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Everything posted by Brandy1123
I honestly think you are over reacting. I know Ysolda. Yes, I do believe you are over reacting. I remember her saying in the market place just the other day that she was feeling a bit ill and under the weather. I'm sure I vaguely remember her talking about getting a house call from a healer of the temple. It was probably that big, strong and handsome gentleman she raves about to the girls... I mean, the devout desciple of the healing arts. I think, afterall, it is poosible, she was undergoing a theraputical shower of a magical nature. One where the presence of clothing could contaminate or diffuse the incantation directed at the very epicenter of the problem. I would almost wager the innocent male figure you accuse and accosted was only finishing the touches on the powerful magic he spread, when he layed his healing hands upon her. I even remember her thanking the gods through the walls. I think most of us neighbors overheard, Oh by the Devines, yes. Thats it, right there. Its pretty obvious after he preformed his service, Ysolda was feeling much better. So you see, Its totally an unfortunate incident that you walked in during the ceremony without truely being a believer in ways of his medicinal touch. His clients rave about his skills. He's very good at what he does and comes highly recommended
Thinking about it, I can see a variation on the ever hated in the Knee bit. I'm still an adventurer beacuse I called in sick when you took that arrow in the knee
I had killed off Astrid and then wiped out the DB sanctuary. I visited the nearest guard, then went to Dragon Bridge and reported the incident as requested. For the next 3-4 game days I enjoyed the accolades cast upon me in general passing by all the citizens of the northern realm. It was a good day in Skyrim Another week passes and I don't hear anything about how great the deed was, how many guards were thankful for the heroic effort, or even that they're gonna make a DB lager at the meadery in my honor. Oh no. Instead I get harassed by guards for lolly gagging and about how my hand is going to be removed if it gets caught in someones pocket. You know, the typical friendly guard banter. Then, another week goes by and I'm travelling back into Whiterun territory from the North when I pass the Whitewatch tower. They are under a bandit attack and already down 1 soldier. So, being the dutiful and highly respected member of Whiterun (even though I never get to the cloud district) I lended my skill at arms to the rapidly diminishing odds. A few sword strokes and several arrows later, 2 gaurds were left of 4, myself and a pile of bandits. Before I could even sheath my weapons, a guard walks over to me, looks me in the eye and says, " I could have taken out the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary myself, but I was sick that day".
Its possible a mod you had changed or altered a purchased house. If the container ID was not set right, the game will think the container is owned by someone other then you. Taking items from the container could be giveing you the "Steal" flag. Remember, just because you deactivated or unloaded a mod, does not mean the mod didn't modify a DDS, NIF or overwtire some other game file on its load.
Why an Orc would side with the Stormcloaks..
Brandy1123 replied to J_R's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thinking about his again, I believe you were caught trying to alter your keyboard hard coded keys. You were trying to equip your weapon and by tapping the arm key, you were mistakenly put into search container mode. Accidentally you dumped the contents of your back pack on the ground in front of them. The imperial saw you had mod equipped that made the stormcloak armor look better then theirs so they, obviously, had to aresst you. If role played, an Orc has a good reason to be sided with either faction. Side with the, Stormcloaks, because frankly, by Orc legends, they are really the true nords. It is their land. I can see the imperials because the Thalmore hate the stormcloaks and want them all irradicated. So, Siding with the Imperials insures your claim to be the only and REAL true people of the north. Understand this, however. Both sides will ultimately want to destroy you. Stormcloaks hate everyone not of the Nord race like them and the Thalomore want pure and uncontested power. Role play what makes your gameplay happy and enjoyable. Imagine a reason your particular character does what she or he does based on the individual characteristics that make your toon unique and different from the last one, or the next one you play. -
I have done that questline several times with various characters. The only time I ever had the courier show up was when I rested outside a city. Go stand on a road somewhere and try doing the wait game again. It usually happens fairly quickly, like a day or 2 at the most. I even looked up net resources on this one and i have found no other incident like this. Sorry I can't be more help.
In Game setop uptions at the loader screan, go in and set grass view distance to off - slider to the extreme left. This took care of the grass problem for me. its ugly now, but it plays with out the graphical errors.
The reason this happens is the NPC's agression level. There are some mods that fix it somewhat. For me, I use the NPC Editor mod. You can pull up ANY NPC in the game and alter just about everything except the gender and race. you can do skills, equipment, faction associations, hair, eyes, etc... etc...etc. I use this to adjust the agression and equip NPC follower type to at least have equipment appropriate to what their in game function is. The mod creates a small ESP file you drop in your data directory for each NPC you change. You then just enable the mod and reload your game. You can alter it even after a game save and the effects are instantaneous. I have not seen it affect what they had in their inventory in any way. I hope this helps.
Welcome aboard our little ship of unhappy players. Probably unrelated, but since the STEAMypile update 3 nights ago, my sound no longer works right. I get no sound straight on if i am looking at the noise making "thing". If i turn left or right, I hear sound in Mono on the direction i turn. I have loaded no new mods or game alterations in a while, well before the sound issue. I'm not even going to waste a photon of light bringing up any troubleshooting tools. With the exception of checking my sound options in my system, that 20 second check and test concluded its not my hardware.
There is no doubt about the creativity and the incredibly wondeful game (franchise) Bethesda created. On the other hand, it's just as abvious they never intended to make this a PC friendly game. I think they did exactly what they intended. That being, put the bare minimum effort into making it "work" on a pc, then let modders fix it, thy always do. The key mapping, to me, is very unprofessional. It makes for frustraions and unpleasant game play. Keys are reversed, don't work as expected under certain game activites or conditions and, frankly, do not fit my ideal layout for playing. I know I used the word "MY" layout. Of all other games I play or have played, even JAVA app games, they almost alwaya allow kep/stick mapping. its pretty sad to be given this and they have not fixed it on their end.
Other Facts forgotten from lore or refused to be brought back up for many of several score reasons... 1: Why drink falmer blood. There are no young Saber cats or happy saber cats. It sems its a lonely saber cat world. 2: Ysgramor's spoon is proof he ate quiche. 3: Everyone wears a chastity belt. Whenever your Carl walks up from behind and "pushes" you hear an audible "Owwww" 4: Hair is impervious to fire. Fire is impervious to water. Water is impervious to physics. 5: No-one bests an orc, except anyone fighting the orc. 6: 4 Kajiits walking down the road can unpack from their pockets a small city 7: The Skyrim Currior GPS system is impecable 8: 12 great axes, 8 two handed swords, 14 pieces of armor and 51 chunks of ore is not encumbered... 12 Axes, 8 two handed swords, 14 pieces of armor, 51 chunks of ore and 1 butterfly wing is. 9: Theres only 1 college. Being a bandit was probably a better choice for you. 10: A 12 ounce bottle of mead costs more then 4 times its weight in gold. 11: Even though theres an orc stronghold sitting on an ebony mine, no one knows what ebony is until you reach 20th level. Then, even the Draugr figure it out. 12: The Dwemer shared the 7 forks. 13: Statues that have their gemstone eyes plucked out, bleed. 14: Bears have ESP 15: only 2 words about mud crabs : Zoom Zoom
Why an Orc would side with the Stormcloaks..
Brandy1123 replied to J_R's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What was said about you crossing the boarder makes no sense being captured with the storm cloaks. At the start of your entry into the world stop before you enter the tower (while your hands are still bound). Look to your right and follow the storm cloak gaurd instead of the imperial. You hear a whole new episode about the storm cloaks being captured and has nothing to do with you, a boarder or you being with them for that matter. -
Use the mod NPC editor. Make them look like the soul mate of your dreams. Well, maybe not your dreams, but at least more dreamy then what was handed us in vanilla form.
So why did Alduin decide to attack Helgen?
Brandy1123 replied to stars2heaven's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think if he gts too close to the rift, even in its present state, He'll get sucked into it, or at least questions that fact. I also think thats why big "P" parked his hiney there. He gives me a cowardly vibe. So, why not hide out at the one place in the realm he might be safe. -
Good idea. I'm not a modder myself, but i do walk through skins and framework just to look at what people did. I think that would mean someone would have to render ALL the weapon scabberds because they are reversed on the other side of the body. Maybe they can just be moved, but I think you'd get a lot of clipping because of the angle they were created for. Maybe an experienced modder could shed some light on this.
My T key stopped working and I have remapped nothing. So, I am unable to recharge any items. I don't really mind, however. It makes the game a little more interesting. I just chalk it up to a Bethesda coding issue and stack it on the heap of things they won't ever fix.
I use archery quite a bit and am saddened at what Bethesda did to it. It is very flakey and unpredictable at ranges and to different critters. a mammoth is the worst trying to hit it. The hit box is not anything like the shape . I also dislike vertical arrows stading on point.
I just don't hear any similarities at all.
You know you play to much Skyrim when.......
Brandy1123 replied to KillerSkark1978's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
like the title said, you know WE played skyrim too much when we can spot spoilers in a posted dialog about how you know when you been playing long. -
Use - player.addfaction not - player.setfaction
Question about your second, third, etc. characters
Brandy1123 replied to Dubnoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
To me, power level ruins the game. I have had several game completions and never power levelled. I also think that past about 35th level, the game is way too easy even on master level. I like the struggle part of early on and then when you do get a perk point, it means something. I wish there was a mod that only gave you a perk point every other level or every 3 and also at the same time increased the EXP needed to level. Take out all the craft levelling while your at it. But to keep on track with your question no I do not power level. -
So why did Alduin decide to attack Helgen?
Brandy1123 replied to stars2heaven's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Dragons are timeless. 5 minutes or 5000 years makes no difference when you are outside of time or "live" with no time constraints or limitations. Alduin, being the brilliant and most ancient of dragons, knows that a Dragonborn will come, as legend says and as been the case in the past. Big "P", at the rift, must be somehow protected from harm from Alduin or he would surely be gone after the first re-entry of Alduin. "P" has some skill and powers of his own. Listen when you talk to him. He gives you a lot of information about what happened and what could happen. I think Alduin knows the lust for power that mankind (all races included) has. He knows that eventually a Dragonborn will challenge big "P" at the rift and defeat him. This will destroy any future training of any Dragonborn after the Greybeards pass on. There will be no one to teach any shouts or the Way of the Voice. Alduin , the World Eater, will win at some point "in time" and the legend of the end will come to pass. At least, thats my take on the whole matter. As for attacking Helgen, I can only guess like the rest of the gamers out there who care to follow the story. Maybe Alduin in his wisdom knows this particular Dragon born poses a great chance to challenege "P" and start the ball rolling. Or, maybe the reappearance of Aldiun is soley besed on the fact that a DragonBorn is present. Without the Dragonborns soul being devoured by Alduin, he may be cast back into a timeless state and sucked from the world. Since a Dragonborn of Dragon blood eats or absorbs the sould of dragons and gets more powerful, It might be the same for any and all creatures of dragon blood, including Alduin. -
BrknSoul now you're just getting rediculous!!! Paying off a bounty with the absconded, pilfered and swindled septims you acquired from the hard working, legitimate citizens of Skyrim! How dare you even suggest that someone does whats right and law abiding. You dare bring to mind that someone must pay for their criminal acts instead of coninuing on with their spree of disconent, murder, larceny and other punishable crimes? Why should anybody even consider using any of their treasured, shiney, un-needed, monetary disks to indulge some Jarl imposing his version of right and wrong on you, the Dragonborn. Why should you not just plunge headlong into battle at each and every passing of any civillian, wayword guard, soldier, bouny hunter and or assassin. Afterall, Not being welcomed in any city, town or village could have a positive and pleasing outcome.... Hmm, well, maybe it would be better to just pay it off and become the citizen of legend for heroics and deeds, instead of notoriously infamous. Ok, I bow down to your wisdom. :biggrin:
I did some more testing with those setting. I still had problems, but after a reboot of my system, it started working. It is strange, but on a Mammoth they still take no damage at range. That was what I originally tested it on. I have to be within sprint distance for them to be hit. I want more arc to the shots, so i'll keep tweaking and see what I get. Thanks again for sharing this. :)
I tried the information you posted Staind and it seemed to make the distance shooting worse. I am whirlewind sprint distance now before my arrows strike. The critters and NPC's do react to the shots, but the arrows fly through targets with no hit or damage. You can watch the arrow and the shadow it casts as it passes through.