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Everything posted by Ethreon

  1. Try Willow. Although she might be too cheerful as well. When you finish the Inheritance, play this or this. You choose it, depending on what outcome you get :)
  2. @DeeVee74 He's just some brainless muscle with greatness aspirations. Just pat his face with a few 20gauge shells and move on :D
  3. You mean Jesus-Zimmer. Praise be him, for he is our lord and savior in times of need.
  4. Not talking just about conflicts here. I am talking about all things that change the OWB doors in any way. Try making a merged patch, finding the doors and verifying what alters those buildings or doors in OWB.
  5. Add this to your game, retry the works of Theseus and let the hate flow. The dark side can be a marvelous land if you get to know it..
  6. MCM has a fix for their menu. Sometimes the menu becomes greyed out and unavailable to use. See their page for details.
  7. Use FNVEdit then, easier to use and should help you as well.
  8. First, EVE plugins - use only EVE FNV all DLCs, uncheck the other two. Second, Project Nevada plugins - uncheck PN EVE no GRA.esp, PN EVE no DLC.esp, and all Project Nevada for DLCs. I can also see a lot of perk/skills related plugins, doubt all of them should be there, but I don't have the patience to do a check for you when you could do this in less than 10 minutes.
  9. Load plugins in FNVEdit. Create merged patch. In the left list, navigate to your merged patch and expand it. Find Non Player Characters, then go through each of them at a time and see their inventory (I think Leveled lists are the records you wanna check).See which mods modify, what they add, and, in your merged plugin, override their respective entries with the one you find to be on your liking. You can do the same check with all other records in your merged patch. AS to what values you decide to keep, that's up to you. Just remember there is a lot of work, so better make sure your plugin list is final before creating a merged patch.
  10. Mod hardcapped limit is 255, but actual mod limit depends on each user's PC. For me it breaks at 140 mods, for others is 200 or so. You could use the merger to merge several plugins into one, but then no auto update. All you are left with is to decide what mods are actually useful/interesting and good to keep, and remove the rest of them. :)
  11. EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp=0 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1 EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp=1 Only one of them has to be active at once. Since you know how to open the DLC file in GECK, see what alters that door, and maybe that will help pointing out the mod that creates the issue. Either the door, or the cells.
  12. And I can't wait to see the flow of people coming here to complain about your mod, NPCs, quest (specially secondary ones), narrative, locations, and specially Marko. That will be glorious..
  13. Definitely Starcraft and it's following, Broodwar. Then I played Siege of Avalon which opened my appetite for the RPGs. Then Fallout nation attacked and everything changed.
  14. Since your issue only shows when using auto sorters, there might be some script interferences that make your sorters behave abnormally. Maybe try using the mod solo, with only it and the official content to see how things work.
  15. And might be linked to sortomatic as well. I lost 150k caps and all my stims while trying to sort my inventory.
  16. Normally NVSR addresses the hang-on-exit issue. IF not, try this, might help - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664/?
  17. Try getting rid of all mods that allow custom npc animations and follower creation. might help
  18. New Vegas follows the first games more closely than FO3. Way more closer, and it's made by part of the people that made the first games as well.
  19. Don't think there is any. But you could post a load order and I could try and see what causes the freeze :)
  20. Hm. Cleared up the Helios tower, where I found some tables with a curious set of trinkets and armor pieces. Then, for the rest of my stuff, I went on a pursuit, following greenknightfurry while he was following some retarded thieves. Quite fun, that it was..
  21. Why aren't those animals mutated? What made them keep unchanged despite many others (including humans) getting heavily altered? I for one would be disturbed to see a cat that looks just ..like a cat. Call me a purist if you want :) Also, the exotic fauna would be a bit immersion breaking. I'd be disturbed to see a giraffe or a camel in Nevada. Mod seems interesting, don' get me wrong. But a bit immersion breaking, as some of these creatures have no place in Nevada, others make you wonder how'd they survive unchanged.
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