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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by Ethreon

  1. Preset uninstalls are usually just a simple "delete files x,y,z from game folder" . Not hard to deal with.
  2. So basically you have a fresh install of the game with NO mods and yet it crashes. Did you boot it up on a new save, no ini changes or mods of any kind?
  3. Weird, I found the ammo to come in plentiful quantities, no matter the difficulty level. Find Eleanor close to this place, she has plenty ammo of any kind.
  4. But did you create a new save to test if the above issue persists?
  5. Pull out your be...mead lads, it's time to party like true Nordic Borgias!
  6. Three dog was equally pestering, talking nonsense about you every 1 minute. And yes, a quest that can be picked up from the russians owning the bar.
  7. The DJ is not a "tool", he's meant to have a severe lack of confidence, which makes him stutter and fail most of the times, and look unfitting for the job he's doing. If you pursue his questline, his confidence gets boasted and he becomes better. /character development - he has more than the main characters.
  8. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2218189-ewi65-formal-warning-issued/ This came AFTER previous warnings and issues. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2603464-ewi65-banned/ This came after the last chance. He's been warned multiple times. Chose to make a huge matter out of it despite being in wrong. I'd say the guy was a thief and deserved what came. Chose to remain in wrong. So yea, bye thief.
  9. Use the google power - Build in Red (uses cheatengine though) Simple intersection (has a build in red without cheat engine)
  10. Cause the mods already exist. Also, building through them just makes the bushes and all elements alike stick throughout your building.
  11. You can do what I did - avoid the minutemen completely. Getting the settlements becomes even easier, and they rarely give you missions.
  12. Who knows where ewi steals his stuff from..
  13. It's not their mod, thus it cannot be kept up.
  14. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3552575-jensen01-banned/
  15. Maleficus04, do a quick test if you will: go somewhere flat, build a long corridor out of metal or wooden elements (the ones with 3 walls so you don't have to work a lot. Make it 6+ elements, then go to one end of it and look towards the other. Force rain weather (in console type fw 1ca7e4), and tell me if you can see the rain going thru the roof. You can try stacking elements to test the multi-story thing as well.
  16. Homemaker mod. It has 2 story walls for pretty much everything.
  17. Getting the "rain thru roof" inside as well. Only medium option I have are shadows, rest is set to ultra. So.. what do?
  18. Lack of CK says no, you can't.
  19. Enemies respawn automatically or because of a quest trigger. Clear a place,a wait a few days, it's back on.
  20. As far as I saw user reports, W3 has very limited modding capabilities. If they get that working as well, FO4 will lose the GOTY by far. And honestly, despite wasting some much time in Fallout4Sims, can't say it deserves it. Maybe the next one will be more polished and have better story.
  21. We can all thank this guy for his precious help in designing the story of Fallout 4 :)
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