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worm82075 last won the day on June 20 2024

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About worm82075

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  1. Have you tried moving the settlement markers? Move Workshop Markers by SKK
  2. DOF and motion blur in a video game is somewhat paradoxical. The problem is both of these are based on focal point and the game can not control the mismatch between the camera and your eyes focal points. In the game you are able to observe directly a phenomena that only occurs in your periphery in the real world. The moment one changes the focal point it recedes into the periphery. The game trying to simulate what the human eye does naturally is and exercise in futility. I disable both of them because they do not work as intended and never will without an FOV of 170 and head tracking.
  3. Yeah I tried but I am running a pre-FX chip, 2011 Phenom 2 x6. It's ancient I know.
  4. The first image, the side by side you can see that your re-texture doesn't look right BUT the second image does. What's the problem? Did you make a new mesh or did you material swap the original? Edit: I take that back, It's subtle but it is noticeably different. I think i know what you did. Correct me if i'm wrong but the original diffuse texture you are replacing has an alpha layer and yours does not.
  5. This is a vanilla bug that UFO4P fixes but the fix is undone by anything touching the workshop scripts. Workshop Framework was made to stabilize the workshop scripts, provide hooks for other mods to alter the workshop scripts without breaking them and repair any damage done by mods not using WSFW hooks. Highly recommended.
  6. Truer words have never been spoken on this forum.
  7. Typically this is done with a furniture marker and an associated workshop script. But i don't think you need a script just an activator linked to the idle marker. At least that is the way it worked in previous games. Edit: If you decide to make it a furniture item check out the small hand crank water pump in the workshop as that is activate-able by the player.
  8. Get Nifscope and pick your texture by viewing the mesh that it goes to. You will be able to view and export the UV map also. After setting up Nifscope to see all of the vanilla archives, unpack the meshes archive and then you can browse them with Nifscope. Most shapes within the mesh will have a texture set that points to the location of the textures. Right clicking the shape in the viewer will allow you to edit the UV which will show you the map and then you can see exactly which parts of the texture are actually used. If you want to change the look of the material the mesh is displaying, you will have to learn how to make normal maps(_n) for your diffuse images(_d). If you have a modern CPU with AVX2/AVX-F16C get this fork instead Nifscope
  9. At the very least it will be like Starfield and the ship will stop when you leave the helm. However it is my hope that since it will be a contained worldspace on a single plane that we will be able to move around on the in motion ship which will allow ship to ship combat with ranged attacks. TES 6: Black Flag
  10. Psst- Download 7zip and make Zip or preferably 7z files instead. The .rar archive format still remains under copyright by it's creator and so the far superior open source 7z format was created. Since the .rar owner doesn't want to allow other programs to legally write .rar format it has been antiquated and relegated to the dust bin. Good riddance.
  11. See my response here: After getting acquainted with the interface you should be able to find what you are looking for in the object window.
  12. Bump- Just wanna shine a light on this unsung hero giving Nifscope it's first comprehensive update in over 7 years. I see you working very hard for over 6 months @fo76utils and I want you to know how much i appreciate it. Edit: just realized i can't utilize this fork because my CPU it too old. All my dreams of pruning triangles...gone. still thanks for your efforts, I will update my PC eventually.
  13. If the tutorial is telling you to do that in order to place objects in the workshop then that tutorial is mistaken, it is not those values that let you place objects on them in workshop mode. Since you can't alter base meshes without breaking precombines in every cell that references them a workaround is to place a layer of DCkitMudGround01 meshes just under the floor.
  14. The game and the creation kit are are separate downloads therefor have separate downgrade procedures. How did you downgrade your game?
  15. I recommend using CKPE regardless of which version of the CK you are using.
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