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Everything posted by Ethreon

  1. This was never about a data cap or how vortex could do something that is pretty much impossible, was it? Just another pointless debacle about collections and mod author rights.
  2. As a blanket statement, this is highly suspect, to say the least. Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Oblivion and Morrowind haven't been updated in over a decade, and neither have the greater majority of the mods for those games. But the vast majority still work quite well. A mod which is never updated might just be a mod which is well made and never fails. I use a mod which was made in the early days of Fallout NV, and still works today. Further, if not updated in the last year is the fundamental criteria, then this statement implies the games listed above shouldn't be played. Good for them. It most definitely doesn't apply to NV where the modding scene is quite active, and neither does it apply to F4 where the same happens and most mods that haven't been updated are very likely to not function correctly due to a multitude of factors. This becomes way more obvious for games that don't work like beth's.
  3. You should avoid mods for any game if they haven't been updated in years. It really doesn't matter what game they're for. And yes, mods for games like Rimworld or Bannerlord should be entirely avoided if they've seen no updates in months as it's unlikely they function correctly anymore.
  4. This keeps coming up and no, they won't allow it. Too much room for abuse.
  5. A way better suggestion - learn how to provide feedback/criticism before you demand you're given a platform to spew nonsense.
  6. Sure thing, as soon as people "reporting" and "discussing" bugs actually verify that they know how to do QA on their own game and provide a detailed description of their issue(s) they're having instead of the constant stream of "dis mod sux" or "DiS BrEaK mAh GaeM". ....oh wait, most people commenting about bugs are absolutely smoohtbrains and have no idea what happens in their games and just lash out like a bunch of feral dongs. Nobody needs your "discussions" or "feedback" . Shut up and use the mod or don't - you don't get to dictate what goes on a modder's pages.
  7. What was done for NV was a mod that allows player collision to be variable, thus making prone and all other alternate movement sets viable for going underneath objects.
  8. Ahhh, I guess you are right ... I think I just needed a "kick in the butt" to get started messing around instead of just sitting here complaining ... If my memory serves this was done using extender functions for NV so I'd start looking into that. F4SE may or may not offer the needed answers.
  9. And that's your chance to find a way to do it without needing 2000 patches.
  10. Those are the methods that work though. You experiment yourself, you look at other people's work ( and by now there will be mods doing at least some of the stuff you want if not all), and you ask when you get stuck.
  11. Wouldn't blocking tags and the authors you don't want to see their content from already do that?
  12. Because the company has no obligation to mod users or makers and you using 3rd party content that isn't sanctioned is your own problem. A company shouldn't hold its game updates on hold because it might break some mods.
  13. Won't be a feature any time soon. I know, I've asked about a way to hide some of the downloads.
  14. Ah yes, the censorship of ...checks notes... removing a tasteless ass shot from a place it had no reason to be while those wanting that shot can still just go and play the old game where it was never touched. durrr And this isn't a request forum, this is a feedback forum related to site functionality and related issues. Post your requests in the forums they belong.
  15. "not liking it or feeling that her British accent doesn't quite fit into the Fallout world" - they can piss off then.
  16. No. All valheim mods require bepinex no matter what the reqs say.
  17. You went to someone's hard worked mod to tell people to stop using their mod and use similar mods. Really poor taste so ofc they deleted your comment. Maybe keep your rants to yourself in the future, less risk to look bad.
  18. Nope. Each separate game section has its own colour.
  19. Because that's the witcher chosen colour for all the decorative bits.
  20. Nope. Are you running this as a host on your own server? Any other mods that affect placement or item movement?
  21. I can place campfires anywhere so it should work just fine.
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