resolution Pack. I really hope it's not an invasive and aggressive forced upgrade a la Windows 10. Older machines won't be able to handle all that volumetric dust. It might even be an "exclusive" version of the game with mods gated behind a paywall. I've been wondering why so many of the prominent authors have been so subdued and aloof lately, and that would explain it (but I sure do hope I'm wrong about that). At any rate, there's nothing in the limited amount of footage they've shown that would convince me to abandon my current stack of graphic mods, but I'll need to see more before I render a decision.- 176 replies
- skyrim
- elder scrolls
(and 2 more)
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