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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. There are several abominations that claim to be bards, voacalists or musicians. Technically, a bard can also be a slab of meat, so in that realm of existance, even Lubruk is well catagorized. :biggrin:
  2. I think the horses have a longer step-up rate so they can do a running leap and not get stuck on slight elevation changes. Without the extended elevation reach, it would never be able to run, or walk, across the cluttered, undulating terrain.
  3. If you lose Lydia, go up to dragon Reach. She is usually up there. She must be really depressed as she's always eating.
  4. I like catching the bees. the BZZZZupt after you pluck them up is funny to me. The dragon flies you have to swim for and sneak up on. Its sill how many time I get assaulted from wolfs, bears, tiggers and other critters while I'm off simple mindedly chasing a moth or some other pretty little insect. They ned a crawly glow worm hanging from silk stings in the deep dark dungeons.
  5. I find it hard to believe that you have to ability to actually be the leader of everything. I think it should be, once you complete so many quests in any given line, you are no longer offered the ability to advance past a certain stage in the others. You just can't be both the leader of the Democratic party and the Republican party, I think someones bound to find out and you'd lose a contribution or two.
  6. The arrow distance shooting has degraded significantly since Nov 11. The hit box is so small at range, if it exists at all, you are best to not even attempt it. Its a horrible thing and has nothign to do with gravity. Most times the arrow does not even register to the would be target. No change in posture, motion or activity. Now, its almost as if you have to be within the "charge" range of a melee weapon before letting the twang of your bow string dictate its course.
  7. It could also be counted that regardless of your "earthly" abilities, its the followers that grant you the ability to be noticed by and ultimately ascend to God status. Maybe the fact that so many worshippers wanted it, the Gods had to accept and admit him into their fold, even as a Lesser Diety.
  8. I think training ruins the game. The skills themself raise entirely too fast as it is. You get the right stone selected and skill levels fly. I think the experience raise should be only 1/10 of what it is. At least that way you can actually learn your skills and appreciate the ones you get. As for skill points for perks, they should be limited also to maybe 1 every 2 character levels. Make the points have value. Make it a life path defining choice on where you start stacking them, not an inconvenience for 5 minutes till your next level up.
  9. Wraith, it might get annoying, but really, what else is there to do with all our accumulated treasures and trinkets? I don't mean to have an open house where the enitre underworld of Riften politely allows themself entry to your hovel and ultimately your entire fortune, I meant just a random encounter where an item gets lifted, a small quests starts and you hunt down the perp.
  10. Without a doubt, its <TAB>, select NPC, type KILL, hit enter, <TAB> then loot :dance: Here is mine, i just made and posted this on another entry, but here it is again
  11. Get the NPC editor and edit out the BOW ability. Pull up the NPC and set the Bow Archery skill to zero. Then they will never use a bow. I don't have the link, but a search brings it up fast. Its easy to use and even easier to abuse, if thats your game style.
  12. I typically don't use the same 2 weapons for DW. I can see under some circumstances for it, but i think you get a more rounded attack and overall better damage if you take 2 different types of weapons. As each type fares better (or worse) on things. Heres my choice weapons... for now :biggrin:
  13. Steady hand 1 is good to have. An archer can't afford the close combat attacks too many times. The steady hand slows down time enough to get a 2nd and sometimes 3rd shot off. As for the ranger and Hunter, IMHO i think is a waste of valuable points towards skills that are almost meaningless.
  14. Matt, you miss the point. You ARE just an adventurer. The gaurd WAS and adventurer just like you, but YEARS ago. Imagine the wealth she has compiled compared to your paltry sum. I imagine after the arrow incident, the physical therapist decided the best form of rehabilitation would be to dawn about 15 weight of mundain armor, join a small insignificant faction, forgo all your wealth and worldly resources and just harass the general populous.After all, you already have done everything else there is to do. :P
  15. Exactly! I mean if Ultima Online can incoperate this into its design in 1998, you would think game developers would jump at this. Even Diablo had a Chest that was yours. Not exactly a house, but on the right track. What they still need is random events where things get taken and you can hunt down a thief or pilferer that took an item you set or stored at a specific house or non-house location. Kind of like the thugs who hunt you down, but you now become the thug.
  16. I attempted this, but even using a saved game at the point of execution is tiresome. An alternate start in Riverwood with basic gear and race/class selection would make it easier to want to attempt thisagain. I don't want to take the time to console all the edits it takes to do that. Of the 4 times i tried this, I get to about 10th level then die. Walking into a bear, saber cat or necromancer at that level is just a horrible end. I also think to be True, you'd have to be an orc. They were in the lands first, at least according to the fables I've been told at every orc camp and the few boots relating to it that I have read.
  17. I think because if you can't win the game by your combined skills and equipment by level 50, then level 500 won't make that much difference. The only difference is you will have EPIC dual slotted equpment, 9 houses full of debris, 9 house Karls, a spouse, be the leader of 5 factions, be the thane of at least 9 locations, wanted or imprisoned in 9 territories, killed so many dragons you have a bone palace, 9 dragon priest masks in their own little shrine, have almost as many broken quests as you have completed quests. Besides all that, you'd have a library of spells, an arsenal of weapons, an armory of, well, armor and can carry more items then 10 Kajiit caravans. To cap all that off, you would still hear, " I wonder what the Dragonborn does after the Greybeards summon you", and "I used to be an adventurer like you..." JUST LIKE YOU, 500th level, 9 houses, 9 karls,...heheh :laugh:
  18. a lot of gaming mouse problems arise from the way Windows handles events. Without going into a long drawn out explanation of code tracing API's and how they interact, here is the simple thing to do - 1 : open windows Task manager by hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL then selelct "Start in Task Manager" 2: Open Task manager 3: Open Service Tab 4: Search for "eventlog" 5: Disable the service (not stop) 6: restart your PC Almost all mouse issues will become negligible and you might squeeze out a few extra spare clock cycles.
  19. I have used dual wielded Shiv's. When you get the cinematic of a decapitation with one, it makes you laugh. There's few things more satisfying then to remove the hat rack from an assailant with an ice pick "Count out my coin will ya? Hard to do that when your punk'n is rolling down the hill".
  20. I think something with the Vigilants of Stendarr would be interesting. Make it a really good faction to join and go hunt down the Thalmore... er, uhm, I mean the Daedric abominations. :tongue:
  21. Go visit the grey beards to see Parthenox. You get a shout the helps the visuals and makes seeing so much easier. ( i hope this isn't considered a spoiler )
  22. I seldom fast travel. I would like to say I don't, but that would not be exactly a truth. I usually end up fast travelling late at night just before I end my game session. I get tired and lazy :( I think people who fast travel miss a world of amazing things the developers included in the game. Sun bathers in the hot pools, that vast views from un-named mountain peaks, stunning canyons, and incredible water falls for starters. There's a skelton with it's hand pointed up to the trees (where spiders soon drop onto you), pools of water with equipment in it, the abandonned carts that lead to strange encounters if you follow the discrete clues, the hidden treasures behind logs and trees and rocks and ruins. Theres even one location that appears to be a simple house over run with skeevers. The man is dead on the bed. We'll, look around outside you find out that he didn't just die, he commited suicide after the loss of his spouse. I am always amazed at what I find in an area I thought was well scoured. There's a vast number of Hunter camps, shelters and caves. Some have other denizens that would happily invite you to or for lunch while others have people who can train a skill. There are many unmarked bandit caves and holdouts. Some spawn mini-quests and some are funny and strange. The depth of the game is incredible and marvelous. If you go out and see the world instead of power levelling, your experience in game will be 100 fold. I also forgot to add, If you didn't start the quest for this particular faction, you can find a merry little chap named Cicero with a broken cart wheel looking for help. He's in the process of transporting his poor mothers remains to her final resting place. It spawns a super mini-quest, but it still is something you'd never see fast travelling.
  23. I am on my 3rd time through the game. ( I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) . In my latest trial, I am opting to not use anything enchanted except potions. You want difficult, try that. If its apparel or weapons and it has ANY type of enchantment on it, then don't even pick it up. So, far, I have not even used smithing skill to incease an item. If it is an enhanced quest item, i pick it up only to transport it to its destination.
  24. You may have problems with your mods overlapping in some area. Textures, depth of resolution, physical location etc. I know in Oblivion, a lot of places were used by multiple mods causing tearing, frame and skinning issues and in most cases, just bad coding. Also, remember the locations need the NPC path or your followers can and usually will get stuck behind, on or in something. Always back up your data directory and game INI files. It's a bad day when you don't and find out the mod you just loaded is garbage in its present state or completely overwrites your wonderous environment patches you have been playing under. " I used to have a working game, Then the mod i just installed took an arrow to the knee"
  25. I keep thinking of vanilla obvlivion before Oscuro and Mad Marts and the other wonderful work many countless people put into Oblivion. If you look at just the base package, sure the cities are small, but the whole regions seem alive to me. I would like more populous in general and some of the small mill towns seem destitutem, but as a whole, you have a lot going on in and around the towns. One thing I'd like to see in the towns, is what the gaurds always talk about. A good bandit raid. Nothing overpowering, but something the gaurds are taking care of when you get there.
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