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Everything posted by phantompally76

  1. In response to post #24731659. #24731874, #24731934, #24731964, #24732044 are all replies on the same post. So much for that 5% kickback. Tough break.
  2. In response to post #24730754. There's no going back, I'm afraid. I've blocked nearly two dozen mod authors as a result of this; some of them among the best mod authors in the activity. I'm not unblocking them. I can't pretend like none of this ever happened. And neither can they.
  3. In response to post #24730444. They have a lot to answer for. Especially considering how smug and arrogant and condescending they were in responding to concerns about it.
  4. Don't be so quick to scream "VICTORY!!!" This was simply the first skirmish. They'll be back. And they'll have better lawyers. It's a LONG fight ahead, folks.
  5. In response to post #24727139. #24727234, #24727389, #24728144, #24728419 are all replies on the same post. I can't really add anything to the discussion if someone doesn't point us to whatever video he tried to link.
  6. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727529, #24727669, #24727799 are all replies on the same post. Look again, white knight. Still, you're acting like no one has ever appreciated your work in the past. Or do you consider donations the only form of tangible appreciation? Regardless, you're not on any moral high ground just because you're a mod author. Mod users are equally important to this community, and without them, you wouldn't have anyone to scold for not appreciating you enough....... And you know what? If every single mod in the world magically disappeared tonight, I'd still manage to survive. You know why? Because Skyrim plays just fine without a single mod. That's something people tend to forget. Skyrim won game of the year on three different platforms without any mods. Mods are optional. They aren't required. And they certainly don't warrant obligatory payment. I'm glad they exist, for certain. But I'm not willing to compromise my beliefs and ideals to keep them in existence.
  7. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727529, #24727669, #24727799 are all replies on the same post. disregard. I was responding to another 2 mile-long thread.
  8. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139 are all replies on the same post. I'm not fighting for you, or any other mod author. I'm not fighting for mod users, either. And I'm certainly not fighting for any website admins or corporate CEOs. I'm fighting for common sense and decency. THAT is what is at stake, here. And no matter what side of the battle you're on, if you lose sight of that (or never had sight of it in the first place), then you've already lost.
  9. In response to post #24699154. #24699914, #24700424, #24700529, #24700669, #24700794, #24700844, #24700949, #24701494, #24701854, #24702124, #24702184, #24702309, #24702704, #24703104, #24703354, #24703374, #24704484, #24704939, #24705069, #24705264, #24707439, #24708649, #24709434, #24709769, #24709849, #24709869, #24709899, #24710859, #24712874, #24713619, #24713839, #24713994, #24714209, #24714219, #24715394, #24716409, #24723279 are all replies on the same post. @empiric No. Not at all. Because I didn't drop the glass. You did. I knew a month ago you were going to drop that glass. And I spent an entire month practically begging you not to drop it. But you still dropped it anyway. So no, it's not my responsibility to pick up the pieces. It's yours. I've put all my glasses in the cupboard, so that no one can get their greedy, clumsy hands on them and break them. So now I'm drinking out of paper cups. Not as fancy, not as durable, and disposable. But at least morons on the internet won't micturate in them for a 25% kickback.
  10. In response to post #24699154. #24699914, #24700424, #24700529, #24700669, #24700794, #24700844, #24700949, #24701494, #24701854, #24702124, #24702184, #24702309, #24702704, #24703104, #24703354, #24703374, #24704484, #24704939 are all replies on the same post. @empiric When you drop a glass on the floor and it shatters into a hundred pieces, do you just walk off and leave it for someone else to clean up? Or do you take measures to sweep that glass up so no one gets hurt because of YOUR clumsiness? Your personal answer to that question defines what kind of man you are. It also defines your level of hypocrisy.
  11. In response to post #24615234. #24615334, #24618949, #24619709, #24621479, #24621814, #24621984, #24665704, #24669039, #24670104, #24680289 are all replies on the same post. Well now I'm out for certain. I have no desire to test mods or play Skyrim at all. I've spent more time in the past 4 days arguing with meatbags on the internet than relaxing or having fun. I've said all I can, and I have nothing more to say to self-entitled millennial sociopaths who think uploading altered video game files demands monetary compensation. Good luck everyone. I hope you find something fun to keep you occupied.
  12. In response to post #24697259. - Value for money. In that 99% of the actual new paid mods simply aren't very good, and wouldn't even pass the scrutiny of mod users as a free mod. (not counting all the protest mods, of course, which are about to outnumber the "serious" mods). Most of those mod authors have put up garbage so they can "use the proceeds to develop it and make it better". That's not how it is intended to work. That's not how you make a "living" out of playing a video game and selling your save files.
  13. In response to post #24681829. #24686464, #24687639, #24689534, #24690734, #24694409, #24695224, #24696659, #24697089 are all replies on the same post. PerfectByNature, your glaring hypocrisy is shameful.
  14. Someone actually bought the current paid mods (well, let's not kid ourselves, they probably pirated them) and is reviewing them. http://imgur.com/a/bqcla?gallery I think there's another album by the same person with more mod reviews out there. Just search reddit. To quote Gopher, "It's a question of value". Despite how you feel about monetization of player mods, most of these are EXTREMELY amateur efforts. Bleakdon looks like someone literally just got ahold of the creation kit two weeks ago and went overboard on spawning NPCs and ladders. How can any sane individual justify charging one red cent for that? There is so much ego at play here, these people are sitting comfortably behind the assumption that people are ridiculing their mods en masse right now because they've put them up for sale, and aren't even fathoming the notion that perhaps people are ridiculing them because they simply aren't very good and are definitely not worth asking money for. Well, I emphatically oppose monetization of mods, and I stand firm on that. But if I DID think charging for mods was right, then I would damn well make sure the mods I was putting up for sale were worth selling. I would owe that to not only myself, but to the community.
  15. In response to post #24673389. #24673869, #24673949, #24674134, #24674659, #24674689, #24674789, #24674949, #24675064, #24675239, #24675909, #24676019, #24676044, #24676314, #24676354, #24676424, #24676519, #24676714, #24678329, #24679484, #24679859, #24680099 are all replies on the same post. That's like Uncle Albert sinking every single ship he served on during The War. That's....actually fairly alarming......
  16. In response to post #24670454. #24670809, #24673139, #24675349, #24675729 are all replies on the same post. Also, can I just say "without any worry of ruination" is without a doubt the coolest phrase I've ever read.
  17. In response to post #24673389. #24673869, #24673949, #24674134, #24674659, #24674689, #24674789, #24674949, #24675064, #24675239, #24675909, #24676019, #24676044, #24676314, #24676424 are all replies on the same post. @bigdeano You keep telling yourself that. The fanbois on Steam thought the same thing. They were......mistaken.
  18. In response to post #24670454. #24670809, #24673139, #24675349 are all replies on the same post. Principles. They don't keep you warm at night, but they DO help you sleep.
  19. In response to post #24668369. #24672444, #24673424, #24673814, #24674709, #24674954 are all replies on the same post. Elta1, do you honestly believe that? Do you genuinely, from the bottom of your heart, believe those guys updated SkyUI JUST as a small, temporary cash grab with no intentions of getting rich by becoming the bottleneck that mod users will have to pay through in order to continue using mods in future? Have you not read their smug, arrogant comments regarding this? Are you THAT blind and complacent? Am I getting through to you at all???
  20. In response to post #24673389. #24673869, #24673949, #24674134, #24674659, #24674689, #24674789, #24674949, #24675064 are all replies on the same post. bigdean, rest assured, the community is JUST as angry with those entities as they are with Dark0ne and with sellout mod authors and with Valve and Bethesda. The only difference is that those entities aren't saying "I don't like this one bit, but I'll still take the money from it". AFAIK, those entities aren't saying much of anything. But I'm sure some white knight will swoop in and prove me wrong.
  21. In response to post #24673389. #24673869, #24673949, #24674134, #24674689, #24674789, #24674949 are all replies on the same post. You can buy in to his glib rhetoric and self-righteous narcissism all you want to. That doesn't change the fact that he IS condemning Valve and Steam's business practices with one hand, and accepting money made from those very business practices with the other. No matter how you apologists try to spin it, no matter how hard you close your eyes and try to wish it away, No matter how many hundreds of times you read his 5,000-word essay reassuring you that he's an innocent pawn, taking money from paid mod proceeds is a deliberate, immoral and unethical conflict of interest and a breach of trust, compounded by the fact that he wasn't forthcoming with this information, and only even addressed it because someone else made the community aware of it. If you're too blind or stubborn or fanatical to see this, or even to stop for 10 seconds and consider it.........then this community is already poised to fall, and corporate greed has already won due to our own short-sightedness, ignorance and blatant stupidity, and blind loyalty to wolves in sheeps' clothing. Because Valve wants you to think that everything is ok. Chesko and Isoku thought everything was ok, because Valve told them everything was ok. The same thing can easily happen here. All I'm asking is for you to not accept "I'm not doing anything wrong....this is ok" as a legitimate explanation. Open your eyes. Ask questions. Don't let yourself be deceived and tricked like the mod authors in the Steam Sellout er, I mean Rollout Bundle.
  22. In response to post #24668369. Until you want to use a mod that requires the LATEST version of SkyUI, eh? Eh comrade?
  23. In response to post #24669944. We have. Repeatedly. There's nothing more we can do on that front. Bethesda will not issue a statement on the matter.
  24. In response to post #24615234. #24615334, #24618949, #24619709, #24621479, #24621814, #24621984, #24665704, #24669039 are all replies on the same post. At some point (probably sooner rather than later), mod users will have to pay for the Steam version of SKYUI (remember, the version on nexus is never going to be updated again, and is effectively abandonware) in order to play any new mods created that are dependent upon the LATEST version of SKYUI. Am I getting through to you at all? Unless mod authors make a conscientious decision to base their mods' compatibility on the current, now-unsupported version of SKYUI on the nexus instead of the maintained and supported version on Steam (which I can almost certainly guarantee they won't make that decision), then every single one of us is going to HAVE to purchase SKYUI on Steam, no matter how we feel about the entire scam. Our freedom of choice in the matter is being taken away from us (aside from piracy, which I don't condone, or abandoning modding altogether), and so many of you are too stubborn to lift your head out of the sand for 10 seconds and open your damned eyes to see it.
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