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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. I don't think there will be a ES VI in the near future. They are working on an MMO that covers almost all things in the ES world on a huge scale. My only hopes is that they keep STEAMypile out of the mix.
  2. The water mod is not a beginners mod to install. Its installation requires some knowledge of your systems capability and possibly editing or tweaking your system. Follow the troubleshotting tips on the bottom of the Mod's page. The auther, OpticShooter, left a very precise troubleshooting guide there. It is very accurate and covers a vast range of cures for mod problems. You do have a few graphic enhancers loaded and running. It is poosible that your system is just not able to handle the rendering and effects.
  3. This is an older mod, but I think it still works and might be what you are looking for. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5245
  4. Its possbile the author used the same skill as the shout ethereal. It makes you look like a spectre, You can bee seen, but take no damage.
  5. Stock them up in an unused barrel until you put some skill point in the speech tree. At 50 speech skill, and after 3 skill points expended (Haggle, Allure then Merchant) , you then get the merchant perk. With that perk active, any merchant will buy anything that has value.
  6. There are a few mining bugs that happen with ore. The first is what sems like a no respawn. The Ore just doesn't seem to want to be available, even when the color returns. What happens here is the cells have not updated. Almost 100% of the time when I leave tha area and return, the ore vein will then produce normally. If not, the collision is not taking place. TCL from console and move around the ore vein until you are able to mine it. The second big bug is when you start striking the ore and you just keep hitting it with no ore being mined. When this occures, stop the mining process and move slightly left or right and retry. You then will be able to mine the location normally. Occasionally you get a similar glitch where you start mining an already depleted location. With the latter, you will not get more ore, just stop the mining and move on. If you are still having problems, arm your pick axe (single or dual) and attack the ore. You will mine the location and you don't have to worry about collision location problem. As long as you are close, you will hit it. Just try to not sink the tip of your trusty 'lil pick axe into Lydia. ;) Rmemeber, the respawn time is typically 30 days. The color can return as soon as 10 days, but the ore may actually not be obtainable for another 20 If you really need ore or feel you were cheated due to a bug, enter in what you believe you need from the console. here is the list; Corundum Ore : 5ACDB Ebony Ore : 5ACDC Gold Ore : 5ACDE Malachite Ore : 5ACE1 Moonstone Ore : 5ACE0 Orichalcum Ore : 5ACDD Quicksilver Ore : 5ACE2 Silver Ore : 5ACDF Iron Ore : 71CF3 Steel Ingot : 5ACE5 Iron Ingot : 5ACE4 Corundum Ingot : 5AD93 Silver Ingot : 5ACE3 Orichalcum Ingot : 5AD99 Ebony Ingot : 5AD9D Gold Ingot : 5AD9E Quicksilver Ingot : 5ADA0 Dwarven Metal Ingot : DB8A2 Refined Malachite : 5ADA1 Refined Moonstone : 5AD9F Dragon Scales : 3ADA3 Dragon Bones : 3ADA4 player.additem #### qty (to get 3 moonstone you would put "player.additem 5ace0 3" --- no quotes)
  7. Up until about 4 hours ago, I had 166 mods. I now top out at 171. some are just ESP's and othes are mesh or texture replacers. But all in all I run pretty error free. I have 1 world location that will 100% CTD due to a spawn point. I can avoid it easily with no deterant or break in my game play, I love the mod and can live with 1 known bad spot.
  8. Well done :wink: Its always better to see the back of their head slam forward from your attack then to be blinded by a firey face blast. Alduin is a push over for a world eater, even on master level, with harder dragons and double dragon life on top of all that. He should summon a hoard of all the various elemental type dragons, some dragon-friendly type minions, cast a few spells, summon a few daedric warriors and really give you a run for your septims.
  9. I don't mod or even make believe i can. My system can pretty much handle what most modders can throw at it. I am not a big fan of unrealistic physics (ragdolls) and i wish i knew how to fix tears and seams in the Skyrim landscape when I see it. My talent lies in writing and theres no much need for it here. I do enjoy a really well put together mod. It doesn't have to be long or take up a vast tunnel system. But one where the things you see and find are or seem natural to where it is. finding armor or weapon or a box of "killer" items is not why I continue to play this game. I am real hesitant o download another ENB/Uber Landscape/luscious lighting/Wowzers Waterways or anything else the has piled up in the past few days. there are dedicated teams like you fine people who keep us in awe with your works. there are individuals who put out masterpieces keepin the game in balance, taking into consideration what the item is and how it affects or reacts to or on the players. Saying this is "lore Friendly" , "Realistic" , "Balanced" , or anything similar is just mumbo jargon. Its too bad there are not 3 or 4 main catagories of Mods, then sub catagories uner them like the ones you listed. I want better lighting, realistic flora and fauna. I want reflective rippled waterways with hi-rez skyline relfected. I want mist particles that make me want to wipe my monitor. I would love to see a sweat bead trickle down a gaurds face after a dragon attack or scortched leather and iron tarnished from heat. See lingering wounds and weapons that need repair. These mods I think are at the heart of most players of games like these. I am not so nieve to not know that most of these are controlled by the engine and ultimately the hard coded came limitations. But these are the things peope like you have gratiously overcome and delivered to us. I would offer my skills to whatever is needed, but like some, I have been criticized for my style of writing and hence stopped doing it.
  10. Red, the list has been appended. We certainly work good together .
  11. It too bad this wonderful modder has given up on the Skyrim community. Too many people bad mouthing the work and ability. I am at WiS IV and absolutely love it. I keep hoping to find it again in the D/L list but it seems it wont be happening. Thanks to all you users out there who add absolutely nothing but complaints. See how many other talented artists, programmers and writers you can run off without lifting a finger to help or assist in anyway to the Nexus community. Most Mods have some issues. If you download a mod and it screws up your game (by your account) its not the modders fault YOU loaded it. Save your data folder before you load it or anything. If you really want to help, try assisting in troubleshooting the FREE..see that.. F R E E works they, the modders, offer us. I do not like a lot of mods, so i dont berate the author and I don't download it. if you have negative garbage to say, offer - usable - advice in ways to help the author fix it. You get value added software for absolutely nothing and complain about it. The originators ask for nothing but a little button click for a vote as payment. WOW - that really hurts paying the R/L bills and putting food on your table. I personally offer a Thank You to all the modders who have offered up their services and who brought their imaginations to our Nexus table. Most of us appreciate your efforts and would be long gone from this game (and others) without your talents and time you invest in our games.
  12. Save your game and then close it. Clear all your temp files/cache and reload your game. All your markers should be back.
  13. --- doing a search for this topic will reveal a multitude of entries --- Mods change needed files. Removing mods does not replace the changed file. You need to back-up/save your data folder if you have mod conflicts and don't want to reload your game everytime you get a bad mod. if you dont backup your data folder and you have mod conflicts or compatibility issues, you are not going to have a fun time in your game. Mod troubleshooting is painstakingly tedious at best. There is no easy fix. 1 : back up your data folder regularly ( i do it every 2 or 3 mods - I run over 165 mods right now - conflict free) 2 : know what the mod changes that you are adding and READ the user comments about it to insure it's right for you 3 : understand what the Mod requires for pre-requisites and make sure THOSE are compatible with what you already have or what your system can handle 4 : know that uninstalling a mod does not mean replacing your data files back to the pre-modded condition I hope this shed light on mods and what some of the causes for CTD's are related too.
  14. The 5 gold bounty is a trespassing bounty. It is a known bug in the game. It usually happens on entering a town but mostly on Orc strongholds. A similar issues happens when some of the Inn patrons start attcking you for no reasons at all. You can console in the clear bounty codes and that will clear up the bounty, but if you end up fighting an NPC for no reason, you wont be able to fix it even by using console commands to remove/restore or resetting the AI. Bethesda has known about these bugs since day 1 of the release (probably prior) and cares less about fixing them. You purchased the game already, move along. This is part of a merriad of issues they have blatently refused to address. they just don't care.
  15. I think you used too many perk points in making a jack of all trades instead of a dedicated player of few skills with high ability in them Archery, Stealth, One handed, Restoration, and Conjuration. More then likely Light Armor, possibly shield (as you said one handed not dual wield) and a Craft/Merchant type skill too. Way too many areas to invest your valuable and rapidly fleeting perk points. A stealth archer has no need for restoration and conjuration. With a never ending supplies of health potions available everywhere, restoration is not even needed in the game. I do play on master level with wars, harder dragons and a few other difficulty increasing modifications. Its not to say you are not able to complete the game as your character stands, but it will reduce her or his effectiveness. In every dungeon, there are things or terrain features you can use to your advantage. Be it a tree, an elevation, an urn, a hole or crack in the wall, another monster, Lydia, even closing a door to regroup. Most critters will not traverse water or open a closed door. Shooting your bow and immediately egressing from the area until your stealth kicks back in is the primary way to use your stealth skill. They cant hit what they can't see or detect. Play with objects and see what blocks line of sight or prevents mesh navigation to your present location. Trust in your sneaky sneaky skills and you will find more coin in your pocket, more mead to drink, and more tails to tell on your next visit to the nearest Inn.
  16. The check is done against your stats. Go into General Stats tab. Once you get past a certain point, say in murders, (as a comparison to all your stats), you then can be triggered as an assassin. Likewise, enchanter, alchemist, pickpocket etc. I also think it has to do with what you wear. You can be skilled in heavy armor but have on light armor and no skill in that perk. You will still have triggered, the light armor means light on your feet response. So, by keeping your General stats in check (and avoiding the obvious gear of that class) you should be able to eliminate the unwanted triggering.
  17. The prostitution mod conflicts with a lot of triggers. if you have it loaded, disable it and see if your problem goes away.
  18. It all comes down to choice. most people, just by reading replies on the mods themself or reading entries in the modding forums want some form of escape. there are about 5 6 camps that people find themselve comfortable in. I tried to put these in a sequence I see as the most populated camps first. 1 : The Porn Camp - These are people typically obcessed by pornography, the art of nudity, the challenge to animate what "can't be done", or children getting a quick thrill. This is not to say that some of these mods are not absolutely incredible pieces of work and imagination. They are. 2 :The Reality/Immersion Camp - These people are looking for mods that make the game more like Real Life. They generally reject camps 1, 3, 5, and 6 unequivocally, and frequently are at odds with camp members 4. ( Special thanks to RedRavyn on this exhaustive list :tongue: ) 3 : The Fantasty - Fantasy Camp - These people are the Animee fan groupies. They love big eyes, big boobs and big weapons. They want color and Oriental-ish revealing clothes. They want a world filled with cute and darling little angelic china dolls with big attitudes. 4 : The Lore Friendly Camp - These people want nothing that isn't ES lore. Even though ES lore changes title to title. They can never agree on what lore is, but its not nudity and it definately isn't animee. Its all the mods that aren't "over the top". 5 : The Vanilla Camp - These people want nothing that is not released as pat of the original game or an official DLC. If its not a True Game Designer release, its not right. 6 : The God Camp - These people don't want to waste their valuable time skilling up. They want it all and they want it now. 1 shot kills, trunks of treasures, and equipment of everything. if you have to work for it, its just not worth it. COC center frequent fliers. I think that about sums it all up
  19. There are a few Race mods that introduce Dwemer as palyer characters with interesting backgrounds. I think with all the accumulated lore it would be hard to be accurate on what did happen to them. There is enough grey area where you can draw your own conclusions. If you look at what remains of their culture, its kind of odd. A ton of self-repairing, mechanical creatures or at least self replicating. That means there are huge storehouses or smelters (possibly exuding the pressurized vapors powering it all) somewhere deep underground. The tubular tunneling either stretched for hundreds of miles or there are multiple mini networks. Now each of the mechanical critters is powered by a soul gem. We have never met a dwemer device that absorbs/steals/ acquires souls. We can only assume that there are countless filled soul gems somewhere that the mechanical creatures use or pick up. Afterall, each has some generic, non-mechanical usable weapon or items) in their inventory they picked up somewhere. Azura is The Master of soul gems (hence Azura's star and the quest to go with it). So, my take is that under the curse of it all, the Dwemer were reduced to these gems deep in the earth (like the ones you can mine from BlackReach). If you go into a Dwemer ruin and watch the "spiders", they have different tasks then the rest of the mechanical critters. They are worker robots. They are always clearing debris, mining or poking and proding the ground. I think these little guys are who mine and bring the soul gems back to the assembly labs. The constructs themselves were programmed to use what is available in the "fabrication" of newer build. The countless souls and soul gems that are part of the make-up of these gaurdians, I consider the spirits/souls of the Dwemer. Possibly minded from the spot where they last stood. That just my feeling and over active imagination running wild. :)
  20. the only way I was able to repair or fix this problem was a complete wipe. With that, I mean to also registry clean with something like CCleaner. STEAMypile dumps lots and lots of crap and garbage in your registry, almost virus like. If you dont clean this out, on your reload, any corrupted pointer (that don't get overwritten) will net you nothing. You will be back with corrupted game saves. The world file is saved on each character, so any corrupted world issues will be again launched upon using an old save. Move all the old saves to a different folder. After you remove (not just deleted) skyrim AND STEAMypile, clean the reistry and REBOOT. After all that is done, then reload STEAMypile and Skyrim. Do to having to be inundated by all the STEAMypile garbage, probing, monitoring and system usage they so freely do to you and your system, then subject yourself to a 4 hours download of a game you don't own because they claim any and all rights to - above and beyond the $60 lease for the game you opted into. Remember to not use old game saves.
  21. Additional memory is not useless. Your system is running other applications/services/applets/utilities while you load your game or other software. Additional memory can be used by your system, but not accesible directly by Skyrim. Additional memory will prevent unnecessary data access to the hard drive stored page file and other temp stored locations. This will free up valuable clock cycles and bus bandwidth. So to answer your question again, its not usable directly by the game, but the overall system preformance will improve. (provided your system is able to address the additional memory).
  22. I don't know why you'd want to restart the same toon, but the simple answer is no. You can console in each individual quest to restart. To batch them all would take a little bit of time and effort and I am still not sure the main quest would restart, I think it would only set the quest pointer to its unstarted position. Showracemenu was a command usable in the console, but since about the 4th patch, it alters your characters looks and plays havoc on the race, stats and racial bonuses. I just did a mod search and found none that do what you would like to accomplish. Since you probably wont be able to do it with this toon , on your next, save screen shots of the slider locations in case you want to remake the future ones. Sorry I can't help out further on this. You might post this request to the Mod Request forum. We have incredibly talented modders at Nexus. Maybe one will pick up your banner and make it happen.
  23. There is no quest timeline at all. The only thing you will find that even remotely resembles a timeline is a quest order. Certain quests will break if you go somewhere when Bethesda didn't want you there or pick something up before you spawned the quest. As this game was written for a dumb terminal box, they took out all cognisent thought processes. They made a completely open world, completely linear. The worst part about the linear world is they have no means setup to fix the quests you break by thinking and playing as you want to. If what you mean by natural break, a part in the quests when you're between quests. You never get rid of them til they're all done or stuck broken" when you dont have to rush off and meet someone, kill someone, rob someone, beat someone, steal something or return something, then no. Every quest will give you a sense of urgency. By the way it was delivered, the quest was written or in game dialog. EVERYone is in need of your service, NOW. Quests spawn just standing in a spot long enough, i gaurantee a quest will eventually spawn. My advice for playing "you" in the game is this. Treat all these quests/quest givers like the begger on all our street corners. They all are belivers in some form of god, they all wish you blessings from that "eternal being", they are all disablesd service veterins with 4 wives/husbands, 12 kids, a 3 legged dog, lost both their houses, their dentures are being repossessed, and they're living in a box behind the walmart dumpster. Not only that, but they all give you a sense that they need you and your pity for their unfortunate trials. Their quest is to win you over so that you offer them what they want by making you think that only you can help them. Time is urgent to them, the light is about to change. Just pass them by and give at the temple. The temple of Mara only asks for 5 septims. how can you beat that???
  24. That indicates a broken quest. What happened is the quest name/locatuion never was published for the next spawn location. You have 3 choices and 1 may not work. the first is to advance the questline through the console. The problem with this is, that usually once it starts to break, other quests tend to also no longer function, or certain NPC's do not react how thety should. The second way is to find a previous save prior to the corruption and load it. The problem with this way, you never know for sure when it happened, so you may end up going back a long way. The final choice is abandon your present toon and start afresh. :( The broken quest is not necessarily due to Bethesda, It could be a mod that caused the error. We all know this game is riddled with garbage Bethesda has no intention of fixing. Finding issues when you have a bnuch of mods that may or not be conflicting is a hard thing to isolate sometimes. I wish you well in t his. I have walked that pathway a few times and it makes you want to walk away from the whole mess. :wallbash:
  25. Karita is normally not able to be married. You either used a mod or consoled it in. Make sure you set the relationship rank to 4. Try for both the player and the NPC. If its not set, she will return to her location. If she still tends to want to linger at the inn, select her from the console. Type "disable" - then - "enable" That final bit should reset her to the newer realationship levels. If you used a mod to marry her and the above does not work, write a note to the mod creator for assistance.
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