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Everything posted by Deleted82156User

  1. Thank you! That gives me a clearer picture. New objects are great, but same ol' textures is disappointing. New animations though, that is interesting.
  2. To be honest I have noticed that things are really slow on the user and modder end. New released mods are getting very few endorsements or downloads for 'the newest Beth moddable game', even on X Box. In fact I would compare the interest in mods right now to that right now on Skyrim. Mods being released are generally small, tweaks and the like. There is a very definite decline in Fallout 4 interest whereas compared to Skyrim at this stage, mods were pulling in hundreds and even thousands of endorsements, even tiny mods. That said TES is always far more massive then fallout. I do think that unfortunately the drama and publicity of it affected Fallout modding, users and modders alike. It left a very bad atmosphere and the Beth X Box forums that were bustling at the start have slowed to a crawl. Personally I am looking forward to the Skyrim Remastered release and will be returning there when it is released. There should be a good deal of renewed interest thanks to the X Boxers joining. I wish it will be a return to the early days of Skyrim modding enthusiasm, but that is unlikely.
  3. I am looking at maybe building a vault player home and am wondering if it is worth getting the Vault-Tec DLC to add new content to my house mod? Does it add a lot of new meshes and textures to play with in the CK? So far I can only come up with information that it has the wallpapers we already currently have, cafeteria, nursery etc.. Is there much that is actually new that make it worth purchasing for a modder?
  4. Not me *hugs AMD Radeon card* This whole experience has completely soured me against Nvidia. The next time I look at buying, no matter how good/bad they are, I will be remembering this farce. Can't help it, it is human nature.
  5. Wow I wish I had known that. I, like many others, specifically didn't update my mod because the rules clearly state... So by the rules yes any mod updated after submission should have been disqualified. Yet another example of Nvidia not bothering to follow their own clearly stated rules, Gstaff would have checked it with Nvidia. Really when you look at it everyone who entered was shafted. In the end the rules plain didn't matter. In the end it was a case of 'all's fair in love and war', Nvidia themselves were the first to break their own rules and they were the ones who tossed the rules out the window on revealing the finalists. Kudos to the winning mod for winning the war then.
  6. Explain that to Nvidia and everyone else who can see 'Last Update July 10th' I have no particular mod that I am invested in in this contest. My point is that the disgusting behavior of those that lost is really reeking right now, especially those that lost but still won a friggin prize. You didn't win, I didn't win. Targeting the mods that did win is just bad sportsmanship. If you have a problem with rules being broken, TELL the company that actually held the competition. The vast majority of mods up as finalists broke rules, people cannot point at one mod and accuse it of cheating and breaking rules when so many other mods did. Nvidia is at fault here, they neglected to enforce their own rules and they chose the finalists, not individual modders. Agreed.
  7. So what exactly is your point here? Huh? You didn't win so you are going to come and crap all over the people that did win, cause this achieves what exactly? What exactly are you expecting here? You think the maker of the winning mod is going give in under your attacks and turn around and go...'oh yes you are so right, you should have won. I withdraw from the contest'. Come on. If there was a problem with the winning mod Nvidia is the only one with any authority to do anything, so why are you here ranting at the winning mod. Go b'ch to Nvidia! While we are at it your mod actually breaks a rule of the contest....Last updated 'July 10th'. You were NOT allowed to update your mod after submitting it. Your mod should actually have been disqualified, but it seems that Nvidia didn't follow their own rules. You have no leg to stand on here throwing stones at other people. Look I get that you are p'od, a hell of a lot of people are about the whole contest. But targeting those that did win is just coming across as sour grapes. At least you won something, that is more then the rest of us did!
  8. Thank you! :smile: A LOT of people put massive effort into their mods.
  9. Rage mode off then? must be cozy curled up in modern firearms lap What!? For gods sake just drop it! Yes I was not happy about the rules being ignored like everyone else, but I am not going to hold sour grapes against people that couldn't have helped what Nvidia has done. The contest is over and as far as I am concerned, done an dusted. Quite frankly I don't care who won at this point, so I have zero idea what you mean by..'must be cosy curled up in modern firearms lap'. Quite frankly I find that statement unnecessarily rude and unwarranted. Sheesh you can't even say something nice these days without getting shat on. :mad:
  10. Congrats to the winner and everyone else that won in their category! You folks who are now $10,000 or $5,000 richer. :smile: A fair warning to you winners though, you should have read the rules properly...there was a rule tucked waaaaay down in the Nvidia rules in tiny lettering that states.... 'All winners are obligated to buy everyone else a round of drinks' I shall have champagne please. :laugh: For my part I am just glad this is over. Edit...erm maybe I should have posted this in another thread....I just saw some of the winners in here....The contest is over and yes the whole thing was a complete farce but that is not the fault of the finalists, but Nvidia's.
  11. Thanks! Unfortunately yes it is for X Box One. I hope they can sort this out and stop the CK trying to pack every vanilla file that was used in the mod.
  12. Is there a program or something out that allows us to package up our mod files into BA2s. All I can find is one that extracts not packages. The CK is trying to pack hundreds of extra files and I have to manually remove each file one by one. Every time I remove one from the list it flips back to the top of the list and I have to scroll down again. This is just not a feasibe way to pack it all up. Please help before I throw my computer out the window.
  13. How do I set up a workshop in order to allow players to send their companions to my house mod? What key words etc? That is the only function I want the workshop to serve. Edit I am in the wrong area.
  14. It is not the only mod that has had a sudden growth spurt over the last 24 to 48 hours. Right now this contest has become a proxy war. May the best proxy win. :sleep: Yup. Bethesda closed the thread about all this on their forums, so no one can raise any kind of objection there now.
  15. I have been watching this youtuber give his thoughts on all the entries and it has been very informative and given in a very constructive, non aggressive way. So if folks here are not familiar with all the mods entered then watch these. Whether you agree with his personal opinion or not, he does explain and demonstrate each mod clearly... Status Mods Inventory Mods Data Mods Map Mods
  16. If they enforced that then they would have to disqualify all the mods that use modder resources or other peoples content. Which would actually be almost all the finalist mods.
  17. Dictionary definition of sell out... Of course you know that the term sellout is used as an insult.
  18. Wow dude. My god what a sexist bull statement to make that has zero to do with this discussion. Clearly you don't know women and only go by ignorant stereotypes. Because she is a woman she is supposed to use the analogy of buying shoes!? Are you for real....I am a woman and I couldn't even give you one brand name of shoes!
  19. Ignorance and selfishness must truly be bliss, because this post reeks of it. Lets start with this gem... You telepathic dude? The fact is that you have absolutely NO idea what modders are thinking. You are so far off here that you are in delusional land here. First Valve did not 'force' anyone to do anything. You are spouting completely ignorant crap here. A few you tubers who owned that company did a bit of false advertising in order to con people into using the site they owned. NOTHING to do with pay for mods and not even a close analogy of pay for mods. No one has any ideas about getting rich quick and while we are here....'easy money!?' You are deluding yourself if you think that mods are easy or fast to make. Do some friggin research before spouting complete lies. Where do you get off dictating to us why we mod. Your ignorance speaks volumes here. Firstly 'legit careers in computer fields' are NOTHING like modding, secondly such careers are not freely available to all and sundry. This pathetic excuse has been used by the ignorant, self entitled over and over during and after the paid for mods. You stand there and tell us all that we are 'fantasizing this or that'. Who the hell do you think you are!? You have ZERO idea what myself and other modders are thinking so kindly keep your delusions to yourself. You are waaay out of order here and being exceptionally rude. Keep your delusions and insults to yourself. Again you have ZERO knowledge of what people are thinking. Wow, that is a stupid statement to make. Selling mods has nothing to do with the lottery and if you think the odds of succeeding are the same then you are are really into loony land here. The paid for mods actually made a very good profit in the short time it was up. Starting with yourself and the blatant self entitled, selfish attitude demonstrated by yourself here. You have no right to mods and to stand there and state that modders do not deserve compensation for their hundreds and often thousands of hours of work is the lowest of the low. That mod was specifically put there to demonize the pay for mods and make an example of how it wouldn't work. It was not a realistic portrayal of pay for mods at all, people were supporting it to make a statement against pay for mods.
  20. Oh I did flick back and noted the multiple times you outright called Arthmoor a 'sellout'. Annnd again...the insults....assumptions...and outrageous, ignorant accusations. Aaaannnd there you go again with the whole 'sell out' crap! Seriously any attempts to belittle are in your head, the only thing clear is that you have issues with Arthmoor for some reason. Actually Arthmoor is the last person given to boasting or considering themselves a 'big shot'. I have known him since around 2006 and I have never seen him act like he is better then others or egotistical, not even once.....seriously. Again with the 'sell out' accusations. But of course you have never called him a sell out, not once. :dry: You clearly have issues with it. So here instead of addressing the topic you resort to personal insults. What is yours exactly? You clearly take um-bridge at Bethesda and anyone who was involved in the pay for mods, Beyond that you just come across as feeling yourself entitled to others hard work for free. Your ignorance is strong at this point. No....just no... it is more then clear that you have had your own interests at heart here. Without any consideration of others and especially others who pour thousands of hours of hard work for the benefit of others and have the omg 'gall' to ask for just a little in return. Wrong, the only one who f'd over Chesko was the self entitled little pricks in this community. Translation....give me your hard work for free. If you don't then you are a 'sell out'. The only trouble that arose was from entitled little *expletives* who think that they deserve the hard work of others for free and that the person who actually did the work deserves nothing. Little a'holes who sent death threats amongst other pleasantries to anyone who thought that modders actually deserve something in return for their hard work. Bull.
  21. Unfortunately the new ones crash the CK when I try to put them in. But it is not a problem as the first ones work just fine. :)
  22. Fantastic! Thank you! If it is not too much trouble proper collision would be great. :)
  23. I want to use these plant pots, but the legs are too 'modern' a style for the house I am working on. Does anyone have some time to please remove the legs from these two pots? I want just the pots and their dirt. It is easy enough to remove the plants themselves in Nifscope, but the legs are part of the pot mesh. http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/Shezrie/Plant_zpspfeijvtz.jpg
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