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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. Very nice work. See if you can do one where the salmon are leaping up a falls where insects come out and populate during the darkening hours.
  2. Some items take 3 and 4 attempts to place. You won't know until you leave the region (fast travel somewhere far away) and come back. The item will be on the floor or sliding towards the edge (or through a wall) . After the 3rd try, consider it a non-placeable item. You can almost tell from how the shadows fall off it. If the item looks like it hovers a few centimeters above the location it's set upon, more then likely its going to be on the floor when you come back to the house. The dragon burial map is a strange item. It is a stock item that I often find WAY below the house hovering in the "wasteland". Its only seen and retrievable with TCL. Some other items get lost in the space between the permanent rugs and the floor. Search very carefully if you've lost something near a rug. Chances are that it's still there but not visible.
  3. I don't think a comparison in the cities between Skyrim and Oblivion is really a fair assessment of anything. The map itself should stand as a marker. I loved Oblivion and still do. Just to have a game that even somewhat compares is remarkable. The ammount of marked cities, villages, hamlets, towers, forts, strongholds, camps, hideouts and other miscellaneous hovels is almost rediculous in Skyrim. There's a lot going on in the City vacinity. The Cities of old were made up of the surrouding villages. They supported the City proper. So, just look at what goes on and around a City proper and count that as "part" the City. Look at Oblivion. Outside the gate, you had a gaurd and a stable. If your lucky, a farm. There is a thriving community in and around each City in Skyrim. I think Modders will have a hay day with all that can be added and done with the City regions.
  4. Make Lydia a Blade. She can still "resemble" a house Karle and you can take her on adventures. Take her to your whiterun home and tell her to "wait here" .
  5. I like the Drunken Huntsman Inn in Whiterun. The greeting from Elrindir makes me giggle each time I hear it. "Something you need, You miserable wretch?"
  6. Keeping in the spirit of the shouts, Here is one I would LOVE to see. Maybe some smart modder can make it for me :tongue: :biggrin: Gron Frul Nus : Bind Temporary Statue - makes a point marker as a recall point where you are standing. Yah Frul Nus : Seek Temporary Statue - recalls you to the point previously set.
  7. I think the Blacksmith is an error. I don't think it was intended to be able to do magical enchanted armor with just Arcane Lore. I think you were supposed to have that AS WELL AS the perk for the type of armor.
  8. You will get comments about guild armor. Even though it looks a lot like normal armor. Then they start calling you a sneak thief and referencing taking off your hand if they find it in their pockets. All this can happen just passing gaurds.
  9. I fail to believe that fitting items in 1 disk was a real issue. Since the disk only contains source code for steam. They were not limited on space, bandwidth maybe, but not data crammed into a disk. Plain and simple, PC skyrim is and always was an after thought. They never intended to put or even create code for PC users. Like all recent code/games, they PLAN on modders to fix things an make the gaming community at large happy without effort at all. SO, keeping on track with your question. My least favorite thing is that PC users purchased a game thats DX9, graphics that should run on video cards and systems 7-8 years old and have just as much or more possibilities but doesn't. I always said the game is pretty incredible, not ACTUALLY incredible.
  10. Whats add a bit of fun and excitement to your wonderful Thalmore is to not kill all the wandering party members. Always let 1 live. Then you get random hit squads/ mercenaries with death bounties on them with your name in the note. Collect them like trading cards. Great for wallpapering your new house. Nothing welcomes in your new neighbors like a wall of bounties, about you, stained in blood.
  11. I think the chickens are a un-mentioned daedric prince. Who (or what) else can lay a daily egg as large or larger then its own body? I recall a group of players from another game who formed a clan called the Chiken Confederation. I think they are the ones behind these seemingly molicious and evil spanwed beast. I had another thought, Maybe these cute, cuddly, little avions are actually Were-Chickens. Hit them with a silver weapon, if they die, you'll know for certain they are lycanthropes.
  12. You don't need any sword skill at all. A thief archer with with slow time aiming can take out anything. Use paralasys poison on anything that gets close and dont forget to use stealth and terrain. I didn't die on a pure archer thief until I hit 37th level on default difficulty, and that was only due to 2 dragons spawning on me at the same time a band of bandits attacked me. I still got all the bandits and 1 of the dragons. If you want to strike from behind, only take the skill tree up to the bonus backstab damage and the perk for extra pocket (100 weight extra)
  13. I just saw a mod that changes the healing rate of your warewolf. Since some NPC's can out run or keep up with the wolf form, at least you get some benefit. Keep those heads handy, you may still need them.
  14. Steam ... Great for grains and vegetables, Terrible as a game transport... unless your game is harvesting and cooking rice and veggies.
  15. Weapon racks have eaten some of my goodies. I have found if the rack does not accept an item, empty the rack by taking all the equipped items, leave the house and re-enter. THEN save the game. Log out and shut off steam ( i found even making sure its still not background phishing) then relaunch the game. That has worked for me everytime. As steam constantly flushes my game to display their Propaganda pages, Its really only a matter of time and it self repairs on my next load. Funny how Steam trashes your game, but manages to stay logged into their Propaganda.
  16. The controls are a pain in your behinder. When you accidentally grab everything from a chest when you click something, swapping "R" and "F" keys, remapping a space bar it s a horrible thing done to us PC users. They make a fantastic game, then dumb it down to a console that was released in 2002. Makes you wonder how frame rate drop, particle count and shadowing can possibly be a problem on a mid to upper end PC rig. Turn AA of - turn it on, buffer it, let shadow filtering go and turn down anisotropic filtering... THAT should make things better for your $3K custom system. OR, just buy a $150, 10 year old game system and it will run just fine. What was I thinking!!!!
  17. Some things are just broken and others break for seemingly unrelated things. Do a wiki search for skyrim bug fixes and advance the quest. Be very careful as it often has other issues that may come up due to this. Save the game prior to advancing it just in case.
  18. It makes me giggle thinking about the fat security guard person, trolling in my backseat. One picture comes to mind. Newman from Seinfeld. Newman is bad. Newman is Steam. Steam is bad. Mathmatics.Plain and simple.
  19. My bow does 194 points of damage with my skill and equipment. I use glass, ebony, or daedric arrows for an average of 22 each. The 3 x bow damage skill and potion of my choice to acellerate the intended targets demise takes out all but the stoutest of targets. By using skills and shouts, I can send forth 4-6 arrows in 1-3 seconds zoomed and on target. You could turn down the game difficulty, then an falmer arrow from a bandits hunting bow will take out a dragon in 2 to 3 shots. The length of time you draw the bow affects the ammount of damage done. Also, the targets armor will seems to absorb some of the damage.
  20. I get hag ravens, mammoths and once in a while, a bandit. I attribute it as an extension of Oblivion where the burning dogs were jetisonned from the sky. :tongue: ( I rarely fast travel)
  21. First off, I don't plan on this being a rant or flame against Bethesda. They bring us countless hourse, days, weeks and months of sheer gaming pleasure. Thats not to say, we as gamers don't find frustrations in our game play, but if you think about what we get for our $$, its not a bad trade. I, myself, dislike Steam and have for many, many years. I tire of the ever staggering diconnects and the thoughts that THEY have to be involved with my personal gaming. I can not stand the crap spamming I get on launch. I paid for gaming. Gaming I chose to look at and load. Not them to get a profit from my gaming habits AND spam me with all the garbage they want. *sigh* anyways...back to the "bugs"... I walked the entire circumference of the available map. Climbed to the top of the throat not using roads, swam the length of all the rivers and even died several times going over waterfalls and into crevaces.I have gotten stuck more times then I believe even they at "B" could have anticipated. I have seen and played through a lot of broken quests with books and stones and instruments and weapons and some just flashed across that they were not attainable for whatever reasons. Here's my first issue. Why can't a quest item NOT be able to be picked up until the quest spawns?. With all the other boundary/item/collisions being calculated, is it that much more to set a flag for the quest being spawned? Or for that matter, Have it - the quest - auto spawn on "touch". Counsole commands to rid yourself of vagrant or persistant items is a bad choice. You may think a quest is broken, but really it's not. Sometimes the person needs to be doing something (else) then what they are doing when you try and talk to them. So, you actually break the quest by advancing it by command. Then, events based on that incident may not happen and it further complictes things. Big things i have a real hard time enjoying my gaming expericene is the distance a follow stays, or doesn't stay. The pushing, crouding, blocking in. Come on Bethesda. I understand with elevation changes and wireframe collision that the NPC needs to stay close, but to the point of wearing my armor... am i'm still in it? The other gripe I have are persistant NPC's. Once I do enough damage to them, they should not be a combatant for "X" number of hours. If I can't kill them, then don't have them stand back up in 12 seconds with 50%+ health and fully tracking/attacking me. Windhelm and the thieves guild are horrible for this. My map looks like a pin coushon of findings. Each one traversed to but not necessarily cleared. It's amazing the depth and available places to go and see. For a rendered graphics visual experience, its nothing short of breathtaking. Good people at Bethesda, your work on the graphics in simply astounding. A little less dumb down for us PC players would have been nice. A few larger bugs to iron out and you'd have a masterpiece. For now it's a bit more then the "ridgy" nose our dedicated and talented modders seem to have to patch around. On to Character 2. I might even go looking for a house karl I can call my own this time. Cheers!!! Have some honningbrew private reserve on me!!
  22. The only time they back away is if I turn around and look at them. Then, they take 2 or 3 steps backwards. Shortly after, however, its back to pushy, pushy. I also wish they'd shut up. Every time you do something or walk near them, its the same scripted lines.
  23. Try going to Steam preferences and selecting it to run in offline mode. Steam is not exactly a gamer friendly interface. It is a well known entity for crashing to desktop sporadicly and without notice. If you want to keep Steam active, try uninstalling steam, restart your system then relaunch the steam installation application
  24. when I had similar issues, I opened up the console and fixed it that way. Use the "~" key (no quotes) then click the person you want to affect. Once the Hex code shows up, type resurrect and enter. This respawns the NPC and for me, reset the broken quest that never showed up. Be warned, this can have bad effects. Expecially if you have not clicked the right place. It also can break present quest lines. So, make sure you back up your game before using any console commands.
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