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Everything posted by Brandy1123
This may not give you exactly what you wanted, but it is a start. Open the console and enter the following playerenchantobject f82fe 92c45 This will give you a ring that allows you to change whenever you put it on. it has no charges. BeWaRe!!!! The hunt will be on!
I have used this when needed. It gives whatever you need, usually. in console type : help "name_of_city" 4 it will give you the faction ID. The Wiki is great, but it can be tiring to sort through in the format its in. I've gone to it so many times, my browser is wearing out. As for my ID, help Brandy123 4 : gives an overflow error and crashes to desktop :tongue: :biggrin:
I'll poke around with those entries Staind716 . Thank you for the heads up. In that final entry, what is the default for the fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist and what does the increase provide distance wise. I don't want a game breaker, I just want t o be able to shoot out about 350 paces or meters with some reasonable effect on my target, hit or miss.
- deleted. not worth it
Very nice. Another flame war. I wonder who's gonna get the most subnested quotes going before this one gets locked. I liked the start of it all. The Elder Scroll, the time scar, and the possibilities for what it means. If someone fails to see possibilities in that alone, I feel sorry for their lack of creativity and imagination. I hope whoever it is, they find some joy in playing this game. Its too bad there is not a contingency for what happens if you do or if you don't destroy the big "P" at the point of entry/exit. He alone could be the key to the whole mess. It was said he was there at the start and was not destroyed when all others failed.
I hope this helps player.setcrimegold XXX <faction id> XXX = Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free. Faction id's can be found by typing 'help "city name" 4' then using the id number following faction. Eastmarch (Windhelm) - 000267E3 Falkreath Hold (Falkreath) - 00028170 Haafingar (Solitude) - 00029DB0 Hjaalmarch (Morthal) - 0002816D The Pale (Dawnstar) - 0002816E The Reach (Markarth) - 0002816C The Rift (Riften) - 0002816B Whiterun Hold (Whiterun) - 000267EA Winterhold Hold (Winterhold) - 0002816F
The time wound left a scar that is where it sits now. We do not know much information about the whole thing, but we do know how it was formed and what it does. It could have opened and drifted in and out of the known linear timeline. Maybe it opens in all times at the same instant and all people in or near its location can see and sense its presence. So, why can't a band of Dwemer or war pary or whatever cross through into anytime, even moments, months or years ago (or from now) at the same point the time rift was used. I think anything in the history of the elder scroll is possible once the time berrier rift was opened. Maybe thats where Rifton got its name. The wake of the time storm that was truely a rift and allowed unimagineable things into the lands to be dealt with.
That house you speak of has a dragon near by. Things like that are a clue to whats in the area. I thought the addition of seemingly insignificant things like that by Bethesda was brilliant. Its the small details they do that really set their games apart from the pack.
Why an Orc would side with the Stormcloaks..
Brandy1123 replied to J_R's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You both have really good points about the Stormcloaks. Before I start a new toon, I come up with a reason I brought attention to myself and was captured as a criminal. Since I have no scritping options during the whole process, I can only conlcude that whatever it was, I truely was guilty. To the extent of my guilt, I feel since I didn't make the criminal ledger, was probably not all that great. It was just a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. With all that being said, I do make a small background and jot it down on a text doc for each one I have played. I keep all my charater saves in their own folders after I play them. To me, I love the RolePlay aspect. Our modders do great things with framework of the game. I really enjoy other peoples stories, what made them chose what they have, the path they follow and what flame burns from within. It's the ultimate reason I invest so much time in games like this. It allows an escape from the real world problems, issues an daily choices we don't have a reset or save to fall back on. Added note : I can see it now.. ARGGHHHH!!! I needed the new Wal-Mart mod V2.1 with the change in custom aisle frames. Also, my Texaco mod inventory card isn't working with my Shell HD skins. When are they gonna update to Life v1.1 ? :tongue: -
I agree. It is nice and would be a good edition to the game. I like most of the wildlife mods put out by the team of incredibly talented modders here. Here's a scarey thought. I might try and learn the resource kit and see what catastrophic events I inadvertantly inject into my game.
Do like many others have done. *sigh* my self included.... Wipe your game (not your saves) reboot your system and reload the game - vanilla style. Then every 2 or 3 mods you add, save your data folder. With out a save, you will be sitting back at this point again at some time in the future. With a save, you can go back to loading the game with prior saves and hopefully eliminate the source of the problem, be it mod conflict, version incompatibility or whatever it is. If it does end up being a newest latest and greatest patch THEY think you could not possibly have lived without, you might have to wait for a newer version of the plugin, patch or mod to work. Bethesda was bad enough but tolerable. With STEAMypile, it adds a whole new dimension to the acronym WTF!!!
AMD Drivers still broken.(12.3) Its a shame.
Brandy1123 replied to totalwarman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I myself have been a loyal Radeon user for the past 8 years with upgrades about every 18 months. I don't purchase low end cards and have been running crossfired GPU's since their release. Looking at the support recently given ( or not as the case really is) whenever I have posed a problem or issue and for the blatent lack of support for this game. - Previously stated Game of the Year. I can assure this is my last purchase supporting their hardware. I'm in a pretty influential position with regards to suggesting hardware and professional system builds. I can gaurantee they will see a drop in sales from my experience with them and the lack of support they give me. With Nvidea cards, the line of support, the tweaking tools and the online assessment, how can you not want to purchase from and support that company. I still love my Radeon, but a divorce seems imminant. -
To completely remove your bounty use this console command : player.setcrimegold 0 You may still have the faction war to deal with.
OooooooOOH this is good. I would definately sign up for this. I love this idea. I wish all the mindless faction joining would just cease. I don't want to go to High Rothgar, I don't want to go see a demented child, I don't want pointless quests building up in my quest book I will never do again. the game should give you an option : Is this your first time playing or Discrete membership. Join on request not by mere passing. There is no reason we should have to be everything in the game. I just want to be an average adventerous person with the same starting abilities and chances as all the others in my village. Role playing is a big possibility with the framework Bethesda provided. I have played through this game several times and tried to RP with most of them. It gets to a point where you fear opening your Quest log becuase you end up doing them just to clear them out. Before you know it, you are no longer roleplaying, you are meat grinding. There's a lot of quests you can do to assist the real (NPC) Dragonborn without you being it. Collecting the Horn for a certain requestor. Find and convince a person to allow the dragonborn to gain entry with the Thalmore. Search the burial grounds and help make the next prediction. you can spin a lot of the present quests to fit into the Un-Dragonborn. excellent idea!!
Even a broken gate that randomly delivers you to a spot in a dungeon while disabling your in game map until you reach the surface. I just had a thought. Base on what IxionInc said previously, let them take you to these planes. Let the used Dragon Claw keys have a use. Let it control the Gate and based on the one used, let the gate take you to that specific plane that binds the Claw.
Is there a way to track which MOD causes crash?
Brandy1123 replied to Warpy's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The only way I know of is to cut your efforts in half. By that I mean, disable the 2nd half of your mods. See if your game starts up. If not , of the remaining ones, disable half again. Do this with halves until you find the culprit. Its a long tedious process and gaurantees no results. The problem could be a bad mod that overwrote some needed DDS or NIF files. If thats the case and you have no backups of your data folder, its off to STEAMypile to reload your leased game. That is, provided they have not black listed you and arbitrarily pulled your account and all access to THEIR game that you paid $60 for. -
The sound issue I am plagued with is footsteps. I sneak all over everywhere and back. Whenever I stop, I get a 2 or 3 second delay then I hear soft footpad steps. Kind of creepy and I'm always turning around to fight off a bear or the brother to my dear late husband seeking his families revenge.
To improve archey, make hit boxed that actually conform to the shape of what you are shooting at. After the very first update, the distance shooting got incredibly bad. It still is. The collision AI on the NPC's/critters is horrible. Shooting through targets or near distant targets causes no awareness on its part. The dragons that fly around and are never hit or respond to your shooting is another indictor. An english longbow had a range well beyond 300M. With Skyrim technology, a longbow is junk. You would think that archery range and the ability to actually affect the environment at range would have been considered.
Its not always a 2 handed axe, its apparently psuedo-randomly generated. What you get will be on the Jarl and visible. If you are concerned about getting an item you can use with your present skill set, save before you enter the building and go see what the Jarl has. If you don't like it, reload and try again
It could be anything from Sheogoraths hidden closet to an interim plane where the Razor draws its power from. There must be something out there if the Lords still have places to go. It may not be on the level we remember seeing and adventuring across as in TES4 , but it can lead to somewhere where the deadric kin reside and prosper.
My best guess is that a bad or incompatible mod overwrote a needed data file. More then likely you are going tohave to re-install the game if it crashes with all mods disabled. Either that, or you tweaked the prefs file where you shouldn't have.
I run a Mod called housecarls wear anything. If I place that in the load order after any other housecarl mods, the clothing issues goes away. I presently run 4 modes for the Whiterun house concerning Lydia. I have no issues with clothing as long as that mod is the last housecarl mod loaded. It also fixed a similar issues in Riften
I've completed the game a few times. To me, once you pass level 35 there is no excitement left. I play master level exclusively and don't use any cheat mods, break mods or exploits. I don't get weapons that have more then 150 plus/minus tops. Even though the critters do level, your skills, perks and abilities far surpass what they can do to you. Adding more HP to a monster does not make the monster tougher at higher levels. It only makes the fight last somewhat longer. For a creature to level with you, its skill set needs to expand and compound as yours does, not just give it "X" ammout of health and damage base based on a level multiplier. A 20th level sorcerer does the same miniscule ammount of damage as a 60th level sorcerer when you have the magic resistance boots you acquired at 10th level.
Since we have the last remnants of the Blades, the Dark Brotherhood and the Mythic Dawn, Why not have a sole remaining Oblivion gate. One that is deep in some ruins somewhere. Even put it in an existing cave or subteranian pit. Maybe a miner uncovers a previously unknown cavern that it resides in.
Where to Shove Thonar Silver-Blood's Soul?
Brandy1123 replied to CyrusAmell's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Put it into a pair of Forsworn boots. That way with every step they will ever take, he'll forever know he's being trampled and walked on by forsworn. Apparal and armor does no damage so he will never again be able to hurt anyone or thing for eternity.