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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. I don't think it's really the game that is boring. Some people run through a game once or - gah - twice and find the excitement of the wonders, gone. You get basically the same skins, the same rendering, the same, same same. All the dungeons are the same, that is, hear about item, find cave, kill bad critter, get item, go to town, sell junk, look for new cave. That's a lot about a game that people see after their 3rd or 50th play through. The novelty and shock/awe of the "new" is gone and interest ebbs. A hard core gamer, role player, or enthusiest does not just look at the vanilla game as a single time run through. We invest effort into finding what makes things happen, why did this quest break and help find a solution. Create and test things to make it better. We like the idea that world is now a confortable place. A place, we as our toon, live and know about. We know of rumors of dragon priests and rumors of giant spiders, and the living dead and the daedric and the dark brotherhood. We know of the companions and all their deeds, of the mages guild in its glory and in its deception. We know of rumor of war and the legend of Talos. We know, we "live" here. This is our land, from birth or since capture. A mod adds to our world. Changes rumor and makes it a new day. We still know what makes our "world' tick and flow from day to day, but we really only go on what we see, hear and experience. Each mod puts a little more flavor and excitement back into the daily grind. Its a small change that can affect my daily "life" in the lands. Its a large change that can be "life" altering. The point is, it give us more to look forward to, the great imagination and ability of incredible writers. It can be a sounding baord for bigger and better games. You never know who a person is by a name. What their skill level is or who they work for in RL. They may be programmers for Bethesda or other good gaming companies trying out an idea before it becomes a game or a DC from the authoring company. Mods give us insight and pleasure long after the life cycle of the vanilla game. Although I am NO fan of STEAMypile, I do get my $$ worth of game play. Mods make each new day and enjoyment and continuation of that first day. When upon opening your software, looking at the shiney metallic looking disk in wonder and excitement, getting the program loaded and watching the first cinematic as the game loads.
  2. I agree that this will probably not be the only broken quest you encounter. Typically they get broken because you did not do everything in the Bethesda order. You could have did something long before you accepted the quest the caused it to break. Once they start to not function, it seems they just cascade into a slew of unobtainable quests sitting on your quest page. PC users are fortunate as we can consol our way past some of them, but we are all still plagued by broken and unfinished quests.
  3. A Novice mage does not make a good spelunker. Don't power level if you are having problems dealing dammage. Your game play will be short lived. You need to build your skills and perks. Give yourself about 10 levels fighting in an around Whiterun. It has the lowest chance for you to encounter a bad boss level critter and still offers some encounters. if it bores you to tears, then just explore the open expanse. Find locations and let them be marked on your map, but don't enter them. You'll gain experience using your spells, gain gold, equipment, perks and a more powerful character. Also, you'll be marking locations so when a quest does spawn, you'll have a quick travel point near where your destination is. Lydia already hates you. She hates everything. All she does is rob you of your consumables and complain about your burdens. I think she was told by her parents to goto the College and she didn't know which one. Now, she's just angry. I think she found and steals from your hidden stash of valuables in your house too. I saw her in the mead house living it up on more then a Housecarls wage. :D
  4. The mouse Y axis is tied to the frame rate. The better the system you play it on the worse your "Y" gets. 11 things you can try; 10 : Make sure Vertical Sync is off for your game/graphic card 01 : Turn off all Mouse Accelleration or Mouse Smoothing (Control panel - mouse) 11 : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=34 < ----- this is a frame rate limiter You might only need to try the first two. If they don't work, try the third one. You shouldn't have to adjust the mouse through the ini file.
  5. Make sure you have a Legal copy of the game loaded and updated to a version you are comfortable with. You can always undo this and reload or update later. ------- Firewall Blocking of STEAM McAfee: Open the Plus Action panel and Click on the word Firewall (has a green check mark) Settings - Internet Connections for Programs Scroll down to Steam. Hilight it and select EDIT Select Access type : Block check mark Net Guard : ON Click save Windows 7: Start - Control Panel - Windows Firewall click to allow programs or features Use the Windowed slider to scroll down to STEAM Uncheck all boxes for it. Save and exit. ------- Disable STEAM services: Start - Control Panel - Admin Tools * Select Component Services * Select Services (local) * Bottom Tab of Middle Window - Select Standard * Scroll down to: "Steam Client Service" and Click it. * Halfway down the open window you will see "Startup Type" with a drop down next to it. * Select Disable. Service will now be registered as STOPPED * Click OK Close Admin windows. * Restart your system * Load YOUR game. When you load the game, there will be about a 5 second delay. Its trying to talk to the STEAM basecamp. You'll get a window error that states; Failed to enumerate subscribed files! ---> click ok Click PLAY and Play Once you do this, you will not be able to log into STEAM, open the Creation Kit or download any mods from them. You will be isolated from them. If for some reason you THINK you need back into its controlling regime, reverse the process of what you did when you gained freedom. It will NOT interfere with NEXUS downloads. If this is somehow illegal, then I ask you not to do it. so there :tongue: It still smells like a STEAMypile, but at least its now in someone elses backyard.
  6. There is a glitched dragon script. It usually (not always) is a dragon called..... Dragon. Its a random spawn critter, but, can be other types. There is nothing wrong with your system or load. Its just a badly coded dragon. It happens across all Skyrim loads and ports. (PC, XBOX, PS)
  7. Go to run mode and line up with the gates. Whirlewind though while sprinting. You're whirlwind puts you just shy of the 3rd gate. Keeping your finger on your run button gets you past the last one with time to spare. If you have a follower, pull the chain after you pass through to open the gates.
  8. I am sorry about the STEAMypile garbage you are dealing with. Although the modders using it have a lot of fantastic mods, I refuse to allow STEAMypile into my house to get them. I always do data folder backups before each new mod I load. Its just not worth it to lose everything and have to resort back to STEAMypile. I would rather cease playing MY game and move on to something else.
  9. The Texture pack conflicts with several stand alone texture mods that originally were released by our fantastic Nexus Modders early on. Since Bethesada and STEAMypile offer no compatibility promise of anything modded, some of those had horrible consiquences with CTD's from updates 1.2xx through 1.4xx versions. With 1.5, I have never downloaded it, so i have no testing/in game experience with its issues.
  10. That graphics adatper is not a top end gaming device. It's a lower end (todays standards) GPU that was designed originally for a laptop/tablet. While it is impressive for what it can do, it is better served as a business or lower demaning application. Its increased performance was obtained when it was changed from a integrated GPU to a daughter card device. Most of the cards have less then 1GB memory onboard with some even sharing system memory. I would suggest not installing the hires graphics. To start with, turn all your graphic setting to LOW and work up from there. You more then likely will get to high setting, but i think with HD grahpics packs, you are going to encounter problems. Try setting your system resolution down a bit, even to the VGA default of 1024x768 just to test your game load/stability. I hope some of this helps :)
  11. Both of these NPS's can be moved to you by getting their PickReferenceID #'s then moveing them to your location. Delphine : prid 00013485 moveto player Esbern : prid 19dfd moveto player Using " player. moveto " will move you to the NPC location Using "Placeatme" creates a duplicate of the NPC. So, you very well might end up with multiple copies of an NPC. To find the Copies, their ID's usually start with FF
  12. Looking over the mods you have, I can speculate based on my own experience. The texture pack and some graphics drivers are not at all compatible. Also I do not know what StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp changes. Try and disable No Fast Travel.esp and see what happens. Mod troubleshooting is a horrible thing.
  13. Remember to back up your data folder before you start deleting mods. Also know that just uninstalling/unchecking a mod does not always removed or disable the data changes it made on installation.
  14. To clear out your temp files, open Start and enter %temp% in the search bar reboot your system then access your temp folder as above. You more then likely can purge everythign you see. If you get a folder/file that says protected, unable to open or not available (or similar) let that one be. I am not telling you to do this, I am just pointing out where your temp files sits and if you opt to do this - ON YOUR OWN FREE WILL. A good program for clearing up residual disk clutter is CCleaner from piriform. It used to be free and you can get it from Piriform, Tucows, CNET or a few thousand other places. Don't forget, if your system is cluttered, it more then likely is fragmented. Any system, especially a lower/middle end system can gain precious clock cycles by keeping your drive data optimized. Defrag it.
  15. My suggestion is another reload. It seems that one of your mods is causing the problem. Load one or two mods, then save your data folder. Load a few more and save your data folder again (renamed). It some times is the only way to fix or isolate a mod that is badly written or incompatible with the game version you run. The reason you get the action windows "Do you want to overwrite, blah blah blah". Its to tell you some files are no longer going to be the same. Even if you uninstall or unload the mod, the file change was not reversed.
  16. I have completed the game several times and never encountered that particular bug. I do find some of the issues are self induced. By that I mean, some mods you have loaded may be intervening with the vanilla action. I do not have a solution, but start with your mods. There's no easy or sure fire way to troubleshoot which one is causing the issue. Its all hit and miss. Start disableing them and see where the problem lies. Its a painfully long process. I hate to add this, but with mods, You never know for sure what game file was overwritten. Its possible disabling the faulty mod may not correct the problem.
  17. I was thinking Dawnbreaker also. After the Final quest (there is a second Dawnbreaker under the floor on the steps before the pedestol) it was let down. I was expecting an explosion. Kind of like when you hit undead with the sword. Have the wave of light purge the temple of the black mist. It could be vampiric in nature. Making it perpetual darkness (gaurding against dawn) with an period of Vampire infestation. It could be a structure/fort/tower at the furthest eastern point in the exteneded area out of present gameplay. The name may have nothing to do with anything. :biggrin:
  18. And all the flac I have taken about STEAMypile not being instrusive and absolute in their drive to infest your system with unwanted garbage. The only goal that they have is control of what you do, how you do it and where you have to go to make it all happen. I feel like i just stepped off the train in the Distopian City 17. Hmmm, another STEAMYpile controlled game. Maybe it's the future they see and strive for. I think i'll reload that game from the DISKS for old time sake I'm glad I actually still have purchased disks that still work. :armscrossed:
  19. I think there are 7 coffins that are presently used in Vanilla skyrim (as basic containers). How about someone adding what you posted about and taking it a step further. Let some of those Undead Mobile Homes have denizens waiting for night fall... or the unsuspecting tomb robber.
  20. Some of these mods were written long beore the creation kit arrived on the scene for public use. Some of the modders have probably moved on to other things. I don't even say its the modders fault. It ultimately lies with the user. I myself have mods that no longer work as they used to. I have a great game load with l.4xxxx on my sytem. I have STEAMypile comepletely blocked and have had no issues with CTD in weeks. I am running 53 mods plus 4 modded housecarls (thank you Foretrenty :thumbsup: ). I probably am missing some benefit in graphics, but looking at all the issues, I am at a point I was with TES4. I am happy with the game version/load I have. I probably will not update from STEAMypile again. If I reach a place where no future mods work due to advancement in upgrades, I'll call it all wonderful and be done. I'll archive and burn my HD image so in the future I can replay the game before I give STEAMypile access to my beloved PC.
  21. As a follower, his antics are hilareous for about 10 minutes. After that, you want to see him fly from Bard's Leap. Between and even in battles, he starts to jig and dance and his remarks are, well, Cicero. :wacko:
  22. Remember, this game was not made for or with the PC user in mind. They made this game to work on a game console. We PC users have suffered as second class citizens with Skyrim. However fantastic and breathtaking it is on your first run through, Its just as discouraging. Even the mouse and keyboard mapping is a slap right in the kisser. Our game is a ported console product. They are making advances in improvements, but even those induce horrible side effects. So, a fact still remains. It was not written for PC gamers.
  23. I am not surprized to only see about 12 children running around Skyrim. The average Non-Gaurd male tips the scales at or better then 400lbs. The growth hormones are a little to easy to access. All that mass piling down on a person would more then likely deliver some significant permanent damage. This certainly would attest to the low child count. Can someone make a really sexy male body for UNP. A well trim, athletic body. One that makes you go Yummmm!!! As a second mod idea to not spam up the boards, Is it possible to allow ANY shape of a particular weapon to be forged from any type of ingot? I just don't know why we are limited to 1 shape of a weapon per ore type. Why not be able to make the shape of a Ancient Battle axe from any type of ore and give it the used materials stats for that type of weapon (or armor)? You could add it as another perk to be able to change the material type on the table (for armor) or grindstone (for weapon). Have the ore type on a drop down and select.
  24. a lot of people ask, wonder or proclaim things about thier hardware. Will it run, can it run, or it wont run a game or application. Reading the label on the box is not always the best indicator. Not all DDR3/DDR5 modules are created equal. Not all power supplies, Motherboards or Graphic adatpers are either. Each one has a standard it must meet to obtain the rating it does. Sometimes, that standard is just a configuration of the hardware and not the actual hardware specifications. All 550TI cards are not going to give you the same output. Not all memory rated at 1333 mhz speed is going to process and allow data to be usable at the same rate. Posting that you have an AMD quad core, 6GB MB with a 550TI and win7 -64 , really says little of your system. What is the architecture of your MB and the manufacturer? What is the latency and speed of your DDR's, is it over clocked? How much available physical memory do you have? Are you overclocking your MB or GPU? What type of hard drives do you run and what configuration are they in? Is your Power supply capable of supporting all you run and not be peaked out Do you have compatible drivers for all your hardware By todays standard, a typical puchased plug and play computer will be a fully functioning box. You will not know, in most cases, who manufactured each item or what the specific specs of anything will be. You will find FRU numbers, ISO codes, and if your lucky, a MAC code that at least points you towards the manufacturer. Doping and clean room activities at the manufacturing level can dictate how well your system can possibly be. This is not to be a lecture on technology practices, but a document to open the eyes of the uninformed. a lot goes into making a system compatible and operational. Discrete components can have adverse effects if not tuned to each other properly. No one here wants to trouble shoot your system for you. At least not for free. I help as often as I can, but what you have as your system is more then just 60 letters of mumbo jumbo. It has a lot to do with software installed, removed, defragmentation, HD failures, spyware, malware, firewalls, routers, proper installation and removal of any form of the latter. It also has to do with page files, avaiable memory and shared memory. There's device interfaces, cable type and lengths, bus frequencies and more. There can even be bottle necks with your monitor/TV as far as native and forced resolutions, vertical refresh rates and over all refresh of the monitor being used. Onboard (integrated) sound takes up valuable bus clock cycles and causes a loss in CPU preformance for other activities. There's a lot going on to get the pixels, OLEDs, LEDs, or Photons to illuminate on your monitor to form the images. I hope this at least gives some understanding as to why you may never get a reply when you post "here's my system, my game wont run". It takes a lot of time and effort to troubleshoot a system. Adding software makes it even worse
  25. I consider myself a very experienced player of Skyrim. I have played many differnt toons and some of the intent was to just see what happens when I do something different. I still find and see things that are unique. I read about the deeds and sights of others. It is a game, to me, and its my form of entertainment. I don't watch TV, I don't care about most movies, and I do have my nights out with friends. This is a majority of my entertainment, my PC, and what I do on it. I really enjoy delving into what I paid for to get the most out of it. I have ran characters of all races (except lizards - sorry Argonians). The reaction you get is not always the same. Factions and NPC's treat you differently, to a degree. Try using a toon that takes her capture to the extreme. I now dislike and distrust all people of skyrim. Never use or go into any city or town. Only use what you find in dungeons and the like. That means no dragon born. That was the hardest and yet most enjoyable game experience I have had in Skyrim. Its difficult not having any town/fort/stronghold/camp to use as a base or gather/selling location. The only time I traded was when I found the Kajiit caravans. I didn't use the amulet (if you know what that is) to locate them. It was all chance. If you want a really difficult game play, have a go with only 1 life. No save game before you attempt anything. Only save from a safe and secure location with the intent being on your next game load, this is where you will continue from I typically stop a character after 35th level +/- 10. I have done all I want to do with that particular toon by then. I never power level or consol anything. (unless a quest is so broken, that super glue and bailing wire wont fix it) Try playing a Nord who hates non-Nords. Do it and only deal with Nords. Again a very difficult task. join one of the 2 major factions right from the start. Stormcloaks or Imperials. You have a tough time in some of the towns. My mind is my only limitation on what my next toon will be. I have a very vivid imagination and put it to work when I invest time in the activities I enjoy so much. I thoroughly like gaming and interaction with other gamers on great sites like this. I played TES4 for years. Modding it, changing it and making it my escape world, if only for a few hours a night or week. I hope you find more pleasure in the game then just hanging it up after your first completed session.
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