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Everything posted by phantompally76

  1. I don't know man. that's like Beethoven burning all his original manuscripts just so he's not tempted to either play the piano or to write more music. But again, mod authors have the right to share or not to share at their pleasure. Just seems like a drastic measure to take for an issue that will in no way be solved by it.
  2. Update on this, based on a post on reddit by someone claiming to be the author of Wyrmstooth. Apparently got upset because he lost his job and decided to remove all his mods because he doesn't have the self restraint to leave them up and just walk away from modding. At the end of the day they're his mods to do whatever he wants with them. I typed the previous sentence more for my own benefit, so that I don't type what I'm thinking, and start a petty and needless argument. Instead, I'll simply offer best wishes to that guy. Hope life gets better for him.
  3. Did you also install SKSE? Convenient Horses (and a lot of other mods) require that. I'm not positive, but it may require SKYUI as well.
  4. A lot of the more prominent mod authors are acting very strange lately. I have a sneaking suspicion they may know something the rest of us don't, and that perhaps some of them are preparing an egress before the storm. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. Keith. That would make my s.o. laugh, not sure yours would have enough context though. :P
  6. In response to post #36910965. #36911220, #36923925, #36926780, #36929315, #36931910, #36933855 are all replies on the same post. "Personally, I don't understand where you got the idea that I was treating Prinyo like an idiot in my response. Or indeed, why you felt the need to come in and White Knight him like this. Perhaps I'm just blind to it, or perhaps it's that seeming(ly obvious) chip on your shoulder again? I answered his question, and gave him a good reason why we would never do such a thing to boot as well. If you think that's rude or insulting then...er...ok?" I wasn't referring to Prinyo, I was talking about your condescending and contemptuous reply to Jinxxed0 (who as I stated before is a SUPPORTER, meaning he has given you money) a page or two back now. Had you taken the time to actually read what I typed rather than worry more about the formatting on your pithy response, you might have noticed that. Prinyo did a good job (a MUCH better job than me) of explaining to you why that was totally out of line, but you probably didn't bother to read that, either. I'll say again that I completely understand that this is your site, and your rules. And I have to respect the fact that you don't have to abide by those rules yourself. And I'm not going to press this matter further because frankly I know if I do you'll have no qualms about banning me from the site, and as I stated before, I enjoy mod testing and interacting with this community far too much to jeopardize that. Furthermore, as someone who is neither a premium member, nor a supporter, nor a mod author, and who will NEVER disable Adblock on this site, I am fully cognizant that I am utterly beneath your contempt. Yet I still maintain that condescending someone like Jinxxed0, a supporter who has given you money (no matter how much or how little) and helped put food on your table, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head, who did absolutely nothing wrong other than express a totally legitimate concern echoed by others in this thread, and for no other reason than that's how you've done things for the past fifteen years and you have no intentions of being sorry about it... That's just not right.
  7. In response to post #36910965. #36911220 is also a reply to the same post. Would it have killed you to word it like this initially rather than to go out of your way to try to make Jinxxed0 feel stupid? He's a supporter for God's sake. Why would you do that? I wasn't aware it was going to be an opt-in, either. I don't think most people are. Everything about it has felt invasive, unnecessary and overcomplicated. I haven't forgotten how upset people were when they installed 0.61 in good faith, had to reinstall their entire mod stack (which may have taken years to collect, tweak and get to play nice with each other) and when expressing their disappointment were essentially met with "Well, you should have read the agreement more carefully. It was right there in big red letters, you contemptible morons". This is why I'm still using 0.56.1, and I asked two pages back whether this still happens when you upgrade. I didn't receive a response, so I have no intentions of upgrading, simple as that. Are you going to condescend me and try to make me feel stupid as well? I suppose you have a better claim to do so than you did for Jinxxed0, because I'm not a supporter or premium member (and this is a prime example of why I am not), but come on, man. I understand it's your site, your rules, your little kingdom where your word is law, and I get that. I just don't understand why you would go out of your way to make people who have given you money feel stupid because they don't know as much about the software as you do. Ignorance does not equal stupidity, and misinformation does not warrant such condescension. I like this site, and I like being a part of this community, and I appreciate the webspace. And I understand this is a business and source of income for you. But sometimes, man, sometimes I have to really bite my tongue when I read your correspondences with the community. And I don't think I'm alone.
  8. Does the newest version of NMM still force you to agree to uninstall/reinstall every one of your mods? If so, then I'll be sticking with the old version indefinitely.
  9. Good for you. I'm glad to read you've never had an npc glitch at the start or end of a battle, preventing you from quest initialization or completion. And I'm glad to read that Warzones never corrupted or bloated your save beyond playability. Many, many others have not been so fortunate. Unless one is as lucky as you are, the Civil War almost certainly requires console commands to complete. With, or without mods.
  10. I am always neutral. The Civil War is just too buggy, even with mods. I treat it as "I'm here to stop dragons from destroying you, I don't have time for your insignificant little squabble".
  11. Deleted or hidden by its author prior to being banned (which I understand he requested), possibly as some sort of retribution against the community for receiving a formal warning by Nexus staff back in January. It might also have something to do with wife agro (he purported that his wife deleted all his internet user accounts and mods at one point, but I honestly don't buy that for a second). At any rate, removing all his content out of sheer spite prior to leaving the community would definitely be in line with his vindictive and abusive tendencies.
  12. I've stopped playing on anything other than adept. Real life is frustrating enough already; I don't need to be even more frustrated playing a game. :P
  13. Isn't that always the way? I've been trying to download a 5 kilobyte mod for over 3 hours now. But I guarantee every single crappy waifu follower mod on this site will download just fine...
  14. In response to post #35428595. One would hope so.
  15. In response to post #32546335. On behalf of everyone else here with even a shred of common sense and decency, I would like to apologize that your question was addressed in such a condescending and inconsiderate manner, especially the "If you could read you would have seen" part.. I don't know why that's allowed, nor do I know why it seems to be encouraged. I don't like it, but other than to reinforce that I don't approve of it, there's nothing I can do about it. But again, I'm sorry you were treated that way. I mean, a simple "yes" or "no" would have sufficed.....
  16. In response to post #29098379. Why are you being so condescending? People are 100x more upset by the attitude of the moderators (as well as the site owner) throughout all this than they are about having to troubleshoot issues with the update. You're supposed to rise above your detractors, not stoop below their level. It's just so unprofessional and off-putting. By now you guys HAVE to realize that this should have been handled differently, and that instead of screaming "You're to blame because you didn't read closely enough", you should be saying "We're sorry for the inconvenience, and are working hard to correct the issue" like any other professional business that isn't actually trying to go bankrupt.
  17. I really don't understand why every single comment I make in this discussion keeps getting deleted. All I can do is continue to express my displeasure towards the amount of contemptuous schaudenfreude aimed at individuals who were adversely affected by this update. The fact that you would attempt to lord your own perceived superiority over others because you happened to not make the same mistake or that you "knew better" says far more about you and your mental heath than it does about individuals who are upset with the update.
  18. In response to post #25545819. Oh, we know you don't care. You've made that more than abundantly clear. You don't care about anyone or anything other than yourself, and your wallet. You've spent the past month condemning everyone who disagrees with you, and you've done far more damage to your own reputation than the combined forces of every troll on The Internet. You've shown your true colors. And again, that's entirely on you, and you're the one who has to live with it. Granted, I'm fully aware that you'll live with it just fine. That's what makes it so utterly reprehensible and unredeeming; you legitimately believe in your heart of hearts that you're the righteous martyr in all this, and that you'll be remembered as a pioneering hero in the annals of modding history. You're not. And you won't.
  19. In response to post #25539179. Get over yourself. I'm not trying to run you out of the community. You're doing a fairly spectacular job of that all by yourself. You were on your high horse trying to justify paid mods a month before it went live, and dismissed anyone who didn't agree with you as self entitled, trying to shame anyone who didn't agree with your selfish and greedy philosophy. I knew then and there you would be among the first to try to sell a mod, and I knew you would be among the most indignant whiners when paid modding was discontinued. I get it. You have a high opinion of yourself. You think you're important. You think the modding community would come to a standstill without your continued support and contributions. While I certainly don't argue that said support and contributions would be missed, I promise you that we would manage with or without you. Not a single mod author is more important to this community than the mod users who download these mods. It's a symbiotic relationship that worked just fine until you got greedy. Like it or not, you helped damage that relationship. Now I'm not saying that you're totally to blame for all this, so you can start backspacing right now and don't even bother trying to spin it that way. But there's no denying that you were willfully complicit, and that you should have bloody well known better. So you can keep screaming "EVERYONE'S WRONG BUT ME" at anyone who points out the errors of your hypocrisy and your hubris, and continue to trivialize and dismiss a movement that managed to 1). elevate a petition that received 133,000 signatures into the national spotlight, 2). lower the rating of a game over 10 points in less than 3 days on Steam, 3). received condemnation from nearly 100% of the modding community at large. Or You can take a good long look at yourself in the mirror, forget for a minute that you consider yourself one of the greatest mod authors in the hobby, open your eyes and accept that the community at large doesn't agree with your philosophy, and realize that you acting like a spoiled brat is only widening the rift between authors and users. I'm not questioning your talent, nor am I questioning your creativity. Neither do I begrudge mod users who continue to support you. It's not for me to criticize that support. But you have lost my support. You have lost my praise. You have lost my endorsements. And you have lost my trust. Of course, I'm under no illusions that you care about any of that (unless it's convenient for you to prove how important you are). All you care about is money. It's not the modding community's fault you wasted so much time and money on mods, and it's unfortunate you think it's a waste because you didn't get reimbursed. It's not the modding community's fault that you were conned into participating in what was obviously a horrible idea, and it's not the modding community's fault that you failed to take the advice of dozens of members of that community who made it perfectly clear a month prior that they would not support it, nor would they pay one red cent for paid mods. It's not the modding community's fault that your starry-eyed dreams and fantasies of making a living off changing values in Bethesda's Creation Kit did not pan out. And it's most certainly not the modding community's fault that you chose to throw a temper tantrum because it failed to become a reality. But don't try to blame mod users for your new-found infamy. You did that yourself. I owe you nothing.
  20. In response to post #25513419. #25520169, #25533254 are all replies on the same post. @Shezrie, The customer doesn't have to use or endorse your products, either. At the end of the day, pirates didn't cause this rift of ill will between mod authors and mod users. You did. It would have been one thing if you would have put out a mod that was worth paying for. But you didn't. None of you did. No matter how many hundreds of hours you put into a mod, if the quality isn't there, then you simply cannot justify putting a price tag on it. You are NOT entitled to money just because you spend a lot of time on mods. No one has ever forced you to make them. You created them on your own time at your own expense. It's NOT the modding community's obligation to reimburse you. If endorsements, praise and gratitude aren't enough for you, then you're probably involved in the wrong amateur hobby, and if you really want to take your ball and go home, then by all means, do so. You've already done enough damage to this community. Fundamentally, the pirates aren't the bad guys. The mod users who rallied against paid modding aren't the bad guys. The Youtube reviewers aren't the bad guys. At this point, the only bad guys in this matter are the mod authors who are still acting like petulant children because they didn't get their way, and who continue to lecture the community on why we should have paid for early access, stolen assets, and/or just plain terrible mods, all without quality control, and without the assurance that the mods would improve or continue to function. Like it or not, the modding community has made its opinion on this matter crystal clear, and if you are unwilling and/or unable to accept that and move on, then you're doing the community as well as yourself a gross disservice.
  21. In response to post #24871339. #24886114, #24887249, #24887719, #24888359, #24889504, #24889659, #24890009, #24890154, #24890484, #24890884, #24891049, #24891434, #24891459, #24892539, #24892854, #24893109, #24893609, #24894184, #24895989, #24896889, #24897119, #24900929, #24914124, #24916444, #24917124 are all replies on the same post. I see LP1 has somehow managed to change his username to Pevey (wasn't actually aware that was even possible; learn something new every day), and has put Become a Bard on Nexus. Become a Bard was a Steam exclusive for a very long time. In fact, it was the ONLY mod I ever downloaded from Steam Workshop. I was very appreciative and complimented the author's creativity and modding skills. Had I known that he was so totally unappreciative of praise or gratitude other than monetary compensation and/or blind support of the monetization of amateur modding, I would never have done so. 80% of Become a Bard's content is totally lore-unfriendly and non-immersive. It is a prime example of a mod that is neat, but certainly not neat enough to pay any amount of money for. Now, I realize that (AFAIK) Become a Bard was not offered for sale on Steam, but based upon the author's attitude and utter disregard for the people who have made his mod semi-famous, I have no doubts that it would have been. So my message to Pevey, or LP1, or whatever is this; Without mod users, you are nothing. Without mod users, no one is downloading/installing/testing Become a Bard. Just because a user doesn't make his/her own mods doesn't lessen his/her contribution to this community. And guess what? There are more of us than you. LOTS more. So, if greedy mod authors want to take your ball and go home because we won't pay you to alter values in the creation kit, then by all means, do so. PLEASE do so. You're modding for all the wrong reasons, and you're doing yourself a huge disservice by advocating for monetization of your amateur hobby, chastising users for standing up for themselves and for the heart of the community, and hiding your work out of protest and to "punish" users. You're not "punishing" anyone but yourselves. We can get by without you. In fact, I'm currently running a mod-free playthrough of Skyrim. Not even SKYUI or SKSE. I'm running Vanilla Skyrim with Bethesda's official DLC. And you know what? It's terrific. Skyrim is an awesome game without a single mod (Game-of-the-Year on THREE different platforms, 2 of which don't even support modding). I haven't CTD one time. Not a single broken quest. No glitches. No framerate sputter everytime I look at tall grass. I haven't even had to activate the console. And unbelievably, It still looks great with 512 resolution textures. Bottom line; if every single Skryim mod author took down all their mods today, it wouldn't affect me one bit. Yes, it would be unfortunate to be denied access to all that creativity and talent that was voluntarily and freely shared with the community. But the world wouldn't stop spinning. People would continue to play Skyrim, with or without mods. All I know is that I've spent WAY too much of MY free time downloading/installing/testing/endorsing mods and providing feedback to mod authors like YOU, expressing my appreciation and thankfulness for your efforts the whole time, to be condescended and chastised by mod authors like YOU because I refuse to support your greed and your arrogant dismissal of mod users' necessity and importance in the modding community. People who helped make YOUR mod better than it would have ever been otherwise. People who made YOUR mod prominent enough to warrant Youtube reviews. People who chose to support you with encouragement, praise, thankfulness and (hitherto) respect instead of throwing money at you, which is all you and your ilk care about. So it's a two-way street. Moving forward, I will think twice before downloading/installing/testing/endorsing mods created by petty mod authors who have spent the past 3 weeks condescending the entire community for not supporting monetization of amateur modding, and I will think thrice before I offer any sort of feedback/encouragement/praise to those individuals, because they've made it perfectly clear that feedback/encouragement/praise isn't good enough for them. So be it. I realize you and your kind don't like me because of my viewpoint regarding this matter. Well, right back at you, Bucko. No one is forcing you to create/upload mods. And thankfully, no one is forcing me to use them.
  22. In response to post #24925259. #24926814, #24940699, #24942334, #24942359, #24945094, #24945739 are all replies on the same post. She's certainly no saint. But neither is the author of that extremely biased imagur post. At the end of the day, she was no better or no worse than the community who condemned her. At least two of the paid sword mods were lifted directly from DOTA2. Furthermore, many (but not all, of course) mod authors are notorious for having bad attitudes by individuals outside this community (and by no small number of individuals within). And every single proponent of paid modding is guilty of wanting to profit off of stolen work. It's just a question of permissions given and legalities defined (both of which were, and continue to be extremely grey areas in relation to paid mods). Mara was no more or less scrupulous than anyone else around here, from top to bottom. She was simply ahead of her time.
  23. In response to post #24925259. #24926814 is also a reply to the same post. It's a legitimate comparison. Several of the mod authors who are whining about not being able to make money off mods RIGHT NOW were active participants in the public witch hunt that brought down Mara. That's one of the reasons I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. They are hypocrites, through and through. ESPECIALLY when one considers that 80% of those paid mods were still in early development, and those authors were asking for money to develop them further....which is exactly what Mara was doing. Furthermore, at least 12 of them piggybacked assets from other mods, and 5 of them ripped assets from other games entirely, and in their eyes that was GROSSLY immoral and enraging when Mara did it.....but it was perfectly acceptable when they did it. No, if anyone deserves to be completely smug and haughty towards the entire modding community right now, it's Mara. I like to think she is maniacally cackling with glee as the modding community continues to devour its own tail. But in reality, she's probably not even that kind of person, and is just as saddened by this turn of events as the rest of us. I'm not saying what she did was right or justifiable. I'm simply pointing out that a very large percentage of this community who persecuted and condemned her are now shamelessly and unrepentantly guilty of the same turpitude. And THAT is the underlying problem with this community. TL;DR: Not a single advocate for the monetization of amateur modding has a moral/ethical/critical leg to stand on when it comes to Mara and the Skyrim Romance Mod, and any attempt to dismiss the parallels with that situation is ignorant hypocrisy at its very core.
  24. In response to post #24871339. #24886114, #24887249, #24887719, #24888359, #24889504, #24889659, #24890009, #24890154, #24890484, #24890884, #24891049, #24891434, #24891459, #24892539, #24892854, #24893109, #24893609, #24894184, #24895989, #24896889, #24897119, #24900929 are all replies on the same post. Curiously, LP1's syntax and sentence structure is identical to that of a certain Skyrim mod author we haven't heard much from during this ordeal. But that's just a coincidence.
  25. In response to post #24900869. #24904704, #24905524 are all replies on the same post. I wish there was a way to bury all those cash-grab mods in the New Mexico desert....
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