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alex2avs last won the day on January 3

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  1. OUT: an unidentified survival kit of rare quality - might be magical; requires 1 scroll of identify IN: this weird coin i found in the couch; it seems to whispers
  2. Banning Drakefell while i'm modding skyrim to the gills
  3. Banning Pagafyr for having fun and scaring poor prickly pears on the expedition
  4. [if i remember the rules well, thread necromancy did not apply to forum games :fingers-crossed:] A clown car comes out. A grimoire is mistakenly inserted.
  5. Banny Pagafyr for still posting in this thread after all these years. How was the expedition ?
  6. Banning Pagafyr because it has been a while
  7. *magical devices raises a magical eyebrow* A cat ears headband drops out. A military boot is inserted.
  8. Banning Pagafyr for not sharing some pictures with the uber-modded Oblivion.
  9. Granted. But the UX is horrible, and you get motion sickness. I wish the workday was shorter.
  10. (resurrects thread) Granted, you are now easily blown by the wind. I wish i could sleep more.
  11. I've upgraded my resolution to 2K - it's pretty nice Have a cool new year !
  12. I like seeing that users I've met ages ago on Nexus are still around
  13. Banning Oblivionaddicted because i haven't been here in ages
  14. Holy hell. This is still a thing 9 years later. Banning Pagafir for inventing additional rules. Ni!
  15. I hope I am not necro-ing the thread too much. I wanted to suggest the same thing, as it would be a bit creepy [and maybe rude too] to send friend requests to users you've never exchanged words with.
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