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Everything posted by Ethreon

  1. Ah yes, the "I don't know how to do stuff so I can't do stuff". Better translated into "I can't be arsed to learn how to do the stuff I want and I demand others do it for me" Let me shed some light into the situation - nobody has any duty to read, care, comment or make your requests. Anything you post as a request is merely a suggestion which is mostly read by other people who aren't willing to learn but expect someone else to transform their incredibly mundane and uninteresting idea into a mod. This incredibly entitled attitude is best left at the door.
  2. Using FB and google as examples of security is... misguided.
  3. The moment you pick up a contract of any sort. You don't need to be on the internet for your information to be sold around it.
  4. Let's not forget that in 2 the devs say Myron created jet but later on contradict that point, and in 4 this fact gets completely disregarded, yet the general consensus remains that it was Myron's creation. So beth/Interplay making story mistakes is nothing new.
  5. Mods exist for F76, not sure what you're talking about.
  6. But that doesn't explain how Necropolis would die if you took their water purification chip in FO1. Necropolis follows the correct, general logic of the ghouls. The kid in the fridge follows Todd's fever-induced dream logic.
  7. Not really what I said. I said nobody really cares about your criticism, specially considering what most people around nexus seem to think criticism is.
  8. Keep telling yourself that. Truth is most times whatever passes for "criticism and suggestions" around nexus is just inane garbage. But hey, whatever comforts you.
  9. Or simply force of habit....... A learned automatic act. Or they actually need food and water and anything else is just a mistake.
  10. Everyone thinks their suggestions and ideas are valuable. Truth is.. they're worthless. Nobody really cares about your criticism but yourself.
  11. You know what MAs hate a lot? People that don't create a lick of content trying to impose arbitrary rules and standards on them.
  12. They do. F4 is just wrong and it's best to consider this quest a joke.
  13. Because 1. someone already made them long before F4 was a thing and 2. you can't bring all the features of that system to NV due to mechanical limitations.
  14. In response to post #76730058. #76736273 is also a reply to the same post. Sorry to break your bubble but if you are on a modding site. You should more knowledgeable than the average user. So yes, if you use the same password everywhere it's your own damn fault.
  15. In response to post #76157638. #76165048, #76180733, #76258248, #76287918, #76292153, #76294828, #76296843, #76297698, #76301198, #76302008, #76308268 are all replies on the same post. Because personal security is your own personal responsibility first before anyone else's. It's as simple as that. Take responsibility of your own protection.
  16. In response to post #76157638. #76165048, #76180733, #76258248, #76287918, #76292153, #76294828 are all replies on the same post. Uh no.. the user is as responsible for their own data security as is the site. If you use the same password everywhere you have nobody to blame for but yourself.
  17. In response to post #76157638. #76165048, #76180733, #76258248, #76287918 are all replies on the same post. Blaming others for your own ineptitude. No wonder your s#*! got hacked all across.
  18. The feature where it's free of course. Or does anyone actually think any of these people would support the site in any way?
  19. In response to post #76171858. #76220643, #76222878, #76223958, #76228598 are all replies on the same post. No, he literally posted that he had 47 of his other passwords compromised.
  20. "Is the modding community dead or what?" Let me guess - you made a mod request and nobody did it.
  21. Gotta love people that are trying to serve ultimatums from a position of no power, acting as if they're the hottest s#*! since sliced bread while claiming to depart. We all know you're not actually leaving.
  22. The guilt and self loathing, your forever companions. Take care someguy, and happy holidays!
  23. MEGA: Limits you to a bandwidth of 1GB every 6 hours as a free user. If you exceed that limit, you have to wait until your 6 hour timer is up (source).Mediafire: Premium / paid users have a total amount of bandwidth per month. If they exceed that bandwidth, they (and other users downloading from them) will start being forced to view pages with ads on them while downloading (source). Free users see ads all the time. Reddit: You can only upload videos / images, not actual files. Also you are limited to video sizes of 1GB (source). Pinterest: Again, only videos and pictures, not actual files. Plus there are limits (source). I'm sure they have 'alternative facts' that prove you are 140% wrong! /s
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